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Female voice over
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
You finished the pyramid in under 10 minutes.
It wasn't as difficult as you made it out to be.
Mr Powell finished in under 8 minutes.
Did he?
I'll make sure to congratulate him later this evening.
You have a very impressive record with us Mr Baker.
Nearly 1000 puzzles and codes broken.
You must be very proud?
Without your credentials
It may not be possible for us to be with world's largest manufacturer of mind games.
Well I'm glad we're keeping the good people at La Mosty under pressure.
As I recall their revenue took a dive last quarter
I've always said I'm more than happy to tackle the design process.
We have a separate division for that.
Your ability with the puzzles we give you keeps our own people under pressure.
The 'Safe Guard' took you under 2 minutes to complete.
That's probably the easiest of the lot.
I saw right through it.
I wouldn't even trust it with my bank code.
The kids are gonna love it though.
Worked out how to read that thing yet?
Its not that I can't read it... its just that I don't want to.
The media manipulation element of it?
Or the fact that society is going to hell
and can't work out the cracks in its own system?
That every time we hand over a pen to some one.
Its the equivalent of handing a child a loaded gun
hmmm that is concerning but...
Ignorance is bliss.
I got sick of watching pop culture crap.
And people getting hurt for prize money.
I only ever watch CMP for the English narration.
Congratulations of the pyramid.
Under 8 minutes.
I forgot... What was the wager in this?
I count 4.
I count 5.
You're nearing a milestone I'm lead to believe? You're nearing a milestone I'm lead to believe?
Where brain training leads to sagacity and vision
I've seen the commercial.
How many more puzzles is that?
4 to go.
I supposed they're gonna hand you a bit of chiselled plastic glued to a frame.
Well done... see you in the next 1000.
Its no different than growing up a child prodigy.
You keep the trophy... your parents keep the dimes.
My parents never told me about the dimes.
They were smart.
Clearly... you missed out.
So how many more puzzles must you complete
before you reach this miserable triumph?
I'm not that far behind you
22 if you must know.
While you were over in New Delhi.
Doing God Knows what
I was sitting here still pissing off the administration.
I did some catching up.
That piece of plastic is going to look fantastic on your mantle piece.
Any plans for tonight?
I'll catch a cab.
See where it takes me.
Female voice over.
You don't like it?
It was expensive.
I expect you to drink it.
Did you have a good day?
Excuse me?
Did you have a good day?
Thank you for champagne.
You're welcome
[ alarm beeps ]
[ TV advertisement. ]
Would you like me to come over tonight?
You know our agreement.
I understand, I just thought you might like...
You know that's not our schedule.
Goodbye Thomas.
[phone rings] Jesus!
Well there he is, about time you answered your phone.
I've tried calling you back Eliza
I guess the life of a diplomat and being halfway
around the world doesn't agree with out schedules
I'm sitting out side the Embassy waiting for a ride to the airport
I don't know if you've been watching the news?
But apparently all air travel is on the verge of shutting down.
Due to this insurance [ TV news comes on]
Where are you?
I'm in Istanbul.
Something is going on and everyone is getting edgy
I've started smoking again.
You just need to get home
Eliza, I have to go.
Still living by the clock I don't like to break routine.
You know that.
Don't put the Christmas Tree up until I get there
I'm serious.
You don't do it right... its never symmetrical.
Wait until I get home - Right.
OK - I have to go
[ Phone rings ]
Nice tie.
Fuck you Jack!
Eugene... too bad on that safe crack
try harder next time - Jack, Thomas... good to see you both.
You have to give us something both a bit more challenging my friend.
I was told to dumb things down for you.
After you spent an hour on the 'The Tower...
Is that right?
I guarantee you.
Making the puzzles requires a lot more intelligence than solving them.
Isn't that right Thomas?
If that's what you like to believe.
How ignorant of you.
But... don't worry Thomas
I'm saving something special for 1000.
I hope so.
