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In 2020, one story has consumed everything.
2020 年,新冠肺炎籠罩了全球。
But in 2021, the world will start looking to life beyond the pandemic.
而 2021 年,全球正準備迎接後疫情時代的生活。
So behind the headlines, what are the other moments you should be watching out for in the year ahead?
From the launch of an asteroid smashing spaceship to the event that could help the world turn a corner on climate change, here are five stories set to shape the post COVID world.
In 2021, democracy will be especially tested.
2021 年,民主主義將受到試煉。
There will be an abundance of elections, many postponed from 2020 by the pandemic.
因為 2020 年疫情爆發的關係,許多選舉被延後到 2021 年舉行。
And in fragile democracies, autocratic leaders will use the excuse of COVID-19 to crack down on opposition, such as in Uganda which is due to hold its presidential election in January.
在一些民主主義脆弱的國家,獨裁的領袖會以 COVID-19 為理由來打擊對手,比如即將在 1 月舉行總統選舉的烏干達。
Maria is a 25 year old activist who was campaigning for the opposition candidate Bobi Wine.
Maria 是一位社會運動人士,她今年 25 歲,並為反對派候選人 Bobi Wine 助選。
But Ugandan authorities have banned rallies because of COVID-19.
烏干達當局以防治 COVID-19 的理由,禁止人們聚集。
They're not implementing COVID guidelines with the people that who live day to day lives.
COVID 防治辦法的實施對象不是平民百姓。
They're only implementing these guidelines with opposition politicians. That is all. So it is just an excuse.
At a recent rally, Police arrested Bobi Wine accusing him of flouting COVID-19 restrictions.
在近期的一場集會中,警察逮捕了 Bobi Wine,指控他違反 COVID-19 的防疫規定。
When they were arresting Bobi Wine, what they did was to first block all the vehicles that were around, and only his vehicle was allowed to go in front.
當他們對 Bobi Wine 展開逮捕行動時,警方首先堵住所有附近的車輛,唯獨讓 Bobi Wine 的座駕通行到前方。
They pepper-sprayed all his bodyguards—those that are personal bodyguards, not the ones Electoral Commission gave to us.
然後警方對 Bobi Wine 每一位保鏢噴灑胡椒噴霧,那些人是私人保鏢,而不是選舉委員會委派來保護 Bobi Wine 的保鏢。
They pepper-sprayed them, and they were beaten.
Protests broke out. Almost 1000 people were arrested and 45 were killed.
Crackdowns on opposition politicians are not just happening in Uganda.
Since the pandemic started, democracy and human rights have deteriorated in 80 countries, according to Freedom House, a think tank.
智庫自由之家表示,打從疫情爆發起,共有 80 個國家的民主和人權情況退化。
The largest number are in Africa.
This is certainly a problem in in Africa, because there are many countries there that have made a partial transition towards democracy and respect for human rights.
But because it's fairly recent and the institutions that protect it are not particularly strong, there's always a danger of backsliding.
Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni has been in power for almost 35 years.
烏干達的總統,Yoweri Museveni 治國將近 35 年。
In 2017, he changed the country's constitution to allow him to serve a 6th term.
2017 年,他改變國家的憲法,允許他第六度蟬聯總統職。
The pandemic has made it easier to block opposition and dissent.
All we want is our freedom back.
All we want is to change power, and so the power comes back to the people and the institutions that must protect the people. That is all we want!
Maria can't even campaign on social media.
Maria 甚至無法在社交媒體上作政治宣傳。
Government rules brought in in 2020, require many Internet users to register with the regulator before they can publish anything online.
政府在 2020 年推行新法,規定網路用戶在使用網路前必須先向執法單位登記。
Across the world, 91 countries have experienced new or increased restrictions on the news media as a result of the pandemic.
在疫情的影響下,全球共有 91 國的新聞自由受到新的或更多的限制。
I think there's a real danger that democracy will continue to retreat in 2021.
我覺得 2021 年,民主主義會出現倒退。
I'm hoping that eventually we'll be able to get widespread vaccines out there,
and that will make it easier for people to gather together and to organize, which is what you need to be able to do if you're going to resist tyranny.
We must campaign so that we win this election. We are ready to fight for our victory.
It is either bullets, or a ballot.
2021 will be a tipping point for electric cars, as more manufacturers roll out their electric range.
