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  • What do you see in this image?

  • A scary face?

  • A couple of squirrels fighting?

  • Or this one?

  • A squashed frog?

  • Or tumbling poodles?

  • A bleeding bat?

  • Hermann Rorschach wants to know.

  • Eh, he wanted to knowhe's dead now

  • He believed that your answers, what you saw in the ink, said something about your personality.

  • Rorschach was a Swiss psychoanalyst who, in his youth, was fascinated

  • by the childhood game of making pictures out of inkblots called klecksography

  • As an adult, Rorschach was intrigued with Carl Jung's use of word association

  • in attempts to access patients' unconscious minds.

  • Jung would ask patients to say the first thing that came to mind

  • when they saw words like

  • "dead"

  • or "window"

  • or "abuse"

  • and Rorschach thought,

  • "Why not do the same thing with amorphous blobs?"

  • So he'd show a patient a series of ink blots and record what they saw

  • to determine how people "projected" their personal associations onto random shapes.

  • Assuming there are important differences between those who saw

  • dancing bunnies versus those who saw severed, screaming heads,

  • he drew conclusions about a patient's personality.

  • And yeah, this was controversial.

  • Some clinicians still do think that Rorschach test can be a helpful diagnostic tool

  • when used correctly and cautiously.

  • But others remain critical of the test, calling them unscientific and unreliable.

  • It's even been called "the Dracula of psychological tests"

  • because no one has been able to drive a stake through its heart yet.

  • So I guess this is that part when I apologize for the set design.

  • Sorry.

  • But love it or hate it, the Rorschach test is one of the many methods

  • psychologists have used in an ongoing quest to understand personality.

  • And of all of the concepts we cover in this course, personality is one of the most complex,

  • and one of the most contested.

  • This is where we bring in the household names.

  • Not just Rorschach, but Freud, and Jung,

  • as well as other influential thinkers like Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers.

  • It's where some of the most familiar concepts in early psychology come into play,

  • ones that people with even passing knowledge of the field have heard of:

  • the ego, the Oedipus complex, penis envy, inferiority complexes, even the idea of self-help itself.

  • Whether you've heard of these as hard facts or simply as historical curiosities,

  • these notions represent the starting points for some of the biggest and most compelling questions in the field.

  • But they all come back to the same question:

  • What makes us who we are?

  • ♪ [Crash Course intro] ♪

  • We always gotta start out with defining things. Personality. You think you know what that means,

  • but we're gonna define it as your distinctive and enduring characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

  • And psychologists typically study personality in two broad ways:

  • 1. By trying to understand differences in specific characteristics,

  • like introvertedness versus extrovertedness.

  • And 2. By looking at how all the various parts of each person mesh together as a whole.

  • Basically, what are our characteristics and how do they combine to make me me and you you?

  • And guess what?

  • As you might expect, there are a number of competing perspectives on personality theory.

  • 4 to be exact.

  • The first, and one of the most influential has been the psychoanalytic perspective,

  • first championed by our coke-loving, cigar-chewing friend, Sigmund Freud.

  • It was through his clinical observation of patients that

  • Freud came to theorize the existence of the unconscious.

  • For Freud, the unconscious represented a vast reservoir

  • of often unacceptable and frequently hard-to-tolerate thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories.

  • Usually involving a lots of weird sex stuff.

  • You gotta point out, by the way,

  • that the Freudian unconscious is a different thing

  • from the contemporary idea of non-conscious information processing

  • when we're, like, processing information that we don't know we're processing.

  • Freud's thing is, you know, a lot more titillating,

  • but, the non-conscious is like empirically validated a real thing that we study now.

  • Anyway, Freud believed that our personalities are largely shaped by the enduring conflict

  • between our impulses to do whatever we feel like, and our restraint to control those urges

  • between our pleasure-seeking aggressive urges and our inner social control over them.

  • He theorized our minds as being divided into three interacting parts

  • the id, the ego, and the superego

  • that provide the battleground for this internal conflict that shaped our personalities.

  • You can think of the classic Freudian mind like this iceberg.

  • It's mostly hidden, and that big underwater chunk is your id:

  • your unconscious, primitive, and instinctive self.

  • Freud thought the id was all about sex and agression,

  • the so-called pleasure principle of immediate gratification.

  • To him, infants were all id.

  • That's in part why babies freak out when they don't get a snack like "Right now!",

  • instead of just taking a deep breath for a second.

