字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 1901. 香港,1901年 Hong Kong. 廣州起義的策劃人,楊衢雲 Yeung Ku-wan, 在他住家的二樓教英文 architect of the Guangzhou uprising, 他兩歲大的兒子坐在他的大腿上 sits teaching English on the second floor of his house. 待在家裡真棒 His two-year-old son bounces on his lap. 流亡生活並不適合他 It feels good to be home; 他躲藏中的革命夥伴 Exile didn't suit him. 警告過他所面臨的危險 His revolutionary partner, 有人懸賞他的腦袋 currently living in hiding, 但不是在這裡 had warned him that he was in danger. 不是在香港 That a price was on their heads! 英國人會保護他 But not here. 以防萬一,他的書桌下藏著一把左輪手槍 Not in Hong Kong. 樓梯傳來騷動 The British would protect him. 學童轉頭張望 He keeps a revolver on his desk though, just in case. 門被踹開 There's a commotion on the stairs. 幫派揮舞著槍枝闖入 Students look over their shoulders. 楊衢雲把兒子甩到地上 The door bursts open. 舉起字典掩護,試圖拿起他的手槍 Gangsters enter, 他的兒子尖叫 waving guns. 學童逃竄 Yeung throws his son on the floor.. 幫派首領開槍 He lifts up a dictionary to shield himself 楊衢雲的腦袋砸向書桌 and reaches for the revolver. 刺客們逃出並消失在暗巷中 His son screams. 開心地等著向清廷領賞 Pupils scramble out of the way. 革命黨必須死 The gang leader 這是規矩 fires. 再也沒有比楊衢雲更偉大的革命家了 Yeung thumps face down on the desk. 其實有,就是他的夥伴 The assassins flee downstairs and disappear into the narrow alleys, 孫中山 excited to collect their bounty from Qing officials. 1879年,夏威夷檀香山 Rebels die. 孫中山一生中有許多名字,就像每個中國人一樣 That's the rule. 他有譜名(德明)、教名(日新)、表字(載之) And there was no greater rebel than Yeung Ku-wan. 但他還有其他名字 Well, there was one. 假護照上面用的名字 The man's partner: 躲藏時用的名字 Sun Yat-sen. 因為孫中山是個危險的人 Music: Birth of the People 清廷有正當的理由害怕他 Honolulu. 畢竟,他摧毀了兩千多年來的帝制 Hawaii. 但在1879年,他還只是孫文,一個在夏威夷的學生 1879. 七位在夏威夷聖公宗寄宿學校中的其中一位中國學生 Sun Yat-sen would have many names in his life, 他出生在華南,一個窮苦農民的兒子 all Chinese men did then. 生在一個像他這樣的孩子沒什麼未來的時代 He'd have his genealogical name, 他的家庭不是個能供他科舉當官的士族 his baptism name, 停滯的經濟阻礙了社會流動 his courtesy name, 不穩定的統治循環 but he would also have others. 百年來最大的叛亂——太平天國——在他出生前兩年被平定 Names with false passports to back them up. 自從英國在鴉片戰爭中得到香港後 Names he'd use in hiding. 列強開始爭搶中國領土 Because Sun was a dangerous man: 現在,他們用廉價工業產品充斥市場,害中國工人失業 The Qing were right to fear him. 外國船隻沿河而上 After all, he'd bring two thousand years of imperial rule crashing down 傾銷產品,掠奪煤礦 But in 1879, he was just Sun Wen, 鴉片依然在鄉間氾濫 a student in Hawaii. 由於管理不善和腐敗 One of seven Chinese at his largely Hawaiian Anglican boarding school. 帝國的現代化運動註定失敗了 He'd been born in southern China, the son of poor peasants, 即使清廷願意接受蒸汽船之類的新科技 at a time when there was little opportunity for boys like him. 也得透過外國融資並聘雇外國工程師 His family were not scholars who could get him a government position. 更別說清廷 The stagnant economy promised no upward mobility. 一個被視作入侵者的北方外族 Instability ruled back home. 堅持他們的文化優越性 The largest revolt in centuries, the Taiping rebellion had ended only two years before his birth. 否定改革的必要 Ever since the British took Hong Kong in the Opium Wars, 許多中國人前往海外 foreign countries were scrambling for larger and larger chunks of Chinese territory. 事實上,孫文的哥哥前往夏威夷王國 Now, they were flooding the market with cheap manufactured goods, 在甘蔗田裡工作 putting Chinese artisans out of work. 