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Uh-uh-uh, you didn't say the magic word.
- Please! - Uh-uh-uh.
- 拜託! - 不、不、不。
- Uh-uh-uh. - God damn it, I hate this hacking crap!
- 不、不、不。 -該死的,我恨透這些黑客鳥事了!
"Jurassic Park" has defined, for decades, what we call a blockbuster.
It's as near a perfect film as you can find.
And yet, in the five attempted sequals, despite almost a billion dollars being spent, none of them possess even a shred of the imagination and ingenuity of the original film.
然而,在經過五部續集的嘗試、儘管花費近 10 億美元,沒有任何一部電影擁有首部電影的一絲想象力和獨創性。
Released in 1993, directed by Steven Spielberg, with a screenplay by David Koepp, and based on Michael Crichton's 1990 novel of the same name, "Jurassic Park" became the quintessential summer movie.
在 1993 年上映、由史蒂芬·史匹柏執導、大衛·柯普編劇、改編自麥可·克萊頓同名小說的《侏羅紀公園》 成為暑期電影的典型。
And all the parts were there to make the engine run:
An expert filmmaker at the top of their game, top-tier effects studios ILM and the Stan Winston company,
John Williams writing the score, two lead actors who embodied their characters in Laura Dern and Sam Neill,
and two future cultural phenomenons in Jeff Goldblum and Samuel L. Jackson.
Life, uh, finds a way.
It was the amber-encased thrill ride that movies would pull from for decades, including its own franchise.
Everything about this movie just works, and audiences responded.
It was the highest-grossing movie of the year, beating out the number two, "Mrs. Doubtfire", by over $100 million.
People wanted to see this movie.
They wanted something only the original movie has delivered⏤spectacle and wonder.
The wonder of "Jurassic Park" is really such a simple idea that it's almost impressive none of its sequels have been able to replicate the formula.
《 侏羅紀公園》的神奇其實不過是個簡單卻又令人印象深刻的概念,卻沒有任何一部續集成功複製它的模式。
Present the audience with a relatable idea or memory, say, a theme park, maybe, then introduce your lovable and slightly naive characters to the familiar setting.
Only in this world, their wildest dreams are true.
Let the audience revel in their awe and wonder.
Then let them see what happens when that wonder becomes a horrific nightmare.
And "Jurassic Park" definitely and precisely steers that question, whereas the sequels seem not to have as much of an interest in asking you questions as much as cheering along with the audience.
After the worldwide success of "Jurassic Park", Michael Crichton agreed to write a sequel in 1995 that went directly to the studios and was loosely adapted into "The Lost World: Jurassic Park".
在《侏羅紀公園》獲得全球成功之後,麥可·克萊頓同意於 1995 年撰寫續集,後來直接由電影工作室製作,並被草率地改編為《侏羅紀公園2:失落的世界》。
"The Lost World" was the first hint at the franchise's future, bending over backwards to accommodate us, not inspire wonder.
Screenwriter Koepp has often told a story about receiving a letter from a fan saying,
"Don't have a long, boring bit at the beginning that has nothing to do with the island."
The writer has spoken often of keeping that letter while he wrote the sequel, a sort of anchor to remind him of the audience's wants.
So, Koepp starts us on the island, but then quickly bends to trends of the time.
With disaster movies running rampant in the box office in the mid-to-late '90s, "The Lost World" was borderline pushy to tack on a rampant dinosaur lose in the city.
因為 90 年代中、後期,災難片在電影業中橫行,《失落的世界》的劇情被迫往這個方向發展,讓不受控制的恐龍肆虐城市。
Where the first film showed something comfortable and then warped the idea to engage us, "Lost World" finds itself tethered to its own success, afraid to venture into the uncharted waters of uncertainty.
Released in 2001, "Jurassic Park III" was directed by [a] friend of Spielberg, Joe Johnston.
2001 年上映的《侏羅紀公園 3》由史匹柏的朋友喬·約翰斯頓執導。
In another attempt to latch onto what it thinks made the original important, "III" focuses on familial connections.
