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  • hello and greetings from salzburg austria city  of mozart city of music and city of salt did  


  • you know that the city's name actually  translates to salt castle due to the  

    之城你知道這個城市的名字實際上翻譯成鹽城堡,因為過去薩爾扎克河上有 駁船運送鹽

  • barges that used to carry salt on the salzac  river but we're getting ahead of ourselves  

    , 但我們正在超越自己

  • in this video we'll be showing you some of the  things you can do in salzburg during your visit  


  • we'll tour the clifftop fortress and all the  museums it holds within we'll explore cemeteries  

    我們將參觀懸崖頂堡壘及其內的所有博物館 我們將探索墓地

  • and early christian catacombs carved into the rock  we'll enjoy views of the old town with its baroque  

    和雕刻在岩石中的早期基督教地下墓穴 我們將欣賞巴洛克式

  • architecture domes and spires plus we'll also give  you a few ideas of some austrian foods to try and  


  • some easy day trips you can go on the following is  our salzburg travel guide so let's dive right in


  • barely anyone


  • well good day good day and greetings again  from salzburg austria so we decided to save  


  • our legs and take the funicular up to the fortress  today and this one is called the hohen salzburg  


  • we ended up paying 1660 euros and that gives us  the funicular up and down and all access to the  


  • fortress which is nice because we want to cover it  all and so yeah we've just arrived up top didn't  


  • have to wait too long for the for the funicular  ride maybe 15-20 minutes and it's a super powerful  

    等待太久,乘坐纜車可能需要 15-20 分鐘,而且這是一個超級強大的

  • quick write-up it's like don't blink because  you'll be at the top in no time and yeah now  


  • we're here we've got fantastic views panoramic  views and can't wait to explore the fortress  


  • fortress is a large medieval fortress that sits  atop fiststungsberg and overlooks the whole city  

    堡壘是一座大型的中世紀堡壘,坐落在 fistungsberg 頂上,俯瞰整個城市

  • this is one of salzburg's main attractions so it  should definitely be on your itinerary our first  

    這是薩爾茨堡的主要景點之一,所以它絕對應該在您的行程中 我們

  • stop here in the fortress was the panorama walk  which leads up to a viewing platform we got some  

    在堡壘的第一站是全景步道,它通向觀景台 我們得到了一些

  • incredible views of the surrounding mountains  that border with germany to give you a bit of  


  • history this medieval fortress is considered the  biggest fully preserved castle in central europe  

    歷史 這座中世紀堡壘被認為是中歐保存完好的最大城堡

  • construction of the fortress began in the year  1077 though it acquired its current appearance  

    堡壘的建造始於 1077 年,儘管它獲得了現在的外觀

  • much later in the 1500s there's quite a bit  to see within the fortress including multiple  

    在 1500 年代後期,要塞內有很多可看的東西,包括多個

  • museums so you'll want to give yourself plenty of  time you have the fortress museum with historical  


  • exhibits focusing on daily court life of the  prince archbishops then you have the marionette  


  • museum where you can immerse yourself in the  world of puppets and you also have the rainer  


  • regimental museum where you can see all sorts of  weapons uniforms and war memorabilia on display


  • okay so we have just finished touring the fortress  and my oh my a lot to see a lot to do especially  

    好吧,所以我們剛剛參觀完堡壘,我的天哪,我有很多東西要看 有很多

  • if you get the complete pass like we did i thought  we'd share some highlights so i'll go first sam  

    事情 要做,特別是

  • can go next and i would say for me it was doing  the panorama tour it's not actually a guided tour  


  • like you do this walk on your own but you get to  go up to the observation tower and when you're  


  • up there you can see the mountains all around like  alps and valleys and little villages and it's just  


  • so scenic and you also get an overview of the  whole city so i would say that viewpoint was  


  • worth it for me to come here that viewpoint alone  yeah and if you can pick a clear day a clear day  


  • hands down hands down i mean the museums were  really thoughtful and interesting and yeah we got  


  • to see a whole bunch of different ones but for  me it's about the experience of walking around  


  • and also just taking in the views and just  realizing how beautiful this area is a stunning  


  • part of the world and until you see it from this  high vantage point you can't really appreciate the  


  • mountains and the surrounding countryside area  and the forests and everything and everything  

