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  • Hi I'm John Green and this is Crash Course European History. So last week we discussed

  • the Enlightenment philosophers who challenged the idea that kings and nobles were qualified

  • to be elites simply because of the families into which they were born into.

  • But still, monarchs were also interested in Enlightenment ideals, and also understood

  • they needed to effectively adapt to the Enlightenment, as they had adapted to previous changes in

  • theology and philosophy. For instance, Catherine II (or Catherinethe

  • Great”) of Russia corresponded often and enthusiastically with Voltaire, even though

  • he criticized despotic rule. And she also offered to print Diderot's Encyclopedia

  • in Russia when France censored it. We use the termEnlightened Monarchs

  • to refer to the rulers who supported and applauded Enlightenment thinkers. But were they in fact

  • Enlightened, or did they remain absolutist despots? The answer will surprise you, unless

  • you have even a passing familiarity with despots. [Intro]

  • First let's review what the philosophes criticized in the practices of rulers and

  • aristocratic leaders. They singled out torture, censorship, and their arrogance and capriciousness.

  • Like, kings and their nobility could have ordinary people thrown into prison for just

  • about any reasonlarge or small. And in general most of the Enlightenment thinkers

  • believed that nobles, and the system that supported them, were despotic from top to

  • bottom. French theorist Montesquieu, whom we met in

  • the previous episode as the author of the satiric Persian Letters, also published The

  • Spirit of Laws in 1748. In it, he discussed customs and types of government as they were

  • influenced by climate, and topography, and other variables.

  • To him, there was no God-given standard of divine right rule. Instead, Montesquieu focused

  • on three basic types of government: democracies, suitable for very small states; monarchies

  • that ruled mid-sized kingdoms; and despotic states such as empires that were governed

  • with an iron hand. Voltaire and other philosophes elaborated

  • on these theories: and many preferred Britain's post-Glorious Revolution type of law-based

  • monarchy, where courts and a parliament were separate from the monarch's power and a

  • Bill of Rights ensured certain protections to citizens.

  • All of this--the enshrining of rights, independent courts, parliamentary representation--meant

  • that power was balanced among multiple institutions. Also, the multiplicity of religions in Britain

  • was seen as another assurance; it prevented a despotic religious institution from gaining

  • control of the government. Now, we've seen from examples like Poland-Lithuania

  • that distributed power and diversity of belief sometimes means internal conflict and political

  • gridlock that weakens a state, but in Britain, Enlightenment philosophers saw an example

  • of a state that was strong without being despotic. And in part because they had an example to

  • point to, the Enlightenment philosophers were difficult for those in the upper echelons

  • of government and society to ignore. Let's go to the Thought Bubble.

  • 1. King Frederick the Great of Prussia was renowned for his love of refinement and his

  • interest in music and design.

  • 2. Like his friend Voltaire, Frederick the Great collected Chinese porcelain.

  • 3. He also wrote an opera about the Aztec emperor Monteczuma,

  • 4. which praised Monteczuma for religious toleration

  • 5. and seemed to agree with Enlightenment activists who fought against religious bigotry

  • and torture. 6. And Frederick also welcomed religious exiles

  • from less tolerant regimes as a way of building the Prussian population

  • 7. —again a policy in line with Enlightenment. He called himself “a servant of the people.”

  • 8. But all that said, Frederick built a massive standing army,

  • 9. increasing the armed forces to 200,000 men from his father's army of 80,000ish.

  • 10. And he also forced the aristocracy to serve the state,

  • 11. either in the army or in the administration of the kingdom.

  • 12. And while like a good Enlightenment thinker he lightened the burden of serfs working his

  • own estates,

  • 13. he also rewarded loyal aristocrats by increasing their control over the serfs living

  • in their territories,

  • 14. further disenfranchising the most vulnerable of his subjects.

  • 15. These increasingly empowered landed aristocrats, or Junkers to use the German term, that Frederick

  • rewarded

  • 16. were the very type that Voltaire and other philosophes lambasted in their writings for

  • the aristrocrats' pride and highhandedness.

