字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Well, I got you to thank for this. 好吧,我得為此感謝你。 I hope it will teach you a lesson fooling around with stenographers. 我希望它能給你一個教訓,讓你在速記員面前胡鬧。 Listen, dad, I intend to marry that girl. 聽著,爸爸,我打算娶那個女孩。 Yeah, I know. 是的,我知道。 I know. 我知道。 I was going to marry a waitress once. 我曾經打算和一個女服務員結婚。 Fortunately my father knocked it out of me. 幸運的是,我的父親把它從我身上敲出來了。 If you'll excuse me. 如果你能原諒我。 Mr Kirby. 柯比先生。 I don't believe anyone has the right to interfere with young people in love. 我不認為任何人有權干涉戀愛中的年輕人。 Why don't you relax? 你為什麼不放鬆呢? Relax. 放鬆。 My son practically being stolen from under my nose. 我的兒子幾乎是在我眼皮底下被偷走的。 Me being locked up like a common criminal, relax. 我像一個普通罪犯一樣被關起來,放鬆。 You know what will happen if the newspapers get ahold of this? 你知道如果報紙得到這個消息會發生什麼嗎? It'll jeopardize the biggest deal of my career. 這將危及我職業生涯中最大的交易。 Well, stop worrying if I know my granddaughter, she isn't going to marry Tony without your blessing. 好了,別擔心了,如果我瞭解我的孫女,沒有你的祝福,她是不會嫁給託尼的。 So the only thing you've got to be concerned about is this big deal of you. 所以你唯一要關心的是你的這個大問題。 And what if it does fall through? 如果真的失敗了呢? What if all your deals fall through? 如果你的交易都失敗了怎麼辦? Might be a good thing for you, ma'am. 對你來說可能是件好事,夫人。 You're crazy. 你瘋了。 Maybe I am. 也許我是。 I used to be just like you. 我曾經和你一樣。 And then one morning when I was going up in the elevator, it struck me I wasn't having any fun. 然後有一天早上,當我在電梯裡往上走的時候,我突然發現我沒有任何樂趣了。 So I came right down and I never went back. 所以我馬上就下來了,再也沒有回去過。 Yes, 35 years ago. 是的,35年前。 Admirable. 令人欽佩。 And you haven't done a thing since. 此後你就沒有再做過任何事情。 Huh? 嗯? Oh, yes, yes, yes. 哦,是的,是的,是的。 Well, just the things I wanted to do, collected stamps went to the zoo and I got the notion took up the harmonica. 好吧,只是我想做的事情,收集郵票,去動物園,我得到的概念是拿起口琴。 And even found time to notice when spring came around. 甚至在春天來臨的時候,還找時間去注意。 This would be a fine country. 這將是一個很好的國家。 If we all spent our time in the zoo and and play the harmonica. 如果我們都把時間花在動物園和和吹口琴上。 You used to play one yourself, Tony said so, maybe you ought to take it up again. 你以前也玩過,託尼這麼說過,也許你應該再去玩玩。 Maybe it would stop you trying to be so desperate about making more money than you can ever use. 也許這將使你不再為賺取比你能用的更多的錢而拼命地努力。 You can't take it with you, Mr Kirby. 你不能把它帶走,柯比先生。 So what good is it As near as I can see? 那麼,在我看來,這有什麼好處呢? The only thing you can take with you is the love of your friends. 你唯一能帶走的東西是你的朋友的愛。 Oh, why don't you go out and get yourself a pulpit somewhere? 哦,你為什麼不出去給自己找個講壇呢? Well, I'm Sorry. 好吧,我很抱歉。 Which one is Vanderhook? 哪個是範德霍克? Hello? 喂? Mr Vandal. 範達爾先生。 Remember me? 記得我嗎? Yeah, I heard that you were in trouble and I came over to see if I could help you out. 是的,我聽說你有麻煩了,我過來看看是否能幫你解決。 Why should you want to help me? 你為什麼要幫助我? Well, to tell the truth, I thought that if I did you a favor while you're wasting your time. 好吧,說實話,我想,如果我在你浪費時間的時候幫你一個忙。 Mr twitch. 抽搐先生。 Mr blakely. 布萊克利先生。 I have no intention of selling my home. 我不打算賣掉我的房子。 Well, we'll see how long you can hold out till a few more things happen to you. 好吧,我們看看你能堅持多久,直到有更多的事情發生在你身上。 Oh, so you arrange this arrest? 哦,所以你安排這次逮捕? Yes. 是的。 And it's just a starter. 而且這只是一個啟動器。 By the time I get through, you'll be willing and glad to sell. 等我說完,你就會願意並樂意出售。 So you did this Mr Kirby. 所以你是這樣做的,柯比先生。 You blockhead. 你這個蠢貨。 Do you know what you've done? 你知道你做了什麼嗎? But Mr Kirby. 但柯比先生。 I never dreamed that you knew these people. 我做夢也沒想到,你認識這些人。 I told you the police were on the trail and you told me to go ahead and make themselves. 我告訴你警察在跟蹤,你讓我去做自己。 You blithering idiot! 你這個愚蠢的白痴! Get out. 出去吧。 And if you got an ounce of sense left, you'll dig up my attorneys. 如果你還有一絲理智,你會挖出我的律師。 I've been here for hours. 我已經在這裡呆了幾個小時了。 Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 I'll phone them all. 我給他們都打電話。
A2 初級 中文 Movieclips 先生 放鬆 動物園 打算 託尼 你不能把它帶走 (1938) - 你不能把它帶走的場景 (8/10) - Movieclips (You Can't Take It With You (1938) - You Can't Take It With You Scene (8/10) | Movieclips) 6 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字