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  • I used to wear fancy dresses and high heels. But, not anymore.

    曾經我穿著華麗的衣服 腳踩著高跟鞋 但一切都不在了

  • I'm 24. 24 years. So you're going to spend a good part of your

    我今年24歲 整整24年 所以妳20年來的青春歲月

  • 20s in war? Yeah, yeah. I have to do this for my country.

    都在戰爭之中度過? 沒錯 我一直都在為國家做這些

  • I have to give what I can give. It's pretty important to let the world see what's going

    我把我所能效力的都給了 讓世界看到我們的處境是非常重要的

  • on. You know, I think nobody knew Syria on the map before this revolution. And now everybody

    你知道嗎 我覺得在革命發生前 沒有人知道敘利亞 甚至不知道敘利亞在哪裡 而現在

  • knows what's going on in Syria and that's because of the press covering what's going


  • on. That's really important. Somebody has to see all this. Somebody has

    媒體的力量非常的重要 如此就會有人開始關注 就會有些人開始了解

  • to know what this monster is doing to us, and to his own people. And, I'm making sure

    這隻大怪獸到底對我們做了什麼好事 怎麼對待自己的人民 我可以確定的是

  • that somebody is going to know. All the people in the world are going to see this, hopefully.

    正在看影片的大家都可以了解到 希望這世界上的每一個人都能了解敘利亞的黑暗

  • See us suffering. See the civilians suffering. I mean, it's not a way to do this. It's wrong.

    讓每一個人都看到我們是如何受苦受難 看看人民怎麼受到摧殘 這樣對待人民的方式絕對是錯誤的

  • You saw a man die 5 minutes ago. Do you worry that could happen to you?

    你五分鐘前看到一個人死掉 你不怕這種事接下來就發生在你身上嗎?

  • You're not thinking in this mentality anymore. This is something I have to do. I mean so

    已經沒有力氣想這種事情 因為這就是我該做的 我想說的是

  • many people, so many girls, died in the kitchen, like doing a dish wash or something, and

    很多人 很多女生 就在洗碗做家事的時候死在廚房裡

  • they have like a mortar shell or shrapnel coming through the window, and they like drop dead.

    可能是突然間一枚迫擊炮或榴彈破窗而入 他們就這樣死去

  • So what's the point? Why should I die cheap? So I have to go, I have to do this. I'm not afraid of death.

    我想表達的重點是什麼? 為什麼我們的人命這麼不值錢 所以我覺得我必須要出面 我並不害怕死亡

  • Bashar. I am Omar Hattab. I am 32 years old.

    巴沙爾 我叫做Omar Hattab 今年32歲

  • My nickname is Mowya. I was a civilian before the revolution started, but now I am fighting

    小名Mowya 在革命發生前我曾是一位公民 而現在我正在爭取

  • in the Free Syrian Army against the Bashar al-Assad regime.

    為敘利亞自由軍效命 擊垮巴沙爾政體

  • I joke that I always keep one bullet left in my gun for myself.

    我常開玩笑說 我隨時隨地至少有一顆子彈在我的手槍中上膛

  • Yes, you must keep one bullet here in Syria. You keep it for yourself. It's better than

    不是講講而已 在敘利亞真的隨時會需要有一發子彈 這子彈是留給你自己的

  • the regime catch you. I guarantee that way. You must keep one bullet. So you can die fastly.

    這絕對比被軍政府抓走的好 我可以保證 你隨身攜帶一發子彈 至少可以死得快一些

  • They tortured me very hard. There are too many kinds of torture. For example, one time

    他們有千百種方式可以折磨人 把我折磨得很痛苦 有一次

  • they carried me, two men, one from my legs and the other from my neck, and they threw

    他們抓著我 就兩個男人 一個抓我的腿另一個抓我的肩膀

  • me up and down from the ceiling to the ground. The most bad thing is when you hear the sounds

    把我往天花板丟然後摔到地上 最糟糕的是當你聽到別人被折磨時的那種慘叫聲

  • of the men being tortured, and you don't know if you are the next or not.


  • What did they accuse you of? Yes, because I say freedom. It is a very big

    而他們當初用什麼來指控我? 就因為我提到「自由」

  • crime here. You know, they told us in the prison. Can

    在這裡可說是罪大惡極 這是獄中的人告訴我的

  • you imagine another one can lead this country? Only Bashar can lead this country. And they

    你們覺得還有誰能領導這個國家? 只有巴沙爾可以統帥敘利亞 然後他們對此深信不疑

  • believe it, they don't say it like that. They believe it, that only Bashar Assad can lead


  • this country. No one can lead it. Because he's genius. You see, how he turned the country?