2021 年將會是電動車的關鍵轉折點,因為越來越多車廠先後推出電動車。
Suddenly there's going to be a huge array of electric vehicles for people to choose from.
In the autumn, the gas guzzling SUV brand of General Motors, Hummer, will start production on all electric cars.
And at the end of the year, Elon Musk's Tesla will launch its futuristic looking Cybertruck.
而 Elon Musk 領導的特斯拉將會在年底推展外型極具未來感的 Cybertruck 電動皮卡車。
So I present to you the Cybertruck.
各位,Cybertruck 隆重登場。
The Cybertruck may not be to everyone's taste.
Cybertruck 也許不是人見人愛的車款。
I think that's significant because in the American market, the real profits there to be made on pickups.
Un, so Tesla have come out with their own version of the pickup, the Cybertruck.
所以特斯拉只得生產特斯拉版本的皮卡車— Cybertruck。
The electric Hummer is trying to tap into that market.
It's the America's biggest and most profitable market.
Investment in the electric revolution has surged.
Over 250 firms are currently manufacturing electric vehicles, and 47 battery factories are under construction.
目前有超過 250 家車廠投入電動車生產的行列,47 所電池生產廠房正在建設中。
Tesla, the market leader, has seen its share price surge.
It's now so valuable, it's been added to the S&P 500, America's main stock market index, putting it in the same bracket as companies like Apple and Microsoft.
特斯拉現在很值錢,它已經被納入美國最重要的股票指數—標準普爾 500 指數,與蘋果和微軟等強勢企業並駕齊驅。
Tesla is a remarkable story. No car company has gone from nothing to where Tesla is in such a rapid period of time.
So you have to take your hat off to Elon Musk for doing that.
你不得不欽佩 Elon Musk 的作為。
Tesla's success convinced established carmakers that there was a market for electric cars.
The car companies that made the biggest bet on the future is Volkswagen, which has invested huge sums, but all car companies are introducing electric models every week.
You hear about a new plan to electrify an old model or bring out a new model from various car companies. So it really is picking up the pace.
Although all car sales dropped in 2020, in 2021, they are expected to pick up again, and sales of battery powered vehicles are projected to grow rapidly over the next decade.
雖然 2020 年所有汽車的銷量均下跌,不過 2021 年,車市預計會復甦,而未來十年,電動車的銷量將會蓬勃成長。
2021 is just the start.
2021 年只是個開始。
If more governments commit to future bans on the sale of petrol and diesel cars, the growth in the electric vehicle sector could accelerate even more.
In November, all eyes will be on Glasgow, Scotland, as world leaders meet for the UN's climate change summit.
在 11 月,蘇格蘭的格拉斯哥將會成為全球矚目的焦點,因為全球的領袖會聚集此地參加聯合國氣候變遷大會。
Known as COP 26, it was originally scheduled for 2020, but postponed due to the pandemic.
氣候變遷大會也被稱為 COP26,原定於 2020 年舉辦,不過受到疫情影響而延期舉行。
If it had gone ahead as planned, COP 26 would have marked five years since the Paris Agreement.
如果 COP26 如期舉行的話,今年正好會是《巴黎協定》屆滿 5 年的日子。
Built into the Paris Agreement was this ratchet mechanism that basically said governments need to, every five years. increased the promises to cut emissions.
簽署《巴黎協定》的各國政府,均承諾每 5 年加劇減少碳排放的努力。
The Paris Agreement set a target of limiting global warming to between 1.5 and 2°C above pre industrial temperatures.
《巴黎協定》的目標,是將全球暖化的溫度升幅控制在工業革命前水準的攝氏 1.5 到 2 度之間。
But experts predict that the pledges governments made in 2015 would not be enough to achieve this target.
但專家預言,各國政府在 2015 年所承諾的減排努力將無法達到的當初議定的目標。
So this ratchet mechanism, the purpose of COP 26, is really to get closer to this target of 1.5 to 2°C, and what's needed for that are bigger, better promises to cut national emissions.
所以 COP26 的舉辦,是為了加速實現溫度升幅控制在攝氏 1.5 到 2 度的目標,並督促各國政府更投入、更努力地降低國家碳排放量。
It looks likely that 2021 will be the boldest year ever for tackling climate change.
2021 年很可能會看到各國政府採取更劇烈的措施去應對氣候變遷。
So the EU has said that it will reach net zero emissions by 2050.
