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  • - [Tutor] In a previous video we used this theorem

  • to evaluate certain types of composite functions.

  • In this video we'll do a few more examples,

  • that get a little bit more involved.

  • So let's say we wanted to figure out the limit

  • as x approaches zero

  • of f of g of x,

  • f of g of x.

  • First of all, pause this video

  • and think about whether this theorem even applies.

  • Well, the first thing to think about

  • is what is the limit as x approaches zero of g of x

  • to see if we meet this first condition.

  • So if we look at g of x, right over here

  • as x approaches zero from the left,

  • it looks like g is approaching two,

  • as x approaches zero from the right,

  • it looks like g is approaching two

  • and so it looks like this is going to be equal to two.

  • So that's a check.

  • Now let's see the second condition,

  • is f continuous at that limit at two.

  • So when x is equal to two,

  • it does not look like f is continuous.

  • So we do not meet this second condition right over here,

  • so we can't just directly apply this theorem.

  • But just because you can't apply the theorem

  • does not mean that the limit doesn't necessarily exist.

  • For example, in this situation

  • the limit actually does exist.

  • One way to think about it,

  • when x approaches zero from the left,

  • it looks like g is approaching two from above

  • and so that's going to be the input into f

  • and so if we are now approaching two from above here

  • as the input into f,

  • it looks like our function is approaching zero

  • and then we can go the other way.

  • If we are approaching zero from the right, right over here,

  • it looks like the value of our function

  • is approaching two from below.

  • Now if we approach two from below,

  • it looks like the value of f is approaching zero.

  • So in both of these scenarios,

  • our value of our function f is approaching zero.

  • So I wasn't able to use this theorem,

  • but I am able to figure out

  • that this is going to be equal to zero.

  • Now let me give you another example.

  • Let's say we wanted to figure out the limit

  • as x approaches two

  • of f of g of x.

  • Pause this video,

  • we'll first see if this theorem even applies.

  • Well, we first wanna see what is the limit

  • as x approaches two of g of x.

  • When we look at approaching two from the left,

  • it looks like g is approaching negative two.

  • When we approach x equals two from the right,

  • it looks like g is approaching zero.

  • So our right and left hand limits are not the same here,

  • so this thing does not exist, does not exist

  • and so we don't meet this condition right over here,

  • so we can't apply the theorem.

  • But as we've already seen,

  • just because you can't apply the theorem

  • does not mean that the limit does not exist.

  • But if you like pondering things,

  • I encourage you to see that this limit doesn't exist

  • by doing very similar analysis

  • to the one that I did for our first example.

- [Tutor] In a previous video we used this theorem


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A2 初級 美國腔

1.45 複合函數極限定理:不滿足條件時(Theorem for limits of composite functions: when conditions aren't met | AP Calculus | Khan Academy)

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    yukang920108 發佈於 2022 年 07 月 01 日