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  • - [Instructor] What we're going to do in this video

  • is talk about the various types of discontinuities

  • that you've probably seen when you took algebra,

  • or precalculus, but then relate it to our understanding

  • of both two-sided limits and one-sided limits.

  • So let's first review the classification of discontinuities.

  • So here on the left, you see that this curve

  • looks just like y equals x squared,

  • until we get to x equals three.

  • And instead of it being three squared,

  • at this point you have this opening,

  • and instead the function at three is defined at four.

  • But then it keeps going and it looks just like

  • y equals x squared.

  • This is known as a point,

  • or a removable, discontinuity.

  • And it's called that for obvious reasons.

  • You're discontinuous at that point.

  • You might imagine defining or redefining the function

  • at that point so it is continuous,

  • so that this discontinuity is removable.

  • But then how does this relate to our definition

  • of continuity?

  • Well, let's remind ourselves our definition of continuity.

  • We say f is continuous,

  • continuous,

  • if and only if,

  • or let me write f continuous

  • at x equals c, if and only if

  • the limit as x approaches c

  • of f of x is equal to the actual value of the function

  • when x is equal to c.

  • So why does this one fail?

  • Well, the two-sided limit actually exists.

  • You could find, if we say c in this case is three,

  • the limit

  • as x approaches three

  • of f of x,

  • it looks like, and if you graphically inspect this,

  • and I actually know this is the graph of y equals x squared,

  • except at that discontinuity right over there,

  • this is equal to nine.

  • But the issue is, the way this graph has been depicted,

  • this is not the same thing as the value of the function.

  • This function

  • f of three, the way it's been graphed,

  • f of three is equal to four.

  • So this is a situation where this two-sided limit exists,

  • but it's not equal to the value of that function.

  • You might see other circumstances where the function

  • isn't even defined there,

  • so that isn't even there.

  • And so, once again, the limit might exist,

  • but the function might not be defined there.

  • So, in either case, you aren't going to meet this criteria

  • for continuity.

  • And so that's how a point or removable discontinuity,

  • why it is discontinuous

  • with regards to our limit definition of continuity.

  • So now let's look at this second example.

  • If we looked at our intuitive continuity test,

  • if we would just try to trace this thing,

  • we see that once we get to x equals two,

  • I have to pick up my pencil to keep tracing it.

  • And so that's a pretty good sign that we are discontinuous.

  • We see that over here as well.

  • If I'm tracing this function, I gotta pick up my pencil to,

  • I can't go to that point.

  • I have to jump down here,

  • and then keep going right over there.

  • So in either case I have to pick up my pencil.

  • And so, intuitively, it is discontinuous.

  • But this particular type of discontinuity,

  • where I am making a jump from one point,

  • and then I'm making a jump down here to continue,

  • it is intuitively called a jump

  • discontinuity,

  • discontinuity.

  • And this is, of course, a point removable discontinuity.

  • And so how does this relate to limits?

  • Well, here, the left and right-handed limits exist,

  • but they're not the same thing,

  • so you don't have a two-sided limit.

  • So, for example, for this one in particular,

  • for all the x-values up to and including x equals two,

  • this is the graph of y equals x squared.

  • And then for x greater than two,

  • it's the graph of square root of x.

  • So in this scenario,

  • if you were to take the limit

  • of f of x

  • as x approaches

  • two

  • from the left,

  • from the left,

  • this is going to be equal to four,

  • you're approaching this value.

  • And that actually is the value of the function.

  • But if you were to take the limit as x approaches two

  • from the right of f of x,

  • what is that going to be equal to?

  • Well, approaching from the right,

  • this is actually the square root of x,

  • so it's approaching the square root of two.

  • You wouldn't know it's the square root of two

  • just by looking at this.

  • I know that, just because when I,

  • when I went on to Desmos and defined the function,

  • that's the function that I used.

  • But it's clear even visually

  • that you're approaching two different values

  • when you approach from the left

  • than when you approach from the right.

  • So even though the one-sided limits exist,

  • they're not approaching the same thing,

  • so the two-sided limit doesn't exist.

  • And if the two-sided limit doesn't exist,

  • it for sure cannot be equal to the value

  • of the function there, even if the function is defined.

  • So that's why the jump discontinuity is failing this test.

  • Now, once again, it's intuitive.

  • You're seeing that, hey, I gotta jump,

  • I gotta pick up my pencil.

  • These two things are not connected to each other.

  • Finally, what you see here is,

  • when you learned precalculus,

  • often known as an asymptotic discontinuity,

  • asymptotic,

  • asymptotic

  • discontinuity,

  • discontinuity.

  • And, intuitively, you have an asymptote here.

  • It's a vertical asymptote at x equals two.

  • If I were to try to trace the graph

  • from the left,

  • I would just keep on going.

  • In fact, I would be doing it forever, 'cause it's,

  • it would be infinitely,

  • it would be unbounded as I get closer and closer

  • to x equals two from the left.

  • And if try to get to x equals two from the right,

  • once again I get unbounded up.

  • But even if I could,

  • and when I say it's unbounded, it goes to infinity,

  • so it's actually impossible

  • in a mortal's lifespan to try to trace the whole thing.

  • But you get the sense that, hey, there's no way that I could

  • draw from here to here without picking up my pencil.

  • And if you wanna relate it to our notion of limits,

  • it's that

  • both the left and right-handed limits are unbounded,

  • so they officially don't exist.

  • So if they don't exist, then we can't meet these conditions.

  • So if I were to say,

  • the limit

  • as x approaches two from the left-hand side of f of x,

  • we can see that it goes unbounded in the negative direction.

  • You might sometimes see someone write something like this,

  • negative infinity.

  • But that's a little handwavy with the math.

  • The more correct way to say it is it's just unbounded,

  • unbounded.

  • And, likewise, if we thought about the limit

  • as x approaches two

  • from the right

  • of f of x,

  • it is now unbounded towards positive infinity.

  • So this, once again,

  • this is also,

  • this is also unbounded.

  • And

  • because it's unbounded and this limit does not exist,

  • it can't meet these conditions.

  • And so we are going to be discontinuous.

  • So this is a point or removable discontinuity,

  • jump discontinuity, I'm jumping,

  • and then we have these asymptotes, a vertical asymptote.

  • This is an asymptotic discontinuity.

- [Instructor] What we're going to do in this video


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1.91 不連續性的類型(Types of discontinuities | Limits and continuity | AP Calculus AB | Khan Academy)

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