    山脈和周圍的鄉村地區以及森林以及奧地利薩爾茨堡市的一切事物 ,從上面

  • in the city of salzburg austria itself it  just looks marvelous from from up above


  • one attraction that we stumbled upon  completely by chance was peter's fried  


  • huff also known as saint peter's cemetery this is  the oldest cemetery in salzburg and it also has  


  • early christian catacombs that  were carved into the rock wall  


  • this network of caves served as  both a hermitage and burial site

    ,這個洞穴網絡既是一個隱居處,也是d 墓地

  • after visiting the catacombs and enjoying  the views from some of the lookouts  


  • we took a walk through the cemetery the  oldest tombstone here dates back to 1288  

    我們在墓地中散步,這裡最古老的墓碑可以追溯到 1288 年,

  • though the cemetery history goes back even  further many famous personalities artists  


  • and scholars were buried here one of the most  famous being mozart's youngest sister nannerl


  • so we just finished visiting saint peter's  fried hof the catacombs and my goodness was  


  • that ever amazing so obviously going in and  walking through the tunnel areas and seeing  


  • the catacombs that's fascinating but what was  most interesting for us aside from that were the  


  • views that we got of salzburg the best so far the  best so far on our trip so it only cost two euros  

    我們對薩爾茨堡的看法 迄今為止最好的 迄今為止我們旅行中最好的,所以它只花了兩歐元

  • and something else that i found fascinating is  that no two steps were like every single one a  


  • little bit different in shape size there's  some wooden ones there's some stone ones

    有點不同大小 有一些木製的 有一些石頭的

  • while we were in the area we also visited salzburg  cathedral the original church was built in 767  

    當我們在該地區時,我們還參觀了薩爾茨堡大教堂 最初的教堂建於 767

  • on the remnants of a roman town then  it was rebuilt once more in 1181 after  

    年 他是一個羅馬小鎮的遺跡,然後它在火災後於

  • fire and the version we see today dates back to  the 17th century and was done in the baroque style  

    1181 年再次重建,

  • fun fact the cathedral still has the same  baptismal font in which mozart was baptized  

    我們今天看到的版本可以追溯到 17 世紀,並以巴洛克風格建造

  • admission to the cathedral is  free though donations are welcome


  • we also came across this rather unusual sculpture  that sits next to the cathedral this giant golden  

    我們還發現了這座非常不尋常的雕塑,它坐落在大教堂旁邊 這個巨大的金色

  • ball features a man standing on top of it and  it's the work of german sculptor stefan baikenhall  

    球上有一個站在上面的人,這是德國雕塑家 stefan baikenhall

  • the sculpture is meant to pay homage to paul  frost the creator of the famous mozart kugel  

    的作品向著名的莫扎特 kugel 巧克力的創造者保羅·弗羅斯特致敬,這些

  • chocolates that have become a symbol of salzburg  we'll show you those a bit later in the video


  • the next place we visited was mernsberg which is  one of the five mountains in the city of salzburg  


  • this one gets its name from the  benedictine monks of saint peter's abbey  


  • we actually wrote an elevator to get to the  top this is another cool vantage point that  

    我們實際上寫了一部電梯到達頂部 這是另一個很酷的有利位置,

  • offers great views over the old town you  can see the fortress perched on a cliff  


  • the mountains that surround the city and then  you have a few different trails to choose from


  • so we just paid four euros to ride a little  elevator we did that brought us to this lovely  


  • viewpoint and there's a hiking trail it's a little  trail not too big of one but it's it's nice are  

    的景點,還有一個徒步旅行小道 這是一條不大的小道,但很高興

  • you gonna take off your mask and breathe that'd  be a no that would be a good idea out in nature


  • we filmed an entirely separate video of  all the austrian foods we tried during our  


  • visit to salzburg austria but to give you a quick  rundown some of the dishes you cannot miss include  


  • kaznoken which is a variation of keizer spatzler  these small noodles or dumplings are tossed with  

    kaznoken,這是 keizer spatzler 的變

  • cheese in a cast iron skillet cooked until golden  and then topped with crispy onions this was one of  

    體配脆洋蔥 這是

  • our favorite dishes we tried this was one of  my favorite dishes in all of germany austria  

