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  • Never before in human history have we been richer, more advanced or powerful.

    在人類歷史上,我們從未比現在 更富裕、更先進、更強大

  • And yet we feel overwhelmed in the face of rapid climate change.


  • It seems simple on the surface.


  • Greenhouse gases trap energy from the Sun and transfer it to our atmosphere.


  • This leads to warmer winters, harsher summers.


  • Dry places become drier and wet places wetter.


  • Countless ecosystems will die while the rising oceans swallow coasts and the cities we build

    這使得冬天更加溫暖 夏天更加炎熱

  • on them.

    乾燥的地區更加乾燥 潮濕的地區更加潮濕

  • So why don't we just likeprevent all of that?


  • Well, it's complicated.

    上升的海洋將吞沒海岸 以及我們在上面建造的城市

  • The public debate about stopping rapid climate change often focuses on a few key features,


  • like coal plants, cars or burping cows.


  • And so the solutions are often simplisticrows of solar panels, biking to work,

    有關阻止急劇氣候變遷的公眾討論 經常聚焦在幾個關鍵項目上

  • something something sustainability.


  • And a huge talking point is personal responsibility.


  • How YOU should change your lifestyle to prevent rapid climate change, which we will find out


  • together in the next few minutes.


  • This is one of those videos where we want to encourage you to watch to the end, because


  • to discuss real doable solutions, we first need to understand

    「你」應該如何改變你的生活模式 來避免急劇氣候變遷

  • the problem.


  • A Fuller Picture


  • Modern industrial society as we constructed it in the last 150 years, is inherently destructive

    因為要討論真正可行的解決方案 我們必須先瞭解問題

  • to the planet.


  • Basically everything we do to make our lives easier, safer and more comfortable is making


  • things worse for the biosphere.


  • The food we eat, the streets we walk on, the clothes we wear, the gadgets we use, the way

    基本上我們為了讓我們的生活 更輕鬆、更安全、更方便而做的一切

  • we move around and the pleasant temperatures we artificially create around us.


  • While most people know about the serious impact of energy, beef, cars and planes, many major

    我們吃的食物、我們行走的街道 我們穿的衣服、我們用的小配件

  • polluters are barely ever talked about.

    我們移動的方式 以及我們在自己周圍人工製造的舒適溫度

  • The emissions leaking out of landfills are as significant as the emissions of all the

    雖然大多數人知道影響嚴重的 能源、牛肉、汽車和飛機

  • jets in the air.


  • More CO2 is released to run our homes than from all cars combined.

    從掩埋場洩漏的排放量 相當於空中所有飛機排放量的總和

  • And the emissions produced when making a new car is equivalent to building just two metres

    為了維持我們的家庭運作所釋放的CO2 比所有車輛加起來更多

  • of road.

    而製造一台新車的排放量 只不過相當於兩公尺的道路

  • So it is nice to switch to electric cars but they won't solve anything if we keep building

    所以雖然換成電動車是不錯 但它們不會解決任何問題

  • roads the same way.


  • Fixing one small part of the industrial system is not enough.


  • Each of the many different parts needs its own solution and many of them aren't straight

    每一個不同的問題 都需要各自的解決方案

  • forward.


  • But even where we know what to do, just because a solution exists doesn't mean we are able


  • or willing to implement it.

    光是解決方案存在 並不代表我們能夠,或是願意去執行它

  • There are many gray areas in the fight against rapid climate change, the most prominent one

    有許多灰色地帶存在於 和急劇氣候變遷的戰鬥之中

  • is the divide between rich and poor.

    其中最顯著的 是富有和貧窮間的區隔

  • Emissions vs poverty

    排放量 vs. 貧困

  • There is a clear connection between the prosperity of a nation and its carbon emissions.

    一個國家的繁榮 和其碳排放量有著明顯的關聯

  • In other words, richer people tend to cause more emissions.


  • So the key to fixing climate change is simply for the world's richest to cut back on their


  • extravagant lifestyles right?

    不過就是讓世界上最富裕的人們 縮減它們奢靡的生活模式對吧?

  • While this would help, it wouldn't make the problem go away.


  • This is because 63% of global emissions come from low to middle income countries.

    這是因為全球排放量中的63% 來自於低至中所得的國家

  • Countries where most people are not living extravagantly but are trying to escape poverty


  • at worst, and achieve a comfortable lifestyle at best.

    而是在最糟的情況下試著逃脫貧困 在最好的情況下達到舒適的生活

  • The unfortunate reality is that, currently, escaping poverty and becoming middle class

    不幸的現實是,就現在來說 逃脫貧困並成為中產階級將產生無法避免的排放

  • creates unavoidable emissions.

