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it was him.
We'll never know what dad was thinking that day.
Maybe he was heeding the call of the wild.
Hey guys, it's Ascii with watch mojo and these are the top 10 most heartbreaking anime moments for this list.
嘿,夥計們,我是Ascii和watch mojo,這些是本榜單的十大最令人心碎的卡通片時刻。
We'll be looking at the most devastating scenes in anime that left us reaching for a box of tissues.
Let us know in the comments.
If you made it through all these with a dry eye and if there's an anime list you want to see, go to my twitter Ash, Jabo and let me know whatever.
如果你能乾巴巴地看完這些,如果有你想看的動漫列表,請到我的Twitter Ash,Jabo,讓我知道什麼。
What about Number 10 mother daughter soldier, spy, spy family.
Not even a mind reader can prepare for every question.
During her enrollment interview for the prestigious Eden academy, the Procter decides to poke at the one thing that can crack anya's sunny optimism.
Her real mother seeing the lovable for her daughter reduced to tears over the mom she never knew is a soul crushing reminder that while she's part of a covert operation is still just a kid.
It stings all the more coming at the tail end of a comedic scene.
But at least the tonal whiplash leads to one of the most well deserved punches to the face.
In all of anime though frankly this deplorable housemaster deserves worse.
Number nine, the last crusade chrono crusade Come sit with me in this case, saving the day.
Didn't mean happily ever after in protecting the world from Ion Rosette and Chrono are left so injured they can do nothing but sit on the porch watch the sunset and wait for their end.
The poignant scene stews in the consequence of their actions since their deaths.
Mean Rosette won't get to be with Chrono or truly save her brother.
I'm scared.
I don't want to die.
Her last pained and fearful cries make it clear.
This isn't a fair fate for the world saviors.
And yet as they embrace each other at the end, all that's left is for her to thank him for the journey.
Thank you.
Number eight by by butter free Pokemon.
Well, I guess you have to leave us now, don't you?
They have to cross the ocean to start their new family.
I'll miss you butter free.
That's his quest to catch them all.
May have started small, but there was something special about watching the newbie trainer nap his first wild Pokemon and nurture it all the way to its final form.
It served as a metamorphosis for both trainer and partner, which is why it's a stun spore to the heart when it becomes clear.
His butter free is better free.
I'll just tell all the other Pokemon that you're on a trip and you'll come back someday.
Maybe honey goodbye.
The tearful sunset backed farewell was the very first time Ash had said goodbye to one of his partners and it's hard not to feel that weight when the music kicks in to accompany a montage of their journey together.
It stung more than pikachu thunderbolts, but it was time for butter free to spread its wings and fly, take care of butter free good luck buddy, Number seven, thank you and goodbye.
Angel beats anymore endings are always a bit sad but this last minute twist goes for the heart in more ways than one trapped in limbo katana.
She fell in love with the one person who can't say the words back to him.
Canada can't move on because she never got to thank the heart donor that prolonged her life who was revealed to be an Ascii himself but with no one left to help pass on.
Canada finally admits her feelings, leaving OTA Naci hysterically scrambling to hold on to the girl he never knew he saved.
Mhm Yes, it is come out there.
How you Still while the grief in his final cry is haunting, he can take solace that boy letting her go.
你是如何做到的 雖然他最後的哭聲中的悲痛讓人魂牽夢繞,但他可以安慰自己,男孩讓她走。
He has given her life for the second time.
# six is a monkey.
# 6號是一隻猴子。
Family farewell Naruto ship.
There's no jutsu under the sun to ease the grief of parents parting ways with their newborn son after trading their own lives to defend Naruto from the nine tails.
Minato and ku Sheena trust their child to be the next gen.
Cherokee, even if it means he must walk the perilous path without them though their time as parents was cut short, cucina delivers a downright agonizing last speech bestowing all the wisdom she can in their final moments.
Sister did she work what?
By showing their love in the way only parents can This moving scene proved that even when it seemed no one believed in Naruto, his parents had from the very beginning.
Not at all.
Could you Number 5 to kill a villain?
你能用 "5號 "來殺死一個反派嗎?