We have to go Jack.
Its good to see you again Eugene.
I hope you both can fit your ego through the door.
Mr Baker, Mr Powell. Thank you both for coming in.
Obviously this is a very unorthodox approach, but I have here your next cypher.
You want us to solve this?
You have to be joking.
Something wrong Mr Baker?
I can't open this without my stopwatch.
And I don't like to be distracted.
I understand.
So this is slightly different.
One you complete this puzzle.
Your contracts with Colourful & Impossible will be terminated.
Sorry what?
As you may be fully aware
these economic developments are causing
our parent company Trevilyan Group
to make immediate cuts
its happening all across the board
20% of city sale staff are
being laid off as an immediate cause of action.
An Coulourful & Impossible will be
ceasing its operations as of next Monday.
This is your last assignment.
Inside your envelope
you will also find a severance cheque
for the time you have given us.
I understand.
This is your final chapter and your 1000th puzzle.
My deepest apologies.
That we can't congratulate you accordingly.
I thought Colourful & Impossible had the largest share in it's market?
We do.
But ummmmm.
But in several month's time I guarantee
no one will be buying
a puzzle from a shopping mall.
The world is about to go through some turbulent times.
If I were you
I'd be preparing myself for the downturn.
What exactly is so important
about this cypeher if you're planning
to cease operations?
We've been saving this algorithm for a long time.
We wanted both of you to go out with a challenge.
Something wrong Mr Baker?
No there isn't.
Good luck to both of you.
We will convene again in 48 hour's time.
And I shall prepare your final documentation.
[ Phone rings ]
- Mr Dade? - Yep.
- The package? - Yeah got it.
Don't fail me.
You got nothing to worry about
Jack Powell
♪ [ TV advertisment ] ♪
[On screen News Reporter ] Welcome back.
As the economic crisis worsens.
All international and domestic flights
by the major airlines have now been cancelled
in the wake of IBC's collapse
as the carriers can not operate
without insurance coverage.
The move
has dealt a heavy blow to the
transportation industry asstoke prices
continue to tumble
maritime shipping has also come
to a standstill which has impacted...
[ Knocking on the door ]
[ Repeated knocking ]
I'm working Jack!
I know. I can't do this.
- Can't do what? - This!
The code its impossible
I don't see a pattern.
The colours don't equate to anything.
And you know how much I hate colour coding
I've tried numbers, symbols, letters,
I've even tried both abstract
and conventional math equations.
I've never seen this before.
And yet it looks like something a 6 year old
did with a box of crayons.
What do you want from me?
The answer! I want the answer.
I don't have it yet
I mean
I assume you break it down into binary digits.
And hack to code from that but,
but, what purpose?
A legal number?
its potentially a binary
code that's been turned into a hexadecimal
number and then colour converted
but that doesn't exactly translate
into an every day family fun puzzle.
It looks incomplete
as if there's another piece to it.
the longest its ever taken me to solve something is 2 hr 25 min
I've been staring at this thing for the last 4 hours
13 squares across
24 squares down
6 colours.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, White and Green.
Same colours as a Rubix Cube.
Old school.
First puzzle I ever completed
6 times world champion for people under 21.
Yeah I remember.
You beat me at the championships when I was 13.
I went home and cried for days.
Still can't beat Matt Volt's record
6 colours
312 squares on paper.
A Rubix Cube has 54 visible squares.
tear a Rubix Cube down and you have 27 individual cubes
times those squares by 6 and you have 162 squares
2 Rubix Cubes would give you 324 visible squares.
That's not right.
No, because the middle cube of
a Rubix Cube is never visible.
Its just the mechanism, it has no colour value.
Take 12 away from that and you have 312: The number on the paper
312 squares
6 colours
52 squares for each colour: In theory.
What if what doesn't represent anything at all?
What do you mean?
Well, White's not a colout its a shade.
Any colour could be black or white potentially.