    所以要求發展中國家減少排放 看起來就像是企圖打壓它們

  • So asking developing countries to cut emissions just looks like an attempt to keep them down.

    很難爭論一個地區應該保護他們的原生森林 該把錢花在太陽能板上而不是燃燒樹木

  • It is very hard to argue that a region should protect their primeval forests and spend money


  • on solar panels instead of burning wood, when it can't meet basic needs for significant


  • parts of its population.

    尤其如果提出這些要求的國家 其繁榮正是來自於過去對環境的損害

  • So, cutting back is not a popular demand, especially if the countries making these demands

    所以對數十億人來說 排放更多對他們個人來說是件好事

  • got rich by causing environmental damage in the past.

    如果我們忘記這件事 我們很可能會提出不可行的解決方案

  • For billions of people, more emissions are a good thing personally.

    以混凝土為例 8%的CO2排放量來自於混凝土產業

  • When we forget about this, we tend to propose unworkable solutions.


  • Take concrete.

    但現在,混凝土也是一種便宜又簡單的方式 讓發展中國家持續增長的人口得以打造平價住宅

  • 8% of CO2 emissions are released by the concrete manufacturing industry.


  • Ok cool, stop using concrete, right?

    即使是富裕的國家 也無法避免爭論急劇氣候變遷的解決方案

  • But right now, concrete is also a cheap and easy way for growing populations in developing

    煤礦、天然氣、石油的禁止 被應該用什麼來取代的熱烈討論拖慢了速度

  • countries to build affordable housing.

    市民有可能強烈反對核能 但也不希望風力或太陽能設施蓋在他們的後院

  • And there are many examples like that.

    原則上這些問題都可以解決 但有些問題是我們現在還不知道如何克服的

  • Even rich countries aren't immune from disagreeing about rapid climate change solutions.


  • Banning coal, gas and oil from the energy mix is slowed down by heated discussions about


  • what should replace them.

    我們很快就會需要餵飽100億人 而我們不知道如何做到這件事又不排放溫室氣體

  • Citizens can be strictly against nuclear power but also oppose wind or solar infrastructure

    因為現代糧食生產 本質上需要有機或化學肥料

  • in their backyards.


  • In principle all of these issues can be overcomebut there are things we don't currently

    光是稻米每年就排放了大量的甲烷 實質上相當於全世界所有空中交通的排放量

  • know how to overcome.


  • The most problematic one is food.


  • Emit or Die

    然而它們只佔了世界總熱量的18% 總蛋白質的37%

  • We will soon need to feed 10 billion people, and we don't know how to do that without

    而且隨著世界各地的人們變得富有 他們也想要更多肉

  • emitting greenhouse gases.

    大多數文化中的傳統食物以植物類為主 加上一些肉類

  • Because of the nature of modern food production that requires fertilizers or manure, it is

    但隨著工業化肉品生產 以及工廠化農業的興起

  • impossible to have zero-emissions food.


  • Rice alone emits so much methane each year that it practically equals the emissions of

    已開發國家經常性的放縱 以及發展中國家地位和財富的象徵

  • all the air traffic in the world.

    如今世界上大約40%的可居住土地 在某種形式上都被用作肉類生產

  • What's worse is that the foods we like the most emit the most.


  • 57% of food emissions come from animal-based foods, although they make up only 18% of the

    這些是我們原本可以用來 讓原生生態系統重新生長的土地

  • world's calories, and 37% of its protein.

    像是亞馬遜森林 並吸收大氣層中的碳

  • And as people across the world grow richer, they want more meat.


  • Traditional diets in most cultures were primarily plant based with a little meat on top.

    現有的解決方案很少見的 能讓不同政治立場,富有或貧窮的人,同樣地不開心

  • But with the rise of industrial style meat production and factory farming, meat has become

    肉是高度情緒性的 並帶著許多「那你怎麼不...」這樣的論點

  • a staple food; a regular indulgence in developed countries and a symbol of status and wealth


  • in developing countries.

    到頭來,事情很簡單: 只是減少吃肉不能阻止氣候變遷

  • Today about 40 percent of the world's habitable land is used for meat production in some form

    但我們也無法在阻止氣候變遷的同時 完全不減少吃肉

  • or another, the size of North and South America combined.


  • This is land on which we could otherwise allow native ecosystems to regrow, like forests

    它們對我們的生存沒那麼重要 但說實在的要捨棄它們也不太實際

  • in the Amazon, and suck carbon out of the atmosphere, but instead most of it is used

    像是航空旅行、國際貨運 採礦和生產播放Youtub影片的設備

  • to feed animals.


