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  • So you mean you're in math class,

  • yet again, because they make you go every single day.

  • And you're learning about, I don't know,

  • the sums of infinite series.

  • That's a high school topic, right?

  • Which is odd, because it's a cool topic.

  • But they somehow manage to ruin it anyway.

  • So I guess that's why they allow infinite serieses

  • in the curriculum.

  • So, in a quite understandable need for distraction,

  • you're doodling and thinking more

  • about what the plural of series should

  • be than about the topic at hand.

  • Serieses, serises, seriesen, seri?

  • Or is it that the singular should be changed?

  • One serie, or seris, or serum?

  • Just like the singular of sheep should be shoop.

  • But the whole concept of things like 1/2

  • plus 1/4 plus 1/8 plus 1/16, and so on approaches 1

  • is useful if, say, you want to draw a line of elephants, each

  • holding the tail of the next one.

  • Normal elephant, young elephant, baby elephant,

  • dog-sized elephant, puppy-sized elephant,

  • all the way down to Mr. Tusks, and beyond.

  • Which is at least a tiny bit awesome

  • because you can get an infinite number of elephants in a line

  • and still have it fit across a single notebook page.

  • But there's questions, like what if you started

  • with a camel, which, being smaller than an elephant,

  • only goes across a third of the page.

  • How big should the next camel be in order

  • to properly approach the end of the page?

  • Certainly you could calculate an answer to this question,

  • and it's cool that that's possible.

  • But I'm not really interested in doing calculations.

  • So we'll come back to camels.

  • Here's a fractal.

  • You start with these circles in a circle,

  • and then keep drawing the biggest circle that

  • fits in the spaces between.

  • This is called an Apollonian Gasket.

  • And you can choose a different starting set of circles,

  • and it still works nicely.

  • It's well known in some circles because it

  • has some very interesting properties involving

  • the relative curvature of the circles, which is neat,

  • and all.

  • But it also looks cool and suggests an awesome doodle

  • game.

  • Step 1, draw any shape.

  • Step 2, draw the biggest circle you can within this shape.

  • Step 3, draw the biggest circle you can in the space left.

  • Step 4, see step 3.

  • As long as there is space left over after the first circle,

  • meaning don't start with a circle,

  • this method turns any shape into a fractal.

  • You can do this with triangles.

  • You can do this with stars.

  • And don't forget to embellish.

  • You can do this with elephants, or snakes, or a profile of one

  • of your friends.

  • I choose Abraham Lincoln.

  • Awesome.

  • OK, but what about other shapes besides circles?

  • For example, equilateral triangles, say,

  • filling this other triangle, which works because the filler

  • triangles are the opposite orientation to the outside

  • triangles, and orientation matters.

  • This yields our friend, Sierpinski's triangle,

  • which, by the way, you can also make out of Abraham Lincoln.

  • But triangles seem to work beautifully in this case.

  • But that's a special case.

  • And the problem with triangles is

  • that they don't always fit snugly.

  • For example, with this blobby shape,

  • the biggest equilateral triangle has this lonely hanging corner.

  • And sure, you don't have to let that stop you,

  • and it's a fun doodle game.

  • But I think it lacks some of the beauty of the circle game.

  • Or what if you could change the orientation of the triangle

  • to get the biggest possible one?

  • What if you didn't have to keep it equilateral?

  • Well, for polygonal shapes, the game

  • runs out pretty quickly, so that's no good.

  • But in curvy, complicated shapes, the process

  • itself becomes difficult.

  • How do you find the biggest triangle?

  • It's not always obvious which triangle has more area,

  • especially when you're starting shape is not very well defined.

  • This is an interesting sort of question

  • because there is a correct answer,

  • but if you were going to write a computer program that

  • filled a given shape with another shape,

  • following even the simpler version of the rules,

  • you might need to learn some computational geometry.

  • And certainly, we can move beyond triangles

  • to squares, or even elephants.

  • But the circle is great because it's just

  • so fantastically round.

  • Oh, just a quick little side doodle challenge.

  • A circle can be defined by three points.

  • So draw three, arbitrary points, and then try

  • and find the circle they belong to.

  • So one of the things that intrigues me about the circle

  • game is that, whenever you have one of these sorts of corners,

  • you know there's going to be an infinite number of circles

  • heading down into it.

  • Thing is, for every one of those infinite circles,

  • you create a few more little corners

  • that are going to need an infinite number of circles.

  • And for every one of those, and so on.

  • You just get an incredible number

  • of circles breeding more circles.

  • And you can see just how dense infinity can be.

  • Though the astounding thing is that this kind of infinity

  • is still the smallest, countable kind of infinity.

  • And there are kinds of infinity that are just mind bogglingly

  • infiniter.

  • But wait, here's an interesting thing.

  • If you call this distance 1 arbitrary length unit, then

  • this distance plus this, dot, dot, dot,

  • is an infinite series that approaches 1.

  • And this is another, different, series that still approaches 1.

  • And here's another, and another.

  • And as long as the outside shape is well defined,

  • so will the series be.

  • But if you want the simple kind of series, where each circle's

  • diameter is a certain percentage of the one before it,

  • you get straight lines.

  • Which makes sense if you know how

  • the slope of a straight line is defined.

  • This is good because it suggests a wonderful, mathematical,

  • and doodle-able way to solve our camel problem,

  • with no calculations necessary.

  • If instead of camels, we had circles,

  • we could make the right infinite series

  • just by drawing an angle that ends where the page does

  • and filling it up.

  • Replace circles with camels and, voila,

  • infinite Saharan caravan fading into the distance.

  • No numbers necessary.

  • Well, I have an infinite amount of information

  • I'd like to share with you in this last sentence.


So you mean you're in math class,


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B1 中級 美國腔

數學課上的塗鴉Infinity Elephants (Doodling in Math Class: Infinity Elephants)

  • 172 23
    Jenny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日