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Hello everyone, I'm Davina.
It has been 30 whole years since Christ of the last days, Almighty God,
appeared and began working and expressing truths in 1991.
He has expressed
millions of His words, which are all online,
shining from East to West like a great light,
shaking the entire world.
Many people from all denominations who love the truth
have seen that Almighty God's words are all the truth,
the Holy Spirit speaking to the churches.
Hearing the voice of God, they have eagerly accepted Almighty God.
They've been lifted up before God's throne and are attending the Lamb's wedding feast,
eating and drinking God's current words daily,
enjoying the sustenance of the living waters.
Their hearts are more and more enlightened and they've learned many truths.
They have God's personal guidance and shepherding.
Their corrupt dispositions are being cleansed and changed through God's judgment
and they have beautiful testimonies.
They've been made overcomers before the disasters by God,
becoming the first fruits, gaining God's approval and blessings.
Today, The Church of Almighty God is springing up in countries all over the world
like the first sprouts after a spring rain,
and God's chosen people are putting their all into spreading God's kingdom gospel,
bearing witness to Almighty God's name.
More and more people from all countries, all regions, and all denominations
are accepting God's last days' work.
The kingdom gospel is spreading and expanding with unstoppable force and momentum,
entirely fulfilling the biblical prophecies:
However, though many believers have read Almighty God's words and are convinced,
and acknowledge they are all the truth,
since Almighty God looks like a regular person
and is not the Lord Jesus coming on a cloud,
they don't dare accept Him.
Some cling to the literal words of the Bible,
taking the verse
to mean that the Lord Jesus' name will never change.
Seeing Almighty God isn't called Jesus,
and the Bible never mentions the name "Almighty God,"
they won't accept Him.
They say that if they did accept Him,
and only read Almighty God's words and not the Bible,
and stopped praying in Jesus' name,
that would be a clear betrayal of the Lord Jesus.
After all those years of faith in the Lord, enjoying so many of His graces,
they couldn't possibly betray Him.
This is their reasoning,
and they also condemn those who believe in Almighty God
as traitors of the Lord Jesus, as apostates.
This has kept many from investigating the true way,
and they may acknowledge Almighty God's words are the truth and God's voice,
but they still don't dare accept Him.
As a result, they are succumbing to the disasters in their lives.
This really is sad, foolish, and ignorant.
This fulfills something else in the Bible:
So is accepting Almighty God actually betraying the Lord Jesus, or not?
Let's fellowship a bit on this.
Many people think that accepting Almighty God is a betrayal of the Lord.
What's the best way to approach this issue?
We can't just go by the fact that Their names are different,
but we have to figure out if They're one Spirit, if it's the same God at work.
In the Age of Law, it was Jehovah God working,
and it was the Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace.
We can see here that God's name did change,
that He was no longer called Jehovah, but instead Jesus.
But could you say that the Lord Jesus was a different God than Jehovah?
Could you say that believing in the Lord Jesus was betraying Jehovah God?
Absolutely not.
But most people of Judaism refused to accept the Lord Jesus,
saying that would be betraying Jehovah,
and they even helped to get Him crucified.
Why was that?
It was because they didn't realize that
the Lord Jesus was the Spirit of Jehovah God appearing and working in the flesh.
His name was different, but the Lord Jesus and Jehovah were one Spirit, one God.
There's a wonderful story recorded in the Bible
of Philip saying to the Lord Jesus,
Jesus responded,
The Lord Jesus' words were very clear.
He and Jehovah were one God,
and His Spirit was Jehovah's Spirit.
The Lord Jesus was the appearance of Jehovah God, the one true God.
And so,
believing in the Lord Jesus wasn't betraying Jehovah God,
but submitting to Jehovah.
It was in line with God's will.
If you cling to one name in your faith and to the literal words of the Bible
without understanding the Spirit and His work,
you are likely to go astray and resist God.
Then you are prone to betraying God, the consequences of which are unthinkable.
