字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi, I'm Carl Azuz; we're glad you're hanging 10 with us today. 嗨,我是 Carl Azuz。很高興各位今天準「十」收看。 In the stock market, crude oil is sold by the barrel; one barrel contains 42 gallons of oil and the price of oil per barrel just hit $95 on Monday. 在股票市場上,原油是按桶出售的;一桶原油內有著 42 加侖的油,每桶油的價格在週一時達到了 95 美元。 It was the first time in eight years it was that expensive, and this is expected to have ripple effects that drive up prices across many of the things we buy. 這是八年來第一次達到這麼貴的價格,而我們預計這將會產生連鎖反應,推動我們平常購買的許多東西的價格上漲。 Crude oil prices are the biggest factor in the cost of gasoline. 原油的價格是影響汽油價格的最大因素。 You hear a lot about electric cars, but they only account for a small percentage⏤less than 5%⏤of the US car market. 你最近應該聽到過很多關於電動汽車的消息,但它們其實只佔了美國汽車市場的一小部分,才不到 5%。 The vast majority of vehicles depend on gasoline to get around, and when those prices go up, it becomes more expensive both to drive and to transport the goods and groceries we use. 絕大多數車輛依靠汽油來移動,而當汽油的價格上漲時,開車本身和運輸那些我們平常使用的貨物和雜貨的成本都將變得更加昂貴。 Rising oil prices are also associated with rising inflation. 油價上漲也與通貨持續膨脹有關。 The overall increase in costs was at 7.5% last month, over January 2021, that was inflation's highest level since 1982. 上個月的整體物價成本的增長為 7.5%,超過了 2021 年 1 月的數字,而當時可是自 1982 年以來的通膨最高水準。 So, things could get worse there as well. 因此,通膨的情況也可能變得更糟。 Why is this happening? 為什麼會發生這種狀況? One big reason is uncertainty about the situation in Ukraine, which we discussed on yesterday's show. 其中一個很大的原因是烏克蘭局勢的不確定性,而我們在昨天的節目中討論過了這個問題。 On Monday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said Russia was expected to attack his country on February 16th. 在週一時,烏克蘭總統 Vladimir Zelensky 表示預估俄羅斯將在 2 月 16 日攻擊他的國家。 But after that, one of his advisors said he spoke, quote, "with irony". 但在那之後,他的其中一名幕僚則表示他是「帶著諷刺意味」說的。 So, questions there. 背後真相有待商榷。 Either way, though, the United States announced it was closing its embassy in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. 但無論如何,美國宣佈關閉其在烏克蘭首都基輔的大使館。 The American stock market fell while oil prices climbed, and what remains to be seen is whether things will stay that way or normalize in the days ahead, 美國股市下跌而油價攀升,而在未來的日子裡有待觀察的是,情況是否會保持這種狀態,或是逐漸正常化。 Add gas prices to the list of surging costs weighing on Americans' wallets. 油價成為了美國人逐漸上升的物價負擔之一。 The price has been a little bit more each time. 每次來加油時油價就又會多出一點。 The national average, now around 3.44 a gallon, up more than a dollar from a year ago and the highest since 2014, and it's only getting worse, approaching the record national average of $4.11. 現在全國的平均油價約為每加侖 3.44 美元,比一年前上升了一美元多,是 2014 年以來的最高價。而情況只會越來越糟,逐漸接近全國平均每加侖 4.11 美元的最高記錄。 Do you think we could hit that record in the months ahead? 你認為我們會在未來幾個月內達到這個最高價格記錄嗎? I think we have a very good chance. 我認為非常有可能。 It's an issue of supply and demand dating back to the start of COVID. 這是一個可以追溯到 COVID 疫情開始時的供需問題。 Just look at this roller coaster chart of US gas prices over time. 看看這張美國的油價隨時間經過宛如坐雲霄飛車般上升的表就知道了。 