歐盟承諾說,他們會在 2050 年達到淨零碳排。
Climate change is caused by us. So in other words, it's up to us to make a turnaround.
They have an expansive package of policies that they will be expanding on and agreeing on in 2021 for how they head towards that goal.
他們作了通盤政策策劃,並會在 2021 年投放更多努力去實現目標。
The surprise announcement really of this year came in September when Xi Jinping announced that China would be heading towards carbon neutrality by 2060.
近年最引人注目的宣布,就屬習近平宣布中國會朝實現 2060 年的碳中和目標努力。
The details of how China does this are still unclear and are anticipated at some point in 2021.
不過中國具體要怎麼做,目前還未明朗化,估計他們會在 2021 年某個時間點公佈。
In America, Donald Trump has undermined global efforts to tackle global warming.
We are going to put our coal miners back to work.
What is our mandate?
I believe it's this: the battle to save our planet by getting climate under control.
Joe Biden is going to mark a real U-turn, in particular American foreign climate policy.
Biden has promised to put America back into the Paris Agreement pretty much as soon as he enters the oval office, and as such, America will once again be influencing global climate politics.
America is the world's second biggest emitter.
Joe Biden has promised to make the country carbon neutral by 2050.
拜登承諾 2050 年讓美國變成碳中和的國家。
His greatest challenge however, is getting these ambitious pledges through Congress.
There is a lot of ease in making these long term promises.
It's a lot harder to back those up with the real policies at home that are going to achieve them.
But having the European Union, the United States, China all headed towards some kind of mid-century target—2050, 2060—of eliminating their emissions,
不過,隨著歐盟、美國和中國表態在 2050 年、2060 年消滅碳排放問題,
should give confidence to the rest of the countries that they can also amp-up their targets.
So all of that put together means that 2021 could really mark a turning point in international climate negotiations.
在種種的有利因素下,我們相信 2021 年可能會成為國家氣候協議的轉折點。
In 2021, the eagerly awaited next installment in the James Bond franchise will be released, as shown in this slick trailer.
如預告片所示,2021 年,萬眾期待的《007》電影續集即將上映。
Why would I betray you?
We all have our secrets.
But its release could be eclipsed at the box office by a movie most people in the west may never even have heard of.
The slapstick comedy, Detective Chinatown 3 will help china's box office to take more money than America's, to become the biggest in the world.
中國製作的低俗喜劇《唐人街探案 3》的票房成績可能會超越《007》續集。
For a century, Hollywood has ruled the movie world. Now it's china's turn.
Hollywood was the first kind of global, truly global film industry which exported worldwide, and it has held that dominance for a long time.
Now with China becoming the biggest box office, and it feels like a milestone simply because it sort of shakes that Hollywood dominance.
China's cinema industry has been growing for a number of years.
But in 2021, projections show America's box office revenues stagnating as China's continued to rise.
2021 年,估計美國的票房收入會陷入停滯,而中國繼續攀升。
China's building more screens, particularly in third tier and fourth tier cities.
Uh, so it was something that was gonna happen. It was just a question of what year it was going to happen. The trend is there.
In America, film fans are shunning the cinema in favor of video on demand, but in China, both online streaming and cinema attendance are on the rise.
The key element of it is the, is the young audience who goes to the cinema regularly, you know, going out with friends to go to the cinema is still something of an event and experience.
China's rise to the top of the box office has been helped by the pandemic.
Hollywood delayed productions and movie theaters have been closed. Yet in China, cinemas are now back up to almost 75% capacity and production of new films is steaming ahead.
受到疫情影響,好萊塢中止電影製作、關閉電影院。反觀中國,目前重新開業的電影院比例已經達到 75%,新電影也如火如荼製作中。
They are not too reliant on foreign productions in a way that they were perhaps previously.
Um, nowadays, something like 65 to 75% of the cinema slate in China is actually local content, and the budgets of those films that has risen quite a lot in recent years.
現在中國電影院播放的電影有 65% 到 75% 是國產片,近年來中國對於國產片的製作也投入越來越多的資源。
Despite this, big American films still do very well in China.
The 8th installment of the Fast and Furious series took nearly twice as much in China as it did in North America.
《玩命關頭 8》在中國的票房是北美的將近兩倍。
But Hollywood's reliance on chinese ticket sales has started a worrying trend.