When the Lord appeared and worked, people of Judaism rejected Him.
Wasn't that betraying Jehovah God?
The essence of their action is betrayal,
which is why the Israelites were cursed by God.
Also, long before the Lord Jesus' appearance and work,
there was a biblical prophecy about Him, saying,
But when He did come, He wasn't called Emmanuel—
He was called Jesus.
The Pharisees of Judaism rigidly adhered to the literal Scripture,
and because God's new name didn't match up,
they did their utmost to deny and condemn the Lord.
No matter how much authority and power the Lord Jesus' teachings contained,
they refused to accept them,
and ultimately had Him nailed to the cross, committing a heinous sin,
damned and punished by God.
This is a really thought-provoking lesson!
So as far as welcoming the Lord goes,
should we rigidly adhere to the literal Scripture,
and only the name of Jesus?
Doing that makes it all too easy to end up resisting and condemning God.
This is something that many believers don't have insight into,
so they hold tight to the literal words in the Bible and Jesus' name,
and when investigating the true way, keep asking,
"Is there any biblical basis for the name Almighty God?
If the name of Almighty God isn't in the Bible,
I can't accept Him."
If you say that you won't accept Him unless Almighty God's name is in the Bible,
then why do you believe in the Lord Jesus, since His name isn't in the Old Testament?
Isn't that contradictory?
Clearly, plenty of people don't truly understand the Bible,
but blindly cling to the literal Scripture and rules.
They don't pray,
seek the truth from God's words or confirmation from the Holy Spirit,
and this will ultimately do them in.
In fact, there are biblical prophecies about God appearing and working in the last days,
named Almighty God.
You can also check Revelation 4:8, and 16:7, and more.
These passages of Scripture prophesied God would have a new name in the last days,
"the Almighty," that is, Almighty God.
We can see that God appears and works in the last days under the name Almighty God,
and God planned this long ago.
All those who accept Almighty God have heard the Lord's voice
and recognized Almighty God as the Lord Jesus returned.
They've welcomed the Lord, been taken up before His throne,
and are attending the Lamb's wedding feast.
They are the true believers, the ones with proper faith.
They have finally welcomed and gained the Lord.
Those who fail to welcome the Lord will find their faith lost and gone.
They will lose the Lord.
Those who adhere to the name of Jesus
don't recognize the Lord's voice when He comes.
They don't recognize Almighty God as the Lord Jesus' Spirit appearing and working.
Without accepting the Lord Jesus' return,
they believe in the Lord without recognizing Him.
That is resisting the Lord,
and they are the ones who are truly betraying the Lord Jesus.
What is a betrayal of the Lord?
It is believing in Him without recognizing Him!
It's all clear now, right?
So why does God's name keep changing?
Why does He adopt a new name for each age?
A mystery of the truth is within this.
Let's take a look at Almighty God's words to shed some light on this.
Almighty God's words very clearly explain the names God uses for His work in each age
and the mysteries of the truth surrounding His names.
God's name changes along with the age and the work He's doing.
Each of His names is representative of the work He's doing in that age.
But no matter how God's name or work may change,
His essence never changes—God is always God.
God worked in the name of Jehovah in the Age of Law,
issuing the law and leading mankind's lives on earth,
teaching people what sin is and how to worship Jehovah God.
In the Age of Grace, God's Spirit was clothed in the flesh as the Son of man.
He expressed truths and did the work of redemption under the name of Jesus.
Ultimately, He was crucified and became mankind's sin offering,
redeeming us of our sins.
Now in the last days, God has incarnated again
and is doing the last days' work of judgment under the name Almighty God,
expressing truths to judge and cleanse mankind,
fully saving us from sin, saving us from Satan's forces
and putting an end to this dark and evil old world.
He will lead man into a beautiful destination.
This is how God's 6,000-year management plan to save mankind
will be completely fulfilled.
The facts of God's work show us
that the three names of Jehovah, Jesus, and Almighty God,
each represent one of the three different stages of God's work to save mankind.
