I know that everybody's scared, but you all will be like, this is a community that's dealing with profound grief and people came here inside the arena in their hundreds, usually rodeo shows happened here, but tonight there was a prayer vigil and people say this is their way of healing The murder of 19 Children and their two teachers has left this country reeling.
我知道大家都很害怕,但你們都會喜歡,這是一個正在處理深刻悲痛的社區,人們成百上千地來到這裡的競技場內,通常牛仔競技表演發生在這裡,但今晚有一個祈禱守夜活動,人們說這是他們治癒的方式。 19名兒童和他們的兩名教師被謀殺,使這個國家感到震驚。