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  • [laughs] Can sloths fart?

  • erm Actually, no,

  • I can honestly say I've never had that question before, who's asking these questions?

  • So I'm here to answer some questions about the

  • weirdest searches to do with sloths.

  • Can sloths kill you, Erm, Yes!

  • I mean, they could.

  • I can't imagine a sloth ever having a reason to want to.

  • But technically, they are classed as a dangerous animal.

  • We have to be very careful when we're working with the Sloths here at Chester

  • Zoo, so we do have to be aware of the fact that they are dangerous.

  • They have surprisingly big teeth, you wouldn't expect for an animal that mostly

  • eats leaves.

  • They actually have very big teeth and it's not for eating.

  • It's for kind of defense reasons.

  • But they are big and they are dangerous and they have very long reach.

  • So you think that you're miles away from them,

  • but they could still reach out and grab you if they wanted to and pull you closer to them

  • but I mean, they're lovely natured animals in general, unless - any animal really, I suppose,

  • but unless they had a reason to want to harm you, I can't imagine a sloth wanting to kill anyone, really.

  • I mean, I worry for the person who searched for this.

  • Can sloths fart? Erm, Actually, no, sloths can't fart.

  • Well, they do something I would say is probably more disgusting than farting,

  • so they don't fart in the way that we do.

  • But they do obviously have gas.

  • Every animal pretty much has gas.

  • So if they have gas,

  • what happens is that actually gets reabsorbed into their bloodstream and they

  • expel it out of their mouth instead.

  • So they have like a mouth fart, which is worse.

  • It's definitely worse.

  • Can sloths swim?

  • Ok, Can sloths swim is actually a question we get asked a lot.

  • They actually have a really long reach

  • their arm span is ginormous and they're actually very good swimmers,

  • So in the wild, they'll literally fall from low hanging branches and trees.

  • and just plop into the water.

  • So, yeah, they're pretty good swimmers.

  • Can sloths move fast?

  • Ok, yeah. Good question.

  • Sloths are renowned for being slow,

  • But they can actually move at pace if they want to.

  • Our sloth, Rico, he does not like the hose

  • so if you turn the hose on while you're in the enclosure, he will, he'll move faster than you think he's going to.

  • So, yeah, if they want to, they definitely can move quicker than you think.

  • Can sloths walk?

  • No. So basically, their body is just not set up for that,

  • they are designed to hang upside down.

  • They obviously do come to the ground

  • if they need to make a fecal deposit, So they come to the ground to poo so they

  • can move around on the ground,

  • but a sloth moving around on the ground is possibly one of the creepiest things

  • that you will ever see in your life.

  • Yeah, it's it's more of like a crawl in a really strange way,

  • like something out of a horror film, really.

  • But no, they can't walk upright.

  • Why do sloths exist?

  • Well, I mean, why do any of us exist?

  • Sloths exist because they are ridiculously cool and the world would be rubbish without them.

  • Why do sloth's have such long claws, so um, I, to be fair,

  • would probably call them nails rather than claws because they don't use them

  • in the same way as most animals with claws would would use them

  • but actually they end up being kind of an extension of their foot.

  • On average, probably around 10 centimeters.

  • They're not sharp at the end,

  • so they're quite blunt.

  • So if they were swiping at something, what they would be doing

  • is swiping at it to pull it closer to their mouth so they could bite it.

  • So they wouldn't really be causing any damage by swiping just with their like

  • claws. So their claws are mostly for movement purposes, really, getting

  • around. My favourite thing about sloths, and obviously I'm very lucky because I get to work with them every day.

  • is the fact that they are so slow.

  • People don't quite realize how slow.

  • Sloths are obviously renowned for being slow.

  • But when your life and your work

  • kind of revolves around them, the slowness,

  • it feels soul destroying.

  • But in the loveliest way.

  • I think people are obviously really interested in sloths, and that is great because they're amazing.

  • I think maybe people need to google less about like

  • farts and death

  • and maybe more about happy things.

  • Because there are loads of interesting things about sloths

  • other than farting, pooing and dying.

[laughs] Can sloths fart?


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樹懶(Can Sloths Kill You? | Weird Animal Searches | BBC Earth)

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