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  • It’s the most wonderful time of the year and  youre doing more harm than good. Let’s fix that.

  • Dr. Jubbal,

  • The holiday season is a time to  relax and spend time with loved ones,  

  • but it can also throw a wrench in  your long-term goals if you let it.

  • Here are four things youre probably  

  • doing wrong this holiday season and  what you can do to correct them.

  • Holiday mistake number one is failing  to balance productivity and recovery.

  • Time off during the holidays can  provide a much-needed reprieve  

  • from the day-to-day grind of school and  work; however, if all you do is sleep,  

  • scroll through social media, and  watch Netflix, youll miss out on  

  • the opportunity to make meaningful headway on  the things you don't usually have time for.

  • There is an upper limit to how productive  you should be during the holidays though.  

  • If you spend all of your time studying or  trying to be a productivity grease monkey,  

  • you will quickly burn out.

  • As with most things in life, it  is best to avoid either extreme.  

  • Try to find the sweet spot  where you can enjoy, unwind,  

  • and relax with friends and family, but also  make progress towards your long-term goals.

  • Preparing for the MCAT or the USMLE? Use this time  to jumpstart your studying at lower intensity.

  • Trying to get in shape? Use this time to dial in  your diet and establish your exercise routine.

  • Trying to learn a new skill? Use this time to  read books, watch videos, and begin practicing.

  • Time is our most precious resource,  

  • and the unfortunate reality is that  many of us don’t treat it as such.

  • When used correctly, the extra time  during the holidays can allow you to  

  • make significant progress towards your  long-term goals. When used incorrectly,  

  • it puts your progress on pause  and sets you back months.

  • Holiday mistake number two  is neglecting your finances.

  • Although the holidays are a time for giving,  

  • your generosity should not come at  the cost of your financial wellbeing.

  • Research has shown that there is a neural  link between generosity and happiness.  

  • In short, being generous makes us feel  good, and that good feeling serves  

  • as positive reinforcement which  encourages us to give even more.

  • I’m sure many of you have found  yourself in the situation where  

  • you start out buying a gift for one  person, and the next thing you know  

  • you have a cart full of items for all of  your friends, coworkers, and their grandmas.

  • You don’t have to be excessively  frugal over the holidays,  

  • but you do need to exercise some restraint.

  • Buying expensive gifts for everyone in  your life, although well-intentioned,  

  • can quickly add up and put a financial strain on  you that lasts far beyond the holiday season. You  

  • can easily deplete months of savings, putting  a damper on your long-term financial goals.

  • To avoid this, factor your holiday  expenses into your budget and never  

  • spend more than you can afford. If youre  trying to save for something important,  

  • like a house or retirement, continue to save  as you do normally. And you should never,  

  • under any circumstances, go into  debt for presents and gadgets.

  • If money is tight during the holidays, there  are always other ways to show your loved ones  

  • that you care. Remember, the fundamental  objective behind gift-giving is not to give  

  • someone a shiny new belonging, but rather to  strengthen your relationship with that person.

  • A small, thoughtful gift is often more  impactful than just buying something expensive.  

  • Be creative and really think  about what that person enjoys.

  • Additionally, experiential gifts have been  shown to produce greater improvements in  

  • interpersonal relationships compared to material  gifts, and there are many experiences that you  

  • can give to someone which cost little  to no money at all. The reason is that  

  • experiences tend to evoke a greater emotional  response when compared to material items.

  • When I think back to some  of my best holiday memories,  

  • they have nothing to do with  the gifts that I received,  

  • but rather the time I shared with my loved onesThe time we spent together was a gift in itself.

  • So instead of spending an arm and a leg on an  expensive gift that the person may or may  

  • not use, give them a memory that will lastlifetime. Plan a weekend getaway or road-trip.  

  • Or take a yoga class and laugh  at how inflexible you all are.  

  • Creating a memory will often be much more  meaningful than any item you can give.

  • Holiday mistake number three  is neglecting your diet.

  • I recently discussed the topic of  navigating the minefield of holiday  

  • eating on my second channel, Kevin Jubbal M.D.,  

  • link in the description.

  • There’s nothing wrong with indulging in  one or two big meals over the holidays  

  • though. One meal is unlikely to have  a long-term impact on your health.

  • In fact, the weight gain that you notice in  the days following a large meal is largely  

  • due to water retention as a result of  the increased sodium and carbohydrate  

  • intake. It is usually short-lived and will  disappear as you return to your normal diet.

  • The issue is when you don’t return to  your normal diet, and you let one or two  

  • large meals turn into an entire season of  overeating. This occurs for a few reasons.