企圖要與其自認為首部電影之所以重要的核心呼應,《侏羅紀公園 3》以家庭連結作為重點。
It lays its thesis of "everyone needs family" front and center by having Grant visit Sattler and her nuclear family at the movie's opening.
透過在電影開頭讓 Grant 拜訪 Sattler 和她的核心家庭,它提出了「每個人都需要家庭」的論點。
Then there's the usual setup of "Grant needs money for science", which makes him agree to a flyover of the island that turns into a rescue mission.
接下來便是 Grant「需要錢進行科學研究」的慣例設定,促使他同意參與一場最終變成救援任務的島嶼檢閱飛行。
And that rescue?
It's for a separated couple to find their lost child.
Of course, through "III's" narrow vision of family, the couple must get back together to save their child, and not just co-parent.
當然了,透過《侏羅紀公園 3》對家庭的狹隘理解,這對夫婦要挽救孩子,必須復合,而不只是共同養育。
Only "Jurassic Park" was never about blood family⏤it's power laid in found family.
We saw people work with one another and survive for each other all out of a shared love, a feeling that brought those people together and made us cheer for them.
Whether you believe Sam Neill's Dr. Alan Grant and Laura Dern's Dr. Ellie Sattler had been romantically involved in the first film,
無論你是否相信森·尼爾所扮演的 Alan Grant 博士和蘿拉·鄧恩扮演的 Ellie Sattler 博士曾否在第一部電影中墜入情網,
this movie almost demands that Grant pines over a memory that was never stated as existing, only inferred by some fans.
這部電影卻幾乎要求讓 Grant 沈迷於一段從來沒有被主張存在過、單由某些粉絲推斷出來的記憶。
- Look at the extrao⏤ - What'd you do?
- 看看這非同尋常的── - 你做了什麼事?
He touched it. Dr. Grant's not machine-compatible.
他摸了它。Grant 博士和機器不合。
They got a dead for me.
For a while, it seemed like that might be it, until "Jurassic World" in 2015.
有一段時間,一切似乎都已經畫上了句點,直到 2015 年的《侏羅紀世界》。
Spielberg had said he originally had an idea for a fourth installment in 2005 but was too busy.
史匹柏曾說,他原本是有在 2005 年製作第四部作品的想法,但他太忙了。
The film was delayed and rewritten again for almost a decade until Colin Trevorrow helmed the reboot sequel, based on none of Spielberg's original ideas.
"Jurassic World" is a movie that goes out of its way to shoehorn the idea that "Jurassic Park" happened, and therefore, all its equals.
Whereas the first movie contemplates whether or not that was a good idea, "Jurassic World" says, "We know it's a bad idea, but shut up. Dinosaurs."
When "Jurassic Park" showed the dinosaurs, there was a reverence in Dean Cundey's cinematography.
Both Spielberg and Cundey are on record having said they wanted the camera to be a character, so Cundey put the camera low.
史匹柏和康迪都曾說過他們希望攝影機成為電影中一個角色, 所以康迪把攝影機放得很低。
Dinosaurs walked past almost godly in their indifference to man, and we felt small around these creatures, not scared.
But "Jurassic World" wants you scared.
Not because it wants you to question your own place in orbit of these dinosaurs.
It wants you to feel powerful when you inevitably learn: They can be tamed.
Which brings us to our main character, Owen, an animal trainer whose sole characteristic seems to be making dinosaurs submit.
我們這就可以提到主角 Owen,他是一個馴獸師,唯一的特點似乎是讓恐龍屈服。
Where the first movie gives us endearing scientists, mathematicians, and eccentric millionaires with childlike joy,
"Jurassic World" gives us a shockingly ripped member of "Parks and Rec" racing dinosaurs on a motorcycle.
So, cool, I guess.
It is, again, hammering home the idea that joy and wonder are gone from the franchise.
In their wake, wish fulfillment.
Our introduction to Owen is witnessing a weak, scared employee being eaten by a raptor.
我們初次見到 Owen,是在目賭一個軟弱、害怕的員工被一隻迅猛龍吞噬的場景。
We're shown the danger of these creatures, but the movie insists we are in safe, reliable hands when Owen subdues the creature.
