"Hi, mynameisHeftie. I'm a five-year0oldEnglishbulldog."
"I lovegoingonpicnicswithmyparent. Anythingoutsidethatinvolvesfood, I'm all-infor."
I could'veguessthatyoulikedfood, dude, you'rechewingonyourleashlikeit's a treat.
I knewit, I knewhe'd chewedonhisleash.
Okay, so, I lovethathisnameisHeftie, becausethatjustmakessomuchsense.
Um, ittellsmethattheownerdefinitelyhas a senseofhumor.
I lovebulldogs, I justlove, like, I hopethattheownercan't hearmesayingthis, but I loveuglydogs.
[He's] Notugly!
I thinkHeftie's ownedby a hipsterandthat's cool, I likehipsters.
I worethewrongshirttoday, didn't I?
Bye, Heftie! Nicetomeetyou, I hopeyourownerisascuteasyou.
Hi, baby!
Thisis a cute, littlesausage.
[A] lotofpeopletalkaboutthesoftcoat; it's a hit.
Let's learn a littlemoreaboutyou.
"Hi, I'm Meatball."
That's thecutestnamesofar.
I comeonstrong 'cause I'm excitedtoseeyou, butgiveme a fewminutes, I'llbeasleeponyourleg.
Anyway, wannakiss?
Meatball's flirtingwithme.
Whatkindofvibesam I gettingfromMeatball?
I definitelythinkthatMeatballisprobablyownedby a comedian, becausethenameishilarious.
I loveitwhenpeoplenametheiranimalsafterfood.
When I firstgotMeatball, shedidn't have a namefor, like, threeweeks, and I wouldjustcallherrandomthings, and I literallywasmaking a meatballpizza, andthen I calledherMeatball.
Thisseemslikethekindofdogwhodefinitelyisgonnagiveyou, like, highenergywhenyouneedit, butalsodefinitelydownto, like, snuggleandtake a nap, too, which I like.
Yes! Finally, Meatball's beingunderstood.
I definitelythink I wouldvibewithMeatball's owner; thisisdefinitelythekindofdogthat I wouldadopt.
Yougetalltheperksofhaving a dog, but,, kindof, like, theenergyof a cat.