  • Large holiday feasts often leave  behind an abundance of leftovers,  

  • allowing you to continue overeating in the days  following the initial meal. All you have to do is  

  • pop some leftovers in the microwave and you have  Thanksgiving dinner part two...or three...or four.

  • The solution is to minimize the leftoversThe most obvious way is to make less food;  

  • however, when you have guests over, it’s usually  better to over prepare than under-prepare.

  • So the next best thing is to have your guests take  the holiday leftovers home with them. Doing so  

  • will take away the convenience factor and decrease  temptations as you return to your normal diet.

  • Social pressures along with increased consumption  of alcohol around the holidays can also lead to  

  • lower inhibitions and self-control. “It’s the  holidays, so you should have that extra slice of  

  • pie or that extra pint of egg nog”, orso-and-so  is in town, you should let loose and celebrate.”

  • The decreased inhibitions and lapse in  self-control can then lead to counter-regulatory  

  • eating, where you eat more following a large  meal than you would have if you had eaten nothing  

  • at all. This is in contrast to regulatory  eating, where you eat less following a meal.

  • Counter-regulatory eating is often attributed  to thewhat the helleffect. Once a person  

  • breaks their diet, they feel that further  restriction is pointless. Since theyve  

  • alreadyfallen off the wagon,” so to speakthey might as well continue to overindulge.

  • To combat this, here are  a few tactics you can use.

  • Start by decreasing your caloric intake in the  days leading up to a holiday feast. I personally  

  • do intermittent water-only fasts of 3 days every  few months as well as before a large holiday meal.

  • Although I wouldn’t recommend doing  something as extreme as a water-only fast,  

  • decreasing your caloric intake in  the days before a feast can let  

  • you indulge without compromising  your diet goals. That being said,  

  • make sure to consult with your physician  before making any kind of dietary changes.

  • An added bonus that comes with  restricting your calories before  

  • a holiday meal is that it makes the  food taste even better come feast time.

  • Another tactic is to utilize time-restricted  eating, sometimes referred to as intermittent  

  • fasting, on the day of the feast or the  days following. This places the focus on  

  • when you eat instead of *whatyou eatConsolidate your calorie intake into a  

  • six- to eight-hour window. Within  that window eat and drink freely,  

  • but don’t allow yourself to eat  or drink any calories beyond that.

  • Lastly, use low- to no-calorie  alternatives to quell cravings.  

  • If you find yourself craving something sweetinstead of reaching for a slice of pecan pie,  

  • try reaching for sparkling water  or a piece of fruit instead.

  • I’ve found that oftentimes when I’m craving  something, I just want something that tastes  

  • good and provides the experience of eating  or drinking. By the time I’m done with the  

  • low-calorie alternative 10-, 20-, or 30-  minutes later, the craving has usually passed.

  • Last but not least, holiday mistake number  four is neglecting your exercise routine.

  • Between traveling and social gatheringsit can be easy to miss a day or two of  

  • exercise during the holidays. And much like  thewhat the hell effectwith dieting,  

  • once you fall off of your exercise routineit can be difficult to pick it back up again.

  • Many people will fall off of their  exercise routine during the holidays  

  • and wait all the way until New Years to  pick back up again. This is a mistake  

  • as there is nothing inherently  magical about New Year’s Day.

  • Making exercise a regular part of  your life comes down to habit.  

  • And the sooner you start, the more  time you have to make it stick.

  • One monumental effort for New Year’s will not  make exercise into a habit. What will though  

  • is to stick with it, especially during  a challenging time like the holidays.

  • Plan your exercise routine around the  holidays and avoid missing two days in  

  • a row to minimize the risk of adopting  thewhat the hellmentality. Even on  

  • days like Thanksgiving or Christmas  when the gym is closed, plan ahead.

  • For instance, I typically use Wednesdays  as a rest day and exercise on Thursdays,  

  • so for Thanksgiving I’ll exercise on  Wednesday and take Thursday off instead.

  • It’s these little changes that will keep you  on track and prevent you from falling off.

  • Did I miss any holiday mistakes? Let me  know in the comment section down below.

  • Thank you all so much for watchingIf you enjoyed this video,  

  • check out my videos on 10 Holiday  Gift Ideas for Future Doctors or New  

  • Years Resolutions | Research ExplainedMuch love, and I’ll see you guys there.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and  youre doing more harm than good. Let’s fix that.


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4 Things You're Doing WRONG During the Holidays

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    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 10 月 19 日