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  • [[TV Window]] Hi I'm John Green, this is Crash Course European History, and today we're

  • going to watch religious reform spread, while states shape up their operations to make them

  • better adapted to governance.

  • And also making war.

  • Mostly making war.

  • As you'll recall from our last episode, the Peace of Augsburg was supposed to settle

  • the religious divisions that resulted from the Protestant Reformation.

  • I mean, it was called the Peace of Augsburg after all.

  • But, well, Stan, unfortunately we're going to have to switch the TV to the religious

  • war graphic.

  • INTRO [[TV: Religious War]] The 1555 Peace of Augsburg

  • did bring peace to the Holy Roman Empire, temporarily, at least.

  • Although I guess all peace is temporary.

  • Really, everything is temporary.

  • I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

  • We'll get to existentialism later, but in the meantime, there was turmoil almost everywhere

  • else in Europe.

  • For one thing, monarchs were starting to see the need to centralize and professionalize

  • the exercise of state power.

  • This was necessary because they needed more money, especially for weaponry, including

  • increasingly lethal cannons, and money for building roads, harbors, and ships--so they

  • could move war-making stuff around, and also other goods.

  • To pay for all of this, they used better tax collection--and also piracy and global expansion.

  • Both Ivan the Terrible in Russia and Suleyman the Magnificent, the Ottoman sultan, were

  • taking new territory.

  • And moreover, with Protestantism fragmenting and moving so swiftly in many directions,

  • there was a sense that unifying a state's people, notably in religion, would hold kingdoms

  • together and keep citizens prospering instead of killing one another.

  • European monarchs also employed legal scholars to help regularize the law and use it to unify

  • their administrations.

  • The monarchs who focused on instituting tight state organization and expanding royal power

  • are sometimes called theNew Monarchs,” even though of course now they are quite old.

  • What's that?

  • Stan informs me that in fact they are not old, they are all currently deceased.

  • But as these new monarchs sought to consolidate, new religious sub-groups, or sects, were constantly

  • splintering European communities.

  • As Protestantism evolved, some of these sects promoted more radical kinds of equality that

  • fanned out from the idea that all people could have a direct connection to God.

  • and that proved problematic not only for religious hierarchies, like the Catholic Church, but

  • also for political ones, like aristocracies and monarchies.

  • Some Anabaptists, for instance, used sola scriptura to experiment with polygamy, citing

  • the Bible's command tobe fruitful and multiply.”

  • And Quakers encouraged women to preach and engage in religious activism.

  • Now that was radical.

  • Let's go to the Thought Bubble.

  • 1.

  • The appeal of new sects, and reformers, and preachers

  • 2. pulled at the fabric of political unity and secure power that monarchs desperately

  • craved.

  • 3.

  • Jean Calvin of France was foremost among these reformers.

  • 4.

  • Like Martin Luther, Calvin started by studying law

  • 5. and, like Luther, eventually dropped it for theology.

  • 6.

  • Then in 1534, large posters denouncing the Catholic Church appeared all over Paris

  • 7. —an event called the Affair of the Placards.

  • 8.

  • French authorities rounded up suspected Protestants,

  • 9.

  • executing some of them,

  • 10. and causing others, including Calvin, to flee.

  • 11.

  • France and the Frencheven those from the highest ranks of the nobility

  • 12. --became violently divided among religious factions for several generations.

  • 13.

  • Meanwhile, from exile in Geneva, Calvin set up a theocracy

  • 14.

  • that is, a state based on and run according to religious doctrine.

  • 15.

  • Calvin's most important addition to Protestantism was the concept of predestination.

  • 16.

  • Calvin maintained that God had determined even before the creation of the world

  • 17. which of its humans would be saved and which would be damned as sinners.

  • 18.

  • For a variety of reasons, he felt that citizens needed to be strictly regulated to keep them

  • from falling into sin and to maintain their godly nature.

  • 19.

  • So, for instance, he imposed fines for drunkenness, and blasphemy, and dancing, and gambling.

  • 20.

  • But wait a second.

  • Those are all of the major hobbies.

  • Thanks, Thought Bubble.

