字幕列表 影片播放
hey guys it's Jenn, and I'm here with my friend Anthony
嗨大家好 我是jenn 這是我的朋友anthony
We're currently in London to WORK!
and today we are going to be doing a little challenge that you may or may not know, the Backwards Words Challenge
然後我們今天要做一個挑戰 你們可能不知道 他就是反話挑戰
so if you don't know what the challenge is basically what we're going to be doing is giving each other words
如果你不知道反話挑戰是什麼 基本上就是我們要給對方一個字
then we have to try and say those words in reverse
and we're going to record those and play it backwards to see if it sounds as normal as possible
if that doesn't make sense, then you'll catch along as we start doing it but Anthony, why don't you go ahead and give me the first one
如果你還是不懂 你可以一邊看影片你就會懂了
so, your first word is shoes
好 那你的第一個字是 鞋子
shoes... S~E~O~H~S (reverse of shoes)
that was so bad!!!! okay, your first word is Giraffe
好難聽喔 好吧那你的第一個字是長頸鹿
Giraffe. . RAFEGE!!!! ....@$%#^7
NONONONO!!!! We're starting off with the easy words I know these are't even the trickiest ones
不!!! 我們一開始只用了很簡單的字誒 :對啊這些根本還不是很難的那些
next one, this one I feel like it should be fairly easy Telephone
下一個 這個應該很簡單 電話
TELEPHONE.. EH..oh wait EN..NE.F..NALET..?
It's my pants exposed pants exposed!!!!
okay.. wait wait wait.. TELE..PH..O..NE
THAT WAS CLOSE!!!!!! your next word is grilled cheese
差一點!!! 你的下一個字是焗烤起司
你在跟我開玩笑嗎!!! 司起烤焗..
CHE..SE.. DELICHE@#%$ NO...I give up
起司..@#$%%屙 我放棄
your word is elephant!
elephant TE..EL..A..PHA...
大象 象..大
:do I get another chance?? :NO~NO~NO one chance one chance..
我還有機會嗎?? 沒了沒了 只以一次的機會
EL..PH..AS.. :that was actually really close :no it wasn't!!! :no listen :my laugh sound say tanago
大象... :其實很像誒! :哪有啊!! :你聽你聽我的笑聲很怪
your next word.. I think its going to be pretty easy laptop
你的下一個字 我覺得應該蠻簡單的 筆電
laptop.. pot..ta hahahaha
筆電 電..筆 哈哈哈哈
laptop pot...tal@#$ @#$@@
THAT WAS GOOD!! THAT WAS SO GOOD!!! (it totally works!!!)
so Jennifer, your next word is awesomeness
好的珍妮佛 你的下個字是優秀的
awesomeness.. ssnee..awesome??
haha you said the word again!!!! I know! I know!!!
:哈哈哈你把那個字重複一遍了!!! :我知道啦我知道!!
your next word is coffee :eefiac
你的下個字是:咖啡 :啡咖
coeifee~~ that was really good!! if I was like smoother coffee... @#$%#@
啡咖... 差一點誒!!! 如果我可說的以更圓滑一點
the last word is Badeshka
好的 那最後一個字是 Badeshka
NOOOOOOO!!!! for those of you who don't know what thats from literally insert the clip right there wait pause..the video
不!!!! 如果你不知道Badeshka你就直接搜尋底下的連結 等等...停止錄影
##@!$#@!#$??? ohh.. she ordered room service so thats what we thought that was
##@!$#@!#$??? 喔喔 有人叫了客房服務啦
anyways.. BADESHKA ##@!#$@ BASHELAKA
this is like the sound of helvering
I think we just went to hell I've been to hell before I know what its like
:我覺得我們剛下地獄了 :我知道地獄是怎樣 我去過
your last word is Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus tis~a~ka~eup...ak
Eucalyptus tis~a~ka~eup...ak
@#$%%^$#@ NO! NO! NO!
@#$%%^$#@ 不!不!不!
Alright those last two words are pretty hard.. if you like this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up
好吧最後兩個字真的很難 如果你喜歡這部影片的話記得按個贊喔
and also we made another video over on Lohanthony's channel so make sure to click anywhere on him to go check that out
然後我們也有做另一部影片 在Lohanthony的頻道上 你可以按隨遍一個地方看噢!
and yeah thats pretty much it thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you all next saturday with another video bye~~~
好啦 那就差不多啦 謝謝你們的觀看喔!! 我們下禮半見!會有新的影片噢掰!!