    我們嘗試過的最喜歡的菜之一 這是我在德國所有奧地利最喜歡的

  • anywhere they serve it love the homemade noodles  love the cheesiness aspect of them so so good

    菜 之一 你

  • if you have a sweet tooth the salzburger  no curl is another dish to try  

    愛吃甜食 薩爾茨堡沒有捲曲是另一道值得嘗試的菜

  • it is a sweet souffle that is served in soft peaks  with powdered sugar and fruit jam we had ours at  

    它是一種甜蛋奶酥,在柔軟的山峰中加入糖粉和水果果醬 我們在

  • the iconic cafe mozart okay so we are now trying  the typical dessert of salzburg and it's meant  

    標誌性的莫扎特咖啡館吃了我們的 好吧,所以我們現在正在嘗試薩爾茨堡的典型甜點和它的目的

  • to resemble the three surrounding peaks around  the city and it is made with fluffy egg whites  


  • cranberries and a dusting of sugar look it's  like it's jiggly it's like meringue essentially


  • getting in there this is so fluffy and this  is made fresh to order so you have to wait  


  • a little bit for it but apparently it's  worth the wait i love how it represents  


  • the the peaks of salzburg isn't that so cool the  three mountain peaks is it good yeah just like  


  • fluffy sweet egg whites yum and then you have  the mozart kugel which is a chocolate ball that  

    的 mozart kugel,這是 一種

  • pays homage to mozart it was created in 1890  by local confectioner paul fulst he's the one  

    向莫扎特致敬 的巧克力球, 它是由當地糖果商 paul

  • standing atop the golden ball sculpture we  showed you earlier so it looks like this one  

    fulst 於 1890 年創造的

  • is a dark chocolate one there's so many varieties  like you can get milk chocolate you can get dark  

    有這麼多品種,比如你可以買牛奶巧克力 你可以買黑

  • chocolate you can get it with marzipan you can  get it without marzipan you can't a mixed bag  

    巧克力 你可以用杏仁糖來買 不用杏仁糖就可以買到 你不能混合袋

  • we just grabbed some chocolate honestly  this looks like pure choose your adventure

    我們只是誠實地買了一些巧克力 這看起來很純粹 選擇你的冒險

  • i'll take the other half how is that very good  this is what they look like they come in like um  


  • a light blue wrapping and i'm telling you  


  • all over town you don't need to look very  hard to find one perfect gift to take home huh  


  • and speaking of mozart it only seemed  fitting that while in salzburg we'd visit  


  • the home of the famed composer wolfgang  amadeus mozart was born in 1756 and his  

    著名作曲家沃爾夫岡·阿瑪迪斯·莫扎特的家似乎很合適,莫扎特出生於 1756 年,他的

  • home is now a museum that shares details of  his life you can see his pianos and listen  


  • to some of his compositions during your visit  you also have mozart square located just a few  

    他的一些作品 您還有莫扎特廣場,位於

  • streets over featuring a statue of mozart  that was erected 50 years after his death

    幾條街道上,有一座莫扎特雕像,該雕像是在他去世 50 年後豎立

  • one of the many churches we visited in  salzburg's old town was college which is  


  • the church of the university of salzburg  this church was designed in the baroque  

    是教堂f 薩爾茨堡大學 這座教堂採用巴洛克

  • style and it is best known for its pristine  white interiors the church hosts classical  

    風格設計,以其原始的白色內飾而聞名 教堂

  • concerts throughout the year so that's something  else you can consider doing during your visit


  • next let's take a stroll along the salzac river  which runs through the heart of the city until the  


  • 19th century this river played an important part  of the local economy as it was used to ship salt  

    19 世紀,這條河在當地經濟中發揮了重要作用,因為它被用來運送鹽

  • but that was eventually replaced by the  railway what grabbed our attention was  


  • the water's milky turquoise color due to the  alpine sediment that feeds the river upstream


  • of course one of the must visit attractions in  salzburg is mirabelle palace and its gardens  


  • the mirabelle gardens are geometrically  arranged and mythologically themed so it  


  • features a lot of unusual sculptures  and if you're a fan of the movie the  


  • sound of music you'll recognize the  gardens from a few different scenes  


  • okay let's see your best lion face


  • so we decided to go for a little sunset stroll  after siesta after siesta and our destination  


  • this time were the mirabelle gardens located at  miracle palace and admission is free of charge  


