字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Brainy Dose Presents: 10 Types Of People You Need To Completely Avoid Brainy Dose 製作:十種你不該深交的有毒朋友 We are surrounded by all types of people. 我們周圍有各種類型的人。 While no two individuals are the same, sadly, there are way too many people that can be classified as toxic. 雖然沒有人是相同的,但不幸的是,有太多屬於「有毒」的人。 Even minimal interaction with toxic people can have a huge impact on performance and happiness. 即使和有毒的人進行最低限度的互動,也會對自己的表現和幸福造成很大的影響。 So, what can you do about it? 那麼,你能怎麼做呢? Simple: Just try to stay away from these types of negative people as much as you can. 很簡單:盡最大可能地遠離這群負面的人就可以了。 Number 1: Judgmental 第一種:愛批評 Everyone has flaws, and when someone points them out, it can help you improve yourself. 每個人都有缺點,當有人指出這些缺點時,可以幫助你自己進步。 However, you should be able to recognize the difference between a person who expresses their concerns honestly and in a constructive manner, and those who use your weaknesses as an opportunity to attack you. 但是,你應該要能夠辨識出那些真正有建設性並誠實表達他們的擔憂的人,與利用你的弱點作為攻擊你的機會的人之間的區別。 If you know someone who is quick to point out and criticize your mistakes, but never seems to recognize your accomplishments, they're the type of toxic person who is likely to eventually wear you down. 如果你知道有一個人他很快就指出並責備你犯的錯誤,但從不認可你的成就,那他們就是那種有毒的人,可能最終會讓你疲憊不堪。 Number 2: Envious 第二種:愛忌妒 To envious people, the grass is always greener somewhere else. 對於嫉妒的人來說,他們總是這山望著那山高。 Even when something great happens to them, they don't derive any satisfaction from it. 即使在他們身上發生了很棒的事情,他們也不會從中得到任何滿足。 This is because they measure their fortune against other people's. 這是因為他們用其他人的幸福來衡量自己的。 And let's face it, there's always someone out there who's doing better. 讓我們面對現實吧,一定有人比自己更強更厲害。 Spending too much time around envious people is dangerous, because they teach you to trivialize your own accomplishments. 在嫉妒的人身邊呆得太久是很危險的,因為他們會教你看輕自己的成就。 Number 3: Needy 第三種:缺愛 These are the people who just want to sit around all day and be served by others so they don't have to lift a finger. 這些人只想整天坐在那裡讓別人來服務,這樣他們連一根手指頭都不用動。 They want you to be there for them nonstop, and if you dare try to point out their wrongdoings, they know how to make you feel guilty and ashamed. 他們希望你總是陪在身旁,而且如果你敢指出他們的錯誤,他們知道怎麼樣會讓你感到內疚和羞愧。 So, if there's someone in your life with similar traits, you should try to avoid them. 所以,如果你的生活中有類似特質的人,你應該儘量避免他們。 Number 4: Pessimists 第四種:悲觀主義者 These kinds of people tend to see only the negative side of everything. 這類人往往只看到事物不好的一面。 They always ignore the bright side of things and deliberately try to bring others down. 他們總是無視好的一面,並且故意讓別人失望。 It's like they've decided for themselves that everything in life is bad, and by blocking out any positive emotions, they will avoid getting hurt. 感覺他們已經認定好他們生活中的一切都很糟,並且為了避免受到傷害,他們會阻斷任何正面的情緒。 But they just end up hurting others instead. 但是他們最終反而會傷害到別人。 It's best to stay away from pessimists. 最好離悲觀主義者遠一點。 They will only fill you with negativity and despair. 他們只會讓你充滿負面情緒和絕望而已。 Number 5: Liars 第五種:愛說謊 Little white lies usually aren't harmful, and most people do it every now and then. 善意的謊言通常無傷大雅,而且大多數人時常都會這樣做。 For example, when you throw a surprise party for someone, you have to lie a little in order to keep it a surprise, right? 例如,當你為某人舉辦一個驚喜派對時,你必須撒點小謊,畢竟你是為了讓它成為一個驚喜,對吧? But there are many habitual liars who will lie to make themselves feel better or to look better in others' eyes. 但是,有許多慣性說謊的人,他們會為了讓自己感覺良好,或者為了在別人眼裡看起來更好而說謊。 Toxic people who lie frequently can destroy you. 經常撒謊的人可以摧毀你。 They leave you with no room for trust in a relationship. 他們讓你在一段關係中沒有任何信任的空間。 In order to grow, you have to surround yourself with trustworthy people who will support you and offer candid and honest opinions. 為了成長,你身邊必須有值得信賴的人,他們會支持你並提供坦率和誠實的意見。 Number 6: Complainers 第六種:愛抱怨 We all have shitty days. 我們都有不如意的時候。 Life doesn't always go as we want it to, and sometimes we just need to vent. 生活不會總是如我們所願,有時我們只需要發洩一下就好。 But then there are those who complain all the time! 但是,有一些人是會一直抱怨的! Nothing is ever good enough. 任何事情都不夠好。 Nothing is ever right. 任何事情都不對勁。 Nothing is ever going their way. 任何事情都不能如他們所願。 And they feel the need to share (it) with you. 而且他們覺得有必要與你分享他們的不好。 They keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, and they refuse to take responsibility for their choices. 他們不斷地重複同樣的錯誤,而且拒絕為他們自己的選擇承擔責任。 For all that's going wrong in their lives, they blame everyone but themselves. 對於他們生活中出現的所有問題,他們選擇責怪所有人,而不是自己。 Number 7: Drama Queens 第七種:愛小題大作 These people need to be the center of attention. 這些人必須讓大家都圍著他們轉。 They create a crisis everywhere they go. 他們所到之處都會造成危機。 They'll often pit one person against the other and then sit back and enjoy the show. 他們經常挑撥離間,讓兩個人對立,然後事不關己的享受這場表演。 They welcome trouble, and then make other people's lives hell. 他們喜歡惹事生非,然後讓其他人的生活變成地獄。 The good thing is, these trouble makers are easy to spot, so it won't be too hard to avoid them. 好消息是,這些愛惹事生非的人很容易被辨識出來,所以要避免與他們接觸不會太難。 Number 8: Gossipers 第八種:愛八卦 Some people derive pleasure from other people's misfortunes. 有些人的快樂是建築在別人的不幸上。 They enjoy spreading around rumors and discussing people instead of focusing on their own issues. 他們喜歡四處散佈謠言,討論別人,而不是管好自己。 Everyone gets caught up in it sometimes. 每個人或多或少都會被捲入其中。 You see, if you listen to gossip, what tends to happen is you end up either gossiping or you might have negative feelings about the person who is being gossiped about. 如果你聽信閒言碎語,最終要麼變成你也被人說閒話,或者你可能會對被說閒話的人有負面的印象。 While it might be fun to find out about someone's personal or professional fuck-ups, over time, it gets tiring. 雖然得知某人在私生活或工作上的不幸可能很有趣,但時間久了之後,說閒話會讓人疲乏。 And remember: People around you who are eagerly talking about others are probably going to talk about you as well when you're not around. 請記住,你周圍那些熱衷於談論別人的人,很可能也會在你背後說你閒話! Number 9: Victims 第九種:自以為受害者 Victims are tough to identify because you initially empathize with their problems. 總覺得自己是受害者的人是很難分辨的,因為你一開始會對他們的遭遇感到同情。 But as time passes, you begin to realize that their "time of need" is all the time. 但是隨著時間的推移,你會開始意識到他們無時無刻都「需要人陪」。 Victims actively push away any personal responsibility by making every speed bump they encounter into an uncrossable mountain. 總覺得自己是受害者的人常常把一件小事形容地很誇張,藉此來主動推開自身的責任。 These people are typically immature and lack the ability to face their own challenges or hardships. 這些人通常不成熟,無法面對挑戰或困難。 If you don't get away from them as quickly as possible, odds are, they'll load all of their problems and responsibilities on you. 如果你不盡快離開他們,他們有可能會把他們所有的問題和責任都加諸在你身上。 Number 10: Manipulators 第十種:控制狂 Using the façade of friendship, manipulators suck time and energy out of your life. 控制狂會打著友誼的名義,從你的生活中吸走你的時間和精力。 Since they treat you like a friend, they can be tricky to deal with. 由於他們對待你就像朋友一樣,所以他們可能不好處理。 They know what you like, what makes you happy, and what makes you laugh. 他們知道你喜歡什麼、什麼讓你快樂、什麼讓你笑。 The difference is that they use this information as part of a hidden motive. 與一般朋友不同的是,他們利用這些資訊是別有用心的。 They'll do anything to win you over just so they can control you. 他們為了能控制你會做任何事情來贏得你的信任。 Manipulators always want something from you, and if you look back on your relationships with them, it's all take, take, and take, with little or no giving. 控制狂總想從你身上得到什麼,如果你回顧一下你們之間的關係,他們都是需索無度,卻很少甚至沒有付出。 Of course, it can be challenging to completely avoid all of these types of people. 當然,要完全避免所有這些類型的人可能是一個挑戰。 Heck, I'm sure we're all guilty of engaging in some of these negative behaviors ourselves every now and then. 我相信我們偶爾也會對自己做的一些負面行為感到罪惡。 Should you ever catch yourself acting like one of these people, stop yourself immediately and change your attitude. 如果你發現自己做出像這些人的行為,請立即停止並改變你的行為態度。 It's also important to keep in mind that not everyone is gonna like you or treat you with respect. 同樣重要的是,請記住不是每個人都會喜歡你或尊重你。 So, stop paying attention to people who don't deserve it and focus on those who care about you. 所有,不要再關心那些不值得的人,而要關心那些關心的人你。 What do you think? 你怎麼看? Did we miss any other types of toxic people who should be added to this list? 我們是否遺漏了其他應該被加到這個名單中「有毒」的類型呢? Let us know in the comments below. 請在下面的評論中告訴我們。 If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs-up and share it with your friends. 如果你喜歡這個影片,請按讚並分享給你的朋友。 For more videos like this, hit the subscribe button and remember to click on the notification bell. 要想觀看更多這樣的影片,請點擊訂閱按鈕,並記得開啟小鈴鐺。 While you're here, check out our other videos as well. 現在你還在這,也可以查看我們其他的影片。 Thanks for watching. 謝謝觀看!
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