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  • Joe 1: Hey smart people, Joe here.

  • Joe 2: And here too.

  • Joe 1: I'll explain the clone later, but we're  excited to test out a new YouTube feature  

  • that lets us watch the video along with you  in real timeJust let me sync everything up

  • Joe 2: What am I looking at? When  does this happen in the video?

  • Joe 1: Now. You're looking at now. Everything  that happens now, is happening now.

  • Joe 2: What happened to then?

  • Joe 1: We passed then.

  • Joe 2: When?

  • Joe 1: Just now. We're at now now.

  • Joe 2: Go back to then.

  • Joe 1: When?

  • Joe 2: Now.

  • Joe 1: I can't.

  • Joe 2: Why?

  • Joe 1: We missed it.

  • Joe 2: When?

  • Joe 1: Just now.

  • Joe 2: When will then be now?

  • Joe 1: Soon

  • Joe 2: ARGGGHH

  • Joe 1: When is now?

  • [OPEN]

  • When is now? “Nowfor you, as you watch this  video, iswhatever time and date it is wherever  

  • you are at this moment. But that's different  from now for me as I make this video. My now is  

  • at some point in the past compared to your now. Whose now is the real now? Ok, obviously I'm in  

  • the past compared to you now, right? I made  this video, and I uploaded it on that date.  

  • But I can't access your future. For  me, now is right here, in this moment.

  • Ok, maybe this is all semantics. We're  just arguing over words. I mean, if I was  

  • right there in the room with you, surely  then we'd be able to agree on the same  

  • now”, right? But what if I was on Proxima b?

  • Proxima b is the nearest potentially habitable  exoplanet, a little over 4 light years away from  

  • Earth. Let's pretend, for a moment, that  you have an incredibly powerful telescope,  

  • capable of seeing me, in my little space  cabin, on the surface of that planet

  • What am I doing, right now, on Proxima  b? There's no way that you could know.  

  • Because of the speed and travel time of  light, you can only ever know what I was doing  

  • 4 years ago. Whatever you think  of asnowon my distant planet,  

  • is in your future. For all you know,  

  • a black hole opened up and swallowed me and my  little planet and I'm not even there anymore.

  • The point is, and what I'm going to show youis that according to the laws of physics,  

  • and even neuroscience, thenowyou  experience is yours alone, and it depends  

  • on where you are and what you are or aren't doing. In 1971 scientists loaded atomic clocks on board  

  • commercial airplanes. These clocks flew twice  around the world, once eastward, once westward.  

  • Afterwards, the time they recorded was compared  with clocks that had remained stationary,  

  • and the three sets of clocks no longer agreed

  • They did not malfunction. If you were sitting  next to that atomic clock on the plane, it worked  

  • perfectly, they had all kept time correctly, but  because they had moved, relative to each other,  

  • they no longer agreed on when wasnow”. And  these differences were precisely consistent  

  • with Einstein's predictions of  special and general relativity.

  • Now, general relativity deals with how clocks  tick faster or slower depending on the strength  

  • of gravitational fields. Closer to Earth's  center, in a higher gravitational field,  

  • all processes, including clocks, are slowerGeneral relativity predicts clocks at higher  

  • altitude tick faster than clocks on Earth's  surface, and that's exactly what they observed.

  • But it's the predictions of special relativity  that are perhaps more mind-blowing.Movement  

  • also slows time, at least from the  point of view of someone standing still

  • The clock that flew eastward, effectively  moving faster than the clock on Earth,  

  • ran more slowly. The clock that flew westwardeffectively moving slower than the clock on Earth,  

  • ran faster. Or another way to look at that  is from the westward clock's point of view,  

  • both of the other clocks are moving  away from you, and both run more slowly.

  • These differences were only on the scale  of nanoseconds, billionths of a second, but  

  • they were measurable. Today, calculations using  GPS satellites take these effects into account.

  • And it gets even weirder. Not only can  two clocks disagree about when is now,  

  • two people might not be able to  agree on the same now either.