  • For that matter, a lot of the off-the-wall celebrities and dictators are big ids.

  • The id's like a honey badgerthey don't care.

  • Eventually kids develop the ego part of their personality,

  • that largely conscious component that's charged with dealing with reality.

  • The ego works on getting the id what it wants in a reasonable, timely, and realistic way

  • without, you know, getting arrested or beaten up.

  • The final aspect to form in Freud's personality trifecta is the superego,

  • the Jiminy Cricket of voice of our conscience that represents not just the real, but also the ideal.

  • As you can imagine, the superego and the id don't much like each other,

  • and it's up the the Referee Ego to sort everything out.

  • And it's hard to be the ego.

  • Freud believed that anxiety comes in part from the ego getting all stressed out about losing control

  • over the id and superego.

  • So he proposed that our egos use a series of indirect and unconscious defense mechanisms

  • to protect themselves from this fear.

  • And each person's particular configuration of defense mechanisms, in turn,

  • makes up part of what we're referring to here as personality.

  • You might already have heard of repression,

  • the defense that's thought to work by banishing any thoughts, feelings, or memories

  • that cause anxiety to the unconscious.

  • And repression, Freud thought, allows our many other defense mechanisms to do their work.

  • Regression, for example, involves a retreat to a more infantile psychosexual stage,

  • like, when a second-grader sucks their thumb when they're nervous.

  • Reaction formation is kinda like passive-aggression.

  • It involves flipping unacceptable impulses like desire to punch someone in the face

  • with their opposites, like offering them cookies with a fake smile.

  • Projection is when you disguise your own impulses by calling them out in other people,

  • and rationalization is just what it sounds like, when we offer explanations and excuses for our behaviors

  • instead of getting to the real unconscious reasons.

  • Like, "Yeah, well, I ate six hot pockets at the party just 'cause I was being social!"

  • Displacement is the typical you got yelled at by your boss, and then came home and yelled at your roommate.

  • It's when you shift your impulses toward a less threatening victim.

  • And then there's denial,

  • which is when you refuse to believe or sometimes even perceive some kind of painful reality.

  • Like, "No, my boyfriend isn't cheating on me."

  • and "I'm not gonna fail that class,"

  • and "These pants TOTALLY STILL FIT!"

  • Our defense mechanisms, as theorized by Freud, are pretty tied in with our personalities.

  • Someone who engages in a lot of denial and not as much projection would probably look and act

  • a lot differently from someone who chronically does the reverse.

  • Still, Freud was convince our personalities form in our first few years as we pass

  • through a series of five psychosexual stages,

  • essentially during which the id seeks to get its rocks off in different pleasure-sensitive areas.

  • Infants start out in the oral stage because they get pleasure from eating.

  • From there, a child enters the anal stage, focused on peeing and pooping;

  • then on to the phallic stage, as they discover their boy and girl bits.

  • It was during this stage that Freud believed the infamous Oedipus complex reared up,

  • characterized by a boy experiencing a form of sexual desire toward his mother

  • and a parallel jealousy or hatred of his father.

  • Freud called from about age 6 to puberty the latency stage, marked by dormant sexual feelings

  • which eventually evolved into the fifth and final, adult, genital stage of mature sexual interests.

  • Now, he believed if certain conflicts weren't resolved in any of these given stages,

  • a person could develop a fixation, or a lingering focus on a younger stage.

  • Like if a baby was overfed or neglected and underfed, they might be fixate in the oral stage;

  • an orally fixated adult might seek oral gratification through excessive eating or chain smoking

  • and may develop issues with dependency or aggression.

  • Now of course, not everyone was on board with Freud's model of personality development.

  • Many of his ideas were controversial and remain so to this day;

  • even most modern psychoanalysts now dispute the whole Oedipal thing.

  • In fact, while many pioneering psychoanalysts built on Freud's theories -- these are so-called neo-Freudians --

  • many disagree with lots of his ideas, and instead either emphasize the role of the conscious mind

  • or focus on non-sexual motivations.

  • Take Karen Horney, for instance,

  • a German-born psychoanalyst credited with founding feminist psychology.

  • She wasn't down with the idea that our personalities are primarily shaped by sex and aggression.

  • She especially rejected the notion of penis envy,

  • which she thought was more than a little insulting to women.

  • She actually proposed that womb envy may occur as much in men who were envious they can't give birth.