What if white's a substitute colour?
Like in a slot machine?
Right! White is a bonus.
[ Beeping ]
I need you to leave.
You've been a fantastic help but I need you to go.
Hey! I don't think we should make this a competition.
I'm not - Yes you are.
You expect to crack this before me
I don't do partnerships
its me and the clock, you know that.
Please Thomas, get over your vanity and realise
we need to do this together.
The world will not collapse if you collaborate for once.
This is my 1000th code Jack
I can't share it.
Any other one maybe, but not this one
its too important.
I agree with you.
But you know I'm going to come back in half an hour's time
and knock on your door.
When I have the answer I'll be more than happy
to give it to you under our usual agreement.
Good luck.
Luck has nothing to do with it.
You know that.
Whiskey, please.
Something's keeping you up.
I say, something's keeping you up
I heard you.
Thomas Baker, right?
Have we met?
I highly doubt it.
The name is Marion Deed
I work for the Trevilyan Group as a kind of.
Marion... Deed?
I know, girl's name... right?
Its on my birth certificate, I promise you.
You know, John Wayne's real name was Marion.
How exactly can I help you Marion?
I'm in the process of writing a final report
on our beloved Colourful & Impossible
I understand you've been working for the company
2 years now as a puzzle tester and
2 years in Tokyo
and another 2 in Sydney.
And during those 4 years have you ever found yourself
questioning the design process behind anything
you've seen
I asked to be on the design team on several occasions
however I was always seen as
better suited to be part of what I like to call.
Quality Control
I've read your file.
1000 puzzles.
That's errr, that's impressive.
I imagine some would have been more challenging than others?
How bout we skip the part where I tell you
about every puzzle I've ever played with and you get to the point
of why we're having this conversation.
A man who doesn't like bullshit.
I like that.
Have you ever seen that before?
I don't have my glasses.
Here, use mine.
I don't know what this is
is that right?
That's not a code Marion.
That's a bunch of coloured squares.
You don't see them representing anything?
Now, if you'll excuse me
I'm going to have room service bring a bottle of scotch
to my apartment so I can drink it in peace.
You know, ummmm
I read some molecular models are represented by colour
and they look like codes to me.
You're right.
What are you doing?
Oxygen/Red; Nitrogen/Blue.
Chlorine, Chlorine/Green; Sulphur/yellow.
Phosphorus/Orange and Hydrogen/White.
And what does that equal?
It equals... I don't really give a fuck!
Goodnight Marion.
[To himself ] Pick up Eliza [ Phone dailing ]
Yeah, Where are you?
I'm still at the embassy.
The airport was unreachable.
You couldn't get a private jet?
There was nothing available.
The airport is completely shut down.
- Are you safe? - Its hard to say.
Several people tried to leave in a car
and they said they'd call when they got
to the boarder, but I never heard from them.
OK. You just need to hide
I know.
Thomas, something is going on here
and I really don't know what to do
I'm really scared.
You'll be ok.
Everything will calm down
[ Disengaged signal on phone ]
I solved it.
Congratulations Mr Palmer
22 hours.
Worst puzzle of my life.
You almost had me there on that one.
Blatantly obvious however.
Sometimes switching your mind off
is the best method.
I have to tell myself that when I approach a girl.
When the airport reopens
you can go home a very proud man
well... I hope so.
My brother and my father lost their jobs today
I'm just luck I saved as much as I could.
As you may understand.
The apartment will need to be
vacated by the end of the week
I'm sorry about the inconvenience.
That's alright
I'll find a cheap room somewhere.
Yellow, Green, White, Yellow, Red.
I assume you have something for me?
No! No I don't.
I don't.
I can't break it.
Am I hearing you correctly Mr Baker?
You're hearing me just fine
I don't know, I couldn't crack it.
I need more time with it.
You know I can't allow that.
I don't expect you to understand
but doing this is my life.
I can't do anything better than this
I need to break that code.