快速的賺到一間商店和牧場 Foreign steam ships sailed up the rivers, 孫文和母親一同到來 bringing in goods and bringing out coal. 可以確定的是,學校很不錯 Opium still ravaged the country. 至少對於有個能付得起學費的哥哥的幸運兒來說很不錯 Imperial attempts at modernization inevitably failed, 不像他村中的私塾,在這裡他能學到整個世界的知識 due to mismanagement and corruption. 他立刻選修了英語 Even when the government did adopt new technologies like steam ships, 成果快到能在校刊上發表文章 They had to finance them through foreign capital and hire foreign engineers. 也從國王那裡領過獎 And yet the Qing government, 這還不是最高境界 a northern ethnic minority perceived as foreign occupiers, 他學到了英美法系 kept insisting on the supremacy of their culture 憲政國家 and deciding there was no need for change. 民主 Many Chinese had gone overseas. 和西方歷史 In fact, Sun's own brother went to the kingdom of Hawaii to work in the sugarcane fields, 尤其是美國獨立 and soon saved up for a shop and ranch. 光榮革命 Sun and his mother followed him. 和德國、義大利的統一 The schools were better, that was sure. 畢業後他進入教會學校學習預科課程 At least they were for lucky kids with brothers who made enough to pay the tuition. 這裡的教育更偏向美式 Here, unlike his village school, he got an education that opened the world. 充滿新世界樂觀主義的標榜和自我精進的教條 He picked up English fast. 這也讓他沐浴在基督新教的光芒下 So fast that he was soon writing the school newspaper and received an award from the king. 當他回家表明希望能受洗的時候 But that wasn't all. 他哥受夠了 He learned about British and American legal systems, 他把孫文送回家 constitutional government, 但那些在夏威夷的日子改變了17歲的孫文 democracy, 他現在看見自己的村子落後且迷信 and Western history 於是摧毀了村中的神像企圖喚醒村民 with an emphasis on the American Revolution, 這讓他被村子放逐,而他只有一個地方可去 Glorious Revolution, ——香港,1883年 and Unification of Germany and Italy. 香港和檀香山是不一樣的地方 When he graduated, he moved on to college-level courses at a missionary school. 這是個真正的城市,一個位在亞洲的小維多利亞英格蘭 Here, the curriculum was more specifically American, 科技、金融、現代運輸、乾淨的街道和高樓大廈 imbued with a particular brand of new world optimism and dogma of self-betterment. 這座大城市和家鄉的比較向他顯示 But it also exposed him to Protestantism 清廷拒絕現代化有多愚蠢 and when he came home one day asking permission to be baptized, 他才離家80公里遠 his brother figured enough was enough. 接下來的幾年時光飛逝 He sent Sun home. 他進入大學 But those years in Hawaii had changed the 17-year old Sun. 奉父母之命結婚 He now saw his village as backwards and superstitious, 受洗成為基督徒 and tried to fix that by tearing down one of the gods at the local temple. 孫文決定幫助人們,所以他取得了醫學學位 The act got him banished, 但香港不承認他的醫學學位 and there was only one place for him to go: 所以他到澳門開藥鋪 Hong Kong, 稍晚遷到了廣州 1883. 透過免費行醫獲得了好名聲 Hong Kong was something totally different from Honolulu. 但行醫不是他唯一的目的 This was a true city, a little Victorian England in the middle of Asia 他在香港交了幾個朋友 Technology, banking, modern transportation, clean streets, and massive buildings 幾個像他一樣談政治的中產經營 The contrast between his poor village and this metropolis laid bare to him 其中幾個還和反清組織有聯繫 how foolish the Qing had been not to modernize 而他們開始談到了推翻帝制並創建共和國的話題 He was only 50 miles from home 一開始只是理論,接著越來越具體 The next few years were a blur 這群人的激進言論太過惡名昭彰,人們開始稱呼他們為 He enrolled in college 「四大寇」 got married (his parents arranged it) 正當他們還在空談時,中國的「百年國恥」仍在繼續 And was baptized a Christian. 