字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Anna Freud was the daughter of the founder of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. 心理治療 She was born in Vienna in 1895 – when her father's radical theories of sex and the 安娜佛洛伊德 mind were starting to make him famous across Europe. She became a school teacher and then 安娜佛洛伊德是精神分析創始人佛洛伊德之女。 a psychoanalyst – and pioneered the treatment of children, establishing clinics and nurseries 安娜於1895年在維也納出生,當時她父親在性與心理方面的激進理論,讓他在歐洲漸漸出名。 for children who were war victims, survivors of the holocaust or just generally troubled 安娜先是教師,後來成為精神分析師,是兒童治療的先驅,成立許多診所與育幼院, by their lives. 治療戰爭受害兒童、大屠殺倖存者、或在日常生活中受苦的一般兒童。 Perhaps most importantly for us, she is our finest guide to what we call 也許對我們來說最重要的是,她引導我們認識 DEFENCE MECHANISMS 「防衛機轉」 which she described best in her 1936 book The Ego and Mechanisms of Defence. 在她1936年的《自我與防衛機轉》一書中,提供清楚的描繪。 The book laid out for the first time the core idea that we instinctively try to protect 該書首次羅列各種防衛方法,顯示我們如何本能地保護 our 'ego' (our acceptable picture of who we are) with a variety of defences. 「自我」 The problem is that in the act of defending ourselves against pain in the immediate term, 也就是我們自己可以接受的自己,這種核心概念。 we harm our longer-term chances of dealing with reality and therefore of developing and 這裡的問題在於,保護自我不受到當下的苦痛的同時, maturing as a result. 我們卻犧牲了處理現實的長期能力,也就是發展與成熟的機會。 Anna Freud highlighted ten key types of defence mechanisms. 安娜佛洛伊德列出十種主要的防衛機轉。 Firstly, Denial 一、否認 Denial is when we don't admit there is a problem. We think things like: 'I enjoy 否認就是我們不承認有問題。 drinking very much and I sometimes get quite bad hangovers. But I can handle it.' 我們會這麼想:「我很喜歡喝酒,有時宿醉很嚴重,但還應付的來。」 If other people try to get us to face up to the problem, we tend to react very badly. The 如果他人強迫我們面對問題,我們就會反抗。 immediate survival mechanism – the short term instinct to feel alright about oneself 立即的、讓我們覺得仍然能夠好好生活的防衛機轉, – means refusing to recognise our need for change. 就是直覺的要馬上讓自己覺得沒問題,也就代表我們拒絕承認自己必須改變。 Projection 二、投射 In projection, you attribute a bad feeling you have in someone else. For example, you 投射就是把自己的、不好的感覺放到別人身上。 might develop the impression that your partner is going to be extremely critical if you don't 舉例來說, make more money this year than last. But in reality they may be quite understanding and 你可能覺得,如果今年賺的沒有去年多,你的伴侶就會責怪你。 sympathetic. The harsh, bitter thoughts are not in your partner. They are in you – and 但事實上,伴侶可能是很體諒且很同情你的。 they came from, let's say, your mother. But you have given the negative feelings, 這個嚴厲、尖刻的想法並不是伴侶的想法,而是你的想法。 which you don't want to recognise in yourself, to someone else. That's projection. 也許這個想法的源頭來自你的母親, Turning against the self 但你把這些負面感覺放到別人身上,因為你不想承認這是你自己的想法。 This is when we think badly of ourselves as a way of escaping from an even worse thought: 這就是投射。 that someone we hope loves us doesn't actually. 三、轉向自己 Anna Freud learnt that children do this a lot. A child abused by a parent will typically 我們把自己想得很糟,藉此逃避更可怕的想法: seek refuge in a thought which, though grim, is less awful than the alternatives. He or 也就是我們希望愛我們的人,其實並不愛我們。 she will think: I must be bad and worthless – that's why my parent is behaving this 安娜佛洛伊德發現很多兒童都會這樣。 way towards me. So, really – the thought goes – I still have a good parent. 受父母虐待的兒童會發展出殘忍的想法,藉此尋求庇護,這種想法儘管殘忍,但比現實好。 It's painful to think we're bad and worthless, of course – but for a fragile child especially, 兒童會這麼想:「我一定很不乖、很沒用,所以爸爸或媽媽才會這樣對我。」 it can feel less catastrophic than the alternative: thinking we're in the hands of a parent 所以背後真正的想法是:我的爸爸或媽媽還是很好的。 who doesn't care. 當然,認為自己不乖、不好是很痛苦的,但對於脆弱的兒童來說, Sublimation. 這個想法的災難性低於另一種想法,也就是:爸媽其實根本不愛我。 We sublimate when we redirect unacceptable thoughts or emotions - often about sex or 四、昇華 violence - into 'higher' and finer channels. Many artists and especially musicians have 昇華就是疏導不被接受的想法或情緒,通常與性及暴力有關, used sublimation to turn negative life experiences like - drug addiction, social ills, family problems, and 把它們引導到「比較崇高」、比較美好的方向。很多藝術家,尤其是歌手, so on—into popular and resonant works of art. Sublimation is still a defence mechanism, 昇華負面的生活經驗,例如:嗑藥、社會適應不良、家庭問題等等, but it's one of the very best. 變成流行的藝術作品,跟大眾產生共鳴。 Regression 昇華仍是一種防衛機轉,但算是最好的一種。 Anna Freud believed that when things become tough, we often regress to a way of behaving 五、退化 that we practiced when we were a younger. In particular, we do what children typically 安娜佛洛伊德認為,遇到困難時,我們的行為有時會退化到小時候。 