字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 With the war in Ukraine intensifying, many European countries are beginning to increase 隨著烏克蘭戰爭的加劇,許多歐洲國家開始增加 their defense budgets, signaling a paradigm shift from political liberalism to realism. 國防預算,這標誌著從政治自由主義轉向現實主義典範轉移。 Some political analysts also argue that the very nature of war could also be explained 一些政治分析家還認為,戰爭的本質也可以 by realism. 用現實主義來解釋。 So, what is political realism in international relations? 那麼,什麼是國際關係中的政治現實主義? Let's find out with PAA. 讓我們用 PAA 找出答案。 Hi, I am Shao Chieh Lo, welcome to what people also ask, where I search something seemingly 嗨,我是 Shao Chieh Lo,歡迎來到《別人GOOGLE了什麼》,我會在這裡搜索一些看似 obvious and share with you some of its PAA, aka People Also Ask, which is a feature telling 顯而易見的東西並與你分享它的一些 PAA,又名 People Also Ask(《別人GOOGLE了什麼》),這是一個告訴 you what other people are searching on Google that relates to your query. 你其他人在谷歌上搜索了什麼與您的查詢相關的內容。 Today's keyword is Political Realism, we will talk about what it is, its basic assumptions, 今天的關鍵詞是政治現實主義,我們將討論它是什麼,它的基本假設、 principles, and critiques. 原則和批評。 So What does realism mean in international relations? 那麼現實主義在國際關係中意味著什麼? According to an article published on the official website of Mount Holyoke College which is 根據馬薩諸塞州南哈德利的私立文理學院 Mount Holyoke College a private liberal art college in South Hadley, Massachusetts, Realism is an approach to the 官方網站上發表的一篇文章,現實主義是一種 study and practice of international politics. 研究和實踐國際政治的方法。 It emphasizes the role of the nations and makes a broad assumption that all nations 它強調國家的角色重要性,並廣泛假設所有國家 are motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns. 的動機都是國家利益,或者充其量是偽裝成道德意圖的國家利益動機。 According to Wikipedia's Realism entry and an article titled “Introducing Realism in 根據維基百科的現實主義條目和一篇題為“在國際關係理論中介紹現實主義”的文章,該文章 International Relations Theory” published on E-International Relations which is an open-access 發表在一個 涵蓋國際關係和國際政治 website covering international relations and international politics., Realism encompasses 的開放訪問網站 E-International Relations 上 a range of concepts that seem to center around a few fundamental assumptions: 1.State-centrism 現實主義包含 一系列似乎圍繞著一個幾個基本假設: The first assumption of realism is that the nation is the principal actor in international relations. 1. 國家中心主義 現實主義的第一個假設是,國家是國際關係的主要參與者。 Other bodies exist, such as individuals or organizations, but their power is limited. 其他機構也存在,例如個人或組織,但它們的權力是有限的。 2.Nations live in a context of anarchy. 2.世界國家處於無政府狀態的環境中。 The international political system is anarchic, as there is 國際政治體係是無政府的,因為 no supranational authority to enforce rules; The often-used analogy of there being 沒有超國家的權力來執行規則; 在國際緊急情況下經常使用“沒有人可以求助”的比喻 'no one to call' in an international emergency might help to underline this point. 來強調這一點。 Within our own countries, we typically have police forces, militaries, courts, and so 在我們自己的國家,我們通常有警察部隊、軍隊、法院等等 on. 人們能期望這些機構在緊急情況下會“做點什麼”。 There is an expectation that these institutions will "do something" in the event of an emergency. 然而,我們並無法對於任何人或任何事在全球性危機下“做些什麼”有明確的期望, However, there is no clear expectation of anyone or anything 'doing something ' on 因為沒有明確的全球權力層次結構。 a global scale because there is no defined hierarchy. 因此,各國最終只能依靠自己。 As a result, nations can only rely on themselves in the end. 3.理性和利己主義。