  • 17. Frederick even blocked talented commoners from achieving high positions in either the

  • bureaucracy or the army,

  • 18. entrenching aristocratic power still further. Thanks, Thought Bubble. At any rate, as a

  • result of the supposedly enlightened Frederick the Great's policies, men of aristocratic

  • pedigree in Prussia continued to have a major say in politics and the army into World War

  • I and even beyond. And then there was another of Voltaire's

  • friends, the aforementioned Catherine the Great of Russia. For someone who disliked

  • absolutism, Voltaire sure was pals with a lot of absolutists.

  • As Czar, Catherine sought to create standardized codes of laws and regulations, which had an

  • Enlightenment-ish tinge, but was mostly an attempt to ease the struggle between all the

  • groups that wanted to shape royal policy like how new monarchs were selected.

  • The people who fought over these decisions included clans, factions of the Royal Guard,

  • groups of influential clergy, and cliques among commercial traders and ordinary citizens.

  • So, Catherine summoned representatives from all social groups for their input.

  • And she found that each only thought about bettering their own privileges or lot in lifethe

  • serfs seemed to have the most need for help, while merchants wanted the right to own serfs,

  • and the nobility wanted more of everything. Ultimately, Catherine failed in getting representatives

  • to think first and foremost of the needs of the empire as a whole.

  • Now, like other enlightened monarchs, her policies did aim to be rational, but this

  • was especially true when it came to consolidating state power, which of course benefited her

  • office. So one could argue she was also focused on

  • her interests over those of the empire, but, like other enlightened monarchs and like Peter

  • the Great before her, Catherine did emphasize education. She even founded schools for girls,

  • who were generally seen as not needing an education. The empress also created the first

  • Russian dictionary and appointed a woman to head the project.

  • She undertook the building of roads and the fostering of trade to bring economic unity

  • to Russia. But, like some other Enlightened monarchs,

  • Catherine also boosted the importance of the aristocracy and she consolidated their privileges.

  • She professed to want to improve the status of the serf population, again bowing to the

  • philosophes' humanitarian concerns, while imposing taxes that affected ordinary people

  • the most. Most of these monarchs wanted a more streamlined

  • and efficient royal administration, but not necessarily for philosophical reasons.

  • They benefited from well run armies. and they really benefited from taxes. During this age

  • of ever-improving weaponry and higher costs for larger standing armies, taxes needed to

  • be increased and also collected more efficiently. In other words, governments needed to operate

  • rationally--not according to the whims of fate or individuals, but according to the

  • needs of the state. In 1770, for instance, Habsburg empress Maria

  • Theresa, who despite that portrait was not twin sisters with Catherine the Great, deployed

  • soldiers to renumber the addresses of urban housing and standardize them across culturally

  • diverse groups who didn't even speak the same language.

  • The soldiers were told to count the empire's subjects but also to listen to their individual

  • reports on health and well-being. And this self-reporting served to unify the empire's

  • wide-range of inhabitants by showing that the state cared enough to count them and ask

  • them about their needs--that might seem minor today, but consider being an 18th century

  • peasant who rarely if ever had meaningful contact with the imperial government.

  • Toleration was an Enlightenment ideal that also served to increase the number of useful

  • citizens in an empire. Like when Maria Theresa's successor Joseph II of Austria announced the

  • emancipation of the Jews in the Habsburg Empire during his administration, he decreed that

  • Jews could not use their own language except in religious services. Which was a way to

  • better integrate them into the imperial workforce, but the decree also said,

  • there must be an end to the prejudice and contempt which some subjects, particularly

  • the unintelligent, have shown towards the Jewish nation.”

  • The decree also noted thedeplorableand evencriminal behaviortowards Jews

  • and called for it to end as a way of strengthening the empire.[1]

  • Joseph II, was probably, like, the most actually enlightened of the enlightenment monarchs,

  • also struck at ancient ideas in other ways, like by diminishing the grip of the aristocracy

  • on serfs. He encouraged agricultural experimentation,

  • including the creation of a freer agricultural work force. So, under his reforms, serfs no

  • longer owed personal service to aristocrats, whose lands they worked, and they could even

  • leave an estate to work as an artisan or in trade.