do, which is evade responsibility. It is - for the child - always someone else's fault, 我們會做出小孩子一般會做的事,就是逃避責任。 usually the parents - and they should put it right. 小孩通常認為,這是別人的錯,通常是爸媽的錯,爸媽要負責弄好。 IN regression, we adopt an infantile sense of our own purity and innocence: the rest 在退化當中,我們認為自己是單純、無辜的嬰兒,要怪就怪這個世界。他們應該負責解決問題。 of the world is to blame. They should sort it out. For Anna Freud, it's normal for 安娜佛洛伊德認為,很多神智清楚的成年人,遇到壓力會退化,而這是很正常的。 many otherwise perfectly sane adults to go through regressive moments when under pressure. 但如果退化太久,那就有問題了。 It only beco mes a problem when it goes on too long. 六、合理化 Rationalisation. 合理化是使用聽起來很高明的藉口來解釋我們的行為,或解釋發生在我們身上的事。 Rationalisation is a smart sounding excuse 但這個藉口是精心策劃出來的,讓我們得到我們需要的結論: for our actions (or what happens to us). But it's carefully tailored to get the conclusion 也就是我們是無辜的、善良的、有價值的 。 we feel we need: that we are innocent, nice, worthy. After being rejected for a job, for 例如:求職被拒。 example, the defensive rationaliser will say: “it was a boring company” or “I never 用合理化作為防衛的人會說: wanted the job anyway”. They may have very much desired the job, 「那家公司反正很無聊,我本來就不想去。」 but it can be agonising and deeply humiliating to admit this to the ego. 他可能很想得到那份工作,但如果承認,對自我來說就太痛苦、太丟臉。 Intellectualisation 七、理智化 Intellectualisation is similar. The scarring 理智化也很類似。 sense of loss, guilt, betrayal and anger on breaking up with a partner might be neutralised 跟伴侶分手所造成的失落、罪惡感、背叛與憤怒,讓人受創。 by thinking about the history of the late Roman Empire or the government's plan to 倒不如想想羅馬帝國末期的歷史,或政府的升息政策,來中和一下。 raise interest rates. Many intellectuals are not merely thinking a lot. They are also guilty 很多知識份子不僅是單純地想很多而已。 of 'intellectualisation'; which means making sure their researches keep a range of more pertinent 他們在利用理智化這個機制,確保自己的研究能把更迫切的問題遠遠隔開的同時,卻又覺得有罪疚感。 issues at bay. 八、反向作用 Reaction formation 反向作用就是去做一些跟自己的初衷完全相反的事。 Reaction formation involves doing the opposite of our initial, unacceptable feelings. Someone 例如,某人沈迷於與未成年人發生性關係的想法,他可能會加入宗教團體,該團體尤其強調年輕人的禁慾。 who has a strong interest in the sexuality of teenagers may, for instance, join a religion 我們在兒童時期經常使用「反向作用」。 with a particular emphasis on abstinence among the young. 別人說中自己喜歡某個同學,自己感到不好意思,於是反而對那個同學很壞、很兇,而不是承認自己喜歡他。 We are often guilty of reaction formation in childhood. When we are embarrassed about 九、轉移 being attracted to a classmate, we might be mean or aggressive towards them, instead of 轉移就是把某種慾望,通常是攻擊慾望,導引到替代對象身上, admitting that we like them. 這個替代對象通常是威脅性比較低的人,或好欺負的人。 Displacement 典型的例子是,在公司被老闆罵,回家就罵自己的伴侶。 Displacement is the redirection of a (usually aggressive) desire to a substitute recipient, 十、幻想 usually someone who is less threatening or easier to blame. So a classic case is someone 幻想是靠想像問題不存在,來解決問題。 who may feel threatened by their boss, comes home and starts shouting at their partner. 或透過做白日夢、閱讀、或看色情內容讓自己脫離現實。 Fantasy 我們透過這些方法,把自己從可怕的世界移到別處,從別處得到安慰。 Fantasy avoids problems by imagining them 安娜佛洛伊德書寫防禦機轉的基調是溫柔、寬大的。 away or disassociating oneself from reality—from daydreaming to reading literature to looking 她知道這些防禦是很自然的,但她也觀察到這些防禦所帶來的問題。 at porn. We use these moments to transport ourselves from the threatening world to find 這些防禦阻礙我們的事業發展,讓別人覺得很煩,也會傷害那些愛我們的人。 comfort elsewhere. *** 佛洛伊德認為,多數人每天都會用到至少五個她所提出的防禦機轉,但毫不自知。 Anna Freud's tone when writing about defence mechanisms is tender and generous. 她寫書,試圖讓我們稍微看清楚自己到底在做什麼。 She knows these defences are natural, but she also observes how many difficulties they 希望未來我們可以多一點成熟,對周遭的人少一點「防衛」,這也算是對安娜佛洛伊德的一種默默地、無人知曉的致敬吧。 bring in their wake. They hold back our careers, are boring for others and hurt those who love us. 中文字幕由 臺灣吾境思塾 楊明敏校閱 Freud argued that most of us employ at least 5 of her 10 defence mechanisms every day - without being in any way aware of it. She wrote her great book as a way of helping us see a little better what we're doing, in the hope that we would, in future, be a little more mature and a little less - as we still say in unknowing tribute to her defensive towards those around us.
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 想法 兒童 防禦 問題 承認 佛洛伊德 心理治療 - 安娜弗洛伊德(PSYCHOTHERAPY - Anna Freud) 20 4 erinfong7212 發佈於 2022 年 02 月 18 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字