決策者是理性的行為者,因為理性 3.Rationality and egoism. Decision-makers are rational actors in the sense that rational 的決策導致追求國家利益,而國家在 decision-making leads to the pursuit of the national interest, and nations act in their 國際體系中以理性的自身利益為考量行事。 rational self-interest within the international system. 4.強權政治。 4.Power Politics. 現實主義者認為,世界政治總是而且必然是 Realists believe world politics is always and necessarily a field of conflict 追求財富和權力的國家之間的衝突領域,國家渴望權力以確保自我保護。 among nations pursuing wealth and power, and nations desire power to ensure self-preservation. 現實主義者認為,沒有可以用來指導 Realists believe that there are no universal principles that can be used to guide the behaviors 所有國家行為的普遍原則。 of all nations. 相反,一個國家必須時刻關注其鄰國的行為,並 Instead, a nation must be constantly aware of the acts of its neighboring countries and 在問題出現時採取務實的態度來解決問題。 take a pragmatic approach to resolve problems as they emerge. 對彼此的動機缺乏信任會導致國家之間的不信任和競爭。 A lack of trust in each other's motives leads to mistrust and competition between nations. 現實主義不贊成任何特定的道德哲學,也不認為意識形態 Realism does not favor any particular moral philosophy, nor does it consider ideology 是國家行為的主要因素。 to be a major factor in the behavior of nations. 然而,現實主義者通常對自由主義外交政策持批評態度,我們將 However, realists are generally critical of liberal foreign policy, which we will discuss 在本影片後面討論。 later in this video. 一些經常被稱為現實主義者的人物包括修昔底德、尼科爾馬基雅維利、托馬斯霍布斯、 Some figures frequently cited as realists include Thucydides, Niccol Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, 讓-雅克盧梭和馬克斯韋伯。 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Max Weber. 那麼現實主義的一些例子是什麼? So What are some examples of realism? 上述發表在電子國際關係上的文章提供了一些 The aforementioned article published on E-International Relations provides some examples explaining 用現實主義解釋國際關係的例子。 international relations with realism. 一個例子是二戰 One example is the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union during World War II 和冷戰時期的美蘇關係。 and Cold War. 在 1939 年至 1945 年的二戰期間,美國和蘇聯是盟友,因為 During World War II in 1939–1945, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies because 它們都將崛起的德國視為威脅並試圖平衡它。 they both perceived a rising Germany as a threat and tried to balance it. 然而,戰爭結束後的幾年內,兩國已成為死敵, However, within a few years after the war's end, the nations had become bitter enemies, 冷戰期間形成新的聯盟時,權力平衡也再次開始發生變化 。 and the balance of power began to change once more when new alliances were formed during 另一個例子是西方、阿拉伯國家和伊斯蘭國集團之間的衝突 the Cold War. 文章認為,各國依靠自助來保證自己的安全。 Another example is the conflict between the West, Arabic countries and the Islamic State 在這種情況下,現實主義者有兩種管理不安全的主要策略: Group. 權力平衡和威懾。 The article argues that nations count on self-help for guaranteeing their own security. 威懾依賴於威脅或使用大量武力,而力量平衡則 Within this context, realists have two main strategies for managing insecurity: 依賴於戰略性的、靈活的聯盟。 the balance of power and deterrence. 在這個例子中,兩者的使用都相當明顯。 Deterrence relies on the threat or use of substantial force, whereas the balance of 美國、俄羅斯和法國——依賴於與 power relies on strategic, flexible alliances. 沙特阿拉伯、土耳其和伊朗等地區大國建立的各種公平天氣聯盟。 In this example, both are in evidence. 而且,以壓倒性的優勢武力或這樣做的前景威懾敵人 The United States, Russia, and France — rely on a variety of fair-weather alliances with 被視為重新控制伊斯蘭國控制領土的最快方式。 regional powers like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran. 