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  • The alternate form of the derivative of the function

  • f, at a number a, denoted by f prime of a,

  • is given by this stuff.

  • Now this might look a little strange to you,

  • but if you really think about what it's saying,

  • it's really just taking the slope

  • of the tangent line between a comma f of a.

  • So let's imagine some arbitrary function like this.

  • Let's say that that is-- well I'll just

  • write that's our function f.

  • And so you could have the point when

  • x is equal to a-- this is our x-axis-- when x is equal to a,

  • this is the point a, f of a.

  • You notice a, f of a.

  • And then we could take the slope between that and some arbitrary

  • point, let's call that x.

  • So this is the point x, f of x.

  • And notice, the numerator right here, this

  • is just our change in the value of our function.

  • Or you could view that as the change in the vertical axis.

  • So that would give you this distance right over here.

  • That's what we're doing up here in the numerator.

  • And then in the denominator, we're

  • finding the change in our horizontal values,

  • horizontal coordinates.

  • Let me do that in a different color.

  • So the change in the horizontal, that's this right over here.

  • And then they're trying to find the limit as x approaches a.

  • So as x gets closer and closer and closer and closer

  • to a, what's going to happen is, is that when x is out here,

  • we have this secant line.

  • We're finding the slope of this secant line.

  • But as x gets closer and closer, the secant lines

  • better and better and better approximate

  • the slope of the tangent line.

  • Where the limit, as x approaches a, but doesn't quite equal a,

  • is going to be-- this is actually

  • our definition of our derivative.

  • Or I guess the alternate form of the derivative definition.

  • And this would be the slope of the tangent line, if it exists.

  • So with that all that out the way,

  • let's try to answer their question.

  • With the Alternative Form of the Derivative as an aid,

  • make sense of the following limit expression

  • by identifying the function f and the number a.

  • So right here, they want to find the slope of the tangent line

  • at 5.

  • Here they wanted to find the slope of the tangent line at a.

  • So it's pretty clear that a is equal to 5.

  • And that f of a is equal to 125.

  • Now what about f of x?

  • Well here, it's a limit of f of x minus f of a.

  • Well here it's the limit as x to the third minus 125.

  • And this makes sense.

  • If f of x is equal to x to the third,

  • then it makes sense that f of 5 is going to be 5 to the third,

  • is going to be 125.

  • And we're also taking up here the limit as x approaches a.

  • Here we're taking the limit as x approaches 5.

  • So this is the derivative of the function

  • f of x is equal to x to the third.

  • Let me write that down in the green color.

  • x to the third at the number a is equal to 5.

  • And so we can imagine this.

  • Let's try to actually graph it, just so that we can imagine it.

  • Actually, I'll do it out here, where

  • I have a little bit better contrast with the colors.

  • So let's say that is my y-axis.

  • Let's say that this is my x-axis.

  • I'm not going to quite draw it to scale.

  • Let's say this right over here is the 125.

  • Or y, this is when y equals 125.

  • This is when x is equal to 5, so they're clearly

  • not at the same scale.

  • But the function is going to look something like this.

  • We know what x to the third looks like,

  • it looks something like this.

  • So here, our a is equal to 5.

  • This point right over here is 5, 125.

  • And then we're taking the slope between that point

  • and an arbitrary x-value.

  • Or I should say an arbitrary other point on the curve.

  • So this right over here would be the point,

  • we could call that x, x to the third.

  • We know that f of x is equal to x to the third.

  • And let me make it clear.

  • This is a graph of y is equal to x to the third.

  • And so this expression, right over here, all of this, this

  • is the slope between these two points.

  • And as we take the limit as x approaches 5,

  • so right now this is our x, as x gets

  • closer and closer and closer to 5,

  • the secant lines are going to better and better

  • approximate the slope of the tangent line at x equals 5.

  • So the slope of a tangent line would look something like that.

The alternate form of the derivative of the function


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02-4 派生示例 1 的形式和替代形式(Formal and alternate form of the derivative example 1 | Differential Calculus | Khan Academy)

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    yukang920108 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 12 日