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  • My Pride is not intended for children and contains mature themes and violence.

  • The Shifting Place calls!

  • Answer! It's the only way it will end!

  • Who are you?

  • Wake up!

  • Hover!? What are you doing here? Someone'll see you!

  • Then get your rump up already, sleepyhead.

  • Hover and I have been meeting in secret for the last few weeks.

  • She gets bolder every day.

  • You were really out back there. You sick or something?

  • Nah, I was just dreaming.

  • Aw, about me? You'll make me blush.

  • Come on, we gotta get up here to get a good view of the sunrise!

  • No, Hover. Not about you.

  • I keep having this weird dream where my leg is healed and I'm in this jungle...

  • And there's always this strange white lion there...

  • Heh, is he handsome?

  • It's not that kinda dream, Hover.

  • Anyways. I'm just starting to wonder what it all means.

  • Easy! Dreams don't mean anything.

  • I've had this one since my injury. It has to mean something. Doesn't it?

  • I dream about my teeth falling out! All it means is I'd look really grody without teeth.

  • Why do I tell you anything?

  • Because you like me.

  • I do like you.

  • are you? Outside of weird dreams?

  • Eh. Sharptongue's getting sicker. I miss Fire. Quickmane's brat won't leave me alone...

  • Feather? But he's so cute!

  • You've never had to babysit him, you don't get a say.

  • Typical pride lioness! Ignoring the insights of their prideless sisters!

  • The plight of my people continues!

  • Hover?

  • What?

  • Do you ever think about... leaving Prideless life behind?

  • Not usually, no. Why?

  • Well, I was thinking, Sharptongue isn't able to hunt anymore and... I was thinking...

  • Maybe I could ask my mother if you could take her place in the Pride.

  • If that's something you'd like.

  • You want me to join your Pride!?

  • Is that so strange?

  • To me, yes! It is! Very strange!

  • You KNOW how I feel about Prides!

  • So, what? You just want to meet in secret forever?

  • Look, Nothing I like spending time with you. I really do, but that's asking a lot.

  • You must see that!

  • You're right. It was stupid.

  • Come on Nothing, wait up! I never said it was stupid.

  • I have to get back to the Pride.

  • I'll see you later, Hover.

  • And where were you this morning?

  • I ate something that turned my stomach--

  • That's enough information. Sit.

  • Firstly, I'd like to announce that Quickmane has scented a band of No-Manes near the outer rim of the territory.

  • I'll be doing extra perimeter checks for the next few days to make sure none of them breach our border.

  • Next order of business: a large herd of wildebeests has stopped in our hunting grounds to graze.

  • Silentstalk investigated last night.

  • The herd had more elder members than young so I suggest we target--

  • [coughing]

  • Mother? Are you alright?

  • I apologize for the interruption Hunt Chief. Please continue.

  • Hm. Right.

  • Um, I'd like Farleap to take the lead, Waterhunter and Silentstalk flanking and myself at the rear.

  • Nothing, you'll remain here to look after the cubs. You too, Mother.

  • Move out, Huntresses!

  • Can you tell us the story about how ya' scratched up my dad's face again?

  • No, Feather. I got in a lot of trouble for telling you that story the first time.

  • But it was so cool!! You were so small and he was so big and you went all RAAHH!!!

  • And he was like, "auuugh, my eye!"

  • You're so weird, Feather.

  • Yeah Feather, Dad said Nothing got possessed by a demon or something, it was really serious.

  • No offense.

  • I think it was brave! If a No-Mane tried to hurt me, I'd do the same thing!

  • If you want a real storyteller, you could ask Sharptongue.

  • I've heard all her stories!!

  • Have ever told you about Sunce's great fires in the Emerald Valley?

  • No! What's that? Isn't Sunce the sun goddess?

  • She is!

  • Once she was so enraged, she raised the earth!

  • Dried the rivers and burned the trees!

  • What!? She did? Nobody's ever told me this part!

  • I haven't heard this one either.

  • Sunce would have burned everything if it hadn't been for Cansu, who brewed storms to save us all!

  • But Cansu... [coughing]

  • You should rest, grandmother.

  • Find the Shifting Place! Where Sunce's eye is blind! You can end the cycle, Nothing!

  • Sharptongue?

  • Sharptongue??

  • Someone help!!

  • Today, we have lost the...

  • We have lost, the wisest lioness I have ever known.

  • We ask Asra to guide her spirit out of her body so we may return it to the Earth.

  • Huntresses!

  • Let Asra hear yourvoices so she may find our beloved Sharptongue in the dark.


  • Goodbye, Mother.

  • Her spirit is with Asra now. We must let the Earth take her body.

  • Psst! Nothing!

  • So... what was all that roaring?

  • When a huntress dies, her Pride calls to Asra to come and take her spirit to the stars.

  • It's one of the reason Pride lionesses are so afraid to be Prideless. Who will call to Asra when you die?

  • I can't believe Sharptongue's gone.

  • I feel so alone.

  • You're not going to be alone. I promise.

  • You can't promise that.

  • Yes I can.

  • I'm going to join your Pride.

  • I.. thought..

  • I want to be where you are, Nothing. That's what's important to me.

  • If it means joining a Pride... it's worth it.

  • Mother?

  • What do you want?

  • I have someone I want you to meet.

  • I wish to join your Pride... erm... Ma'am.

  • Can't you see your mother's in pain!?

  • Get your fleabag out of here and let Powerstrike rest.

  • Wait.

  • You have faith in this lioneess's abilities, Nothing?

  • Very much so.

  • We've needed help in the hunts since Sharptongue fell ill.

  • I kept hoping she'd recover, but now...

  • I'll miss her too, Mother.

  • Don't touch me!

  • I don't want your pity.

  • You main join the Pride if you perform a successful Huntress Evaluation and take a Pride name.

  • Yes ma'am! I won't disappoint you!

  • See that you don't. We'll perform the ceremony under the highest eye of Sunce tomorrow.

  • There, you got what you wanted! Now let her rest.

  • I can't believe it! We have a shot! You really might be able to join!

  • Yeah.

  • Are you sure this is what you want?

  • Of course. I just need some sleep, that's all.

  • You joining me?

  • I didn't realize until later how much of herself Hover was giving up for me.

  • I wouldn't have let her do it at all if I knew what would come next.

My Pride is not intended for children and contains mature themes and violence.


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B1 中級 美國腔

My Pride 第3集(My Pride: Episode Three)

  • 4 0
    Simba wang 960426 發佈於 2022 年 06 月 09 日