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  • The New Year is officially here, which means it’s  time to start setting some New Year’s Resolutions.  

  • Let’s dive into the research and explore  why we set New Year’s resolutions,  

  • why most of them fail, and  what we can do to succeed.

  • Dr. Jubbal,

  • Every year, about half of us commit  to a New Year's Resolution. In fact,  

  • it is so ingrained in our culture  that even posts articles  

  • detailing the most common New Year’s  Resolutions and tips to keep them.

  • But what makes New Year’s special? After allit’s just like any other day of the year, right?

  • Let’s start with why we set New  Year’s Resolutions in the first place.

  • When we want to change something in our liveswe usually start on a temporal landmark - a day  

  • that holds some sort of importanceIt can be universally significant,  

  • like the start of the week or month, or personally  significant, like the beginning of a semester,  

  • the first day of a job, or the day  you get married. But out of all the  

  • temporal landmarks throughout the year, New  Year’s is arguably the biggest of them all.

  • Research has shown that people are more likely to  adopt changes on a temporal landmark than during  

  • any other time of the year. One study concluded  that, relative to baseline, people are 63%  

  • more likely to commit to their goals  at the beginning of a new week, 24%  

  • more likely at the beginning of a new month, and  145% more likely at the beginning of a new year.

  • The authors refer to this phenomenon as  thefresh start effect.” They hypothesize  

  • that temporal landmarks help us create  psychological divisions between our past  

  • self and our present self, motivating  us to pursue our goals and aspirations.

  • Essentially, temporal landmarks make us  feel like we have a clean slate, giving  

  • us a chance to redefine ourselves. But setting  goals is easy, keeping them is the hard part.

  • Interestingly enough, setting a New Year’s  Resolution has also been shown to increase  

  • the likelihood of success compared  to setting goals later in the year.  

  • One study compared resolution success rates  between people who started at the start of  

  • the year versus those who started atlater time. They found that at 6 months,  

  • 46% of the resolvers reported continued  success versus only 4% of non-resolvers.

  • But if New Year’s is the  best time to make a change,  

  • why is it still so hard to keep our resolutions?

  • The reason that most New Year's Resolutions fail  

  • is simple: behavior change is hard. We  are creatures of habit and prefer to do  

  • things that don’t require a lot of effortwhich usually means doing nothing at all.

  • Making any kind of change in your  life is going to be difficult,  

  • because if it were easy, then you’d  probably already be doing it by now.  

  • But if you never change your behaviorsyoull never change your outcomes.

  • To make things even more difficult, the  types of New Year’s Resolutions that we  

  • usually set for ourselves don’t just require  changing our behavior for a period of time,  

  • but rather changing it permanently.

  • If you want to lose weight, for  instance, it’s not a matter of  

  • eating right and exercising for a couple of  months before reverting back to your old ways.  

  • Losing weight and keeping it off requires  a permanent change to your lifestyle.  

  • Anything less and youll just find yourself  back at square one a few months down the road.

  • So now that we know why it’s so difficult,  

  • what can we do to make lasting changes  and keep our New Year’s Resolutions?

  • The first component to a successful New  Year’s resolution is having a clear end goal.  

  • Oftentimes the resolutions that we  set for ourselves are too vague.

  • “I want to lose weight.”

  • “I want to get healthy

  • “I want to eat better

  • These resolutions don’t tell us a lotHow much weight are you trying to lose?  

  • 5-, 10-, 20-, 100lbs? What about your  health are you trying to improve?  

  • Your cardiovascular fitness? Your muscle mass?  A certain blood marker? What types of foods are  

  • you trying to incorporate into your diet? What  types of foods are you trying to cut back on?

  • When our goals are too vague, we don’t have  a clear picture of what exactly were working  

  • towards, which makes it much harder to figure  out what steps we need to take to achieve them.

  • What you want to do is set S.M.A.R.T  resolutions. You want them to be specific,  

  • measurable, attainablerealistic, and time-specific.

  • Ask yourself these questions:

  • What exactly am I trying to accomplish?

  • How will I determine if I’m making  progress or if I’ve completed my goal?

  • Do I have the resources to accomplish this goal?

  • Am I willing and able to accomplish this goal?

  • And what is my deadline to accomplish this goal?

  • If you can answer these questions, it becomes  much easier to map out the steps to get there.

  • Let’s say your goal is to lose 24 lbs inmonths. To accomplish this, youll have to  

  • lose 4 lbs a month, which equates to an average of  1 lb per week. If you weigh yourself every week,  

  • youll know whether or not youre making progress  towards your goal. And at the end of 6 months,  

  • youll know whether youve  achieved your goal or not.

  • This method of defining your goals has the added  benefit of ensuring that your goals are realistic  

  • as well. If you do this exercise and find that  you’d have to lose 20 lbs/week to accomplish your  

  • goal, youll know that it’s unrealistic and can  reassess your goal or your timeline accordingly.

  • This brings me to the next pointDon’t bite off more than you can chew.

  • On New Year’s, we are often highly motivatedwhich also makes us overly ambitious. We  

  • want to do great things but overestimate our  ability to actually follow through with them.

