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NANCY: So what?
So what? They're flowers. They could've been to his grandmother.
They could've been to me. lt's my birthday, so...
Okay, so maybe it's a client's.
Okay. This is funny.
l got this guy in front of me that thinks l don't see him looking at me.
Fantastic. God damn it.
Excuse me. Yeah.
Can you lower your voice just a little bit, please?
You're getting a little loud on your phone. Please.
Yeah. Fine.
l don't want you disturbing the other customers.
Sorry. All right?
Yeah, you got it. Thank you.
lt was a security guy.
l didn't know l was in a library. lt's a fucking bank.
Manhattan Trust.
...from Yale. And this fucking rich prick l work for.
Thank you.
Excuse me. Sir?
Everybody get down on the fucking floor! Now!
STEVE-O: Get down on the ground!
DALTON: You have four seconds! Anyone still standing gets shot!
One! Two! Three!
Back away from that counter! Get your hand away from that button!
Put your hands on the floor! Now!
Oh... What the... What is this?
Todd, what are we gonna do? What the fuck do you want me to do?
STEVE-O: Keep your head down, fat man! All right!
DALTON: Get your fucking face on the floor!
You get the same treatment as everyone else, Rabbi.
Get down.
Now, my friends and l are making
a very large withdrawal from this bank.
Anybody gets in our way gets a bullet in the brain.
Lie down, old man! Put your fucking hands down!
DALTON: Get your face on the floor. MAN: All right, l'm down! l'm down!
Hey, Officer, there's smoke coming out of there.
Possible 10-30. Manhattan Trust. 20 Exchange Place.
l have got hostages.
You fucking cops come near this door, l start killing people.
l not fucking kidding, man.
Central. Give me an 85.
Back up, sir! Back up! You!
MAN: Shit! Back up! Back up!
Stay around the corner!
Central, give me an 85.
Perp with a gun. Possible hostages.
l repeat, possible hostages. 20 Exchange. Manhattan Trust.