In March 2020, prices plummeted. 2020 年 3 月時,油價暴跌。 Americans weren't on the road. 美國人都不開車了。 Oil producers, including OPEC, cut back on investments and operations; they had nowhere to store extra oil. 包括石油輸出國組織 (OPEC) 在內的石油生產商削減了投資和業務;畢竟他們沒有能儲存多餘石油的地方。 They laid off employees, they didn't work their rigs. 他們解僱了員工,油井停止運作。 Demand for fuel skyrocketed more than experts expected, and the oil industry didn't have the supply; they're still playing catch-up. 對燃料的需求激增超過了專家的預期,而石油行業無法供應足夠的石油;他們仍在想辦法趕上需求量。 You can't just turn on a spigot, uh, these are long-cycle projects. 產油不是扭開一個水龍頭就好,這些都是長週期的項目。 So, gas prices have been surging for 14 months, only briefly dipping during Omicron. 於是汽油價格連續飆升了 14 個月,只有在 Omicron 變異株肆虐時短暫下跌。。 Demand is back at pre-pandemic levels, even triple A (AAA) can't explain that. 需求恢復到疫情大流行前的水準,即使是美國汽車協會 (AAA) 也無法解釋這個現象。 They're trying to, kind of, figure it out right now. 他們現在正試圖想辦法搞清楚是怎麼回事。 And the conflict on the Ukrainian border is adding a new strain. 而烏克蘭邊境的衝突又增加了一個新的壓力。 Russia is the world's second-largest oil producer. 俄羅斯是世界第二大的石油生產國。 If the crisis escalates, JP Morgan says oil prices could soar from $91 a barrel to $120. 如果危機升級,摩根大通說油價可能從每桶 91 美元飆升至 120 美元。 If we were to see Russia, potentially, withhold energy exports, the question would be, "Who could make up for that?" 若是俄羅斯當真扣留了能源出口,問題將會是:「誰能彌補這個缺口?」 I'm gonna work like the devil to bring gas prices down. 我會著了魔般地努力調降油價。 It's a huge political problem for the Biden Administration, which says it's now engaging with oil-producing countries to increase production, preparing to go after firms that manipulate prices, and considering dipping back into the strategic petroleum reserve. 這對拜登政府來說是一個巨大的政治難題,而拜登政府表示他們現在正與石油生產國接觸以增加產量、準備對操縱價格的公司採取行動,並考慮重新動用戰略石油儲備。 In November, they announced the release of 50 million barrels from that supply. 在 11 月時,他們宣佈將從這些儲備中釋放 5000 萬桶原油。 And it resulted in... in very little... uh... more like negligible impact. 結果這個行動造成的影響卻非常小,甚至小到可以忽略不計。 At this price point, you'll start to see more production come back, but there's still a gap that needs to be filled. 以目前的價位來說,產油的行動將會開始復甦,但仍有一個缺口需要填補。 But as of now, oil prices are expected to keep rising for months, adding fuel to inflation on everything from groceries to store goods, and driving price hikes at the pump. 但就目前而言,油價預計將繼續上漲數個月,為從日常雜貨到商店商品的物價上漲雪上加霜,並讓加油站的汽油價格繼續飆升。 It's not just my car; it's every single aspect of my life is impacted by gas prices. 不只是我的車而已;我生活的每一個方面都受到了油價的影響。 10-second trivia: What nation, whose capital is Muscat, borders Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Sea? 10 秒問答:下列哪個國家的首都位於馬斯喀特,且與沙烏地阿拉伯與阿拉伯海比鄰? Oman, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, or Yemen. 阿曼、斯里蘭卡、阿拉伯聯合大公國,或是葉門? Oman, a nation of 3.6 million, is a monarchy bordering the Arabian Sea. 阿曼是一個擁有 360 萬人口的君主國,與阿拉伯海接壤。 Rugged mountains rise in the northern and southern parts of Oman, according to the US Central Intelligence Agency, and that's where most of the population lives. 