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  • Transcriber:

    譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Helen Chang

  • How long does it take to get over a breakup?


  • The good news is I've done the research for you.


  • The bad news is that you might not like the answer.

    壞消息是,你可能 不會喜歡這個答案。

  • [Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi]

    〔我正常嗎?〕 〔莫娜查拉比主持〕

  • See, a few years back,

    幾年前,有好幾份刊物 都在宣傳一項研究,

  • a number of publications were touting a study

    告訴它們的讀者,走出分手 需要十一週的時間。

  • telling their readers that it takes 11 weeks to get over a breakup.

    也就是要花近三個月,表面 裝勇敢的背後卻在聽消沉的音樂。

  • That's nearly three months spent listening to depressing music

    感覺起來可能比實際更長,但 也就是把日曆 APP 滑幾下而已。

  • while putting on a brave face.


  • It might feel longer than it is,


  • but it's only a few swipes on the calendar app.


  • No big deal, right?

    事實上,那項研究完全沒有 談到走出分手要多久。

  • Well, unfortunately, it's not so straightforward.

    它只著重在關係結束 之後的後續效應,

  • See, those articles drastically misrepresented that study.


  • In fact, the study never said anything


  • about how long it takes to get over a breakup.

    如果真的要回答 「走出分手需要多久」,

  • It only focused on the aftereffects of ending a relationship,


  • specifically among undergrads,

    這種研究基本上 就得要追蹤一大票人,

  • which is a whole other can of worms.

    從他們分手時就開始 年復一年地追蹤他們的進展。

  • To really answer that question

    但這種研究在執行上 太昂貴也太複雜。

  • of how long it takes to get over a breakup,


  • you would need to do a longitudinal study,


  • a study that would basically follow a ton of people


  • from the moment of their breakup

    他有許多軼事經歷, 知道許多人的關係狀況,

  • and track their progress year after year after year.


  • But studies like that are expensive and complicated to carry out.

    我問他,他認為要花多久 才能走出分手。

  • So with no adequate data,


  • I decided to seek professional help.

    如果我們覺得我們能表達出 我們的感覺如何,不用壓抑,

  • I went to couples therapists, Dr. Hod Tamir.

    一旦你能做其他事情, 能讓你投入、讓你分心,

  • He has anecdotal experience with countless people in relationships


  • and, full disclosure, he was my couple's therapist, too.


  • So I asked him how long he thinks it takes to get over a breakup.


  • "I don't think there is a magic number ...


  • If we feel like we can express ourselves in how we're feeling,


  • we don't have to keep it bottled up.

    有一項研究在探討 調節愛意的各種策略,

  • Once you're doing other things

    也就是在探討能否用些簡單的 方法來改變你有多愛一個人?

  • that you're engaged with and distracted by,

    研究發現,當受試者分心 去想前任以外的事,

  • then at some point you look back and like, 'Oh yeah, that's my ex.'

    比如他們最愛的嗜好, 或理想的職涯,

  • And you notice that the feelings that you have are not as raw.


  • You can bump into each other and not feel pain."


  • And the data supports Dr. Tamir's theory.

    用分心的方式開始感覺好一點, 這正是塔米爾醫生的建議。

  • One study looked at different strategies for love regulation.

    研究也發現,從負面 重新評價的策略,

  • In other words, can a few simple methods change how much you love someone?

    也就是去想你的前任 說過的爛話做過的鳥事。

  • The study found that when participants were distracted into thinking


  • about something other than their ex,


  • like, their favorite hobby or ideal career,


  • their love feelings for their ex stayed the same,


  • but it did make them feel more pleasant.


  • Using distractions to start to feel better is exactly what Dr. Tamir has suggested.

    做法是,受試者要冥想 像這樣的陳述:

  • The study also found that a negative reappraisal strategy,


  • essentially remembering all of the shit things your ex said and did,


  • does decrease love feelings for your ex.


  • But it also makes you feel "unpleasant,"

    總的來說,研究者的結論是, 我會避免使用科學術語來說,

  • and I'm guessing that means sad.


  • Finally, a third, more zen strategy known as reappraisal of love feelings.


  • For this, participants had to muse over statements like

    至於用其他事物讓你分心, 就像我的治療師給的建議,

  • "Love is part of life"


  • and "It's OK to love someone I'm no longer with."


  • Yeah, that changed nothing at all for them.


  • Overall, the researchers concluded,


  • and I'm not using the scientific language here,


  • that concentrating on the bad things about your ex

    其實是比較快的療癒方式, 比忽略它更好。」

  • can help you to feel less in love.

    最終,為了我們自己 也為了我們未來的伴侶,

  • While distracting yourself with other subjects,


  • as my therapist suggested,


  • can actually make you feel better.

    我們沒有足夠的 長期研究,無法得知。

  • However, the research and Dr. Tamir would both tell you


  • that while distraction is good in the short term,


  • it is not a long-term solution.

    不如重新和我們熱愛的事物 連結,會讓我們更好。

  • "Taking that time to process and understand it

    找事情來分心,準備好時 就把感受吐露出來。

  • is actually a much quicker way to heal than ignoring it."


  • Eventually, for the sake of ourselves and our future partners,

    那麼,希望有一天,我們能 走出來且感覺還不錯。

  • we're going to have to face up to our feelings.


  • So how long does it take to get over a breakup?

  • Well, we don't have enough long-term studies to know.

  • But more importantly,

  • I've learned that instead of counting down the days,

  • we're much better off reconnecting with the things we love to do.

  • Finding something to distract us

  • and unpacking our feelings when we're ready.

  • If we can do all that,

  • then one day hopefully we'll come out of it feeling OK.

  • And in the end, isn't that what we're really after?


譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Helen Chang


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