  • The available solutions are uniquely able to make everybody on the political spectrum,

    我們需要放棄我們的生活方式 而貧窮的人們永遠無法實現它嗎?

  • rich or poor, unhappy.

    難道就沒有什麼科技可以拯救我們 好讓我們可以繼續開我們的大車然後每天吃肉嗎?

  • Meat is highly emotional and there are a lot of whataboutism arguments floating around,

    解決方案 vs. 支出成本

  • like comparing it to the worst sources of emissions.


  • In the end it is pretty simple: eating less meat alone won't stop climate change, but

    CO2直接空氣捕捉 能將空氣中的二氧化碳抽離

  • we also can't stop climate change without eating less meat.


  • The same holds true for other things that are less crucial to our survival but frankly


  • not realistic to make go away.

    因為以我們現有的科技 這將花費差不多每年100億美元

  • Like air travel, oversea shipping, mining and the production of devices that play youtube


  • videos.

    這些錢必須來自什麼地方 而目前沒人提供它

  • So what does this mean?

    就只把這些成本丟給重大污染源 像是煉鋼廠或燃煤發電廠

  • Do we need to give up our way of life and can the poor never achieve it?

    會導致它們產品的成本加倍 —接著這些原本毛利就很低的產業就破產了

  • Can't some technology save us so we can continue to drive our big cars and eat meat

    要求政府支出看起來符合邏輯,但很多州的資源 實際上卻是被完全相反的事情綁住

  • every day?


  • Solutions vs Expenses

    這雖然看起來違反直覺 但有著明確的誘因

  • In principle, this technology already exists: Direct Air Capture of CO2 draws carbon dioxide

    透過人為地保持燃料價格低廉 運輸和日常用品也被保持人為地便宜

  • from the air so that it can be stored underground or transformed into products.


  • So why aren't we implementing it in every industry, everywhere?


  • Because with the technology we have right now, this would cost some ten trillion dollars

    它們使這循環永遠持續下去 才讓停止生產化石燃料如此困難

  • per year, or half the United States' GDP.

    於此同時,非常昂貴的 針對遙遠問題的解決方案

  • This money has to come from somewhere and currently no-one is offering it.

    像是碳捕捉,看起來它們可以再等等 畢竟技術上來說,當下沒人得到好處

  • Just dumping these costs on massive polluters like steel mills and coal power stations would

    有些人爭論說遠離資本主義 是解決這一團糟唯一的辦法

  • double the cost of their productsand so these industries that operate on very tight

    另一些人則堅持市場還應該更自由 沒有任何補貼之類的干涉

  • profit margins would go bankrupt.

    還有人認為我們需要所謂的「去成長」 整體上作為一個物種減少消耗

  • Getting the government to pay for it seems logical but a lot of state resources are actually

    但現實是至少就現在而言 沒有任何政治系統有著優異的表現

  • tied up doing the opposite, like subsidizing oil and gas.

    能夠達成真正的永續發展 而過去其實也從未出現過

  • Which seems counter intuitive but follows clear incentives.

    我們也沒有時間慢慢搞清楚這些 並做一大堆實驗

  • By artificially keeping fuel prices low, shipping and everyday goods are kept artificially cheap


  • too.

    不只是中止所有可能的溫室氣體排放 也必須開始減少空氣中的CO2

  • Which has a major social impact on billions of people around the world.

    光是調整我們的路線已經太遲了 我們必須積極地修正我們過去犯的錯

  • That creates political lobbies and incentives that perpetuate this cycle that makes it so

    隨著我們浪費的每一年 更極端的改變將無法避免

  • hard to cut off fossil fuel production.

  • Meanwhile, very costly solutions for a far-off problem like carbon capture seem like they


  • can wait, as technically nobody benefits from it right now.


  • Some argue that a move away from capitalism is the only solution to this mess, others


  • insist that markets should be even freer, without any interventions like subsidies and


  • some suggest that we need what's referred to asdegrowthand to cut back as a

    我們這時代的一種論述是 我們全部都必須為急劇氣候變遷負責

  • species overall.


  • But the truth is at least as of now, no political system is doing an impressive job at becoming


  • truly sustainable and none have really done so in the past.


  • We also don't have the time to figure this out and do a lot of experiments.


  • We must implement solutions now.

    把責任從最大的碳排放者轉移到 一般人—你—身上,比解決問題簡單多了

  • Not just to halt the release of all possible greenhouse gases, but also to start reducing

    這甚至有額外的好處 如果解決急劇氣候變遷還能賣出新產品的話

  • the amount of CO2 in the air.