  • Imagine two observers: One in the center ofspeeding train and the other standing next to  

  • the train as it goes by. As the center of  the train passes this observer, two bolts  

  • of lightning strike the train car in the front  and rear. The flashes of light from each strike  

  • reach him at the same time, so he concludes  that the strikes were simultaneous. I mean,  

  • obviously, right?! We know that the light from  both strikes travelled the same distance to  

  • his eyes at the same speed: the speed of light. But what does his friend on the train see? From  

  • his perspective, the train is moving to meet  the front flash, and away from the rear flash.  

  • The light from the front flash hits him before  the light from the rear flash catches up. And they  

  • draw a very different conclusion from the person  on the ground: the front flash happened first.

  • This happens because of one important rule: no  matter if we're on the ground or on the train,  

  • the speed of light does NOT change. It is  universal everywhere, from any point of view

  • From the perspective of the person on the  train, each pulse of light traveled the  

  • same distance from each end of the train. So if  the passenger sees one flash before the other,  

  • they can only conclude that the front  flash happened before the rear flash

  • Our two observers disagree about the order of  events, and whether two events were, in fact,  

  • simultaneous. Their nows don't match up.

  • Whose interpretation is correct? Well, what  Einstein showed with special relativity  

  • is that they're both correct… in their own  reference frames. From different reference  

  • frames moving relative to one another, there can  never be agreement on the simultaneity of events.  

  • What we call relativity of simultaneity. Let's look at that train from a different  

  • perspective. This time, the passenger  at the center of the train takes a photo  

  • as the train passes his friend on the groundFrom the perspective of someone in the train,  

  • the light from the flash reaches  each end of the train simultaneously.

  • But our friend on the ground? From their  perspective, the back of the train is catching  

  • up with the light from the flash, but on the other  side that light has to catch up with the front of  

  • the train. From the perspective on the groundthe light strikes the front of the train last

  • Again, our two observers don't  agree on what is simultaneous,  

  • and they are both right, in  their own frame of reference.

  • If we are moving relative to each other, from  your frame of reference there will be a moment  

  • where two events are simultaneous, and from my  frame of reference there will be a moment where  

  • A & B are not simultaneous. And if we can't agree  on what's simultaneous, we can't agree onnow

  • But hopefully we can agree on  one thing: Tacos are delicious.

  • Let's say you and I want to meet for tacos. I'd  tell you to meet me at my favorite taco stand,  

  • at 12 noon. I have to tell you where to be (taco  stand) and when to be (noon). I have to give you  

  • a set of coordinates, not only in space, but also  in time. The coordinates in space alone are not  

  • enough, you could show up at a different time than  me. And the time isn't enough either, you could  

  • show up anywhere. We can only share our delicious  taco moment if we describe both space and time.

  • Imagine it this way: Since most of us are stuck  to Earth's surface, we can tell where we are  

  • with just two coordinates. And we can watch as  these coordinates change along a third axis:  

  • time. All of this together isspacetime”.

  • (Now technically, there are three coordinates  of space, and time is a 4th dimension. But  

  • unfortunately that's a bit hard to illustrate  in our pesky three dimensional universe.)

  • We think of reality as one  of these moments in time.  

  • And if you and I exist in the same reality  (which I am pretty sure we do), then we must  

  • exist in the same moment in time. There must  be one moment we can agree on asnow”, right?

  • Our everyday experience tells us the  three dimensional universe at this point  

  • in time is what's real. The past and future  aren't real in the same way as the present.  

  • Sure, we can remember the past, and we can  predict the future, or we can imagine it,  

  • but we can't go to either of them. And whatever  we are remembering about the past or predicting  

  • about the future, we're really just doing  that with our brain, now, in this moment.

  • This way of thinking about the universe is called  

  • presentism”. That the  present is what is most real

  • And this way of thinking might be wrong. One of  the beautiful things about the laws of physics,  

  • and the equations that describe them is that they  work equally well here or in another galaxy. And  

  • they also work equally well a million years  from now, or a thousand years in the past.  

  • There's nothing in the laws of physics  that makesnowparticularly special.