  • She encouraged patients to take charge of their own mental health and engage in self-help and analysis,

  • believing people were often able to sorta be their own therapists.

  • We mentioned Carl Jung, the famous Swiss psychoanalyst.

  • Jung was a friend and disciple of Freud, but eventually, theoretical differences took them in different directions.

  • He agreed that the unconscious was a powerful force,

  • but he believed it was more than just a holding cell for repressed sexual thoughts and feelings and memories.

  • Jung believed sexual drive was only part of the equation,

  • and that we're also driven by a need to achieve a full knowledge of self.

  • He also suggested that we have a collective unconscious,

  • a group of shared images or archetypes that are universal to all humans,

  • and this was why different cultures share similar myths and imagery.

  • Vienna-born Alfred Adler was another former collaborator of Freud who struck out on his own.

  • Adler agreed with Freud that childhood was important,

  • but he emphasized ongoing social tensions, not sexual ones, as most crucial to the formation of personality.

  • He coined the term "inferiority complex"

  • and believed that much of our adult behavior is linked to childhood struggles with feeling inferior.

  • In the end, not all of their their theories have endured,

  • but Freud and his contemporaries were key to the evolution of psychoanalytic theory

  • because they explored ways in which our mental life and personality

  • may be submerged beneath the veil of consciousness.

  • But the psychoanalytical approach

  • is only one perspective on what makes us who we are.

  • Rather than focuseing on how messed up we can be,

  • humanistic theorists focus on the basic goodness of people and how they strive to achieve their full potential.

  • In other words, they believe in the potential for personal growth.

  • Abraham Maslow is one of these guys;

  • he believed we're motivated by that pyramid-shaped hierarchy of needs

  • and that once basic needs are met, like food and shelter and whatnot, we're able to achieve higher goals.

  • Maslow believed the top two rungs of that pyramid are where the real growth in personality takes place.

  • First, with self-actualization, or the need to live up to our full, unique potential,

  • and then with self-transcendence, or finding meaning and purpose and identity beyond ourselves.

  • Rather than study only troubled patients,

  • Maslow look at healthy, creative types

  • with whom he discovered this common thread of self-actualization.

  • Bolstered by a secure sense of self,

  • these people were more sure of themselves, more compassionate, caring, driven,

  • and uneasy around cruelty and pettiness.

  • American psychologist, Carl Rogers, was another pioneer of humanistic theory,

  • who proposed a person-centered perspective on personality.

  • Like Maslow, Rogers believed we're all basically good eggs

  • so long as we're nurtured in a growth-promoting environment that he thought required three conditions.

  • The first is genuineness.

  • Just the idea that parents and teachers should be transparent and open with their feelings.

  • Then, there's acceptance; when folks are accepting,

  • people around them won't be afraid to be themselves or make mistakes.

  • And the third requirement, according to Rogers,

  • is empathy, or the ability to share others' feelings and reflect their meanings.

  • Rogers thought of these traits as the nutrients required to make a personality grow into a healthy self-concept,

  • that mix of thoughts and feelings that answer the fundamental question, who am I?

  • So, psychoanalytic and humanistic theories of personality were and are incredibly influential,

  • even if one was a little sorted, and the other, a little sunshine and rainbows.

  • But they didn't always lend themselves to clear measurement,

  • and as empirical standards began to take hold in the mid-20th century, this became a major concern.

  • How did we deal with that? Well, tune in next week when we explore some of the newer ways

  • of looking at personality and how we started measuring it.

  • Today, you learned about personality theory and two of its early schools of thought:

  • the psychoanalytic theory, including Freud's three-part model of the mind and defense mechanisms,

  • along with the neo-Freudians.

  • You also learned about the humanistic theory,

  • including Maslow's model of self-actualization and Roger's person-centered perspective.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course,

  • especially to all of our Subbable subscribers

  • who make Crash Course possible for all people to love and enjoy for free.

  • To find out how you can become a supporter, just go to

  • This episode was written by Kathleen Yale and edited by Blake de Pastino,

  • and our consultant is Dr. Ranjit Bhagwat.

  • Our director and editor is Nicholas Jenkins.

  • The script supervisor is Michael Aranda, who is also our sound designer,

  • and the graphics team is Thought Cafe.

What do you see in this image?


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心理學速成班 #21(Rorschach and Freudians: Crash Course Psychology #21)

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    erinfong7212 發佈於 2022 年 02 月 18 日