    如果你沒有錢來買這些東西,或沒有時間做這些事 你應該感到愧疚

  • It's too late to just mend our ways, we have to actively correct our past mistakes.

    這是一則很有效的訊息 因為它是真的

  • With every year we waste, more extreme changes will be unavoidable.

    降低CO2排放最快的方法 是地球上所有富裕人口劇烈地改變他們的生活模式

  • Ok.


  • Let's take a deep breath.


  • Rapid climate change and the world we live in are complicated.

    如果你有能力看到這部影片 那也包括你在內

  • So here is where YOU, dear viewer, come in again.


  • Could YOU please fix the climate?

    在新冠病毒疫情期間待在家裡 不使用交通工具,並消費的更少

  • A narrative of our time is that we are all responsible for rapid climate change.

    而這一切所達成的 不過是在2020年減少7%的CO2排放

  • That everyone needs to play their part.

    要求一般大眾解決急劇氣候變遷的論點 在我們看向問題的規模時,就不攻自破了

  • Why don't you buy a new electric car?


  • Why don't you replace your gas stove with an electric one?


  • How about you double glaze your windows, stop eating meat and switch off your lights?

    你個人的碳足跡這個概念 是在石油公司BP 2005年的廣告活動中被普及的

  • Shifting responsibility from the largest carbon emitters to the average person, you, is much


  • easier to do than solving problems.

    直到今天也仍然嚴重地分散我們所有人的注意力 使我們不去關注現實狀況

  • There's an extra bonus if solving rapid climate change sells a new product.

    假設你在往後的餘生 徹底消除了你100%的碳排放

  • If you don't have the money or time for these things, you should feel bad.


  • It's an effective message because it is true.

    即使是最有動力的人 也根本無法留下半點痕跡

  • The quickest way to cut CO2 emissions would be if all rich populations on Earth drastically

    當我們合併急劇氣候變遷的危險性、排放量的規模 以及關於如何解決問題的缺乏共識

  • changed their lifestyles and if the people on the rise would not seek to achieve it.


  • Favouring the climate over comfort and wealth.

    這可能導致決策疲勞和道德許可 使你再也不會因為負面行為而內疚

  • If you are able to watch this video, this includes you.

    我們為此掙扎了很長一段時間 也因此這部影片才製了這麼久

  • But we've just witnessed a global experiment in staying at home, not using transport and


  • consuming less during the coronavirus pandemic.

    有許多不同的觀點 而它們都被熱烈的討論著

  • And all it did was reduce CO2 emissions by 7% for 2020.

    我們不知道誰是正確的 所以我們只能提供你Kurzgesagt的觀點和意見

  • Asking average people to solve rapid climate change breaks down when we look at the scale

    觀點時間 你真正能做的是什麼?

  • of the problem.

    我們需要以一種不同的方式 來思考和談論急劇氣候變遷

  • Personal contributions toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions are nice, but they are dwarfed

    一種包羅萬象的系統性方法 不亞於根本性地改變現代工業社會

  • by the systemic reality of global emissions.

    就像在前面漫長的令人沮喪的討論中說的 個人責任的角度被過份誇大了

  • The concept of your personal carbon footprint was popularized by the oil producer BP in


  • a 2005 ad campaign.


  • Arguably one of the most effective and sinister pieces of propaganda that still seriously


  • distracts all of us from the reality of the situation.


  • If you eliminated 100% of your emissions for the rest of your life, you would save one


  • second's worth of emissions from the global energy sector.

    擔心會影響到他們最大的 稅收貢獻者或政治獻金來源時

  • Even the most motivated person can't even make a tiny dent.

    我們必須讓它們落選 並選出那些尊重科學的人們

  • When we put together the dangers of rapid climate change, the scale of emissions and

    我們必須要求它們負起責任 實施最有效的氣候變遷策略

  • the lack of consensus over how to solve it, the challenge seems insurmountable.

    不是把我們的時間浪費在 禁止塑膠吸管這種事情上

  • It can cause decision fatigue and moral licensing, where you no longer feel bad about behaving


  • in a counter productive way.

    同時不忘記那些小一點的 像是水泥業或建築業

  • We have struggled a long time with this, which is why this video took us so long to make.

    當工業界抗拒改變他們的作法 因為害怕損失或為了自保

  • So.

    我們需要政治家去改變法律 並對部屬現有科技提供獎勵

  • What can you actually do?

    以及大規模投資創新在我們 還沒有很好的解決方案的領域

  • There are many different takes and they are passionately discussed.