  • So, Calvin's theocracy in Geneva came to be known as the Protestant Rome;

  • it was the epicenter of the Reformed Church, and Calvin himself was seen as a “father

  • to the many who left their families to participate in this experiment too.

  • Calvinism became even more far-flung than Lutheranism,

  • with communities springing up from the British Isles to Hungary and other parts of eastern

  • European regions.

  • [[TV: Henry VIII]] so, at the same time, Henry VIII of England was using Protestantism in

  • an entirely new way--to get divorced and acquire land.

  • Henry was working to consolidate his kingdom after a long civil war known as the War of

  • the Roses, and he was married to Catherine of Aragon, who was the aunt of Charles V,

  • which made her a politically desirable spouse if not the perfect romantic match.

  • Henry's circle included famous Christian humanists like Thomas More, and also the noblewoman

  • Anne Boleyn, who backed religious reform and with whom Henry was enamored.

  • and that was a bit of a problem, as Henry was already married.

  • Refused a divorce by the pope, Henry cut his ties with Rome, divorced Catherine of Aragon,

  • banished her from his royal court, and then announced himself to be the head of the Church

  • of England.

  • He then gained support for this move by selling off Church lands, especially monasteries and

  • convents, to aristocrats and other wealthy allies to keep them on his side.

  • The Church of England orAnglicandoctrine was modified slightly from that of the Catholic

  • Church, but the main change was that the power of the state increased dramatically in England

  • by combining secular and religious authority in one figure: the king.

  • It also meant that instead of shipping money to Rome, more wealth flowed into the royal

  • treasury.

  • Plus it meant that Henry could marry Anne Boleyn, which he did, and then later executed

  • her for purported treason.

  • Thomas More was also executed for refusing to acknowledge Henry as the head of the church,

  • and although power had been concentrated in the state, the actual citizenry remained very

  • divided over religion.

  • [[TV: Mary Queen of Scots]] This came to a head after Henry's death.

  • Initially, Henry's nine-year-old son became King Edward VI, but he died, possibly of tuberculosis,

  • at just age 15.

  • After a struggle for power, Henry's daughter Mary became Queen of England.

  • Mary wanted to take England back to the Catholic Church and soon married a Catholic, Charles

  • V's son, Philip II of Spain.

  • This move might have united England and much of mainland Europe under one royal family

  • and the Catholic Church, except that Mary died in 1558, at the age of just 42.

  • [[TV: Elizabeth I]] Mary's sister Elizabeth, who'd been persecuted and for a time imprisoned

  • during Mary's reign, became Queen, and restored England to Protestantism.

  • Although Mary's husband Philip wrote that hefelt a reasonable regret over her death,”

  • he ended up missing Catholic England very badly--so badly that he launched the famous

  • Spanish Armada to take back England for his family and the Church.

  • But thanks in part to bad weather, Elizabeth's England defeated the armada.

  • Elizabeth built up the royal treasury and found a more moderate path when it came to

  • religion than either her sister or her father had found.

  • Philip, meanwhile, managed to bankrupt Spain despite all the New World gold and silver

  • that was flowing in.

  • One of the great lessons of history is that wars are expensive,

  • another great lesson of history?

  • Don't forget about inflation.

  • Philip and his court did not have a great understanding of inflation, and did not comprehend

  • why the appearance of more gold in Europe led the price of gold to decline.

  • [[TV: Iconoclasts]] Meanwhile, In France, the spread of Calvinism tore at the French

  • crown and nobility as it stirred controversy and conflict in cities.

  • Ideas of Calvinist reformation merged with social and political resistance in France

  • as city councils and aristocrats began to fight over the role of both church and state.

  • Did the globe open up?

  • Is there a gnome in there?

  • It's a statue.

  • And in France at the time, people began smashing statues of saints and breaking the noses of

  • statues of the Virgin Mary.

  • These people were called iconoclasts--that is, Literal destroyers of icons

  • Iconoclasm sounds kind of fun.

  • I'm gonna try destroying this icon.

  • I feel powerful.

  • We shall rise up and say no to garden gnomes!

  • Especially in films!

