Made a part of the product Neistat takes this to another level by making his massive collection of camera equipment and his studio, another character in his show, DSLR is GoPro's power shots, three sixties iphones, drones, Each camera and each lens has its own personality and nice stats constantly swapping them around, but it goes further than this.
做為產品的一部分,Neistat將此提升到另一個層次,使他大量收集的相機設備和他的工作室,在他的節目中的另一個角色,單反相機是GoPro的power shots,三個六十年代的iphone,無人機,每個相機和每個鏡頭都有自己的個性和漂亮的統計數據不斷交換他們,但它比這更進一步。