根據美國中央情報局的說法,阿曼的北部和南部地區有崎嶇的山脈,而大部分人口都居住在該處。 The middle part of the country, which is hot and dry, is sparsely populated. 該國炎熱和乾燥的中央部分則人口稀少。 But with such varied topography, mountains, plains, cliffs, and coasts, Oman is a nation rich in biodiversity. 但由於地形變化多端,有著山地、平原、懸崖和海岸,阿曼是一個生物多樣性豐富的國家。 And that's why a professor from another continent entirely is working in Oman to conserve its natural features. 這就是為什麼一位來自另一個大陸的教授正在阿曼致力於保護其自然特色的原因。 When you start working in arid land, the first thing you imagine is emptiness. 一開始在乾旱的土地上工作時,腦中的第一個想像是一片空白。 But you would be amazed of the diversity hidden. 但你會對背後隱藏的多樣性感到驚訝。 My name is Erika Cuellar Soto; I am originally from Bolivia, but I am here in Oman working as a professor teaching conservation, desert biology, and biodiversity. 我的名字是 Erika Cuellar Soto。我來自玻利維亞,但現在在阿曼擔任教授,任教科目是生態保護、沙漠生物學和生物多樣性。 So, together with mangrove, we have a species like this, and they... they depend on the... on the mangrove formation. 在這裡有這種與與紅樹林共生的物種,而牠們仰賴著紅樹林的生長。 I am here at the Sultan Qaboos University; I have students from different parts of the country. 我現在人在蘇丹卡博斯大學,有著來自全國不同地區的學生。 And, for me, this is very strategic because when they finish the university, they are fresh biologists, and they will go back to their areas, uh, in the country. 對我來說,這非常具有戰略意義,因為當他們完成大學學業後,他們就是全新的生物學家,而他們將回到他們在國家中各自的地區。 We are developing a very, very interesting, eh, cooperation with the Natural History Museum in... in Muscat. 我們正在與位於馬斯喀特的自然歷史博物館發展一個非常、非常有趣的合作。 We are developing, eh, projects with the students in order to contribute with samples for the museum to represent the diversity of the country. 我們正在與學生一起開發項目,以便為博物館提供樣本,藉此彰顯出本國的生物多樣性。 Look at this. 看看這個。 - Here, as you... as you may see... - Young generations are very interested in technology. 在這裡,你能看到... - 年輕一代對科技非常感興趣。 So, it's a challenge, eh, for me to just attract them to see the nature in a... in a different way. 因此對我來說,吸引他們以不同的方式來看待大自然是一個挑戰。 What is the difference? 有什麼差別啊? We just want to take samples of this, okay? 我們只是想採取一個樣本而已,好嗎? We want to see if it's sediment or... or oil. 我們要看看它是沉積物或是油脂。 They are mainly desert people; eh, to be inside the forest is so refreshing. 他們主要來自沙漠,因此能深入叢林令他們感到耳目一新 It's so different to what they used to see. 這與他們過去能看到的景致相當不同。 Have you been in a... another place like this before? 你以前有去過像是這樣的地方嗎? You will be in love when you go inside, uh, the mangrove. 走進紅樹林會使你愛上這片環境。 I take the students to different environments and, uh, mangroves are something that really attract them. 我帶學生們到過各種不同的環境,而紅樹林是其中非常吸引他們的一處。 Conservation in the Middle East is important as in any place in the world. 中東地區生態保護的重要性和世界上任何地方一樣的重要。 We are facing a very difficult time in terms of health of our planet. 就我們星球的健康而言,我們正面臨著非常艱困的狀況。 I am hopeful, but at the same time, I want them to be realistic. 我仍懷抱著希望,但與此同時,我希望他們能現實一些。 I want them to understand that we need to invest in gaining knowledge and, and, and advancing in science. 我想讓他們明白,我們需要投資在知識的獲取,以及科學的進步上。 