On the outside, it looks like God's name and His work are changing,
but God's essence doesn't change.
God's disposition and what He has and is never change.
He remains the one God,
leading, redeeming, and thoroughly cleansing and saving mankind.
When we look at Jehovah God's words in the Old Testament from the Age of Law,
the Lord Jesus' words in the Age of Grace,
and now Almighty God's words in the Age of Kingdom,
we can see these truths come entirely from one Spirit
and are the same Spirit's utterances,
because God's utterances in different ages
all contain His love and His righteous disposition.
What God has and is lies within them.
God's love, God's disposition, and what He has and is
all make up the essence of the one true God,
the possessions and being of the one true God.
In the Age of Grace,
hearing the Lord Jesus speak was just like hearing the voice of Jehovah God.
When we listen to the words of Almighty God,
it's just as if the Lord Jesus is personally speaking to us,
and Jehovah God speaking to us.
This entirely proves that God's three stages of work are carried out by one God.
God's name changes,
but His essence, what He has and is, and the righteous disposition He expresses
are the same, without the slightest change.
All of Almighty God's work today follows on from the Lord Jesus' work.
It is a stage of work on the foundation of the work of redemption
that is deeper and more elevated—
the work to fully cleanse and save humanity.
Almighty God has expressed an abundance of truths,
not only revealing the mysteries of the Bible,
but also unveiling all the mysteries
of God's 6,000-year management plan to save mankind,
such as God's aim in His management work,
how God uses His three stages of work to save man,
the mysteries of the incarnations,
how God judges, cleanses and fully saves mankind,
how every type of person's outcome and destination are determined,
how Christ's kingdom is realized on earth, and more.
God also reveals the truth of man's corruption by Satan,
He judges and exposes man's satanic, anti-God nature.
He also explains every aspect of the truths that mankind should put into practice,
giving us practical paths to cast off our corruption and change our dispositions.
The truths Almighty God expresses
are all the truths man needs to be cleansed and attain full salvation,
and completely fulfill the Lord Jesus' prophecy:
Almighty God's work of judgment in the last days fully cleanses and saves mankind
and brings all of the people God has predetermined to save before Him
to be cleansed through judgment and chastisement.
He has already completed a group of overcomers before the disasters.
Now the disasters have begun,
and God has started to reward good and punish evil.
All those who are of Satan, who resist God, will be destroyed,
while those who are purified through God's judgment
will be protected and kept by God through the disasters.
After the disasters, Christ's kingdom will appear on earth,
realizing all these prophecies from Revelation:
Almighty God has expressed so many truths, and achieved such great work.
This proves that He is God's Spirit in the flesh, appearing to work as the Son of man.
He is not called Jesus, and is not in the image of the Jewish Lord Jesus,
but Almighty God's Spirit is that of the Lord Jesus—
He is the Lord Jesus returned.
Almighty God, the Lord Jesus, and Jehovah are all one God.
Once you properly understand this,
you can't possibly claim that believing in Almighty God is a betrayal of the Lord Jesus,
because welcoming Almighty God is welcoming the Lord,
following the footsteps of the Lamb, and being lifted up before God!
Many in the religious world are still clinging to the literal Scripture,
to the Lord Jesus' name,
waiting for Him to come down on a cloud,
refusing to seek and investigate Almighty God's last days' work.
No matter how many truths He expresses,
they refuse to acknowledge this comes from God's Spirit,
that this is the Lord Jesus' Spirit appearing and working.
They even condemn and reject Almighty God, who brings us the truth.
Aren't they making the same mistake the Pharisees made?
They think this is devotion to the Lord Jesus,
but the Lord condemned them as evildoers.
And so, the Lord will eliminate them.
Let's take a look at more of Almighty God's words to wrap up.
That's all we have for you today.
If you have any questions, we welcome you to leave us a comment below.
Keep joining us on Seeking True Faith for more practical guidance and help.
See you next time!