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  • But enough about me, let me ask you this: have you ever wondered what it is that holds the fabric of society together?

  • No, it's not cooperation or trust, or any that stuff hippies want you to believe,

  • it's lies! All the little white lies we tell each other.

  • You see, Perry the Platypus,

  • Lies are the glue that holds society

  • together.

  • People lie about their mileage; they lie about the weather.

  • They lie to spare each other's feelings.

  • They lie to stay in bed.

  • They lie to feel important

  • about all the books that they've read!

  • You look good in that hat. (Lies!)

  • I don't think you have too many cats. (Lies!)

  • Your hair looks nice when it's up like that. (Lies!)

  • Lies, lies, lies!

  • Oh yeah, the house looks great. (Lies!)

  • You haven't put on any weight. (Lies!)

  • Oh, I thought you said eight! (Lies, lies, lies, lies!)

  • People say that it's alright.

  • They're only trying to be polite.

  • But even though they're little and white

  • they're lieeeeeees!

  • Yes!

  • Everyone says "it's alright!"

  • and I don't want to start a fight

  • but you know the ties that bind us tight are

  • lieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

  • D'you hear that high note? That was the A above Middle C. Not too shabby?

But enough about me, let me ask you this: have you ever wondered what it is that holds the fabric of society together?


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A2 初級 美國腔

菲哥與小佛__謊言之歌(Phineas and Ferb songs - Lies)

  • 54 3
    Berserker宋 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 23 日