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  • Do you have this type of experience?

  • You know a lot of vocabulary but

  • just can't open your mouth and speak?

  • You take a lot of time to

  • learn a lot of words every day.

  • Write them down and repeat them.

  • Work hard but quickly. Forget them.

  • If you are struggling with the same situation

  • and want to know how we can deal

  • with it, keep watching this video.

  • Hello my friends.

  • Welcome to my channel.

  • If you are new here, my name is Zoe.

  • I'm a polyglot, I speak seven languages and

  • I'm doing a PhD in sociology in France.

  • Besides my native language, Chinese, I have

  • learned six other languages as adults.

  • You can find my videos speaking in

  • different languages on my channel

  • I always believe that it is never too late

  • to learn a language If you want to

  • I'm here to share with you

  • my experience, encourage and inspire you

  • in your language and learning journey.

  • This video is structured by

  • three common questions people ask me.

  • How many words do you learn per day?

  • How do you memorize words?

  • How do you take notes and repeat?

  • If you like this video and if you think it's

  • useful, don't forget to give me a like and share

  • with your friends and subscribe to my channel.

  • Let's get started.

  • Tip number one.

  • Don't count the numbers.

  • Digest of them! first and most importantly,

  • I want to say that learning a language depends

  • more on your mental skills than your intelligence.

  • You need to know how to manage your expectations,

  • know your abilities and limitations, and know

  • what is reasonable and visible in your situation.

  • This is the key to staying motivated

  • and not giving up easily.

  • So stop comparing yourself to others like how

  • This person studying to be fluent after six months.

  • The number doesn't really matter.

  • But ask yourself how useful that word is

  • how much this word is related to your daily life.

  • If you speak another foreign language, just

  • ask yourself if you use that word

  • frequently in that language when you speak.

  • Sometimes I see a word in Arabic or Turkish that

  • I don't even know how to say in English and French.

  • Of course, I'm not going to

  • spend my energy memorizing it.

  • I always prefer to say that if you use only

  • five words a day, but they are frequent and useful words, you

  • digest it and know how to use it during the conversation.

  • It's better than mechanically

  • repeating 100 words without understanding, those five words a

  • day may not seem like much, but that means 150

  • words a month and 900 words after six months.

  • With 900 frequency, you can

  • already hold a conversation.

  • For example, at the beginning of the learning process,

  • I'm always a bit in a hurry to learn that 1000 basis words to

  • be able to talk and practice with people.

  • I always classified them into different categories.

  • This is my list of Turkish frequent verbs.

  • As you can see, there are very useful verbs

  • like to like to help, to buy, to bring.

  • There are some examples as well.

  • This is my list of useful adjectives.

  • You can see new, enough,

  • Difficult, easy.

  • Let me share with you my story.

  • I was in Egypt, in Alexandria.

  • I wanted to learn Egyptian dialect.

  • At that time, I already knew strandard Arabic, but I wanted

  • to speak Egyptian dialect with people, in the Institute.

  • They have a textbook, but it's too slow for me.

  • I want those 1000 basic words to

  • be able to talk with people.

  • So I suggested to my teacher, I'm going to

  • write the conjugation of five verbs every day.

  • If we just learn the present and past tenses,

  • I'm going to write in those two tenses and

  • make sentences of those verbs in both tenses.

  • And then we will talk about my daily routine,

  • what I have done, and then we study the textbook.

  • It's very beneficial and effective.

  • I used this method to learn Syrian dialect by myself and

  • I continued to do it with my language partner

  • when I started learning Turkish in Persia.

  • If you ask me how many new words

  • I study every day, I will tell you it depends.

  • At that time I was only studying Arabic, so

  • I can do 50 words a day even more.

  • And now I have to work during the working day.

  • I can do like ten words a day or less.

  • If I don't have time, I would just review

  • the old works and the old flash cards.

  • The point is not the number, but make sure

  • you know how to use them and digest them.

  • Okay if you learn five words per day.

  • Next step, how to memorize words.

  • Tip number two, don't memorize them.

  • Use them.

  • There are a lot of videos and

  • books about memorizing things on YouTube.

  • Personally, I have watched and read a lot about

  • this topic because I want to learn vocabulary faster.

  • So I have tried different methods.

  • Some techniques like Spider webs, mind map,

  • mind palace, anything you can imagine.

  • But after that, I realized these techniques can help

  • me to learn words in a short time.

  • I can say that I can memorize 50

  • words in ten minutes and repeat them correctly.

  • But after one day I forget them all

  • or I still can't use them.

  • I still can't speak the language.

  • Learning a language is not about showing how many words

  • you can memorize, but how you can use them

  • naturally and correctly to communicate with people.

  • So it's important to change the logic.

  • Rather than trying to figure out how to

  • memorize the words, ask yourself how to use

  • these words as much as possible.

  • Just think about how children learn language.

  • Of course, according to cognitive scientists,

  • there is a window period that allows children

  • learn faster and easier language than adults.

  • Moreover, they are surrounded by

  • that language like immersion.

  • They hear it all the time at school, at home,

  • on the street, with friends, everywhere you may be thinking,

  • of course, I know the best way to learn

  • a language is to live in a country surrounded by locals.

  • But unfortunately, most of the language learners don't live

  • in the country where the language is spoken.

  • So how can you get the effect of immersion?

  • If you learn five words today in a book

  • or an application, anything, you have accomplished your task today,

  • you learn another five words tomorrow

  • you put it in your flashcard

  • and do spaced repetition and review.

  • This is a very good basic studying routine, but I don't

  • just put them in my flashcards and repeat them like

  • how to say"to go","red", "hospital" in Arabic, for example.