  • “I have made philosophy the lawmaker of my empire,” Joseph claimed, and in some

  • ways that was true.[2] But the aristocracy rebelled, and after Joseph's death, his

  • brother and successor rolled back these Enlightenment reforms.

  • Around the same time that Joseph was ruling Austria, in the French home of Enlightenment,

  • rulers like Louis the XV were also listening to the voices of change and attempting to

  • follow them. but, you know, without losing power. Then as now, everyone wanted change

  • so long as it did not affect them negatively. So, French rulers tried to reform taxation

  • and streamline government by getting rid of the Parlements, which blocked the monarchy's

  • attempts at making taxes a bit more equitable. The Parlements registered royal decrees and

  • their members could sell their jobs to the highest bidder. Royal advisors were like,

  • I don't understand why those funds don't go to the government and they also questioned

  • whether there needed to be a bunch of people whose job was to register royal decrees. But

  • the members of the Parlement managed to rouse ordinary people with cries of royal tyranny.

  • So the king eventually backed down. Similarly another reforming minister lifted

  • tariffs and regulations on the grain market in the name of free trade. But the flow of

  • food was interrupted which caused a huge outburst from people. Reform might be good in theory,

  • but when actually enacted, reform often upset social stability and clashed with vested interests.

  • Good news for lots of people was still bad news for some people. Then as now.

  • Last but not least were the Spanish, who with their vast empire were especially eager to

  • streamline government and enhance revenue. To this end the royal administration enacted

  • policy changes known as the Bourbon reforms, which made governmental administration more

  • effective, especially when it came to collecting taxes.

  • These reforms also allowed people of Spanish descent born in the colonies to rise a bit

  • higher in the colonial bureaucracy and army, but they were still prevented from reaching

  • the very top echelons, as of course were native people.

  • Also because the royal administration saw the Catholic Church in the colonies as competing

  • for local people's loyalty and siphoning off funds, the administration outlawed the

  • Jesuits, alleged to be at the head of a corrupt and influential pack of theologians who were

  • trying to get people to be loyal to Jesus instead of the Spanish king.

  • All right, the stained glass window is back, which means it must be time for the conclusion.

  • Enlightenment thought, which was rich and wide-ranging in possibilities for change,

  • wasn't universally popular, and all these reforms had their detractors. At times, urban

  • people objected as prices rose or as food became scarce because of changes in trade

  • policies. And in cases where aristocrats were losing

  • command over serfs or having to pay additional taxes, like in the Habsburg monarchy, aristocrats

  • often protested Enlightenment reforms. Still, life was on average getting a lot better

  • for aristocrats. As the eighteenth century progressed, more of them lived in outsized

  • splendor that can still impress us today when we visit the many chateaux across Europe that

  • remain from the 17th and 18th centuries. In many cases they had Chinese porcelain,

  • and lots of other luxury goods. They had access to inexpensive labor that provided them with

  • plenty of food, and also the chance to make huge monuments to their luxury and privilege.

  • And despite the massive destruction of twentieth century wars, many of those monuments survive

  • today. But little remains of the rising poverty of the 18th century.

  • that growing poverty occurred alongside growing European know-how and productivity, and the

  • poor saw that the rich were getting richer even as they were often eating bread cut with

  • sawdust. As governments consolidated their administrations

  • and waged an almost unbelievable number of wars, the poor would approach a breaking point.

  • And beginning in France, they would rebel against the aristocracy. Changes were coming

  • that not even wily monarchs could adapt to. Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.

  • Thanks for watching Crash Course European History is made in the Jaden Smith studio

  • here in Indianapolis, and is made with the help of all these people. Our animators are

  • Thought Cafe. We have lots more CC available, including our...

  • ________________ [1] T. C. W. Blanning, Joseph II and Enlightened

  • Despotism (London: Longman, 1970) 142-144. [2] Quoted in Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western

  • Civilization 7th ed. (Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, 2009) 545.

Hi I'm John Green and this is Crash Course European History. So last week we discussed


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Enlightened Monarchs: Crash Course European History #19(Enlightened Monarchs: Crash Course European History #19)

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