You don't have to pay me, just let me work in it.
You signed waivers
with Colourful and Impossible stating
you would not work on any code or algorithm
outside of strict working hours.
Subsection 54A
of the employment contract states
that once you cease employment with this company
you would not work on any puzzle
or code
for the next 12 months.
By handing me back this piece of paper Mr Baker.
You're now officially unemployed by this company.
You even look at the code
and we will see you in court.
You have until the end of the week
to vacate your apartment.
Do you understand me Mr Baker?
Just give me the answer then.
- The answer? - Yes!
Just give it to me.
If you want the answer Mr Baker.
You will find it on page 5.
Of the last edition of Colourful and Impossible puzzle book.
The kids are going to love it.
We need to talk.
Right now?
Right now!
I've been told to return home.
Yes, I know.
Well, this is the
end of a great era.
Everything changes from here on in
I suppose.
What's this?
You know what that is.
The Samurai never did anything shameful
or he would avoid falling into the hands
of his enemies.
You say seppuku.
An honorable way to die.
Disemboweling would seem a little extreme
I'd hate to get blood on the carpet.
I brought no shame to this company.
No. Not yet.
But in time
Sudo you knew this was coming.
What makes you think I want to lay down my life?
Its quite simple really
[ Mumbles ]
[ Japanese ]
I would recommend lying on the floor.
I guess this is the last time we cross paths.
How horrible.
So how'd you go?
Wasn't easy.
Do I dare ask how long it took?
18 hours.
it took me 22
and surprisingly I didn't need your help.
You've done it
1000 puzzles.
No, don't bother
I couldn't have cracked it without your help.
The Rubix Cube concept?
But it had nothing to do with it.
You didn't crack it did you?
My God,
the great Thomas Baker couldn't crack it.
What was the answer?
Are you serious!
Fuck me! This is a new scenario.
Alright, I'll pay up. Just tell me Jack!
Ah... I don't know
I'm accepting defeat here.
Pick up Sticks?
You'll enjoy it.
Is this a joke?
I'm not giving you the answer Thomas.
Its too easy.
This is just a token of our friendship.
Alright! I had better continue packing
I thought I'd spend a week in Kyoto
while the airports sorted out their predicament.
You do realise you won't be going anywhere any time soon.
but its all politics at the end of the day.
I don't think it can get much worse.
Goodbye Thomas.
Ah, Mr Powell, please come in.
This is trespassing.
No no, I'm allowed to be here.
Right, well would you like to explain that?
My name's Marion Deed
I work for the Trevilyan Group as a kind of.
I know, girl's name right.
It's on my birth certificate, I promise you.
You know John Wayne's real name was Marion.
What can I do for you exactly.
Mr Deed?
I got a code I want you to take a look at.
Ah, I can't do that.
You can't or you won't?
I signed waivers that stated I wouldn't look at a code
for the next 12 months.
This one you've seen before.
Is this some sort of joke?
There's no fun and games here.
What exactly would you want to know about this?
What's the answer?
Something funny?
No. It just you're not the first person to ask me that today.
Look, if you work for Trevilyan Group
you can easily access the answer to this.
My manager Mr Sudo can help you if need be
I'm afraid I've got some bad news.
Mr Sudo was on his way back to Chiba this afternoon
unfortunately he never made it to his destination.
His body was found a couple of hours
ago in the Coulourful and Impossible offices
and is temporary accommodation
here was found ransacked
I don't understand.
Colourful & Impossible is a
dangerous company
beneath the image of ah...
family tailored products you will find a much more
I'm sorry... complex?
Well, you're the genius... you work it out.
Call me dumb, but is there a reason to this conversation?
During Worlld War 2 the British has 9 cryptographers
working at Bletchley Park, it was their job
to intercept communiques from
German High Command, even from Hitler himself
its widely believed that
the war ended two years earlier
and countless lives were saved thanks to thier
wits and their abilities to solve complex codes
2 years.