另一方面,從現實的角度來看,伊斯蘭國組織利用 And, deterring the enemy with overwhelming, superior force or the prospect of doing so 其掌握的少數資源,通過散佈恐懼 was seen as the quickest way to reclaim control of Islamic State-controlled territory. 來抵消西方在伊拉克和敘利亞的影響 。因為,首先,它會使當地 On the other hand, from a realistic point of view, the Islamic State organization is utilizing 居民成為外國襲擊的目標, the few resources at its disposal to offset Western influence in Iraq and Syria by spreading 從而加劇中東的反西方情緒 。 其次,這些襲擊造成的不公正感允許自發 terror. 招募渴望犧牲以推進該組織目標的武裝分子——這 Because, first, it would exacerbate anti-Western sentiment in the Middle East by making local 對於鄰近地區的個人和那些 inhabitants the target of foreign attacks. 在互聯網上接觸到伊斯蘭國宣傳的人來說都是如此。 Second, the sense of injustice fostered by these assaults allows for the spontaneous 現實主義者經常說,現實主義被稱為現實主義是有原因的,因為它更現實 recruitment of militants eager to die to further the group's objectives - this is true both ,並且似乎是描述、解釋和預測國際關係事件的更可靠的模型。 for individuals in the immediate region and for those who are exposed to Islamic State 但真的是這樣嗎? propaganda on the internet. 那麼有哪些對政治現實主義的批評呢? Realists often argue that realism is called realism for a reason since it's more realistic 政治現實主義受到許多學術批評也就不足為奇了。 and seems to be a more reliable model to describe, explain, and predict events in international relations. 我從 PAA 文章中整理了政治現實主義的主要批評 Or is it? 如下: 1. 鼓勵戰爭和衝突。現實主義的批評者認為,現實主義者可能會強化 So What are some critiques of political realism? 他們所描述的暴力和對抗性世界。 It should come as no surprise that political realism received a number of academic critiques; 通過假設人類不合作和自私的本性以及 I've compiled a list of the major critiques of Political Realism from PAA articles as 國際體系中沒有權力分層,現實主義者鼓勵領導人以懷疑、權力 follow: 1.Encourage War and Conflict Realism's critics argue that realists can perpetuate 和武力為基礎的方式行事。 the violent and confrontational world that they describe. 因此,現實主義可能被視為一種「自證預言」。 By assuming the uncooperative and egoistic nature of humankind and the absence of hierarchy 另一方面,現實主義者認為,領導者面臨著無窮無盡的約束和有限 in the state system, realists encourage leaders to act in ways based on suspicion, power, 的合作機會。 and force. 結果,他們幾乎沒有其他選擇來逃避強權政治的現實。 As a result, realism might be viewed as a self-fulfilling prophecy. 對於一個現實主義者來說,面對一個人的實際情況是審慎和理性的。 Realists, on the other hand, believe that leaders face endless constraints and limited 現實主義者還經常爭辯說,現實主義實際上鼓勵領導人 opportunities for collaboration. 在決定何時何地使用軍事力量時 要極其謹慎 ,並且只在它符合你的 As a result, they have few alternatives for escaping the realities of power politics. 國家利益時才使用它。 For a realist, facing the reality of one's situation is prudent and rational. 例如,作為全球反恐戰爭的一部分,美國在 2003 年入侵伊拉克, Realists also often argue that realism actually encourages the leader to be extremely cautious 遭到美國大多數主要現實主義者的反對,認為這是一種不符合 when deciding where and when to use military power and only use it when it serves your 美國國家利益的濫用權力。 national interests. 2.民主和平理論。民主和平理論聲稱現實主義不適 For example, the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, undertaken as part of the Global War on Terror, 用於民主的國家與國家的關係,因為研究表明民主國家不會 was opposed by most leading realists in the US as a misuse of power that would not serve 相互開戰。 the US national interests. 另一方面,現實主義者和其他學派的支持者批評了這一 2.Democratic peace theory Democratic peace theory claims that realism does not apply 主張和似乎支持它的研究,聲稱 to democratic state-to-state relations because studies show that democratic states do not “戰爭”和“民主”的定義需要調整以達到預期的結果來支持民主和平理論。 