Well, there's a lot of self-censorship, no question.
Um, China will not always tell you, and normally will not tell you, what you have to do to get the film into the China market.
They will let you decide, and you end up self-censoring more than China might censor you. So that that can be a problem.
Tilda Swinton's Marvel character in Doctor Strange, The Ancient One, was changed from a Tibetan to a Celt, in part it was thought to placate China.
漫威影業為了安撫中國當局,把 Tilda Swinton 在電影《奇異博士》中飾演的古一大師,身份從藏族變成凱爾特人。
But despite the soft power China may wield on Hollywood films, it's unlikely it will succeed in exporting its own blockbusters anytime soon.
It's very hard for China, given the stories they tell, giving their emphasis on the domestic market, given the issue of dubbing and subtitling, for them to do very well overseas.
While a lot of those local films from the Chinese industry are very culturally specific,
I think we might well see western studios taking on titles that performed well in china, and remaking them for a US or a Western audience.
While much of next year will be focused on protecting the world from dangers on earth, some scientists will be focusing on how to defend the planet from threats in outer space.
In July 2021, NASA will launch the world's first trial in planetary defense.
2021 年 7 月,美國國家航空暨太空總署將會推展全球第一個地球防禦系統。
Basically we're purposely slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid to move it a little bit.
And this is the sort of thing that you might want to do if an asteroid was on a course to hit the Earth.
This might sound like the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster, but the threat of an asteroid hitting earth is real.
A tiny asteroid streaking across southern Russia.
Just seven years ago, an undetected meteor exploded over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, injuring at least 1200 people.
七年前,一個未被偵測到的隕石在俄羅斯的車里雅賓斯克州爆炸,造成至少 1200 人受傷。
I think the Chelyabinsk impact really brought a lot of visibility to the fact that this is something that happens to the earth all of the time.
If something like that happens over a large city, you can get this sort of unfortunate devastation.
Something that's Chelyabinsk's size happens every few decades to maybe 100 years or so.
As you go up to something that's a bit bigger, sort of 160m, that's more rare,
尺寸更大的隕石,比如大約 160 公尺就更罕見。
but the amount of damage that it would cost could potentially wipe out a large region, perhaps a small country, if it was over one of those.
This is a rare event, but the consequences are so big and devastating that it really makes sense to take a step to do something about it.
NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, will practice defending Earth by altering the course of an asteroid using what's known as kinetic impactor technology.
This asteroid is not a threat to the Earth. It's not going to hit the Earth in the foreseeable future.
But, we do know that Earth is hit by asteroids all the time, and so we really want to take this first step to develop the technology to do something about that if we needed to in the future.
The target is the asteroid Didymos, which is orbited by a smaller asteroid, Dimorphos.
NASA 要打擊的小行星是 Didymos,Didymos 目前正被一顆更小的小行星 Dimorphos 圍繞。
The DART spacecraft will hit the moonlit, adjusting its path and shortening its orbit by several minutes.
在 DART 的任務下,NASA 所發射的探測器將會撞擊該小行星,調整其運行路徑和縮短其軌道。
The impact will happen in 2022, when the asteroid is close enough to Earth for scientists to be able to study the change in momentum using powerful telescopes.
而任務的成果要等到 2022 年,當小行星足夠靠近地球,科學家們有辦法用望遠鏡更好地觀察到小行星的動力時,才能作出結論。
The DART mission is just one part of a wider worldwide effort in planetary defense.
DART 任務只是整個保衛地球的龐大防禦措施的其中一個部分。
Knowing where everything is is really a crucial foundation for planetary defenses.
Finding all the asteroids, tracking them and then being ready to do something about them in order to take that next step,
and turn what was science fiction into a reality of being able to do something about asteroids.
The probability of a giant asteroid hitting Earth is extremely small, but if 2020 has shown anything, it's that it pays to be prepared for the unexpected.
地球不太可能會遭受體積龐大的小行星撞擊,不過如果科學家在 2020 年發現了可疑的跡象,那我們很可能就得準備好應對任何可能發生的意外。
I'm Tom Standage, editor of the Economist Annual: The World in 2021. Click on the link opposite for more analysis of the year ahead.
我是《經濟學人年度趨勢預測:2021 的世界》的總編輯, Tom Standage。點擊影片下方的連結,了解更多的 2021 年趨勢分析。
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