    沒有理由工業界對利潤的追求 不能匹配盡可能減少碳排放的需求

  • We don't know who is right, so we can only offer you the Kurzgesagt perspective and opinion.

    而如果他們還是不願意配合 必須以嚴厲的處罰和規範強迫他們

  • Opinion Part: What can you ACTUALLY do?


  • We need a different way to think and talk about rapid climate change.

    足夠迅速地將如此大範圍的改變 強行施加在全球經濟上還是不實際的

  • An all-encompassing systemic approach, nothing less than changing the fundamentals of our

    因為許多低碳科技還需要很多時間和研究 也就是說,它們很昂貴

  • modern industrial societies.

    但會有更多公司製造效率更高的 碳捕捉系統、美味的肉類替代品

  • As discussed in frustrating length, the personal responsibility angle is overplayed.


  • For systemic changes in technology, politics and the economy of this magnitude, we need


  • to influence the people at the levers.


  • Politicians need to know and feel strongly that the people care, that their own success

    你可以現在就投資這些 還相對昂貴的產品來出一份力

  • depends on tackling rapid climate change.


  • When governments and local politicians are reluctant to change laws that affect their


  • biggest tax contributors or campaign donors, we need to vote them out and vote in people

    用選票投票 用你的錢包投票

  • who respect science.

    有太多相反的立場 以及複雜的灰色地帶存在

  • We need to hold them accountable for implementing the most effective climate change strategies.

    到最後如果我們真的得到 我們需要的系統性改變

  • Not waste our time with things like banning plastic straws but by moving the big levers:


  • Food, transportation and energy while not forgetting the smaller ones like cement or

    唯有當我們每個人都接受 有些解決方案會對我們有負面影響

  • construction.


  • When industries fight against changing their ways, for fear of losses or in an honest attempt


  • to protect their own, we need politicians to change the laws and incentivise the deployment


  • of existing technologies and massively invest in innovation for the fields where we don't


  • have great solutions yet.


  • There is no reason that the profit interests of industries could not match the need to

    並透過你的行為和行動 來推廣你的優先順序

  • reduce carbon emissions as much as possible.

    並且當你這麼做的同時 你可以少吃點肉、少搭飛機或買台電動車

  • And if they still don't cooperate harsh punishments and regulation need to force or

    不是因為如果你不這麼做 你就應該感到愧疚

  • bankrupt them.

    或因為你天真的相信 你一個人就能阻止急劇氣候變遷

  • It's still unrealistic that change of that scope can be forced onto a worldwide economy


  • quickly enough, because many low carbon technologies still need a lot of time and researchwhich


  • means they are expensive.

    這部影片是由蓋茲筆記贊助 它是比爾蓋茲的個人部落格

  • But more companies will make more efficient carbon capture systems, tasty meat alternatives,

    在那裡他寫了一些文章談論 全球健康、氣候變遷和其他議題

  • better batteries, cement alternatives and so on, if there is a clear and growing demand.

    去看看gatesnotes.com瞭解更多 關於世界可以如何互相合作,以達成零溫室氣體排放

  • And if you are affluent enough, you can do your part by investing in these things right


  • now while they're still expensive.


  • These are the mechanisms that will drive the prices down later on.

    如果你想瞭解更多關於 我們如何處理像這樣的贊助

  • So this is basically what you can do.

    我們也有一篇Medium文章 描述我們是如何進行的

  • Vote at the ballot, vote with your wallet.


  • There are too many opposing interests and complicated grey zones.

  • In the end if we truly get the systemic change we need, everybody will be unhappy about some

  • aspect of it.

  • Only if we all accept that some solutions will have negative impacts for us, can we

  • have an honest conversation and make progress.

  • Everybody will be a little unhappy.

  • And that is ok.

  • This is the best you can do.

  • You can deal with the reality of the situation and promote your priorities through your behaviour

  • and your actions.

  • And while you do so, you can eat less meat, fly less or get an electric car.

  • Not because you should feel guilty if you don't or because you naively believe that

  • you alone can stop rapid climate changebut to do your tiny, tiny part for the systemic

  • change we need.

  • This video was supported by Gates Notes, the personal blog of Bill Gates, where he writes

  • about global health, climate change, and more.

  • Check out to learn more about ways the world can work together to reach

  • zero greenhouse gas emissions, or use the link below.

  • And in the spirit of transparency, if you want to learn more about how we handle Sponsorships

  • like this one, we also have a medium article describing how we do it.

Never before in human history have we been richer, more advanced or powerful.

在人類歷史上,我們從未比現在 更富裕、更先進、更強大


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