go to war with one another. 3.與非歐洲政治不一致。學者們認為,現實主義理論, Realists and proponents of other schools, on the other hand, have criticized both this 特別是關於無政府狀態和權力平衡的現實主義概念,並沒有成為 claim and the studies that appear to back it up, claiming that the definitions of "war" 東亞和非洲國際體系的特徵。 and "democracy" need to be tweaked to achieve the desired result to support the democratic 4.國家中心主義。國際關係的現實主義理論因假設 peace theory. 國家是固定的單一單位而受到批評。 3.Inconsistent with non-European politics. Scholars have argued that realist theories, 一個類比是,它將國家視為在桌子上彈跳的實心撞球,從不停 particularly realist conceptions of anarchy and power balances, have not characterized 下來檢查每個球的內部以及為什麼它會如此移動。 East Asian and African international systems. 5.未能預測或解釋最近的國際體系轉變。 4.State-centrism. Realist theories of international relations have been criticized for assuming 1991年 美蘇冷戰的結束 that nations are fixed and unitary units. 就是一個例子。 One analogy is that it sees states as solid pool balls bouncing around a table, never 冷戰結束後,國際政治迅速轉變,指向 pausing to examine what's inside each one and why it moves the way it does. 國家競爭減少和合作潛力巨大的新時期。 5.Fail to predict or explain the more recent transformation of the international system. 由於這種轉變,國際政治出現了樂觀的前景, The conclusion of the Cold War between the United States of America and the Soviet Union 將現實主義視為“舊思想”。 in 1991 is one such example. 6.被與綏靖政策做連結。 When the Cold War ended, international politics shifted quickly, pointing to a new period 將一個強調國際關係競爭本質的理論與綏靖聯繫在一起可能聽起來很奇怪,但請記住我之前提到 of less state competition and significant potential for collaboration. 的,現實主義實際上鼓勵領導人只在符合 國家利益 時才使用武力, 並且普遍反對自由干涉主義,這是一個想法認為 As a result of this transition, an optimistic vision of international politics emerged, 自由主義國際組織和國家可以干預其他國家以 dismissing realism as "old thinking." 追求自由主義目標。 6.Associate with Appeasement. It might sound weird that a theory focusing on the competing 結果,在 20 世紀中葉,現實主義 由於與 1930 年代綏靖政策的聯繫而 nature of international relations is associated with appeasement, but remember I mentioned 在英國不被重視 。 earlier, realism actually encourages the leader to only use military force when it serves 它在冷戰期間緩慢地重新出現。 their national interests and generally opposes liberal interventionism, an idea propose that 所以既然我們提到了自由主義,我認為現在是談論它作為 liberal international organizations and nations can intervene in other nations in order to 現實主義的對立理論的好時機。 pursue liberal objectives. 那麼國際關係中的現實主義和自由主義有什麼區別呢? As a result, In the mid-20th century, realism was seen as discredited in the United Kingdom 根據維基百科的自由主義條目,國際自由主義是國際關係理論中的一個學派 due to its association with appeasement in the 1930s. ,它基於三個思想: 1.它拒絕國際關係中的強權政治並 It re-emerged slowly during the Cold War. 質疑現實主義的安全/戰爭基礎。 So since we mentioned liberalism, I think it's a good time to talk about it as an 2.強調互惠互利和國際合作 opposing theory of realism. 3.承認國際組織和非政府行為者在塑造國家偏好和政策選擇中的作用 So What are the differences between realism and liberalism in international relations? 自由主義的支持者通常相信通過合作傳播民主。 According to Wikipedia's entry of Liberalism, International liberalism is a school of thought 然而,更激進的自由主義干預主義認為,自由主義國際組織 in international relations theory that is based on three ideas: 1.It calls into question 或國家可以乾預其他國家以追求自由主義目標,有時 realism's security/warfare foundations by rejecting power politics in international relations. 