A lot can happen in 2 years
I'm sorry, they look like fun.
May I?
See, now this would piss me off
I've no idea how you guys do these things for a living.
How does your brain not get fried?
I suppose it stimulates my brain
as opposed to frying it
you still haven't answered my question...
the point I'm trying to make Mr Powell
is that if it wasn't for those nine cryptographers
history might have been written very differently.
Is this some sort of Enigma Code?
Because if it is, it fairly basic.
Ahhh... it would depend on how its used I suppose
I'm sorry, I'm still at a loss as to why you're here
are you making some kind of threat?
No, no, no! Why would I?
I'm here simply with the
unfortunate news about Mr Sudo.
The Trevilyan Group just wants to protect its assets.
Then why do you want to know the answer?
Well... Ah...
I need to know what I'm protecting.
Do you have any beer?
Ahhh... Sure, in the fridge.
I didn't mean to startle you Jack
I'm sorry I shouldn't have come across so serious
and elusive.
How'd you do that?
Its rather simple really
once you know what you're looking for.
Would you errr...
mind showing me?
At first you think each colour represents something
red, green, yellow...
Eidetic memory my arse.
[ Off-screen News Reporter] A global recession is now being
predicted by analysts and economic commentators
as the modern dooms day
with warnings of over 75 million people across
the world's developed nations alone
could be forced below the poverty line
flow of economic aid to developing nations has
ceased as richer countries are struggling to cope
with the rising unemployment rates.
This is Deborah Trevek
you're watching CMP.
Are you alright?
Do you know what the oldest profession in the world is?
A priest?
No matter how badly the world crumbles
people will always be willing to pay for sex.
I didn't know that.
Did you like being a Call Girl?
A slut.
There was only one thing you were ever good at
spreading your legs.
Don't talk to me that way
I didn't ask for the life I have.
Without me you'd still be on the streets
go to the bed.
I said: "Get on the fucking bed"!
Oh thank Christ Thomas.
Are you OK? NO!
No Thomas its not good. Christ!
Its not good!
Ed is on the flood bleeding and I can't
find Marcus or Annette.
Wait! Hold on! Calm down! Explain the situation.
They've broken the walls Thomas.
People are losing their minds.
[ Mumbling ]
You just need to hide Eliza!
You just need to hide There's no where to hide!
[ Mumbling ]
[ Eliza screaming on the phone. ]
Don't leave.
I don't know what to do.
Thank you.
This is a rather unusual situation.
Our paths have been crossing for 2 years
and this is the first time
I've been invited to your apartment.
Haven't you packed yet?
We're meant t be out by Monday.
I have a favour to ask.
This'll be good
my 1000th puzzle.
What's the answer?
I don't follow.
You designed it didn't you?
312 squared divided into 6 colours.
I actually don't know what you're talking about Thomas.
I never got to complete
any of the latest puzzles I was working on
I mean... what was the point?
Are you lying to me?
How many others are there?
I don't know.
Not all of us are based in Tokyo.
You're puzzle could have come from anywhere.
Are you OK Thomas?
You are not your usual
prim, proper self
I'm fine!
Don't worry.
You're not afraid of me are you Mr Baker?
You have something I want.
Do I?
You know you do.
I want to finish it
and you want to make sure the answer is correct.
I'll be at my apartment.
I don't think you understand the importance of me breaking that code.
A perfect number.
Oh I can imagine it was quite significant
I've never backed down from a puzzle
I think the way that the world's heading we need
to remember the good things we're good at in life.
That is very true.
There's a gentleman who went blind in the US.
It look him 9 months to solve a Rubix Cube.
But he did it
by placing stickers and valcro on each of the squares.
I call that determination.
You see anyone can solve a puzzle
it just comes down to how you discover the answer.
Sometimes its about altering your perspective
or even just dumb luck.
And... how did you discover your answer?
Well it wasn't the usual way I go about things.