I believe that, eh, that this region, eh, deserve(s) attention. 我相信這個地區值得我們的關注。 It's a... it's a very rich area, and we shouldn't ignore it and we shouldn't ignore, uh, any arid lands. 這是一個生態非常豐富的地區,我們不應該忽視它。我們不應該忽視任何干旱的土地。 Most pilots will generally tell you that a helicopter is harder to fly than an airplane. 大多數飛行員一般會告訴你直升機比飛機更難駕駛。 So would you let a computer do it? 那麼你會讓電腦來飛直升機嗎? This is the inside of a military Blackhawk helicopter. 這是一架軍用黑鷹直升機的內部。 As you can see, it has two pilots available but they ain't flying it. 如你所見,上面有兩名飛行員,但他們並沒有在駕駛它。 This chopper is getting ready to fly itself, and this is apparently the first time that's ever happened. 這架直升機正準備自己飛行,而這顯然是有時以來的第一次。 The first autonomous Blackhawk flight reportedly went well. 據報導,黑鷹直升機的首次自主飛行相當順利。 It took off, avoided an obstacle, and landed, and while the pilots were there to monitor it, they did not actively control it. 它起飛、避開障礙物並順利降落,而雖然飛行員在機上負責監控,但他們並沒有主動控制它。 The technology to do this was designed by the Lockheed Martin Aerospace Company. 此技術是由洛克希德.馬丁航空公司所設計的。 It was added to an existing helicopter, not one that was redesigned from the ground up. 它被添加到一台現有的普通直升機上,而不是一台從頭開始重新設計的直升機。 The US Military says it's looking at using this autonomous technology in the future. 美國軍方表示正在考慮在未來使用這種自主技術。 Misha the tiger apparently knew all along that the L.A. Rams would win the Super Bowl. 老虎 Misha 顯然一直都很清楚洛杉磯公羊隊將贏得超級盃美式組球賽。 Oh, you think she would've picked the Cincinnati Bengals, but Misha herself is not a Bengal. 你可能會以為她會選辛辛那提孟加拉虎,但是 Misha 其實並不是孟加拉虎。 She's an Amur, or Siberian tiger, and she went against her own family. 她是一隻阿穆爾虎,或稱西伯利亞虎,而她背棄了自己的家族。 When we say that, we mean she licked the glass under the Rams logo instead of the Bengals one, even though they had the same scent. 我們的意思是她舔了舔上面有著公羊標誌,而不是孟加拉虎的的玻璃,儘管兩邊的味道是一樣的。 The animals at this Iowa zoo have reportedly picked the winner, 8 out of 11 games. 這隻住在愛荷華動物園的動物據稱已經成功預測了 11 場比賽中 8 場比賽的贏家。 But would she have done the same thing for the Panthers or the Jaguars? 不過她也會預測黑豹隊或美洲豹隊獲勝嗎? Then you could say, "cat's got her tongue". 如果是的話,那我們可以說「她真的有條貓舌頭」。 And in the circus of NFL mascots, she could pick from lions or Bengals or bears; oh, my! 而在 NFL (美國美式足球聯盟) 的吉祥物裡,獅子、孟加拉虎、棕熊都任她挑選。我的天呀! So will she be quick to lick, pick, or make stick the 2023 game-winner? 所以她會不會很快地用舔的挑選出來 2023 年度的贏家呢? That could depend on who has the "purr-fect" season. 這得取決於哪一隊在本季最「生龍活虎」了。 Who has the best "clawwwws" to win, who's the "stalk" of the town, and whether Misha's "super bowl" is filled with meat. 一切端看誰能「如虎添翼」、哪一隊「臥虎藏龍」,還有 Misha 的「超級盃」裡能不能裝滿讓她「狼吞虎嚥」的肉肉了。 I'm Carl Azuz; today's shout-out takes us to Romeoville, Illinois, where we are thrilled to see the students of Romeoville High School. 我是 Carl Azuz,邊跟伊利諾州 Romeoville 高中的大家打聲招呼! Come on back tomorrow for more CNN. 記得明天再次準時收看 CNN。
B1 中級 中文 CNN10 油價 直升機 石油 價格 紅樹林 【CNN10】國際油價飆漲、阿曼生物豐富多元、美國黑鷹號直升機自動駕駛 (Rich In Biodiversity | February 15, 2022) 6157 169 林宜悉 發佈於 2022 年 02 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字