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  • hey everyone and welcome to top think today we're  gonna learn eight mind-blowing theories about your  

  • brain now let's begin the human brain is the  most complex object in our known universe with  

  • a hundred billion nerve cells and over a hundred  trillion synapses this intricate neural network  

  • has both fascinated and frustrated scientists  for decades even after significant advances in  

  • biotechnology scientists are still struggling to  uncover all that the human brain has to offer but  

  • we are getting closer and closer every day while  we don't have a complete understanding of how  

  • everything works leading experts have stumbled  upon several earth-shattering discoveries we're  

  • not just talking about a few new facts and figures  mm-hmm these theories call into question all kinds  

  • of fundamental cognitive concepts they turn  everything from perception to consciousness on  

  • its head despite volumes of supportive research  many people like to pretend that these theories  

  • don't exist but the truth is right around the  corner these revolutionary concepts may transform  

  • the way you view life reality and the world around  you so let's go ahead and dive into eight theories  

  • about your brain that will blow your mind number  one passive frame theory what exactly does your  

  • conscious brain do most people assume your  consciousness interprets and interacts with  

  • the world they see it like a middleman between  your body and the environment when something  

  • happens your consciousness has the free will to  choose how to behave for example when a ball rolls  

  • towards you your consciousness decides whether  to kick it pick it up or do nothing but passive  

  • frame Theory challenges this basic assumption  it proposes that our consciousness plays a more  

  • passive role it doesn't have any choice or free  will it simply provides possible options which  

  • other parts of the brain use to stimulate action  so when that ball comes rolling towards you your  

  • consciousness doesn't tell you what to do think  about your consciousness like a search engine you  

  • can look up how to kick a ball but that's just  information you don't have to behave a certain  

  • way simply because you know you can this means  your consciousness serves as a passive observer  

  • it pays attention to external stimuli and  cognitive data but doesn't actually decide  

  • anything what it can do is provide justification  after you kick the ball your consciousness uses  

  • all that information to explain why the ball was  kicked this creates the illusion of choice it  

  • seems like you have control you believe you took  action for a specific reason but it's really your  

  • consciousness justifying a series of automatic  impulses in simpler terms we might be giving  

  • our consciousness way too much credit number  two single neuron theory what if consciousness  

  • existed on a smaller scale we usually think about  the entire brain as one conscious entity but this  

  • theory suggests the complete opposite it says  that your brain is comprised of a hundred billion  

  • conscious cells each one has its own subjectivity  its own independent impact on your brain now of  

  • course not every neuron is created equal some  have little to no consciousness while others are  

  • extremely influential the difference depends on  where the neuron is located in your brain neurons  

  • in cognitively complex places like the prefrontal  cortex would outweigh neurons in the hypothalamus  

  • which controls mostly unconscious functions but  if each neuron has its own consciousness how does  

  • anything get done well our brain may only activate  one group of neurons at a time your consciousness  

  • seems singular and unified because only a few  neurons are speaking their minds number three time  

  • slices humans have invented and organized ways of  understanding time it's continuous consistent and  

  • fluid but do our brains conceptualize it the same  way time slice Theory breaks temporal processing  

  • into two stages at first we unconsciously perceive  vague pieces of information it's almost like a  

  • long series of very blurry frames these only  last about 400 milliseconds or 0.4 seconds in  

  • each one you identify basic colors and forms  it isn't until stage 2 that you hone in on the  

  • actual details at this point your consciousness  figures out what's actually happening you give  

  • each sliver some sort of meaning and decide if  it's important that way you know where to store  

  • each slice of time in your memory so how does this  theory change our perception of time instead of  

  • one continuous system your brain experiences  time as a string of tiny moments to you time  

  • feels consistent and coherent but it's actually  a trick that your brain uses to make your life a  

  • little easier number 4 pan psychism pan psychism  alters the way we conceptualize consciousness  

  • normally we attribute subjective consciousness to  a select few organisms we classify it as a higher  

  • cognitive process that means it's reserved for  only the most neurologically developed species  

  • but pan psychism suggests a completely different  approach this theory proposes that every material  

  • thing in the universe has some fragment of  consciousness every atom whether it's part  

  • of a rock or a living cell can have experiences  they have consciousness even if it's just a  

  • tiny tiny bit and if this sounds strange to you  don't worry you're not alone pan psychism has  

  • been widely criticized for how counterintuitive  it sounds how could something as simple as an  