我們看到了這些生物的危險性,但電影堅稱 Owen 會制服這個生物,給我們安全且可依靠的環境。
"Jurassic Park" raised questions about humankind's responsibility and power.
"Jurassic World" seems to think the power rests in dominance.
It is genuinely offensive to be told by the movie: This is you; this is what you want, right?
There's definitely no wonder or blanks to be filled.
Where we once had characters in awe of what they see, here, we have characters who insist on control.
You know, when the plot demands it.
They will absolutely be helpless when another action scene is needed despite any previous information or character traits.
The movie wants us to empathize with these people not because it has put in the work, but because the movie says so.
Then we have "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom."
In an attempt to course-correct again, "Fallen Kingdom" revisits horror.
They hire J.A. Bayona, director of "The Orphanage" and "A Monster Calls".
他們聘請了《靈異孤兒院》和《怪物來敲門》的導演 J.A. 巴亞納。
On paper, it sounds like a good idea.
Only in the original, Spielberg deftly managed the horror with awe, where "Fallen Kingdom" doesn't have anything to say about the majesty of these creatures, just the terror.
"Jurassic Park" genuinely pondered the delicate balance between humankind and nature.
It wondered how those ideas coexist in a delicate symbiotic relationship.
But there's no balance in "Fallen Kingdom".
We're left with the idea of power, and that power rests solely on humankind, represented by animal trainers and business managers.
Trevorrow has stated that he believes the main character is Claire Dearing, played by Bryce Dallas Howard, as the park's operation manager.
崔佛洛曾表示,他認為主角是公園的營運經理 Claire Dearing,由布萊斯·達拉斯·霍華德飾演。
Dearing is given the familiar trope of a workaholic who has no time for a family without exploring the ideas of whether she wants a family or what family means to her
Dearing 被賦予我們熟悉的工作狂形象, 她無暇組成家庭,也沒有探討過自己是否想要擁有家庭或是家庭對她的意義,
other than the rigid traditionalism the movie thrusts on her more often than the high heels she's forced to wear the entire time.
But why, then, did the writing, directing, and audience itself push Owen to the forefront?
那為什麼後來的編劇、導演和觀眾本身把 Owen 推到第一線?
Honestly, it seems to be the new movie's fear of questions.
It can be complicated to talk about family, parenthood, and relationships.
There's subtext and nuance around these ideas, and, by the movie's own marketing, it's a lot easier to focus on the hot guy riding a dirt bike.
"Jurassic Park" did become the cautionary tale Crichton set out to write, even if it wasn't the caution he necessarily intended.
That movie is more than the sum of its parts.
It exists as a creature feature, a thriller, a scientific morality play, an unapologetic story of found family, and most importantly, it's the story of characters in wonder of the world they have found themselves.
The original "Jurassic Park" was released in 1993, and as we approach 2023, the world is a different place.
原版《侏羅紀公園》於 1993 年上映,而隨著我們邁向 2023 年,世界已經和當初不同。
We genuinely hope the new "Jurassic World: Dominion" will use the wonder and awe of "Jurassic Park".
Quite honestly, it's something we need right now.
The world can feel big and scary with leathery skin and large teeth, but the answer isn't "Lost World's" cynicism, it isn't "III's" insistence on genetic family, and it sure isn't something you can bend to your will.
這個世界還是會對於恐龍的皮囊和獠牙產生壓迫以及恐懼感,但不是因為《失落的世界》中的憤世嫉俗、 不是《侏羅紀公園 3》對於原生家庭的堅持,更絕對不是可以按照你意願執行。
And "Dominion" seems, at least on the surface, to agree.
With Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum returning to revive their characters, maybe we will get the deft slight of hand of the original blockbuster, but...
while this is the first time all three have been together since the original, it's not the first they've appeared.
There was an optimism for the world through Spielberg's lens, a question posited and answered very simply.
When you see something so beautiful, so fantastical, even if it seems big and scary, how can you look upon it with anything other than wonder?
Hopefully, the new movie believes that as well.
So, what do you think?
Will "Jurassic World: Dominion" retain the original's magic?
Does it matter if there's still the original for you to hold near and dear to your heart?
Or is the magic wrapped up in our own nostalgia?