  • Those laws of physics also lead us to some weird  conclusions: If I knew everything about the  

  • universe right now, every particle, every bit  of energy, every motion and every bit of data,  

  • I could predict what will happen nexteverywhere. AND I WOULD BE AN ALL POWERFUL  

  • GOD… sorry I drifted away formoment. With this information,  

  • I could also reconstruct everything  in the past. Past, present, and future  

  • moments are all connected through the laws of  physics. This is a view calledeternalism”. 

  • Imagine stepping outside of the universeto view it as a single block of all moments  

  • and all spaces. This is what some  have called theview from nowhen”.

  • This view says that all moments are equally  real, and there's nothing special about the  

  • present moment except that you are experiencing  it right now. This doesn't fit in with our  

  • everyday experience of time and space, but it  seems to be a logical consequence of physics

  • So what is real? Physicist  Sean Carroll puts it like this:  

  • All moments in time are real, but  some we understand better than others.”

  • Speaking of understanding, to understand  something, we need to observe it.  

  • And we observe things using light.

  • Imagine a flash of light in space. A second  later, that light pulse has created a sphere  

  • one light-second across, and every second after  that, that sphere will continue to expand.

  • In two-dimensional space, our expanding  sphere will appear as an enlarging circle,  

  • tracing the shape of a cone  as it moves forward in time.

  • This cone represents everything  this light will ever touch,  

  • expanding into space at  the fastest speed there is.  

  • That means someone here could never see it. We  can only see it if we are here, inside the cone

  • Likewise, from any point, the mirror image  cone extending down represents all light,  

  • how old and how far away, that could ever  reach us from the past. From any event,  

  • light and information advance outward in  every direction as time progresses upward,  

  • forming an ever enlarging circle throughout all  future moments. Our past light cone is everywhere  

  • and everywhen we can see in the past universe. Our future light cone is everywhere and  

  • everywhen we could ever communicate  with or travel to in the future.

  • We can't interact with, or see, or ever even know  about anything outside our own light cone. There  

  • are moments in time and space that may be realjust not to us. This is your absolute elsewhere,  

  • or perhaps we should sayelsewhen. Moments  here are neither past, nor futurenor present.

  • If you're feeling a little disoriented right nowafter realizing thatnowdoesn't exist out in  

  • the universe, well don't worry, it gets weirderNow might not even exist inside your own brain!

  • How did I do that?

  • When we see a ball, or anything, it takes 10  to 50 milliseconds for information from the eye  

  • to reach the brain, and another 100 or more  milliseconds before we can take actions on  

  • the basis of that information. During this timethe ball continues to move. So it seems like the  

  • brain's information about where the ball is will  always lag behind where the ball actually is

  • So how are we able to catch the ball? Wellmaybe our brains guess ahead, where the ball  

  • will be? Maybe we use information from  the past to predict the present? Well,  

  • it's not quite that simple at all. Keep your eyes focused on the X.  

  • As the ring moves, a white circle flashesWhat most people perceive is that the flash  

  • lags slightly behind the ring. But if  we freeze at the instant of the flash,  

  • the white circle is actually completely inside  of the ring. This is the flash-lag illusion.

  • Why does our brain see this? Wellthinking back to catching a ball,  

  • it fits with what we might expect. That our brain  is predicting where it thinks the ring will be.  

  • That we areliving in the past”, and our brain's  guessing ahead. But this isn't what's happening

  • Psychologist David Eagleman set upmodified version of this experiment.  

  • Everything leading up to and  including the flash is the same,  

  • but what happens after the flash changesThe ring either continues around, stops,  

  • or reverses. And here's what people see:

  • Again, everything leading up to the flash is  the same as the original experiment. If we  

  • were really using the past motion of the ring  to predict its future motion, we'd expect the  

  • same result as the original experiment, our  brains putting the ring ahead of the flash.  

  • But that isn't what we see. What we perceive at the moment  

  • of the flash depends on what happens in  the future of the flash. This is really  

  • strange. It means the moment our brain calls  “nowdepends on information from the future.

  • You know, this is starting to sound like we're  time travelers or something. A better way to  

  • look at it is that there is physical time out  in the world, and time we make up in our brains,  

  • and when something happens on each timeline  doesn't match. Out in the world, an event occurs.  

