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  • - [Scott] What if your web browser could help you save time?

  • Well, in today's video,

  • I'm sharing with you seven Chrome Extensions,

  • which do just that.

  • And the best news of all,

  • they're all absolutely free.

  • Hello, everyone.

  • Scott Friesen here at Simpletivity,

  • helping you to get more done and enjoy less stress.

  • And that's right,

  • every single extension that I'm sharing with you today

  • is either completely free or has a free forever option.

  • So, let's dive in.

  • How often have you been wanting to share something

  • with someone else

  • and you know it'd be a lot quicker

  • if you just sent a quick video recording.

  • Let's say, for example, I'm redesigning my website

  • and I wanna tell my web designer that, you know what?

  • I wonder if we can change this image here,

  • and change the title of this,

  • and I like what's going on here.

  • Do you know how long that would take me to write

  • in an email or include in a text message or a chat?

  • Wouldn't it be easier

  • if I just took a quick screen recording?

  • Well, that's where Awesome Screenshot & Screen Recorder

  • comes into play.

  • Here under Chrome Extensions,

  • all I need to do is click on it,

  • and I can start recording right away.

  • Now, just before I show you a quick demo,

  • take a look at the variety of things that we can do here.

  • We can record beyond

  • just our desktop.

  • We can also record our webcam if we want.

  • We can also take screen captures.

  • Now, in many cases, I find that many of you

  • already have a screen capture tool

  • that you like,

  • but this is quick and easy

  • if you want to record a video.

  • All I need to do is say Start Recording

  • and pick what I would like to record.

  • I'm gonna hit Share in this case.

  • It's gonna give me a quick countdown,

  • and now we are recording.

  • Now, just before I start to narrate here,

  • what I want to point your attention to here

  • is the bottom left-hand corner.

  • Because if I click on this mouse cursor,

  • I can select to

  • highlight the mouse.

  • Now, you're used to seeing this here

  • within my Simpletivity videos,

  • but now you can do it yourself

  • as you record videos

  • for whatever purposes that you need.

  • So I can go over here

  • and highlight something over here.

  • If I want to, I can annotate as well.

  • So if I wanna say, you know what?

  • I don't really like this one,

  • this is not so great, but this image is great.

  • Let's continue with that.

  • In the very top right,

  • when we go back to our extension,

  • you can see that we have a counter here,

  • so we can see how long that video is lasting.

  • If I select this and hit Stop,

  • we are going to be brought

  • to the awesome screenshot page,

  • where we can now preview our video here.

  • We can edit it if we like.

  • The other nice bonus

  • is that we can generate a shareable link.

  • So right now I can copy this

  • to my clipboard and I can paste it in an email

  • and share it with whoever I want.

  • Awesome Screenshot also allows you to connect with other

  • popular services, including Slack,

  • Asana and Trello.

  • Now, number two on our list also has to do with

  • interacting with things online,

  • and that has to do with highlighting

  • or retaining information for later.

  • How often have you been reviewing a PDF document,

  • or maybe just a website and saying,

  • oh, this is great?

  • I love this quote here.

  • I'd like to include that maybe in my own blog article.

  • Well, all I need to do

  • when I have Weava Highlighter installed

  • is I can highlight this section here,

  • and now I am given a few color options.

  • I'm gonna use the traditional yellow here,

  • and now I'm starting to highlight text directly

  • on this website.

  • Maybe I wanna come down here and say, you know what?

  • This is a great quote as well.

  • I'm gonna highlight that as well,

  • but maybe I wanna remind myself what this is all about.

  • If I click on this highlight again,

  • I can even take a note.

  • This is a great quote.

  • Maybe we wanna include this in like I said,

  • a blog document or something along those lines.

  • Now this note is going to be saved

  • with this highlighted option here.

  • What we can do is go into Weava,

  • and now we can see all of the notes

  • that we've collected online.