清朝把朝鮮的宗主權輸給了日本 Sun decided he wanted to help people, so he got a medical degree 越南的宗主權輸給了法國 But Hong Kong didn't recognize his degree 列強在中國蓋滿了鐵路 So he opened a pharmacy in Macau 中國的法律則不適用於鐵道上 and later Guangzhou 慈禧太后掌握政局 earning a reputation for giving away free medicine 越來越多的領土被割讓給外國控制 But medicine wasn't his only pursuit 德國、義大利和比利時都拿了一小塊 He developed a group of friends in Hong Kong 但是仍然有希望的暗流 middle-class professionals like him who loved to talk politics 1884年 several had connections with anti-Qing societies 他看見香港的碼頭工人拒絕替法國人 and they began talking openly about overthrowing the Emperor and replacing him with a democracy 修復中法戰爭中受損的戰艦 Theoretically at first, 他在香港遇到一位相信能改革清朝的人 then in specifics 他認為他們的討論很有說服力,決定直接向政府建言 The group became so notorious for their radical talk 1894年,他前往北京旅行 people nicknamed him the four Desperados 一方面參觀首都 And as they talked 一方面提出建議 the 'Century of Humiliation' marched on 像是改革農業、開放自由貿易、有效運用人力資源 The Qing lost Korea to the Japanese 他試圖致信給被視作改革領袖的官員(李鴻章) and Vietnam to France 李鴻章拒絕會面 Western countries were building railways through the country 這激怒了孫文 with corridors along the tracks where Chinese law didn't apply 還不止這樣 The Empress Dowager increasingly pulled strings of government. 他看見繁華的北京和公然的腐敗 More Chinese territory got ceded to foreign control 洗去他所有改革的想法 Everyone from Germany to Italy to Belgium was taking a piece 無能的清朝必須被推翻 But there was an undercurrent of hope 他知道該從哪開始 In 1884 ——檀香山 He'd seen Hong Kong dock workers refuse to repair a French warship 20個男人擠在一間雙層木屋 damaged while fighting Chinese forces 孫醫師站在他的兄長旁邊 And he met men in Hong Kong who believed it was possible to reform the Qing state 他們都知道這次集會是為了什麼 He found their arguments persuasive and decided to offer his ideas directly to the government 這是興中會的第一次集會 In 1894 he traveled to Beijing 這是一個試圖推翻滿清的秘密組織 both to see the capital 「我是個醫生」孫文說 and to file a petition with his recommendations 「但在治療我的病人前,我必須治癒我的國家。」 for reforming agriculture opening free trade and leveraging China's human skill 但要搞革命,他需要錢 He tried to deliver the letter to a government official known as a champion of reform 這個海外支會的主要目的是為了募款 The man refused to see him 他的哥哥同意賣掉一些產業來資助革命 This rejection incensed Sun 他能指望這些人嗎? But it was more than that 可以 The wealth he saw displayed in Beijing, the open corruption 有些人變賣家產 Drove every thought of reform from his mind 其他人盡量捐獻或組織籌款活動 The ineffectual Qing must be overthrown 孫文煽動性的演說在檀香山的中國城吸引人群 And he knew just where to start 「在夏威夷有五千個中國人。」他說 Honolulu 「如果每個人給我一元,那就能給革命資助5000元」 20 men crowd into a two-story wooden house 有些人還能給更多 Dr Sun is there along with his brother 自願在時機成熟時前來參戰 They all know what this gathering is about 而時機來的比大家想的快 This is the first meeting of the Revive China Society 中國在甲午戰爭中的表現十分糟糕 A secret revolutionary organization dedicated to overthrowing the Qing 面臨一堆羞恥的海戰挫敗 I'm a doctor, 再次暴露了清朝的腐敗和無能 says Sun 時機已到