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  • Scroll through Havana's Instagram Geotag and you'll see countless photos of colorful cars.

    在 Instagram 上用「哈瓦那」當做地標來搜尋的話,你會看到許多有著繽紛色彩的車子照片。

  • The streets of Cuba are teeming with 60,000 classic American cars, and it's an iconic experience for the island's visitors.


  • A majority of tourists can tell a story about riding down the Malecon in a hot pink Chevy Bel-Air, or driving through Havana city center in a baby blue Cadillac.

    大部分的遊客都能訴說出坐在一台粉紅色雪弗蘭 Bel-Air 裡開過馬雷貢大街,或是開著一台嬰兒藍凱迪拉克穿過哈瓦那市中心的回憶。

  • But how did these classic cars get there?


  • And more importantly, why did they stay?


  • In the 1940s and 1950s, Cuba had a strong urban middle class, and this class had a passion for American cars.

    1940 與 1950 年代時,古巴島上仍有著資金雄厚的中產階級,而這些人們對於美國車情有獨鍾。

  • Cuba imported over 125,000 American cars, and at one point, Havana was considered the Cadillac capital of the world.

    古巴進口了超過 125,000 輛美國車,而在某段時期,哈瓦那甚至被稱為世界的「凱迪拉克首都」。

  • Shortly after Fidel Castro came to power in 1959, a ban was placed on imported cars and car parts.

    在費德爾·卡斯楚於 1959 年掌權後的不久,便發布了對於進口車輛與零件的禁令。

  • American tourism to Cuba came to a halt, and 1.4 million Cubans left the country, leaving behind their families, homes, and cars.

    島上少了來自美國的遊客,而 140 萬名古巴人則離開了家鄉,把他們的家人、房子和車子都留在了古巴。

  • These abandoned cars were passed on to family or friends and became prized possessions, with owners who are willing to do whatever it takes to keep them on the road.


  • Cubans turned to their ingenuity. Parts from tractors or lawnmowers became makeshift engines, and shampoo turned into brake fluid.


  • The cars are a symbol of hard work, but there are also a source of income.


  • A Cuban driver can make more in an hour than a Cuban doctor makes in a month.


  • Our producer, who visited her Cuban family in May 2018, saw the links families were willing to take to keep their cars running.

    我們的製作人在 2018 年 5 月的時候拜訪了他在古巴的親戚,並目睹了各家庭為了讓車子能繼續正常運作願意付出多大程度的努力。

  • Being a driver in Cuba is a career path.


  • That's one of the few career paths, um, that allows you to kind of make your own money, and not depend solely on the government providing it for you.


  • So it is a very lucrative business.


  • It is also a huge investment.


  • It was definitely not what I envisioned when I was scrolling through Instagram, trying to get inspiration and travel photo ideas.

    在我滑 Instagram,想尋找一些靈感和旅遊攝影點子的時候,這絕對不是我原本腦中想像的情景。

  • It just gave me a better appreciation of the ingenuity involved and the determination involved.


  • I definitely suggest, you know, getting that experience and driving in the classic cars.


  • But I think it's super important to remember that your photo op is their way of life.


  • For tourists, It's not just a way to get from point A to point B.

    對遊客來說,這並不僅僅是從 A 點移動到 B 點而已。

  • Riding in a classic car is an experience, and an hour long ride can cost anywhere from $25 to $40.

    乘坐老爺車是一種獨特體驗,而一個小時的行程要價 25 到 40 美元不等。

  • Graham Flanagan, another one of our producers, traveled to Cuba in 2015.

    我們的另一個製作人 Graham Flanagan 曾在 2015 年時前往古巴旅遊過。

  • I knew that there were gonna be a lot of beautiful classic cars, but I thought there would be kind of mixed into a bunch of regular modern cars.


  • I was blown away by just how many of these cars there are.


  • It's just one of the most unique and colorful characteristics of the city.


  • I would absolutely recommend that if you're going to Cuba, you need to hop in one of these cars and go for a ride and explore the city.


  • Explore the city of Havana, get off the beaten path.


  • I can still smell that unforgettable smell of all of that fuel exhaust walking the streets of Havana.


Scroll through Havana's Instagram Geotag and you'll see countless photos of colorful cars.

在 Instagram 上用「哈瓦那」當做地標來搜尋的話,你會看到許多有著繽紛色彩的車子照片。

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