  • So here you can see I've collected a few notes,

  • a few highlights I should say,

  • and my notes are saved along with it as well.

  • The great thing is is that whenever I come back

  • to this particular webpage,

  • my highlights are going to be waiting for me here.

  • So it doesn't matter if I close this tab,

  • if I refresh the page,

  • as long as I have the Weava extension installed,

  • I can come back here on all of my highlights and notes

  • will remain.

  • Number three on our list has to do with something

  • that I use quite often,

  • and that is currency conversion.

  • So we wanna take a look at Currency Converter PRO.

  • So it sits here along with your other extensions,

  • and it's quick and easy,

  • and you don't have to open up another tab.

  • So here I can just enter in a dollar value,

  • I can select the currencies that I want to convert,

  • and I can get an accurate up-to-date currency conversion.

  • So if you're dealing with international customers,

  • if you're needing to know the true cost of something,

  • if you're seeing something online,

  • which is not in your own currency,

  • you can easily use this here.

  • Now, the other nice thing is that we can actually add

  • multiple currencies as well.

  • So let's say there's a few different

  • currencies that you use on a regular basis.

  • I'm just gonna select these four, for example,

  • and now I'm gonna have them listed here in this window.

  • So if I wanna type in something like $50 US as of today,

  • well now I can see immediately the differences

  • in these other currencies.

  • And the great thing is is that

  • it's just always there when you need it.

  • If I come back here,

  • I can quickly save

  • these currencies that I use most often,

  • and come back and forth,

  • or maybe it's just the top two that I want to go through,

  • or maybe I wanna convert them a different way.

  • Quick and easy,

  • and I can get on with the rest of my day.

  • Now the next extension on our list

  • is gonna help us save time in a slightly different way.

  • When we open up a new tab,

  • we're often jumping and bouncing around from the variety

  • of different things

  • that we have open at any given time.

  • But watch what happens when I hit a new tab here.

  • Instead of getting the traditional Google page,

  • which is gonna show me some of my more recent apps

  • or my favorite bookmarks,

  • here, I'm going to get a reminder.

  • The Momentum Chrome Extension

  • is not just gonna show you the time and give you a greeting

  • and a nice background,

  • which will change throughout the day,

  • but it helps you focus so that you can enter in

  • your number one objective.

  • So for example, here,

  • I might type in something like, Make a new video.

  • That's maybe my main focus for today.

  • So every time I open up a new tab,

  • I'm gonna be reminded that making a new video

  • is really what I should be doing today.

  • Now, Momentum is quite beautiful, right?

  • It's gonna give me the temperature,

  • and it's gonna give me a nice motivational message,

  • and I can customize these things as well.

  • But what I really like

  • is that you can have your number one task,

  • or your highest priority always visible here

  • so that you can accomplish it

  • and not get sidetracked by everything else on your day.

  • The next extension on our list has to do with colors,

  • especially if you're ever designing or needing

  • a particular color for a presentation,

  • or a website or whatever it is that you do.

  • How often have you been trying to impress a client,

  • and you say to yourself, boy,

  • I'd really like to get this particular green color,

  • 'cause I know they use it all throughout their website,

  • I'd like to add it to my presentation,

  • but how do you figure out exactly what this green is?

  • Well, that's where the GetColor Extension

  • comes into play.

  • Up here,

  • if I select the GetColor Extension,

  • I can play around

  • and select a variety of different colors here,

  • but what I use GetColor most often for

  • is this Pick selection here.

  • So if I select Pick,

  • you can notice that there's a little square

  • beside my cursor.

  • And when I hover over a color,

  • it's going to grab that color.

  • So let's say I want this green,

  • I'm gonna select that,

  • I'm gonna click it.

  • And when I come back up to GetColor,

  • here is the exact

  • hex color code, which I can select,

  • and I can copy.

  • Now that it's copied to my Clipboard,

  • I can paste it wherever I need to.

  • So let's say I'm

  • doing a presentation here,

  • and I really wanna impress the client

  • by using this text with their color.