I have one request before I hand this to you.
I want to compare my answer to Jack's.
I assume you approached him
and knowing Jack
I assume he gave it to you.
I worked with Jack Powell for 2 years.
We always had a wager between us
as to who could solve something first.
Only ever twice did one of us have an incorrect answer.
Puzzle 405 it was for me.
It was a letters and numbers code where I
accidentally misread an 'L' for a number 1.
Puzzle 280 it was for Jack
it was a rectangle on paper broken up into 80 pieces
it was made up of 2 colours.
Red & Green.
People who are colour blind can't
generally tell the difference between red and green
Jack could solve a Rubix Cube because
like the blind man he compensated the
by using symbols.
So I assume what ever answer Jack gave you
is actually incorrect.
Bastard owes me $500
I'm sorry?
Its wrong.
Well I...
guess it doesn't
really matter.
I got your copy now.
I was watching TV earlier this afternoon.
I only watch CMP because its in English.
A sudden realisation hit me
[ Off-screen News Reporter ] Reports that many short positions in the.
IBCE Scandal have now been
linked to the Travilyan Group.
No signs of foul play have yet
come to light with the Travilyan Group
dismissing the events as nothing
more than a remarkable coincidence.
Regulation authorities are
dumbfounded as how Travilyan would have
foreseen the collapse of IBCE
and that there by reluctant to put their actions down
to pure speculation
given the amount of losses Trevilyan would have
had to face if their bets turned out to be wrong.
Chargers of insider trading have
not yet materialised due to a
lack of evidence.
Trevilyan Group is the parent company of Colourful & Impossible
and telecommunications giant Citicell
am I not correct?
You are... Yes.
The insurance company IBCE
miscalculates its risk assessment algorithms
forcing it to declare bankruptcy.
Yet somehow Trevilyan Group is one of
the only organisations to walk away unharmed.
Not exactly.
Good people like yourself are our of a job.
Its risk assessment algorithms
and what could possibly disrupt that?
A code.
A code you manufactured
and then feed through your telecommunications branch undetected
a pattern unheard of because when you break
it down all it looks like is 6 insignificant colours.
Do you really think something as simplistic and childish
as playing around with wooden toys is going to
be responsible for a world wide
economic collapse?
Well you are sitting across from me Marion
or would you prefer me to call you 'John Wayne'?
I looked at Travilyan Group's database
your name doesn't come up at all.
If you're smart Mr Baker.
But I didn't come here for the code.
I came her simply to see if you could crack it
nothing more.
You see...
I do unofficially
work for the Travilyan Group
but you won't find my name listed anywhere
my job is to protect their interests
their interests are with the code
anything else is expendable.
How do you know what I've written isn't incorrect?
What you've just handed me is irrelevant really.
The truth is Mr Baker
the reason I'm sitting across from you now
is because you're too smart for your own good
someone like you makes for a very
valuable witness on the stand
I'm not that smart.
Yeah, I'm beginning to realise that.
You're also a terrible liar
Jack Powell was not colour-blind
nothing escapes my attention, I guarantee you.
I couldn't break it
I need the answer!
You didn't think I was dangerous did you?
I assumed you were from a rival company
posing to be part of Travilyan Group.
When I took this job I was actually rather nervous
I mean you're clearly smarter than me.
I imagined I'd be
outwitted and made to look like a fool
but you're not very good at seeing the bigger picture
you lack...
life skills and the ability to sense danger
look out the window
the world is falling apart
do you even care?
Do you even notice?
This is my life
I'm nothing without it.
Look at you
like some drug addicted teenager.
You got your answers now Mr baker.
You never did mean allowing a lion into your den.
You can rest easy knowing you've seen the solution.
The code that changes the world
I can solve it
and here I am cheating.
Its not the strongest of the species that survives
or the most intelligent
its the one most responsive to change
Charles Darwin.
Well done.
Well done
I'm ready