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Welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10.
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Jackie chan stunts.
For this list we're ranking the craziest and most death defying stunts ever performed by the legendary Jackie chan and or the Jackie chan stunt team while the actor and martial artist is known for performing the majority of his own stunts.
Members of Jackie chan's stuntmen association also perform some stunts for him and with him as well as those by other characters since the scenes were filmed so we can't see their faces and there is of course the magic of editing involved.
We're not always able to confirm whether chan or one of his stunt people did the deed but either way these are all amazing.
We're joined by action designer young lee and Jackie chan stunt team member Andy chang.
我們請到了動作設計師young lee和成龍特技團隊成員Andy chang。
What's your favorite JC stunt?
Let us know in the comments number 10 bungee drop with a twist.
Who am I?
Hey, adrenaline junkies bungee jumping is fun.
Right right well maybe so, but we don't think this quick but terrifying drop from chan's second flick to be written and filmed in english is quite how you're supposed to do it in this action comedy, Jackie seems to be in total control as he jumps off a ledge with a bungee cord wrapped tightly around his body.
Oh good.
Yeah it's not a long fall but the sight of that cord unraveling at frightening speed gives us nightmares about what could have happened to chan had something got caught up on the way down.
People watching, they have no idea just how dangerous is you look like you're funny.
Oh cool.
It's not fun.
Like I said, another guy, he broke his hip.
You're almost killing thankfully.
It's all over in just a few seconds with Jackie's character taking off as if nothing happened just a couple of seconds after he hits the ground.
Nobody's done that before, so nobody can teach you number nine hot air balloon jump armor of God, also known as Operation Condor to the armor of the Gods.
Talk about catching some air.
The action adventure armor of God is known as one of Jackie chan's best and most popular films and it also contains some of his most memorable stunts.
Okay, yeah, one of these was a sequence that sees chan take a giant leap of faith from a cave wall into the wild blue yonder.
That's the kind of cool thing that in those older Jackie video, like movies like now everything that we do is always plans to perfection.
Whereas this is like it feels you see it's so real even though it's so wide, feel the panic, Jackie's freefall feels like an eternity as a hot air balloon approaches in the distance.
Then the balloon comes into frame and we see chance successfully nail his landing.
Mhm This is the first stunt on our list to feature multiple camera angles and instant replay and it will not be the last.
Just watch the sequence and hold your breath.
He cannot get inside and see the world, the so windy or reason they don't have enough power to pull him in see they're struggling.
Number eight parking lot leap rumble in the Bronx.
A lot of stunts on this list will involve Jackie taking to the air and hoping for the best this one from rumble in the Bronx is a bit more grounded in reality, but no less impressive as chan leaps from one rooftop to another during a fight slash chase scene involving a parking lot rumble in the Bronx was intended to be an entry point for north american movie fans to experience some Jackie chan magic and it honestly works.
There's an approachability to the action and choreography that makes the martial arts film a breezy and fun watch while the actual leap in question is as cool as any older chan set piece.
Even in that tom cruise mission, Impossible scene, did you see the one where he broke his ankle like that was pretty narrow.
甚至在湯姆-克魯斯的 "不可能的任務 "那場戲中,你有沒有看到他摔斷腳踝的那場戲,那是相當狹窄的。
This the site of Jackie taking a deep breath and launching across, still makes us cheer today number seven glass sign.
Police story to the police story franchise is a great place to start.
If you really want to dig into the meat and potatoes of Jackie chan's best work, we'll dive into the classic first film in the series a little later but don't sleep on the first sequel as this glass window stunt is one of Jackie's wildest.
It starts out with a couple of awesome jumps onto a moving bus before chan has to quickly lie down to avoid a sign.
Then Jackie jumps off the bus through a pane of prop glass, but there's a camera guy who like ducks down and and the thing goes right over him, like that's brave, he threw, there's a lot of great cameraman in Hong kong at least that's what we see in the finished film.
The end credit bloopers seemed to suggest that chan either leaped through the wrong pain or that the stunt didn't work out correctly for at least one take, resulting in some concerning injuries.
We don't we don't, we don't have rehearsal, we just shoot them.
That's how much guts he have.