  • The problem with ambitious goals is that  they can be incredibly intimidating. It  

  • can feel like there is an insurmountable  mountain ahead of you and there’s no way  

  • that youll ever reach the top. The result is  that you end up feeling discouraged and quit.

  • Instead of trying to accomplish a monumental  goal, break it down into smaller subgoals that  

  • you are certain you can achieve. Research has  shown that people exhibit greater motivation  

  • to accomplish a goal when they focus on  small subgoals instead of the overall goal.

  • If your goal is to become a doctor, for  instance, don’t focus on big picture things  

  • like getting into medical school or getting into  residency. Start smaller than that - much smaller.

  • The first step in becoming a doctor is to get  good grades. So how do you do that? You start  

  • by studying more effectively. And how do you study  more effectively? You might start by doing 2 hours  

  • of Pomodoro per day. Then once you do that you  work up to 3 hours. Then 4 hours and so on.

  • Or maybe you start doing flashcards, in which  case you might start with 10 flashcards a day,  

  • then work up to 20, 30, etc. The trick  is to start small and slowly build.

  • As you accomplish these smaller  goals, your confidence will build,  

  • fueling your motivation to  accomplish the next goal.

  • Over time, these small accomplishments  will add up. And before you know it,  

  • that large goal will seem a lot less intimidating  

  • because youll already have madegreat deal of progress towards it.

  • Next, don’t rely solely on motivationFocus on building systems instead.

  • As James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, puts it,  

  • you do not rise to the level of your goalsYou fall to the level of your systems.”

  • The first step is to make your  environment work with you.  

  • Organize your surroundings in such a way  that there are fewer steps between you  

  • and the good behaviors, and more  steps between you and the bad ones.

  • If youre trying to eat better, put  healthy, low-calorie choices front and  

  • center in your fridge and put high-calorie  junk foods up in a cupboard out of reach.

  • The more accessible the healthy options arethe more likely you will be to reach for them.  

  • Conversely, the less accessible the bad  options, the less tempted you will be.

  • Next, set reminders. Write things on your  calendar. Post sticky notes around the house.  

  • Set alerts on your phone. The more  you are reminded of your resolution,  

  • the more likely it is to stick. Research  has shown that even the simple act of  

  • writing out your goals can increase your  chances of success. This effect is even  

  • greater if you can send written updates  to a friend to keep you accountable.

  • This brings me to my next point, get  an accountabilibuddy. Having someone  

  • there to make sure youre staying  on track can make a huge difference  

  • in sticking to your New Year’s resolution.

  • If you want to take it up a notch, you  can even join a community of people with  

  • similar goals. Being a part of a strong community  can greatly influence your ability to change  

  • your behaviors. As you build relationships  with the other members of the community,  

  • you become more willing to learn, more open  to new ideas, and more willing to change.

  • And being part of a community can  strongly influence your identity.  

  • Remember, if your resolution involves  making a lasting change in your life,  

  • then you have to embrace it fully and  let it become a part of your identity.

  • Instead of saying, “I want to  get an A in organic chemistry”,  

  • tell yourself, “I want to become an  excellent student.” Or instead of saying,  

  • “I want to quit smoking,” tell  yourself, “I’m not a smoker.”

  • Decide what kind of person you want to be,  

  • and then prove to yourself that youre  that person through your behavior.

  • Every time you write a page, yourewriter. Every time you go to the gym,  

  • youre an athlete. Every time  you bike, you're a cyclist.

  • The secret is repetition. The more you repeat  that behavior, the more you reinforce the  

  • identity associated with it, and the closer you  become to believing in that identity yourself.

  • But even with the perfect plan, strong systemsgood social support, and loads of motivation,  

  • you will eventually have setbacks. Nobody  will adhere to their New Year’s resolution  

  • 100%. Having setbacks isn’t what will determine  your success though, how you respond to them is.

  • It’s never the first mistake  that ruins you, but rather,  

  • the spiral of repeated mistakes  that follows. As James Clear says,  

  • missing once is an accident. Missing  twice is the start of a new habit.”

  • A simple rule that has served me  well is tonever miss twice.”

  • If you miss a day at the gym, pick it back up  the next day. If you have a calorie-dense meal,  

  • don’t wait until tomorrow to start your  diet again, start with the next meal.

  • Too often we adopt a “what the hellmindset  and use one setback as an excuse for additional  

  • setbacks, and before you know it youve completely  fallen off the wagon. Instead of kicking the  

  • can further and further down the road when it  falls, pick it up immediately and move forward.

  • If youre committing to a New  Year’s resolution this year,  

  • remember to stick with it. Keep defining  and re-adjusting your plan. Keep creating  

  • and refining your systems. Keep reminding  yourself of the person that you want to become.

  • If you can do that, then I’m certain  that this will be a great year.

  • Thank you all so much for watchingIf you enjoyed this video,  

  • be sure to check out 4 Things Youre  Doing Wrong During the Holidays or the  

  • Ultimate Guide to Building a New HabitMuch love and I’ll see you guys there.

The New Year is officially here, which means it’s  time to start setting some New Year’s Resolutions.  


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How to Actually Keep Your New Year's Resolutions | Research Explained

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