  • In the following days, I would use

  • these words as much as possible.

  • When I'm at home or walk in the street.

  • Every time I see something, I will try to make the

  • link between what I see and what I just learned.

  • I will even say it out loud

  • like, okay, this is "door" "window", okay.

  • For example, I'm in the street.

  • I say, oh this is the hospital

  • library, hairdresser, bookshop.

  • It's a very good way to review

  • I even replace the words in my own language.

  • For example, I don't know how to say

  • the whole sentence "I want to buy apples" in Arabic

  • because I just learned the word "apple" at the beginning.

  • For example, I would just say

  • "I want to buy some TUFAH "

  • But next time when I learn the verb "to buy"

  • I can say the sentence like

  • I want to buy apples.

  • Next next time, even add more

  • descriptions like color, location, price.

  • For example

  • Today, I want to buy some

  • red apples from the supermarket.

  • From this sentence, you can see there's

  • time, there's a verb, there's a color, there's

  • adjective, and there's a place. With the time,

  • You can say more things and

  • make longer and longer sentence.

  • This is really my favorite exercise and

  • I really want to share with you.

  • It's the best way to train your brain from

  • the beginning to get used to thinking in that language.

  • If you have an intermediate level, it's even better.

  • Just think in that language.

  • Speak to yourself in that language

  • and describe everything around you.

  • If there are words you don't know, check them directly

  • on Google and Reverso and save it in your list.

  • After learning the basic grammar and words,

  • try writing diary by using them.

  • I talked about this method in

  • another video because it's really effective.

  • If you have a language exchange partner or

  • native speaker friend, it will be even better.

  • What I did for my Turkish

  • I have a language exchange partner Hilal.

  • We met each other on Python

  • and we study together regularly.

  • Every day I would write the diary and send

  • it to her on WhatsApp she would just correct

  • me and send it back to me.

  • I will ask her to read my

  • diary and send me the voice note.

  • Normally it takes less than five minutes and I listen

  • to that voice notes over and over again and repeat.

  • There is another very effective exercise

  • which is inspired by the meditation.

  • Every day before you go to bed or

  • before you start your daily study routine,

  • put away your phone, give yourself five minutes asking

  • yourself what did I learn today?

  • Or what did I learn yesterday?

  • And try to review it in your brain.

  • This is the best way to activate your memory

  • and really embed the vocabulary in long term memory.

  • Another immersion exercise.

  • Listen to that language as much as possible

  • such as YouTube videos, TV, podcasts, radio, but

  • try to catch the verbs you just learned

  • and imitate the pronunciation and accent

  • To recap, all these exercises are based on active recall.

  • It's a way to understand how we

  • use the word in different situations instead

  • of just repeating and memorizing them.

  • The more we use our brain,

  • the better and longer we can remember that.

  • Tip number Three Don't get obsessed with

  • one way to take notes and review.

  • I want to say that there are many ways to do it.

  • Take notes in the notebook on a computer.

  • Use note taking applications, flash cards

  • each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

  • The first thing you have to

  • keep in mind is not to be exclusive.

  • You have to have a toolbox in language learning.

  • Before you take notes and reviews,

  • ask yourself what are the main resources

  • where you can learn different vocabulary?

  • For example, for me textbook or language lesson

  • website like articles, news, YouTube videos,

  • speaking exercise with language partner.

  • I use different tools to

  • take notes from different resources.

  • For vocabulary from a textbook for example,

  • I'm learning Turkish with this book.

  • Istanbul B1

  • If I started with a PDF book or

  • reading an article, I always copy the new

  • words or short sentences into an Excel.

  • Because I can copy the list and get the

  • translation from Google Translate, I will check them again

  • and put it in my anki cards.

  • If you watch my channel, you must know my favorite

  • add on to learn vocabulary when I watch YouTube videos.

  • The Reverso add-on

  • I really like the Reverso application.

  • It can translate and save new words directly

  • from YouTube or Netflix videos in one click.

  • Then I can review them in the application.

  • It's really great

  • To review, I use mostly Anki and Reverso to do spaced repetition.

  • What I like about Reverso is

  • that they have pronunciations and examples.

  • But the great thing about Anki is

  • that you can edit as you like.

  • As you can see, I rarelly write down notes.

  • The advantage is that I can save time

  • and put more effort on spaced repetition

  • The disadvantage is that you can't train your

  • writing skills if you have a pad.

  • There is a feature on Anki that I really like.

  • If you don't have a Pad, just write on your notebook.

  • There's no difference since I'm learning four languages

  • at the same time I have to work

  • and other things to do in my life.

  • It is really overwhelming for me to review

  • all flashcards every day so the first and

  • the second tip are the most important.

  • Don't just rely on the flashcards.

  • I'm actually reviewing flashcards but I have time when

  • I go out when I'm taking public transport when I travel

  • this is the best way to review

  • When I travel from France to Turkey the 2 hours

  • waiting at airport 3 hours of flight is the best

  • time to review my flashcards in Turkish and I can

  • switch to that language when I get off the plane.

  • If you watch this video to the end

  • I will give you one last tip.

  • Write down these three questions then the method you like

  • in this video and then try to add more methods

  • as you learn as I say don't be exclusive.

  • I try to give you all methods I use.

  • Everyone has different situations,

  • different learning styles.

  • Just try to find the most appropriate

  • method and build your own toolbox.

  • If you have any questions write in the comments

  • if you know better methods, share them with us.

  • See you soon friends. Bye.

Do you have this type of experience?


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A2 初級 美國腔

How to learn vocabulary in a smart and effective way? Not just spaced repetition! (Subtitles)

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    chatarow 發佈於 2022 年 02 月 22 日