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  • duān wǔ jiē

  • Dragon Boat Festival

  • Dragons, dragons, dragons!

  • We know that Chinese people LOVE dragons.

  • But did you know that one of the oldest sports in China is also dragon related?

  • That's right, it's the dragon boat race!

  • The very first dragon boat race took place more than 2,000 years ago...

  • and is still taking place today!

  • Dragon boat races happen every year during duān wǔ jiē,

  • which is called the Dragon Boat Festival in English.

  • duān wǔ jiē takes place on the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese lunar calendar,

  • so it typically falls in May or June.

  • duān wǔ jiē, or Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three big Chinese festivals -

  • along with the Chinese New Year (chūn jiē)

  • and the Mid-Autumn Festival (zhōng qiū jiē)

  • So where did the Dragon Boat Festival, or duān wǔ jiē, come from?

  • Well, there once lived a great Chinese poet named Qu Yuan.

  • Qu Yuan served as the emperor's advisor and was held in the highest regard by the Chinese people for his patriotism.

  • However, his enemies spoke badly of him to the emperor so the emperor banished Qu Yuan from the imperial court.

  • Without Quyuan's advice, the emperor continued to make ill decisions that caused the country's downfall.

  • Qu Yuan, who loved his country very much, was overwhelmed with sadness.

  • He waded into the Miluo River while holding a large stone, eventually disappearing into the waters.

  • When the people of China heard about this, they set out on their boats to search for Qu Yuan's body.

  • They searched long and hard but never found him.

  • To prevent Qu Yuan's body from being eaten by the fishes,

  • the villagers made rice balls wrapped in leaves and dropped these rice balls into the river.

  • These rice balls became known asng

  • and are still widely eaten during duān wǔ jiē today.

  • The most common type ofngis made from sticky rice filled with meat,

  • mushrooms, and other delicious stuffings.

  • The ingredients are then wrapped in bamboo leaves and tied and hung up with ropes.

  • There are many different types ofng zǐ -

  • some sweet and some savory - but all equally delicious!

  • Qu Yuan's story is very sad, but it reminds us of the important values in Chinese culture -

  • patriotism, loyalty, and honor.

  • Qu Yuan's story also gave us the wonderful dragon boat races,

  • which in Chinese is known as sài lóng zhōu.

  • ng means dragon (remember xiǎo lóng?)

  • while zhōu means boat.

  • ng zhōu means dragon boat!

  • To this day, , families typically gather during duān wǔ jiē to eat yummyng zǐ,

  • and watch theng zhōu races together.

  • Often, children will carry "xiāng bāo",

  • or small bags filled with sweet smelling herbs and powder.

  • These xiāng bāo are not only beautiful and fragrant,

  • they are also believed to help drive away insects and disease!

  • Now that we've learned about the Dragon Boat Festival,

  • or duān wǔ jiē,

  • Let's review some of the key words you might hear around this time of year!

  • Listen closely, because these words will also help you score high points on a game later on!

  • Ready?

  • Okay

  • duān wǔ jiē

  • duān wǔ jiē

  • This means the Dragon Boat Festival!

  • It is a holiday established for the remembrance of the patriotic poet

  • Yuán.

  • Yuán

  • What sport is most popular during duān wǔ jiē?

  • Yep! sài lóng zhōu.

  • ng zhōu

  • ng zhōu means the dragon boat!

  • And, what do we eat during duān wǔ jiē?

  • You got it!

  • ng

  • ng

  • And lastly, children wear xiāng bāo during duān wǔ jiē

  • to ward off insects and bad fortune!

  • xiāng bāo

  • xiāng bāo

  • duān wǔ jiē is such an important holiday.

  • Let's learn how to write these characters.

  • duān

  • jiē

  • Don't forget to download the activity pack for duān wǔ jiē

  • on

  • See you next time!

duān wǔ jiē


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B1 中級 美國腔

端午節故事(Kids Learn Mandarin – Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 | Chinese Culture | Little Chinese Learners)

  • 47 2
    greatjob61 發佈於 2022 年 06 月 03 日