  • So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna go to my Colors,

  • go to my Custom Colors.

  • And all I need to do is paste in

  • what I just selected.

  • I'm gonna say OK,

  • and now I've got their exact green.

  • It's not just close,

  • this is exactly the green that I saw.

  • So, GetColor can not only help you save time,

  • but make it so much easier

  • for you to grab the colors that you need

  • anywhere on the web.

  • Next up, let's go into YouTube for a second.

  • And let's say that you're following a tutorial,

  • such as, oh, I dunno,

  • maybe my Gmail settings tips tutorials.

  • And one of the frustrating things

  • is that as you follow along with any tutorial,

  • you may need to switch back and forth, right?

  • Someone is showing you how to do something here,

  • but then you've gotta go to a new tab

  • to actually make those changes and follow along.

  • Well, that's where the Picture-in-Picture Extension

  • by Google comes into play.

  • So here we are.

  • I am perhaps watching this video,

  • and I want to follow along as this person

  • is changing these settings here.

  • All I need to do is come up here

  • and select Picture-in-Picture,

  • and it will take that video and pop it outside.

  • So now I can go to any tab.

  • I can even go to my desktop if I want,

  • I can hit the play button,

  • and I can start to follow along.

  • As they are making changes here,

  • I can follow along and make my own changes.

  • If I need to resize the window,

  • no problem.

  • I can make it a little bit bigger,

  • I can make it a little bit smaller.

  • I can hit this pause button

  • if I need to make the changes here quickly,

  • and then come back here and hit play

  • and follow along again.

  • So, Picture-in-Picture

  • can be extremely valuable

  • if you need those YouTube videos

  • on a separate tab or on a separate screen.

  • Speaking of videos,

  • last but not least,

  • my final extension today,

  • it's maybe a bit of a fun one,

  • but it helps me save a lot of time,

  • especially if I'm trying to browse

  • and find what I'd like to watch next on Netflix.

  • I get really tired browsing through Netflix,

  • finding things that are actually worth watching.

  • And I often use a website called IMDB

  • to find their ratings.

  • And here you can see,

  • I've got the IMDB ratings here,

  • so I can try to filter out the things that are

  • something that are a bit more interesting,

  • or at least other people find interesting as well.

  • But you'll also notice that

  • a bunch of the videos are grayed out.

  • Why is that?

  • That's because I can set the IMDB rating filter level.

  • So let's say I want to think look at things that are only,

  • like a 7.8 or above.

  • Well, now you can see,

  • I've got a few more videos that are blocked out

  • as I scan through and only see things

  • with that number or higher.

  • Maybe you don't wanna use IMDB,

  • that's okay.

  • You can also set the Rotten Tomatoes Score here as well,

  • and you can even choose a different date range

  • if you only want to see things that are

  • released after the year 2000,

  • that will filter out things as well.

  • Last but not least,

  • what this has is also something called a Trim Button.

  • So if there's a particular category

  • that you don't want to see here.

  • So for example, Critically Acclaimed Dramas,

  • maybe I don't wanna see this as an option today.

  • I can hit this X,

  • and it's going to remove it.

  • So I won't see it anymore

  • as I browse through these titles.

  • A bit more of a fun one,

  • but one that helps me save time

  • as I try to find something worth watching

  • here within Netflix.

  • Now, if you have a favorite Chrome Extension,

  • I would love to hear from you.

  • Perhaps I can feature it in a future video.

  • Be sure to let me know,

  • and share it with others in the comments down below.

  • Thank you so much for watching today's video,

  • and remember,

  • being productive does not need to be difficult,

  • in fact, it's very simple.

- [Scott] What if your web browser could help you save time?


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7 個 Chrome 瀏覽器擴展,可以節省您的時間!(7 Chrome Browser Extensions that will Save You Time!)

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    Yang ren 發佈於 2022 年 01 月 12 日