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  • In the last video we tried to figure out the slope of a

  • point or the slope of a curve at a certain point.

  • And the way we did, we said OK, well let's find the slope

  • between that point and then another point that's not too

  • far away from that point.

  • And we got the slope of the secant

  • line.

  • And it looks all fancy, but this is just the y value of the

  • point that's not too far away, and this is just the y value

  • point of the point in question, so this is

  • just your change in y.

  • And then you divide that by your change in x.

  • So in the example we did, h was the difference

  • between our 2 x values.

  • This distance was h.

  • And that gave us the slope of that line.

  • We said hey, what if we take the limit as this point

  • right here gets closer and closer to this point.

  • If this point essentially almost becomes this point, then

  • our slope is going to be the slope of our tangent line.

  • And we define that as the derivative of our function.

  • We said that's equal to f prime of x.

  • So let's if we can apply this in this video to maybe make

  • things a little bit more concrete in your head.

  • So let me do one.

  • First I'll do a particular case where I want to find the

  • slope at exactly some point.

  • So let me draw my axes again.

  • Let's draw some axes right there.

  • Let's say I have the curve-- this is the curve-- y

  • is equal to x squared.

  • So this is my y-axis, this is my x-axis, and I want to know

  • the slope at the point x is equal to 3.

  • When I say the slope you can imagine a tangent line here.

  • You can imagine a tangent line that goes just like that, and

  • it would just barely graze the curve at that point.

  • But what is the slope of that tangent line?

  • What is the slope of that tangent line which is the same

  • as the slope of the curve right at that point.

  • So to do it, I'm actually going to do this exact technique that

  • we did before, then we'll generalize it so you don't have

  • to do it every time for a particular number.

  • So let's take some other point here.

  • Let's call this 3 plus delta x.

  • I'm changing the notation because in some books you'll

  • see an h, some books you'll see a delta x, doesn't hurt to

  • be exposed to both of them.

  • So this is 3 plus delta x.

  • So first of all what is this point right here?

  • This is a curve y is equal to x squared, so f of x is 3

  • squared-- this is the point 9.

  • This is the point 3,9 right here.

  • And what is this point right here?

  • So if we were go all the way up here, what is that point?

  • Well here our x is 3 plus delta x.

  • It's the same thing as this one right here,

  • as x naught

  • plus h.

  • I could have called this 3 plus h just as easily.

  • So it's 3 plus delta x up there.

  • So what's the y value going to be?

  • Well whatever x value is, it's on the curve, it's going

  • to be that squared.

  • So it's going to be the point 3 plus delta x squared.

  • So let's figure out the slope of this secant

  • line.

  • And let me zoom in a little bit, because that might help.

  • So if I zoom in on just this part of the curve,

  • it might look like that.

  • And then I have one point here, and then I have the

  • other point is up here.

  • That's the secant

  • line.

  • Just like that.

  • This was the point over here, the point 3,9.

  • And then this point up here is the point 3 plus delta x, so

  • just some larger number than 3, and then it's going to

  • be that number squared.

  • So it's going to be 3 plus delta x squared.

  • What is that?

  • That's going to be 9.

  • I'm just foiling this out, or you do the distribute

  • property twice.

  • a plus b squared is a squared plus 2 a b plus b squared, so

  • it's going to be 9 plus two times the product

  • of these things.

  • So plus 6 delta x, and then plus delta x squared.

  • That's the coordinate of the second line.

  • This looks complicated, but I just took this x value and I

  • squared it, because it's on the line y is equal to x squared.

  • So the slope of the secant

  • line is going to be the change in y divided

  • by the change in x.

  • So the change in y is just going to be this guy's y value,

  • which is 9 plus 6 delta x plus delta x squared.

  • That's this guy's y value, minus this guy's y value.

  • So minus 9.

  • That's your change in y.

  • And you want to divide that by your change in x.

  • Well what is your change in x?

  • This is actually going to be pretty convenient.

  • This larger x value-- we started with this point on the

  • top, so we have to start with this point on the bottom.

  • So it's going to be 3 plus delta x.

  • And then what's this x value?

  • What is minus 3?

  • That's his x value.

  • So what does this simplify to?

  • The numerator-- this 9 and that 9 cancel out,

  • we get a 9 minus 9.

  • And in the denominator what happens?

  • This 3 and minus 3 cancel out.

  • So the change in x actually end up becoming this delta x, which

  • makes sense, because this delta x is essentially how much more

  • this guy is then that guy.

  • So that should be the change in x, delta x.

  • So the slope of my secant

  • line has simplified to 6 times my change in x, plus my change

  • in x squared, all of that over my change in x.

  • And now we can simplify this even more.

  • Let's divide the numerator and the denominator

  • by our change in x.

  • And I'll switch colors just to ease the monotony.

  • So my slope of my tangent of my secant

  • line-- the one that goes through both of these-- is

  • going to be equal if you divide the numerator and

  • denominator this becomes 6.

  • I'm just dividing numerator and denominator by delta

  • x plus six plus delta x.

  • So that is the slope of this secant

  • line So slope is equal to 6 plus delta x.

  • That's this one right here.

  • That's this reddish line that I've drawn right there.

  • So this number right here, if the delta x was one, if

  • these were the points 3 and 4, then my slope would be 6 plus

  • 1, because I'm picking a point 4 where the delta x here

  • would have to be 1.

  • So the slope would be 7.

  • So we have a general formula for no matter what my delta

  • x is, I can find the slope between 3 and 3 plus delta x.

  • Between those two points.

  • Now we wanted to find the slope at exactly that

  • point right there.

  • So let's see what happens when delta x get

  • smaller and smaller.

  • This is what delta x is right now.

  • It's this distance.

  • But if delta x got a little bit smaller, then the secant

  • line would look like that.

  • Got even smaller, the secant

  • line would look like that, it gets even smaller.

  • Then we're getting pretty close to the slope

  • of the tangent line.

  • The tangent line is this thing right here that I

  • want to find the slope of.

  • Let's find a limit as our delta x approaches 0.

  • So the limit as delta x approaches 0 of our

  • slope of the secant

  • line of 6 plus delta x is equal to what?

  • This is pretty straightforward.

  • You can just set this equal to 0 and it's equal to 6.

  • So the slope of our tangent line at the point x is equal to

  • 3 right there is equal to 6.

  • And another way we could write this if we wrote that f of

  • x is equal to x squared.

  • We now know that the derivative or the slope of the tangent

  • line of this function at the point 3-- I just only evaluated

  • it at the point 3 right there-- that that is equal to 6.

  • I haven't yet come up with a general formula for the slope

  • of this line at any point, and I'm going to do that

  • in the next video.

In the last video we tried to figure out the slope of a


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02-5 使用導數定義計算切線的斜率(Calculating slope of tangent line using derivative definition | Differential Calculus | Khan Academy)

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    yukang920108 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 12 日