    除此之外沒有別人 因為巴沙爾是一個天才 的確 你看看他是怎麼改變這個國家的?

  • Before that we oh, we feel bad, there is a lot of people in the streets, that's no good.

    在他出來之前 我們都覺得很糟糕 路上到處都是人 這不太好

  • Look now, it's empty! You can walk like you want. This is the genius, Bashar Assad.

    看看現在巷子多麼空曠! 你可以走到任何你想去的地方 他真的是非常天才 Bashar Assad

  • You're not safe anywhere. I've got my friend, she has been arrested, for so long. Last week

    你在哪裡都不會安全 我收到了我朋友的消息 他被囚禁了很久 就在上禮拜

  • we received that she is dead. Because she was tortured, raped. It makes me sick. I'd

    我們接獲了他的死訊 死因是被虐待 強姦 這讓我感到很噁心

  • rather die. Really, I'd rather die than let them have me for five minutes.

    我寧願死了算了 真的 與其讓他們控制我五分鐘 不如死了算了

  • Before this, all this, starts, before the revolution, I used to teach English, in school.

    在一切開始之前 革命之前 我曾經在學校任教 教英文

  • And, really sometimes I think like it's just, a nightmare,

    現在想想當時經歷的那些 簡直就是噩夢

  • all this that I'm going through right now.


  • If I go to sleep and wake up, everything will be fine, and I'll go back to school and teach. What about this building? Do you know what

    希望當我一覺醒來時 一切都會恢復正常 我可以回到學校教書 這棟建築物呢? 你知道當時怎麼回事嗎?

  • happened here? No one knows. And no one wants to know. You

    沒有人知道 也沒有人想要知道

  • don't know how many people lived there, and there. And they have dreams, they have their

    你無法想像這裡 那裏曾住了都少人 他們有夢想 他們有各自的生活

  • lives. They laughing sometimes, they crying sometimes. All that's end now. All that end.

    他們有時會哭 有時會笑 現在都沒了 一切都沒了

  • This is the


  • center of the city, you know what's the meaning, center of the city? Look. Can you imagine

    市中心 你知道什麼意思嗎 「市中心」? 你看看

  • Wall Street like that? If the government comes by voting, no problem.

    你能想像華爾街長這樣嗎? 如果說政府是選舉出來的 那沒什麼問題

  • What the people want, I will. I like the government, I don't like it... but it must be democracy.

    人民想要的 喔 我喜歡這個政黨 我喜歡那個 不管如何這必須要是民主的

  • Not from father to son. And the animals too, hate Bashar. Look, she

    不應該是世襲的 連動物也一樣 恨痛了巴沙爾 看看

  • feels safety here, with us. We're not terrorists, like they say.

    跟我們在這裡牠感到很安全 我們不是那些政府說的恐怖份子

  • In this place, my friend died. It was the first time that he puts on a mask, on his

    我朋友就在這裡過世的 那是他生平第一次戴上面罩

  • face. Because he decided to be in the FSA. And nobody could recognize him. We've got

    因為他決定成為敘利亞自由軍的一份子 沒有人認出他 我們有個人受傷

  • one guy wounded, and he wanted to help that guy, but nobody could cross to that bleeding

    他想要救那個人 但誰也無法穿越這血流成河的街道

  • guy in the middle of the street because of the bullets all over the place, and the security

    街道處在槍林彈雨之下 而且都是安全部隊

  • forces. But he has the guts, and he went for it, and other guys got encouraged and ran

    但他有勇氣 他去救了那個人 這舉動也激發了其他人 一起去救那名傷患

  • to help him out. And he dragged the body, and his friends helped him. Once he got to

    他們拉著他的身體 他的朋友幫助他 當他到達那個地方的時候

  • that point, one bullet went through his chest, and he, he died. The funny thing is that our

    一發子彈穿透他的胸口 就這樣死了 最諷刺的是

  • friend was standing in that corner, and, videotaping the whole thing.

