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  • And that's the trick, is you don't need to build an app,  

  • you don't need to start a businessyou don't need to raise money,  

  • you just need to figure outway to quickly take your idea  

  • and collide it with some reality. The reason what's so interesting  

  • is probably the single most fundamental problem is what I call the failure to start.  

  • You have this idea and you love this idea, it's an amazing idea  

  • and the more you think about  it, the more amazing it seems.  

  • And of course, nestled safe and warm in your head,  

  • of course it's a good idea because there's no reality there.  

  • And there you're allowed to envision getting a hundred million downloads and imagine when  

  • everyone's using it how  powerful it's going to be.  

  • But of course, when you  actually try and make it real,  

  • all of a sudden, wham, you bump into reality and all those assumptions,  

  • well, they're wrong. How do people do that?  

  • Like if somebody has an idea right now,  

  • what would you advise them to do? How do they get out there  

  • and start battle testing this? Let me give you two specific examples.  

  • And I'll give you the quick onewhich is the Netflix example.  

  • Reed Hastings and I, my co-founder, were brainstorming ideas for businesses  

  • and we were not movie buffs, we had crazy ideas. We had ideas to do personalized dog food and  

  • custom shampoo and personal sporting  goods, all kinds of crazy stuff,  

  • and one of the ideas was this  idea to do video rental by mail.  

  • And at the time, video was on VHS cassettes, this is back in 1996/97,  

  • so that idea was a non-starter. And one day in the car,  

  • Reid mentioned he'd heard about  this technology called the DVD.  

  • It's thin, light and the idea popped into our heads that maybe 

  • we could make our video rental by  mail business work with a DVD,  

  • we could just mail it. So here's where  

  • you separate the entrepreneur from the dreamer. Rather than going, “what a great idea”,  

  • and rushing to the office and  working on the pitch deck  

  • or going home and writing the business plan or applying to be on Shark Tank or something,  

  • we said let's immediately try and  collide this idea with some reality.  

  • And in our case, we just turn the car around and drove back down to town where we lived  

  • to buy a DVD, but of course there weren't any,  

  • it was in test market. So we said, “well,  

  • close enough”, we bought a music CD and we just mailed it to Reed's house.  

  • And we found out in 24 hours  whether the fundamental premise  

  • of our idea would work. We collided it with reality  

  • within an hour of having the idea. But let me give you one more example,  

  • if we have a moment here. And just because people are going,  

  • oh, that works if you haveDVD, but it works for anything”.  

  • So I was working with a young woman and she had an interesting idea 

  • and her idea was to do  peer-to-peer clothing rental.  

  • She's saying, “I had this closet full of  clothes, I don't wear them that often,  

  • I'd kind of like to borrow my friend's clothes, I wonder if there was an app  

  • that lists everyone's clothes and we could borrow each other's clothes”.  

  • And then she was talking  to me about the thing that  

  • aspiring entrepreneurs do, how do I raise money?  

  • How do I find a technical co-founder? How do I build an app, blah,  

  • blah, blah, dreaming. And I said, “whoa, whoa, stop”.  

  • Do you have a piece of paper?” And she goes, “Yes”.  

  • I go, “how about a sharpie?” She goes, “that too”.  

  • And some tape?” I said, “write on a piece of paper”.  

  • Want to borrow my clothes? – knockAnd tape it to your dorm room door.  

  • And you're going to find out today whether your idea has any merit

  • because if nobody knocks, wellyou've learned something right there,  

  • but let's say they do knock and they let them in, you're going to find out about  

  • taste and about fit. Now, let's say they  

  • do find something they like and that fits, then you're going to find out a few days later  

  • how you feel about your favorite  blouse coming back stained,  

  • you're going to find out about  the cost of dry cleaning,  

  • you're going to find out so  much and you're going to do it  

  • with a sharpie and paper and tape. And you're going to do this for  

  • as long as it takes by hand to learn the  

  • fundamental premise, which is, is there a, “there”, there?  

  • And once you've done that, then it's easy to attract someone  

  • to help you with the technical aspects, it's easy to raise money,  

  • because then when someone  says, “what's your idea?”  

  • You're not saying, “imagine if you will”, you're saying, “look what I've discovered,  

  • look what I found out, look what I know”. And you can demonstrate your idea is a good one.  

  • And that's the trick, is you don't need to build an app,  

  • you don't need to start a business, you don't need to raise money,  

  • you just need to figure outway to quickly take your idea  

  • and collide it with some reality. And so what I'm trying to do is  

  • give people a whack on the head and go, stop thinking and start doing.  

  • The real brilliance by entrepreneurs today is not how good their ideas are,  

  • it's how clever they can  be about figuring out ways  

  • to test those ideas, to try them to, as I say, collide them with reality,  

  • that is what separates an  entrepreneur from a dreamer.

And that's the trick, is you don't need to build an app,  


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Netflix創辦人Marc Randolp談創業家和夢想家的差別("What Separates The Entrepreneur From The Dreamer..." | Netflix Founder Marc Randolph)

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