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Hi glamour, I am Dove Cameron and today I'm going to be breaking down some of my iconic looks from film and television.
Okay, liv and Maddie from 2013 to 2017 I wore obviously a lot of clothing because I played both roles and wardrobe was a very important part of the show because it differentiated the girls as much as the different wigs did.
Oh, spoiler, I wore wigs, Maddie's in her chuck's and jeans and like a little tank top and a little button up live is in her just above the knee skirt and button up and little tiny belt and always in heels.
I think that that's like a big differentiation between the girls was that live was basically always in heels, which is kind of crazy if you think about it, like high school student, just like every day in these massive platforms, Hello, sparkly red wedge number 26 But that was actually a funny thing that I saw online for years, was there like, no, of course do not play by the same girl, They're totally different heights.
I always thought that was so funny.
Maddie always had these little m earrings in and liv had these little elves and I actually, I I think I just stole these um but I have the little Mhm Maddie earrings, my favorite outfit of Maddie's ever was in this episode where they have to go clean the brother's room and like the sock is like alive, which is still so stupid, it makes me laugh and she wore like gray sweats, lime green and blue hoodie with pigtails and it was the first time that Disney channel had ever let Maddie have her hair in like not in a ponytail or straight down and we were so excited and the producers were like, this is a new era and then they washed it back and they were like, never again um and then of live, I think it's in the finale, she wears this like multicolored backless, I think like rainbow little tea dress, I feel like it was like ted baker maybe and we got away with it only because it was the finale and I was like please let me wear this like kind of beautiful, more sophisticated dress, it was like, you know, it was like pushing the limit for Disney, but I remember thinking it was just the most beautiful thing at the time, Barees lethal.
Um so this was a movie that I did with Hailee Steinfeld back in 2015 which feels like crazy to say.
We shot this one in Georgia ah and it was my first like feature film that I did yeah, costuming was was very important on this one and it was just fun because these were like we're playing very real normal people and it was one of the first times that I had done something that felt not so heightened, you know, I'd come from such like a heightened world with Disney and and the theater in my background in music and Liz Larson, the character that I played was a very like normal person.
I remember being so excited to wear like jeans and a t shirt.
One fun thing is that I wore some of my own clothes and there's a scene where she's wearing my grandfather's red flannel and it is the Wallace family plaid.
I wear it for like a good amount of the film with like a loose pair of jeans and I remember telling my granddad about that and he was really stoked about that descendants.
This one's fun.
The costuming in this franchise I would say is like almost like another lead character and our costumer care asan is a genius.
I think what people don't know about the costumes in descendants is that they are so like one of a kind and couture that the stuff that you're seeing us where there was only one of these jewels and things like that, like they're being pressed on two minutes before we go on set and we're dancing in 100 and 15 degree heat outside and jules are flying off.
There's, there's address in descendants three when spoiler if you haven't seen it mal gets proposed to, will you marry me?
Mhm It's like canvas like it was like, I want to say the dress was like for like 30 £30 maybe of like heavy canvas and it doesn't look like it.
Um but it was hand painted, this like dragon, this kind of like abstract dragon on it.
And uh, and then also this pair of pants that I had that were um doubles for my regular hero pants that had to be painted.
You would stay an hour or two hours later if it was painted on you because then they would have to re paint it on your body and it would have to dry.
This is Maleficent magic ring.
Don't look too closely because it's like really not.
We like this is literally glue, but for our purposes it was great because if we're dancing and it flies off, you know, we had like five and then this is my house dance version.
You can see because it had to be pinned to my wig.
This is her version when she's dancing in the finale of descendants three I believe when she becomes queen blinged out hairspray live.
This is one of my all time favorite projects in terms of costuming.
They did such a brilliant job with this.
So many of the things that mary found, we're real vintage pieces and it was amazing.
I've never wanted to keep clothes more.
Amber's clothes specifically were so beautiful because they were that kind of like very princess ified.
You know, 19 like late fifties, early sixties silhouettes.
My favorite look of of Amber's is barely seen.
It's when she goes into the record shop to confront link essentially and it's like this little yellow or orange number.
It's got like little pants, she was the only time she's ever in pants and she's wearing these little like capri pants that were very like proper and it was just so adorable.
All of them were amazing.
The little like blue dress that she wears for mama, I'm a big girl now, beautiful dumpling, I got to play a pageant girl and um, the pageant world is something that I have no context of, you know, there's this number that you hardly see, but we spent so much time on it where we're all wearing this very Texan patriotic red, white and blue outfit with like a cowboy hat.
Like these tiny, tiny, little like almost like comedically small cowboy hats and doing this choreographed number in the background of a scene.
I also really feel like these feel like real people in a real small town who really do this, like that was something that I think was highly important to her.
And so you see them go from obviously these very distinctly pageant looks to when they're doing the dance routine, like they're just in their shoes and their sports bras.
Yeah, I love it, clueless is definitely a standout for me in terms of wardrobe wearing shares iconic look was unbelievable a dream come true.
I've never had so much yellow plaid in my life and it was also wild because the clothing not only was obviously handmade and made for us and so specific to the movie and to the style into the character, but also had to be practical share is offstage, probably a solid 45 seconds throughout the whole show.
And so the costumes had to be tear away and, and like velcro, but to the most insane degree, the costume changes were literally full costume changes in like nine seconds.
They were very heavy.
Actually what I will say was that Unbelievably heavy and I lost about £10 in sweat every night.
But yeah, so fun.
Unbelievably fun.
Agents of Shield's this was a fun one because I think that this is sort of like my dream wardrobe when I saw what I was going to be wearing for Agents of Shield, I think I might have cried from joy ruby hails look with these shoulder pads and like the extreme waste, like she's snatched but in like a full blown like bulletproof fighting suit.
What more could you ask for?
Combat boots and a weapon?
Come on dude, insane.
And I think what's also really iconic about ruby was her like blunt platinum blonde hair that is quite severe and that really aided the character killed those two.
This one's mine also, it has always been my dream to play a character that had a thigh strap with a knife in it.
Like that is like something that I've written in my journal to manifest doing action sequences in these kinds of like suits is really difficult, I won't lie because they're so thick, Like they add like a About £8. They're unbelievably difficult to move in mega dunes 2021 Schmick.
A dune is probably my all time favorite.
Like foray into like iconic costuming and period pieces.
The looks were brought to life by Tish Monaghan, who I love.
Um and all of these looks were made from scratch barry.
Our director, his vision come to life was just executed so brilliantly.
We had endless tests down to like the exact shade of lipstick and the exact like centimeters of where how to best emphasize the ample cleavage and and like every every woman that you see on camera besides Cecily is wearing a corset and we would all walk around being like, can someone undo my course, you know, I think that Betsy's character in general, they wanted her to be so voluptuous, so womanly, but then at the same time very untouched, but I'm gonna wait till I'm a kind of like docile, you know, the iconic pigtails that like are a telltale sign of like youth and femininity and innocence.
And then like this, I mean my chest region was a whole other character in this show.
Um and we just kept amping it up, we were like more cleavage, It was so funny and we were like lower lower lines, Thank you.