甚至通過軍事干預。 2.Emphasis Mutual benefits and international cooperation 3.Recognize the role of international 總的來說,國際自由主義聽起來是個好主意,畢竟誰 organizations and non-governmental actors in shaping state preferences and policy choices 不想生活在一個所有國家都民主化、和平共處、 Supporters of liberalism often believe in the spreading of democracy through cooperation. 合作共榮的世界。 However, a more radical form of liberal interventionism believes liberal international organizations 然而,一些人認為,國際自由主義,尤其是自由干預主義可能是 or countries can intervene in other states in order to pursue liberal objectives, sometimes 一種理想主義,沒有認識到強權政治的現實,如果決策者 even through military intervention. 僅僅根據自由主義做出決策,可能會導致許多意想不到的後果。 International Liberalism sounds like a good idea in general, after all, who doesn't 哈佛大學美國政治學家斯蒂芬沃爾特 want to live in a world where all countries are democratized, as well as living peacefully, 在外交政策上發表的一篇題為“世界希望你像現實主義者一樣思考”的 cooperating, and prospering together. 文章 認為,如果你像現實主義者一樣思考,國際政治的許多令人困惑的方面將變得 Some argue, however, that International Liberalism, especially liberal interventionism might be 更容易理解. a form of idealism that fails to recognize the reality of power politics and if decision-makers 如果你像一個現實主義者一樣思考,你就更有可能採取一定程度的審慎行事, make decisions solely based on liberalism, it could lead to many unintended consequences. 你就不太可能將對手視為純粹的邪惡,或將你自己的國家視為完全有道德的, One article published on Foreign Policy titled “The World Wants You to Think Like a Realist” 也不太可能走上開放式的道德出征。 written by Stephen Walt who is an American political scientist at Harvard University 他認為,具有諷刺意味的是,如果更多的人像現實主義者一樣思考,和平的前景 argues that if you think like a realist many confusing aspects of world politics will become 實際上會上升。 easier to understand. 我不是 100% 同意他的想法,但我強烈推薦閱讀這篇文章,我會將 And if you think like a realist, you are more likely to act with a degree of prudence, and 鏈接放在描述中。 you'll be less likely to see opponents as purely evil or see your own country as 好吧,讓我們回顧一下。 wholly virtuous and less likely to embark on open-ended moral crusades. 今天我們學習了什麼是國際關係中的現實主義,現實主義的一些例子和批評, And he argues, Ironically if more people thought like realists, the prospects for peace would 以及它與自由主義的對立理論的比較。 actually go up. 如果您看完了影片,那麼您很可能會喜歡了解人們也在 Google 上提出的問題。 I do not 100% agree with his idea but I highly recommend reading this article, I will put 但是讓我們面對現實吧,自己閱讀 PAA 會很痛苦。 the link in the description. 所以不如這樣吧,我會為你閱讀並上傳一個視頻 Okay, let's recap. ,每週一次編譯一些有趣的 PAA,你所要做的就是點擊訂閱按鈕和鈴鐺圖標 Today we learned what is Realism in International Relations, some examples and critics of realism, ,這樣你就不會錯過我的任何 PAA 報告編譯。 as well as its comparison with the opposing theory of liberalism. 所以現在就去做。 If you made it to the end of the video, chances are that you enjoy learning what people also ask on Google. 再見! But let's face it, reading PAA yourself will be a pain. So here's the deal, I will do the reading for you and upload a video compiling some fun PAAs once a week, all you have to do is to hit the subscribe button and the bell icon so you won't miss any PAA report that I compile. So just do it right now. Bye!
B1 中級 中文 主義 現實 國際 國家 政治 自由 國際關係現實主義:到底為什麼國家間會有戰爭與衝突?(Political Realism in International Relations: Concepts, Principles, Examples & Criticism) 63 1 Jack 發佈於 2022 年 03 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字