  • electron be conscious how the nonliving objects  have experiences it's challenging to wrap your  

  • head around but that doesn't mean isn't true  pan psychism has grown in popularity over the  

  • years by offering one of the most plausible  explanations for the birth of consciousness  

  • few questions have stumped scientists more than  this one where did human consciousness come from  

  • why are some animals conscious while the rest  of the universe isn't there have been hundreds  

  • of different theories however none have properly  explained how consciousness actually emerged pan  

  • psychism answers this question by nullifying if  every material thing can experience then human  

  • consciousness never needed to emerge it's been  there all along it's a fundamental part of your  

  • existence every building block in your body has  a small but relevant sense of subjectivity that  

  • means human consciousness is just a product  of evolution of course this theory has the  

  • same problem as just about every other theory  related to consciousness there's very little  

  • definitive proof but it does offer a logical and  more importantly possible explanation of human  

  • subjectivity so while it sounds exceptionally  strange pan psychism is one of the best theories  

  • we've got number five integrated information  theory can you measure consciousness it seems  

  • like such an intangible concept the active  quantifying consciousness feels too abstract  

  • and nuanced to really yield anything worthwhile  that's where integrated information theory or  

  • IIT comes into play in the simplest terms IIT  says consciousness is created by integrating a  

  • huge volume of stimuli our brain combines all  that information into a single experience you  

  • can therefore quantify the amount of consciousness  something has by analyzing the complexity of its  

  • brain it gets a lot more complicated from there  but that's pretty much the gist of it this theory  

  • began with a pretty simple observation neuro  scientists noticed that the most complex parts  

  • of the brain play the largest role in conscious  thought the more essential something is the  

  • more intricate it gets but here's the problem  with IIT we don't really know how to accurately  

  • measure neural complexity we're not completely  clueless but scientists are still working on a  

  • reliable way to understand the brain whoever  figures that out just might unlock the first  

  • accurate measurement of consciousness number six  branching minds this might be the most challenging  

  • concept to wrap your head around it's based on an  older theory called the many-worlds interpretation  

  • essentially there are an infinite number of  branching realities in which everything that  

  • can happen has happened each time an event occurs  it creates a new set of realities in which that  

  • event unfolds differently an extension of the many  worlds theory titled the many Minds interpretation  

  • claims that branching isn't happening to our  reality instead the split happens in your mind  

  • your subjective experience of the world is what  changes after each event every outcome triggers  

  • a different mental states which subsequently  limit your brain to a single perspective that  

  • means that every consciousness interacts with  a diverse spectrum of minds but the only one  

  • that you could experience is yours number seven  conscious electricity your perception might not  

  • come from the construction of your brain a group  of scientists in the United Kingdom discovered  

  • that both awareness and perception correlate  with disturbances in the electromagnetic field  

  • around your brain their research suggests that  meaning might come from a unique electromagnetic  

  • field its primary job is to bind neural responses  together which creates the illusion of singular  

  • perception an important piece of evidence for  this theory comes from a study conducted on  

  • rabbits researchers found that the field around  the rabbits brain changed shape in response to  

  • different smells this transformation may be  responsible for at least influential in the  

  • creation of meaning this theory has a lot of  room to grow at this point all we know is that  

  • electricity plays a bigger role in the brain than  we thought number eight orchestrated objective  

  • reduction orchestrated objective reduction or  ork or explains consciousness as a collection  

  • of biological signals from each neuron this  theory is actually a few decades old back  

  • then it was rejected by the scientific community  no one believed neurons could be so structurally  

  • complicated a study from 2014 has given ork  or new life researchers discovered vibrations  

  • coming from individual neurons consciousness  therefore could be a combination of billions  

  • of tiny vibrations if this were true each of your  neurons would have a small amount of input on your  

  • total consciousness it's almost like voting in an  election each person casts their votes but in the  

  • end the majority rules to put this theory to the  test researchers tried to influence those neural  

  • vibrations if or poor were true this should have  some positive or negative effect on consciousness  

  • and that's exactly what happened this change  caused significant differences in both mood  

  • and voluntary behavior who knew that such tiny  vibrations could be so powerful hey thank you  

  • for watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way

hey everyone and welcome to top think today we're  gonna learn eight mind-blowing theories about your  


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8 Mind-Blowing Theories About Your Brain!

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    Q San 發佈於 2022 年 05 月 27 日