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  • Look, Patrick, eight gold doubloons!

  • Wait, I saw it first! Hyah!

  • Where're the doubloons?

  • [laughing] It's a game:

  • "The Flying Dutchman's Treasure Hunt".

  • Based on a real treasure map.

  • Take a break and play a round with us.

  • Fish eyes. One, two.

  • You are a real pirate.

  • Go straight to the "X" which marks the spot.

  • You get to dig for treasure, Mr. Krabs!

  • There it is! It's the Flying Dutchman's Treasure!

  • Gold, gold, gold! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!

  • This is my kind of game.

  • [SpongeBob, Patrick] Hooray!

  • [Mr. Krabs] Six! One, two... I win again!

  • [Mr. Krabs] Oh, that's 17 times in a row.

  • I think we ought to call it a night, Mr. Krabs.

  • [sighing] See ya tomorrow.

  • [snoring]

  • [Mr. Krabs] Avast! Pineapple, ho!

  • Heave two, and prepare to be boarded!

  • Aw, go home already.

  • And this is no game. We're gonna be pirates.

  • Pirates?

  • Aye! How'd you like to go on a real treasure hunt,

  • with a real treasure map?

  • [both] Treasure?

  • Keep a sharp lookout, SpongeBob. According to the map,

  • we're close to the first landmark!

  • Really? Can we see the map?

  • Uh... no! Only the captain can lay eyes on the map.

  • Okie dokie, then.

  • Arrgh, a pirate doesn't say, "okie dokie, then."

  • A pirate says, "arrgh!"

  • [music playing]

  • Captain, we're about to hit, uhh, I mean... arrgh, Capt.,

  • arrgh, we're, arrgh, about, arrgh, to hit, arrgh--

  • Out with it man, arrgh!

  • I, arrgh, think, arrgh, he's trying, arrgh, to say--

  • [crashing]

  • Land.

  • Arrgh! From now on, only the captain says, arrgh!

  • Our treasure hunt will have to continue on foot.

  • This is it, boys, from the seaweed

  • with two leaves on it. 10,000 paces east.

  • But, Mr. Krabs, that seaweed has--

  • Which way, Cap'n?

  • Ensign Patrick, which way is east?

  • Uhh, let's see, uhh. That way, Captain!

  • 9,997, 9,998,

  • 9,999, 10,000!

  • Where's the "X"? Supposed to be right here!

  • 10,000 paces east.

  • Ooh! East? I thought you said "weast"!

  • Weast? What kind of compass you reading, lad?

  • This one, sir.

  • That's west, Patrick.

  • 9,551, 9,552.

  • Mr. Krabs, we're tired.

  • And hungry.

  • Without a loyal crew, what am I captain of?

  • Just... a bunch of sand! [crying]

  • Don't cry, Captain Krabs.

  • Yeah, we'll be your loyal crew. [crying]

  • You'll stay with me then?

  • We'll be the most loyal pirate crew ever!

  • One for all!

  • And all for one!

  • I'm so loyal, I don't wanna sleep

  • till we find the treasure.

  • Let's see if the captain'll go now!

  • Captain Krabs?

  • He's not here.

  • Look! The treasure map.

  • Only the captain can look at the map, Patrick.

  • Yeah.

  • Patrick, what are you doing?

  • I'm not looking, I'm touching.

  • There's no rule against that, is there?

  • No, guess there isn't.

  • [squeaking]

  • Oops! Patrick, it opened by itself.

  • [laughing]

  • The map, the map, I gotta see it,

  • I gotta look at it.

  • - SpongeBob? - Yeah?

  • Did you notice something familiar

  • about this map?

  • You mean, like that it's our game board

  • taped to a piece of paper?

  • Do you think this is a problem?

  • That's mutiny on my ship.

  • So you think ol' Captain Krabs has gone crazy, do ye?

  • Not at all, Captain Krabs. We don't think that at all!

  • I think that.

  • I'm gonna throw you overboard for saying that!

  • [gasps] Look!

  • Well, what are you waiting for, lads? Dig! Dig!

  • We got it, Captain Krabs!

  • Ha, ha. Hand it up to me, lads. Heave!

  • We finally found it.

  • The Dutchman's Treasure

  • Wow.

  • What are you gonna do with your share, Patrick?

  • I don't know.

  • How are you gonna spend your share, SpongeBob?

  • What shares? You're not getting any of my treasure!

  • What about loyalty?

  • All for one.

  • And one for all.

  • All for one.

  • And one for all.

  • All for one.

  • Who dug up the Dutchman's treasure?

  • They did!

  • So you two scallywags dug up me treasure?!

  • [thundering]

  • [thundering]

  • Well, you saved me a lot of diggin' you did.

  • So here's an reward for the two of ya.

  • Wow!

  • Two gold doubloons

  • Wait! I'm captain of this crew! Where's my reward?

  • A little something for your trouble.

  • Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold!

  • Huh? Why, it's just a little plastic treasure chest!

  • Plastic! ♪

  • Aye, but it's based on a real treasure chest.

  • [laughing]

  • Gee, Mr. Krabs, you're looking all sweaty again.

Look, Patrick, eight gold doubloons!


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SpongeBob Goes on a Treasure Hunt IRL! ?‍☠️ SpongeBob Episode with Puppets!

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    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 22 日