Not again, not again, this gun wielding heroes, pacifism has earned him plenty of scars, but taking a life left an even deeper wound, knives, devo Teela Gatos only goal is to cause Vash suffering even at the cost of his own life.
不要再來了,不要再來了,這個揮舞著槍的英雄,和平主義為他贏得了很多傷痕,但奪走一條生命卻留下了更深的傷痕,刀子,devo Teela Gatos唯一的目標是使瓦希遭受痛苦,甚至以自己的生命為代價。
So he decides to push the pacifist into a no win situation.
Either break his morals or let more innocent people suffer.
It's simple.
All you need to do is pull the trigger.
Once you have killed me, this will all be over.
Come on time to choose his harrowing inner turmoil forces him to abandon his humanity to become the murderer.
He never wanted to be making the eventual gunshots feel more like a white flag than a finishing blow legato died with a smile on his face understanding that while he lost his life, the damage he inflicted on bash is even more painful.
Number four Tera maru and me school live, even in a show about zombies, Dogs are supposed to be off limits these cheerful preteens are making the best of things by holding up in an abandoned school during the apocalypse and thankfully they have the ever adorable Tara maru to lift their spirits through the mayhem?
This canine companion becomes the school life clubs mascots.
So it's downright unforgivable when he's fatally attacked by the undead, ah bye, losing their only ray of hope in the war torn world is devastating enough, let alone when it comes at the hands of a former friend, Tara Maru succumbs to his injuries in the end, but at least his final act of defending Yuki proves why dogs truly are man's best friend.
Number three, our fathers flames, demon slayer came in.
I know when Tanja ro delivers Renko whose final words to his family, he isn't greeted with the same grief stricken company he expected instead, the former flame harsher as father Shinjiro lashes out with rage hotter than fire breathing, insisting that it's his son's fault for continuing as a demon slayer despite the high mortality rate.
Oh my!
The episode walks through each stage of grief with a tender yet painful lens that hits harder than a mugen train, especially since it only continues to pick up speed towards the emotionally resonant finale.
Only once, Shinjiro is alone with this morning does he finally cry and in doing so begins to stoke the flames of acceptance, right.
Number two Valentine's video, Cowboy Bebop, it's showtime, the faith that went into Cryo freeze and the one who woke up without memories are not the same person and nothing proves that more than a video from the past after the bebop crew, find a tape of a teenage fay that sheds light on what she was like before the adult version simply cries Well yeah, it's making me feel really shy.
二號情人節視頻,牛仔Bebop,現在是表演時間,進入Cryo freeze的信仰和醒來時沒有記憶的信仰不是同一個人,沒有什麼比Bebop劇組之後的視頻更能證明這一點了,找到一盤十幾歲的Fay的錄像帶,讓人瞭解她在成人版之前是什麼樣子的,只是哭了 好的,這讓我感到非常害羞。
The video itself is optimistic and well meaning, but it only highlights that the new fe lacks any of the same bubbly one or earnest optimism of her younger self instead of discontent about the past, the tears are her mourning the face.
She used to be the version that died alongside her memories in your time.
I'm no longer here, but I am here today and I'll always be cheering for you right here, cheering for you Before we continue.
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Number one did evolving beyond Digimon, Digimon adventure.
Last evolution.
Okay, well my After 20 years with the original cast, this iconic series was growing up with its audience and that meant accepting that childhood doesn't last forever in this concluding film, Matt and Ty have outgrown the potential of Digimon and must say goodbye to the partners.
好吧,我的 經過20年的原班人馬,這個標誌性的系列與它的觀眾一起成長,這意味著接受童年不會永遠持續下去,在這部結尾的電影中,馬特和泰已經超越了《數碼寶貝》的潛力,必須與夥伴們說再見了。
They've had since their very first episode of the entire franchise, a Star Power.
Those who don't know sort of in the face of a villain that wants to prolong childhood.
Both the characters and the series come to the poignant decision that growing up and moving on and necessary parts of everyone's did evolution with beautifully thematic weight, both in and out of universe.
The final, gut wrenching goodbye hurts, but it's one hell of a worthy last adventure.
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