  • Like Gnomeo and Juliet.

  • And the other one.

  • We shouldn't be making jokes.

  • All this led to Civil War.

  • Gallicanism--a French interpretation of Catholicism-- arose in the cities and towns of southwestern

  • France.

  • Gallicanism held that French political authoritynot the pope in Rome-- ruled the Church in France.

  • French Calvinists, meanwhile, became known asHuguenots.”

  • Religious wars broke out in 1559.

  • Rival leaders in France, even in the face of political disaster, refused to come to

  • any agreement.

  • The Catholic-Protestant division increased until a group of nobles was assassinated in

  • 1572, and then thousands of Huguenots in Paris and elsewhere were killed in what is known

  • as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre later that year.

  • [[TV: Henry of Navarre]] A Huguenot named Henry of Navarre narrowly escaped death in

  • the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre; years later, he would lead Protestant forces against

  • the Catholic government in the Civil War before eventually converting to Catholicism, purportedly

  • saying, “Paris is well worth a mass.”

  • And that's how Henry of Navarre became King Henry IV of France.

  • But although Henry was now Catholic, he issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598, which allowed

  • Protestantism in the French Kingdom.

  • Like Elizabeth, Henry was a politically savvy monarch who found middle paths through difficult

  • conflicts.

  • Those who put aside their personal beliefs to accomplish political tranquility, especially

  • in France, came to be known as politiques.

  • These days, of course, it seems impossible that politics could increase tranquility,

  • but imagine how political slickness must have seemed to a 16th century French or English

  • person.

  • I mean, war beget war beget war--until monarchs found a different way.

  • And from that perspective, politics is--dare I say it--magnificent.

  • [[TV: Window]] Across Europe, the conflict over religion drew in an extensive cast of

  • charactersamong them both high-born aristocratic women and common women rioting in the streets

  • of major cities.

  • Luther himself had argued for the equality of souls but an inequality in public life,

  • writing, “The dominion of women from the beginning of the world has never produced

  • any good; as one is accustomed to saying: 'Women's rule seldom comes to a good end.'

  • When God installed Adam as lord over all creatures, everything was still in good order and proper,

  • and everything was governed in the best way.

  • But when the wife came along and wanted to put her hand too in the simmering broth and

  • be clever, everything fell apart and became wildly disordered.”[1]

  • Still, theProtestant Reformationhad a lot of appeal for many women.

  • The idea of a direct relationship with God via scripture encouraged common people, including

  • women and girls, to learn to read.

  • Protestant women set up schools for Protestant girls.

  • And of course in England, a woman ruled both the nation and the church.

  • Now even with the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and the Edict of Nantes, the century-long

  • lethal struggles over religion were not entirely over, but several momentous changes had occurred:

  • new ideas about human spirituality had been born and taken hold across Europe; people

  • so fervently believed in these reformed religions that they left home and family to create new

  • communities; new-style monarchs had aimed for earthly power and begun to consolidate

  • government, in part to pay for instruments of religious warfare; Spain under Charles

  • V and Philip II had gone from riches to rags in order to enforce Catholicism.

  • Next time, we'll turn our attention to the less political revolutions taking place in

  • 16th century Europe--revolutions in commerce, and agriculture, and urban development, as

  • well as a transcontinental system of slavery that created vast wealth for some, and absolute

  • devastation for many others.

  • Thanks for watching.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • ________________ [1] Quoted in Luther on Women: A Sourcebook,

  • Susan C. Karant-Nunn and Merry Wiesner-Hanks, eds.

  • (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003) 121, 123, citing Luther's Works, 55 vols.

  • (Concordia Publishing Company, Muhlenberg Press, Fortress Press, and Augsburg Publishing

  • Company, 1955.

  • Lectures on Genesis,” Vol.

  • I. ed.

  • Jaroslav Pelikan, 1968, p. 137; “Table Talk I,” no.

  • 1046, p. 528.

[[TV Window]] Hi I'm John Green, this is Crash Course European History, and today we're


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Reformation and Consequences: Crash Course European History #7(Reformation and Consequences: Crash Course European History #7)

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