字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What, actually, is the metaverse? 元宇宙到底是什麼? Well, if we think of the Internet as something that we look at, the metaverse is a version of the Internet that we're inside. 你試著這樣想,我們目前使用的是看得到、摸不到的平面版互聯網,而元宇宙則是我們可以身歷其境的立體版的互聯網。 The idea is that we will experience the metaverse as an avatar, a virtual version of ourselves that we control as we explore this new online frontier. 概念上是我們以數位分身去體驗元宇宙,而這個虛擬版的我們在元宇宙的一舉一動都由我們自行控制。 But what will we actually do? 但我們實際上會在元宇宙做什麼呢? Okay, so, boss, here we are in what might be considered a representation of... of what the metaverse could be. 好的,老闆,我們現在身在一個可能可以代表元宇宙的場景中。 Yeah, for us, the metaverse is a spatial construct as opposed to the previous web, which was really a very linear kind of 2D flat thing. 是的,對我們來說,元宇宙是一種空間結構,而目前我們使用的互聯網則是一種非常線性的、平面的東西。 Uh, we want this one to be immersive. 在元宇宙的世界裡,我們希望為人們打造沉浸式的互聯網使用體驗。 Now, of course, it doesn't mean it has to be virtual reality; uh, it could also just be on a phone or on a desktop computer. 當然,所謂的沉浸式使用體驗不一定非得是虛擬實境,我們認為透過手機或桌上型電腦也可以做到。 You might have noticed that we're using the tools of the metaverse to create a good portion of this item. 你可能有留意到,這個項目很大一部分是使用元宇宙的工具來創建。 My avatar has been created by a couple of companies, Ready Player Me and OZ. 我的數位分身是由幾家公司設計的,它們是 Ready Player Me 和 OZ。 They already create tools for people to make avatars from a photo. 他們為人們創造了把圖片變成數位分身的工具。 It's this virtual version of us which will travel between online experiences in any metaverse. 這個虛擬版的我們將穿梭各個不同元宇宙之間,作不同的線上體驗。 And then o... over time, what I'm most excited about is an economy there. 然後隨著時間的推移,最讓我感到期待的是元宇宙經濟的可發展性。 Uh, and I mean, you know, economy not just of digital goods, sure, and entertainment, that's great, but also services. 我的意思是,你知道,元宇宙經濟談的不光是數位商品、娛樂,還有隨之延伸開來的各種服務。 Um... in, in a... in an immersive environment, I'm gonna have an avatar, I'm gonna need a stylist, I'm gonna have uh... a home space. 打個比方,在這個沉浸式的環境裡,我勢必需要一個數位分身,再來需要造型師裝扮我的分身,還需要有一個家庭空間。 Microsoft has adapted its workplace meeting software, Teams, for the metaverse by creating a system called Mesh. 微軟通過創建一個名為 Mesh 的系統來調整其會議軟體 Teams,以為日後連結元宇宙世界作準備。 It's designed to work with a variety of different devices including virtual and augmented reality. 這個系統可以搭配各種不同的設備作使用,包括虛擬和擴增實境設備。 AR, as it's known, projects graphics on top of the real world using headsets like Microsoft's HoloLens or mobile phones. 擴增實境,如其名,可以通過穿戴式設備如微軟的 HoloLens 或手機,把畫面投射在現實世界裡。 There's quite a few people that have got fatigued by having to have video chats, meetings, and things of that nature, and that they realized they now crave human contact. 頻繁的視訊對話、會議令相當多人感到疲勞,人們如今渴望跳脫這些平面式的互動去接觸其他人。 Human communication is about 5% speech and about 95% everything else. 在人類的溝通行為中,只有 5% 為對話,其餘 95% 是各種不同的交流方式。 I've been in my... in my, you know, living room with the entire team around the table, right? 我一直在我的客廳,與圍繞著桌子而坐的團隊夥伴們在一起。 Making eye contact, um, where the... all the gestures are coming into the right place. 我們通過眼神,還有各種不同的肢體動作交流。 So, it changes completely, the... the... you know, call it the screen fatigue we're feeling today. 這種體驗是完全不同的。你知道的,比起視訊會議引起的「螢幕疲勞」來說。 The next piece of the metaverse puzzle isn't just about seeing these virtual worlds, but feeling them as well. 繼視覺體驗之後,元宇宙的下一步建設將會是發展其他感官體驗。 Meta has revealed that it's been working on a glove that will let the user feel sensations like holding an object. Meta 透露,他們一直在開發一種觸覺手套,讓用戶一戴上去就會體驗到握住物品的感覺。 The glove has a number of sensors that measure the wearer's movements, and air pockets across the glove's surface inflate to create sensation. 手套上有許多傳感器可以測量佩戴者的動作,而佈滿整個手套表面的氣囊會充氣以產生感覺。 These gloves aren't quite ready for primetime yet, but they're an indicator of the kind of research that's going on behind the scenes. 目前這些手套還沒有做好登場的準備,但它們宣示著科技公司正在幕後投放的各種研究努力。
B1 中級 中文 宇宙 體驗 實境 手套 互聯網 視訊 【BBC 新聞】到底元宇宙是什麼? (What is the metaverse? - BBC News) 10326 439 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 12 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字