  • this place is free to visit my kind of place which  is kind of unbelievable because it's so beautiful  


  • and like the gardens are beautifully manicured so  many flowers and bloom and statues and fountains  


  • like there's actually a lot to see and lots of  little benches along the way you kind of like  


  • hidden away by nature so it's really cool  this would be a nice place to like read a book  


  • yeah you know exactly um but yeahmanaged to get my first photo with sam  


  • of the whole trip our first photo together  right yeah it took some coaxing some coaxing  


  • to set up a tripod it happened it happened so  yeah this has been nice i'm glad we came here  


  • during one of our evenings in town  we went to the salzac insole bar  


  • this floating bar sits on the banks  of the zalzak river and while the  


  • food wasn't anything to write home about we  did enjoy our cocktail and glass of wine it  

    食物沒什麼可寫的,但我們確實很喜歡我們的雞尾酒l 和一杯葡萄酒,

  • was a fun activity for a random weekday night  and we got to enjoy the city during blue hour


  • and now a quick mention of some easy  day trips you can plan from salzburg  


  • one of our favorites was verfin which  is situated one hour south of salzburg  


  • it's a super easy journey by train we spent our  day there touring hohenbergfin castle living out  

    這是一次超級輕鬆的火車之旅 我們在那裡度過了一天 遊覽霍恩貝格芬城堡

  • our sound of music dreams on the sound of music  hiking trail you probably drink it in austria  

    在音樂之聲遠足小徑上實現我們的音樂之聲夢想 你可能在奧地利喝它

  • wouldn't you say i would say befriending some  cows along the way you can hear our new friends  


  • for cows and enjoying one of the best meals  we had during our short visit to austria  


  • jelly belly you can watch the video  of the full trip on our channel


  • and last but not least we also wanted to  mention our hiking day trip to geisberg  


  • this is a local mountain in salzburg located  just a few kilometers from the old town  


  • and it stands 1288 meters above sea level we  rode bus number 151 from mirabelle platz and  

    ,海拔 1288 米 我們從米拉貝爾廣場乘坐 151 路巴士,

  • 30 minutes later we were hiking and enjoying the  mountains when you climb a mountain i'm pretty  

    30 分鐘後我們開始徒步旅行當你爬山時,我很

  • sure that entitles you to a half a liter of beer  as a tip there's an excellent restaurant once you  


  • reach the mountain peak where you can enjoydelicious alpine lunch you won't soon forget


  • all right so sam has some transportation  info for us a quick note about transportation  

    好的,所以山姆為我們提供了一些交通信息 關於交通的快速說明,

  • so we ended up getting the weekly region  salzburg stat and it was 19 euros per person  

    所以我們最終得到了每週一次的薩爾茨堡地區統計數據,每人 19 歐元

  • and guys this was fantastic it gave us the bus  it gave us the tram it gave us even the regional  

    ,伙計們,這太棒了,它給了我們公共汽車它給了我們它給我們的電車 甚至

  • bus that allowed us to go up the  mountains when we did that day hike  

    當我們那天徒步旅行時允許我們上山 的區域 巴士,

  • and the convenience of not having to go and  buy a ticket every time and also the amount  


  • of money you save like if you're here for  two or three days three days for sure you're  


  • definitely going to save money by getting  this pass and we also saved our legs too by  


  • being able to hop on the tram instead of walking  all the way from our hotel into the city center  

    可以跳上電車而不是從我們的酒店一路步行到市中心 ,我們也節省了我們的腿

  • we were at least 20 minutes away so this allowed  us to enjoy exploring and not arrive feeling tired  

    我們至少 20幾分鐘的路程,所以這讓我們能夠享受oy 探索並不會感到疲倦

  • and that's it for our visit to salzburg austria  we hope you enjoyed exploring the city with us  


  • as always if you have any other suggestions of  things to do in salzburg austria that you'd like  

    像往常一樣 喜歡

  • to share with fellow travelers feel free to leave  those in the comments below and if you enjoyed  

    與 我們一起探索這座城市 隨時在下面的評論中留下這些,如果您喜歡

  • this video we invite you to like subscribe and  stay tuned for more adventures thanks for watching


  • you


hello and greetings from salzburg austria city  of mozart city of music and city of salt did  



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