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Hey, guys! It's Jenn and today I'm going to be answering your "would you rather" questions again.
@ummaria asked me: would you rather have boobs for feet or bees for eyes?
Probably boobs for feet because I could just cover them up with shoes.
@thatgirlyt asked me: would you rather go back in time to relive and change things or go to the future?
Probably go back in time so I could relive my favorite memories.
@LanaDelJelly asked me: would you rather have....
(LanaDelJelly) 問我:你寧可.....
@BeanieBabe44 asked me: would you rather have a 20 feet dog, or a 1 inch cat?
(BeanieBabe44)問我: 你會選一隻有20隻腳的狗還是身長僅一吋的貓?
Probably an one inch cat because that would be the cutest thing ever!!
@radicallily asked: would you rather know how you're gonna die or when you're gonna die?
I think I'd rather know how I was gonna die so I could prevent it from happening.
@tyraxfilms asked me would you rather be arrested for public pranks or go bald?
Probably get arrested for public pranks because I'm pretty sure thats gonna happen anyway.
@bumblebee_0711 asked me: would you rather live in the city or in the mountains?
@kayla_amazing asked me: would you rather have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?
Both of those options are pretty disturbing to think about, but probably legs as long as my fingers because that would be kind of hilarious.
@insanelyawkward asked me: would you rather never have to sleep again and never be tired or sleep all the time and never wake up?
Definitely never have to sleep again because I sleep 24/7 and it wastes so much of my time.
@Sara_baker15 asked me: would you rather eat only corn for the rest of your life or have to walk around in a corn costume for the rest of your life?
Definitely the corn costume. Who wouldn't want to wear that for the rest of their life?
@camaliciousx asked me : would you rather be without your electronic devices or without food?
Oh please~ who needs food!!!
@cerealmaster22 asked me: would you rather cut off two toes or eat Kian's shoe?
(cerealmaster22) 問我:你寧可切掉2根腳指頭還是啃Kian的鞋子?
Sorry Kian~~ it looks like I'm eating your shoe.
@itsJaydnnn asked me: would you rather be on an island with someone you don't like or no one at all?
No one at all (laughs)~~
Lovely_1D_xx asked: would you rather travel the world with your best friend or meet all your favorite singer?
Definitely travel the world with my best friend because that is absolutely on my bucket list.
@hipsterplease17 asked me: would you rather have a life time supply of in-n-out or be a millionaire?
Be a millionaire because then I can use that money and buy myself a life time supply of in-n-out.
Alright guys thank you so much for asking me "would you rather" questions
and if you're not already to make sure to go over and follow me on twitter. My username is @JENNXPENN and I love talking to you guys and answering your questions all the time.
Make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and also leave a comment down below asking me a "Would you rather..." question and I just might answer it!!
and yeah that's pretty much of it. I'll see you guys next week. Bye!!