I mean, I working with him, you know, when he knowing something, he think he can do number six backwards on hot coals, drunken Master two, we've covered a lot of Jackie's police themed work thus far on our list, but it's important to remember that chan originally made his name, making some legit kung fu classics 1970 eight's drunken Master was unequivocally one of those movies.
While the 1994 sequel also featured some worthwhile craziness for chan's fans to enjoy.
Don't believe us, how does Jackie falling backwards on actual hot coals, grab you, Okay, okay, what, yep, not only is this fight sequence, impeccably choreographed from the jump, it also features a slow motion sequence where we see chan make his way backwards through a fiery hot coal pit, like fire gel, he's just wet himself.
That's they didn't use any gel.
He put that, you see, he had the groups on the hand, it's the sort of scene that makes us rub our eyes in disbelief despite knowing full well that Jackie chan is this level of Fearless, it's just gotta be super hot, We wouldn't do that today either.
Number five, hanging off a bus police story, we're back to the police story franchise this time with that aforementioned first movie, a full fledged Jackie chan banger, that's a hill.
I slide with the cover every day after school, it's the moment I think I can do that and that's to make me say, I want to do movie, I can do what he's doing.
Jackie himself remembers this action comedy as one of his best in his autobiography.
So who are we to argue the bus chase sequence alone is worth the price of admission.
Opening up with chan hanging on for dear life to the back of the speeding vehicle.
He then climbs his way up the side, fighting goons all the way.
It's a combination of balls and physical ability, but wait, there's more after falling off he catches up to the bus and decides to play chicken standing in front of it, only for two men to figuratively crash and burn and take a nasty and reportedly unplanned fall to the concrete.
Yeah, wow ouch, number four roller skating through traffic winners and Sinners, 1980 three's winners and Sinners may not be one of Jackie chan's most well known movies, but diehard action fans are well advised to seek the action comedy out If just for this crazy stunt sequence, it starts off with chan on roller skates, mind you leaping and missing a car, he eventually catches up and gets on the chase, weaving in and out of traffic, holding on to any and every car on the road that's like a previous chan skates under a semi, lies flat in the street and allows a car to drive over him, leapfrogs, motorcycles and basically does every whack a do thing.
You can possibly imagine check this one out for yourself and see what we mean.
That was crazy.
Number three, sliding down a skyscraper.
Who am I?
Jackie chan was already an established star by the time, Who am I hit in 1998 but that didn't mean he was through wowing us with hand over mouth, capital s shocking stunt work case in point, this absolutely ridiculous building slide that may end safely enough but generates enough tension to make us hold our breath the whole time in this action comedy that he co directed with Benny chan, Jackie slides down this incredibly steep and incredibly smooth building at a height.
That's vertigo inducing to say the least when you slide your first few feet is okay, But when you go over 10, 20 ft, then you start that speed is like add in how Jackie switches from walking vertically to going head first before finally making his landing.
Two words.
Holy crap confusion.
Oh, who is he indeed?
Number two clock tower slip project a much has been made about the comparisons between Jackie chan style of physical comedy and the groundbreaking silent movie work of legends like buster Keaton and Harold.
Lloyd chan actually hadn't seen those films prior to shooting Project A despite this clock tower fall looking remarkably similar to Lloyd's safety.
Last trivia aside the movement and choreography, both outside and inside.
The tower is a sight to behold.
While the final fall through the two awnings is difficult to watch the impact when chan lands is wince inducing and it's even worse watching it in slow motion, shooting something and then some samples need to set.
So is it, are you still not jumping?
And then you go up there and then he wrote a camera and co action and he let go, oh man, before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
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Number one Glass story, police story, I go up going down, it's scared, really scared.
I'm not, I just ordinary people, I'm not a superman because what other Jackie chan stunt could possibly take our number one spot.
Forget the fact that the shopping mall fight scene starts off with a badass jump onto an escalator because it gets even crazier after that shot, police stories, final set piece makes the best of chan's pension from multiple angles and replays as the man slides down a pole covered in hot lights before crashing through sugar glass to the ground below.
We have focused, it takes some time.
It's not like you walk in and you'll be I'm in there, you have to stand there like feel that you know everything chan suffered second degree burns during the fall while the impact of the landing dislocated his pelvis and hurt his back.
I don't even see gloves.
That is no God, that's pure in his hand.
There's certainly no denying that the stunt looks freaking awesome, but we're glad he has since recovered.
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