    我們的朋友就站在街角 把全程都錄了下來

  • And he didn't know that it was our friend, because he had his mask on. So the guys grabbed his body and tried to

    還不知道發生了什麼事 不知道那就是我們的朋友 因為他帶的面罩 其他路人拉著他的身體 想辦法幫他

  • take him to the nearest field hospital. And they took off the mask. And it was him. And

    到附近的醫院 他們拿下了他的面罩 就是他

  • he just shouted, "Ehsan." He was like my brother. He's just 19. Too bad that they had to hold

    他大叫 Ehsan 死者就像我弟弟一樣 才19歲 悲慘的是 他們都還是未成年的青少年

  • the responsibility as men, because they're only teenagers. I'm not going to forget this

    被迫得扛起一切 我永遠都不會忘記這個男孩

  • boy. And I'm going to continue to fight, as he did. I'm not going to give up, even if

    我要繼續戰鬥 就像他那樣 我不會放棄 至死都不放棄

  • I have to die, I'm going to do this. Nobody had an idea about politics here, because

    我必須要做 沒有人知道這裡的政治情況

  • we don't talk about that. We're not allowed to talk about politics really, even with our

    因為我們都不去談論 談論政治是不被允許的 即使和家人都不行

  • families. I cannot open a conversation about politics with my mother or father, because


  • we're just so much scared that somebody might overhear us, and the next day somebody might

    因為害怕隔牆有耳 使得我們戰戰競競 隔天可能就會有人來

  • knock on our door and arrest the whole family, just for talking about politics. Syria is,

    敲大門 然後逮捕我們全家 說到底也不過就是談論政治 敘利亞這個國家

  • is destroyed now. It's true. It's true. But now, we've got one thing that's worthy. That

    已經被毀滅了 是真的 千真萬確的事實 但我們現在得做一件有意義的事情

  • we can talk, and express our opinions about anything. I mean, that's really worth all

    我們必須要說 表達我們對所有事情的看法 這也是前面犧牲最值得的事情

  • this sacrifice. Because we had enough. From not being able to say how we feel, or what

    因為我們已經受夠這些 從無法表達我們的想法或意見 或者我們的想法

  • are our opinions. And not being able to participate in this country. And now, we can. We're going

    完全無法參與國家的事情 而現在 我們即將要重新來過

  • to build this whole country again, from scratch, from zero. And, it doesn't matter how long

    重新打造這個國家 從殘缺 從一無所有 我們不在乎需要花上多長的時間

  • does this last. Or how much damage it's going to be. Because, really, all the males and

    要持續多久 或者還會有什麼損失 因為不管是男生女生

  • females of this country are willing to build it again, and even better than it was before.

    大家都希望重新打造這個國家 甚至比巴沙爾迫害之前的美好時光來的更好

  • Proud to be Syrian. Because Syria is going to be better, without that criminal. Yeah.

    以當敘利亞人為榮 因為敘利亞即將變得越來越好 沒有戰亂 犯罪

  • It's beautiful without this guy, running this country. So, we're working on that. Yeah,

    沒有那個人 敘利亞會是美麗的 我們都一起為這個努力

  • we do. The animal, maybe this cat, is more important

    動物 包括這隻貓

  • for the Americans than the Syrian people. Because, I'm sure, that the animals have rights

    對美國人來說貓也許比敘利亞的人命重要 因為動物在美國是有人權的

  • in America, more than the people here. They don't care about us. So what, maybe if you

    比我們這些人還要有人權 美國人根本不關心我們 你說呢

  • film three or four cats, and put it on YouTube, maybe one million will watch the video, will

    你在拍攝個三四隻貓 上傳到Youtube 也許幾百萬個人會看

  • see the video, in one hour. They don't care about the people.

    一小時之內 瀏覽人數暴增 但他們完全不在乎這裡的人

  • Maybe, after the Americans see that, they will find there are cats here in Syria. I

    也許美國人看了影片之後 他們會到敘利亞找到這隻貓

  • hope they will help the cats. Maybe see, oh there are cats in Syria. So, let's go help

    我希望他們能拯救貓 也許說會 看 敘利亞那邊有一隻受難的貓 快去拯救

  • Syria. Don't care about the woman, just care about the cat. At least the cat is an animal,

    完全不在乎女人 就只在乎貓 因為至少貓是有人權的動物

  • it needs some support. People have said this before?

    這裡需要支援 曾經有人說過這樣的話嗎?

  • Yes, we feel that. I know it's not real, but, it's this close to being real.

    對 我們感受到了 也許這不是真的 但此刻已經離真實不遠了

I used to wear fancy dresses and high heels. But, not anymore.

曾經我穿著華麗的衣服 腳踩著高跟鞋 但一切都不在了


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