  • Then some other stuff happens shortly after  it. Our brains take the stuff that happened  

  • just after, and combine that with the event  itself to create a single moment in our heads,  

  • a “nowthat doesn't exist in the real world. It's what Eagleman calls the illusory present

  • So in a very real way, we do live in the  past. When this moment, whennowoccurs,  

  • it's already happened. For experiences like  the flash-lag illusion, each of us lives in  

  • our ownnowthat is 80 to 100 ms in the past  of thenowin the universe outside our skulls.

  • Why does this happen? Because the brain is  surprisingly slow at processing information  

  • that comes in. Different signals arrive at  the brain at different speeds and different  

  • times, and they have to be decoded and  processed in different regions of the brain  

  • before we can have a conscious experience. You see the world a lot like Saturday Night Live.  

  • It seems like what we're seeing is now, but  really there's a delay built in to what we see.  

  • Only it's not in case someone says a bad word  or has a wardrobe malfunction, it's because of  

  • all the information from different senses and  places reaching our brain at different times,  

  • and our brain having to decide which bits of  that information happened at the same time

  • It feels like all of our senses are unified  across our body, that what we hear and what  

  • we feel and what we see are all in syncBut this is a feeling created in our brain.  

  • And there's a really simple way to demonstrate  this. Just touch your nose and touch your foot  

  • at the same time. I feel those as simultaneousbut I mean, the signal from my foot took  

  • many milliseconds longer to reach my brain than  the signal from my nose, just by sheer distance.  

  • But your brain waits, and takes all these  signals arriving from the past, and like a video  

  • editor, it syncs them up and creates a conscious  experience where they happen simultaneously. This  

  • also means that tall people like me live  farther in the past than short people.

  • Scientists once tested sprinters to  see if the sound from a starter pistol,  

  • or a flash of light would get them off the line  faster. Light travels more quickly than sound,  

  • so you would expect a flash works better. But they  were actually faster in response to the sound,  

  • because auditory signals are processed  faster than visual signals in our brain.

  • But if that's the case, why does this (clap) work?  

  • The movement of my hands  and the sound appear synced,  

  • even though the hearing part of my brain gets  the signal before the seeing part of my brain.

  • In the early days of TV broadcastingengineers were worried about how to  

  • keep the sound and picture in sync. See, unlike  film, where the soundtrack is physically linked,  

  • and printed on the film strip, TV broadcasts used  

  • separate signals for sound and picture. And  it turned out, they didn't need to be in sync,  

  • at least not perfectly. As long as the sound and  picture weren't more than 80 milliseconds out  

  • of sync, people's brains made the correction for  them. Just like yours have been doing. The sound  

  • and picture have been out of sync for the last  several seconds, and I bet you didn't even notice.

  • But if I walk awayat a certain distanceyour  brain decides the sight and sound are out of sync.  

  • That distance? Is about 100 feet, or  30 meters. Because it's the distance  

  • at which the speed of light and the speed  of sound reach you more than 80 ms apart.

  • Here's another weirdness: Our eyes make small  jumps several times a second, movements called  

  • saccades. If you stand close to a mirror, and look  back and forth between your right and left eye,  

  • someone watching you will see  your eyes move back and forth,  

  • but you won't. You should try this, it's seriously  trippy. Our visual system turns off when our eyes  

  • jump from spot to spot, otherwise the world  would look like it was constantly blurry. But  

  • we never notice these gaps in time, because  our brain uses the past to fill in the now.

  • Your brain is not a clock that tracks time.  

  • Time is actively constructed by the brain. Whether it's in our brains, or out in space,  

  • now is not a place, because time is not a map with  coordinates that we all agree on. Time is just a  

  • way to measure change, and change can happen  at very different speeds, for any two people.

  • There's nothing in the laws of physics or even our  own brains that says there is one singlenow”.  

  • The universe is a stranger place than most of us  realize. Thanks for joining me in this moment,  

  • whenever it is, to learn a bit more about it. Stay curious.

Joe 1: Hey smart people, Joe here.


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何時是現在? | Be Smart(When Is Now?)

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