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S+M: It's time for the Pocky Challenge
S: You might have remembered our donut challenge,
and if not you might have seen our cookie challenge
and today...
We are going to do the Pocky challenge
But we're going to level it up a lot more.
What we have here are
many different kinds of Pocky that we're gonna be tasting today... (M: So many kinds ^^)
and we have two cards:
one is a skull
one is the heart
M: I realize you can't see the skull or the heart on camera
But I swear it's there
S: Each person is going to pick a card whoever has the heart gets to taste a Pocky
whoever has a skull gets to have a
punishment meal instead.
M: If you've watched any of our punishment videos before in the past with the skull,
you'll know that Simon has a really good track record...
S: Oh no
S: *sounds of sadness and bleats*
S: ...of losing all the time.
M: But this time, I think Simon might have his odds increased of winnings
S: Yes M: we have our friends JP and Julia visiting from HellthyJunkFood (S: yes)
and we did a collab video with them
We made gigantic pockys (S: right) M: Team Gurlz by the way vote for Julia and Martina
S: Don't vote for theirs' vote for mine
They're visiting Tokyo and we thought what's the right thing to do when they visit Tokyo?
Should we visit a suicide forest?
(M: hmmm...)
No, obviously not, so instead we're gonna make them eat some food that they're probably not gonna like
S+M: *Evil laughter*
M: Let's do this
Everyone: Jan-ken-pon
S: So we win and you two are out
You want the right I want the left okay here we go
M+JP: 3, 2, 1
S: The curse is over
I'm going to pick the excellent Pocky, I've never seen this one before
This is a levelled up Pocky (J: that looks delicious) and now you have to pick a number between one and six
J: 3
S: Love, give her number three oh
S+M: Ohh no (M: Poor sweet Julia)
S: This is actually - I actually don't like this at all
J: Oh wait I know what it is. It's seaweed
S: with what?
J: White powder
S: What is that white powder?
J: Fish?
S: mmm? We shall see
J: Okay? I'm really good at opening things.
M: I pre-cut it for you
J: I got it.
Oh... *Sad music ;~; much sorrow*
I don't understand why you're punishing me.
I came over here to cook with you.
S: I made you a giant Pocky. This is how you repay me :(
J: I love you guys :
M: Go for it :3
J: I'm a big fan
S: This is sadder than I thought it would be.
J: This smell is wafting into my nose ;A;
M: I know its so bad ;~; I'v eaten it beforeee...
J: Martina, she's on my team
J: It's green so it's a vegetable it's healthy it seems kind of salt
M: Eat it! Eat it!
S: This is the richest Pocky. I've ever had (J: *face of envy*)
S: It's just so densely - like - is there like dark chocolate in here?
everything all the way through the biscuit is chocolatey
J: *Opens the hatch*
*glass shatters as does her heart into a million pieces of salty seaweed*
S: Describe the flavour
S: I think I just got some spittle right there
J: It's weird because it's so salty, I just started to salivate a lot
so and that you know noise happened
I did spit
S: Konbu is...
J: Jism???
J: What's a jism?
Ok lemme swallow
S+M: Thats what she said
J: Can I spit it out? It's still in my mouth ; A ;
S+M: That's also what she said
S: *in evil voice* Let this be a lesson to any Youtuber
that wants to come to my hood
and record a collaboration
This is how we roll in Tokyo
J: Went right last time chances are if I go right again. I'll be right, so let's go right
S+M: 3, 2, 1
J: Nooooo
JP: I can try any one I want?
Dude, what about the champagne one?
M: What number, would you like?
J: I probably picked the worst one last time, right? So it can only get better
S: Ohhh
I hate this (J: oh you hate this?) I hate this.
J: What is it? I got a sausage???
J: No, okay. I can't read anything on here except the word sausage, so that's how you know
it's a sausage.
JP: Woah! They're individually wrapped M: Wow fancy
JP: Wow, this is fancy
it's special flavour
J: That looks Deligious
I'm really happy for you ;~;
Here it is. That orange that is not the colour of a sausage
JP: Champagney, definitely champagney
little raspberry notes in there this looks good. It tastes like raspberry. Oh you're gonna hate that
You don't even like hot dogs
M: It's not a hotdog S: Not a hotdog
JP: For the folks at home, this is really good champagney raspberry notes delectable. I love it. Thank you
*JP casually takes another*
M: Spudgey also like them
M: It's not dog food, but he likes them
J: This the texture of this is off-putting it reminds me of
just like really really just bad fish cakes. This is a fish cake sausage
Why does this exist? Who eats this??
S: Martina actually likes it
J: Lies.
M: I do like it.
J: Don't even with me right now gurl
M: I'm go right in there pull that sausage out and eat it
JP: *snatch and snacks*
JP: it's gud
M: Did you mix it with your raspberry Pocky?
JP: *nodnod*
J+M+S: Ewwww
J: Now this is the time when you will get a punishment
M: You lost so you get to choose again
J: We're gonna go my right again.
S: There you go.
M: Thank you ready 3 2 1
J: Yeahhh :D M: Nooo
J: Almond Crush~
M: Thats one of my favorites
2? S: Two
*ominous music*
M: Oh nooo S: This one looks vile
S+M: Daikon radish and ginger candy (M: That's not candy)
J: Smells like alcohol
S: Oh, oh that is vile
JP: no, no
J: look how cute these are o-o *pretty anime boy*
Limited edition boys on the cover *^* There it is guys.
M: It's really wafting up. It's worse when you open it up.
J: Oh. That just takes away all of the bad things I've been eating I love it
S: Go for it girl
M: OH YEAH sometimes *cough cough*
When I eat ginger candy, I think 'I can really go for more radish', maybe it's some garlic undertones.
J: I got pretzel. I've got chocolate ... I've got radish smell
literally that overtook your breath
You should probably brush your teeth.
M: I mean, I just I want to know who made this punishment candy
is that for old people do old people suddenly go:
"Uhh, I can't taste anything anymore. You know I can taste GINGErR! like radishh!"
Why would they come together? Why did this union form?
J: I'm so sorry, but on that note if you are on...
M: On that note. Peace out.
J: I am out of here
S: Hey Ducky
M: Can I get a kiss?
S: Of course you can
M: Give me a real good makeout kiss
S: Girl, we're a family-friendly channel alright?
We only talk about shark jism here
M: mm Simon won't kiss me. Simon hates me ;~;
S: I'll always kiss you girl
*is invaded by the ghost of radish and ginger past*
M: I will take your right hand. You ready? (S: yep) 3, 2, 1
M: heyyaaa...
M: YUUuuUuusS
I'm gonna go for the special edition strawberry and it has - like- a really intensive.
S: I'm gonna go for just the regular Pocky
M: No you're not
S: Can I have number one? (M: Oh you're lucky)
S: So this looks like something spicy (M: you're so lucky) with what I'm not sure
M: This is so heavy (S: Woah) you see what I'm saying, this is hugee.
S: Almost looks as good as the Pocky that we made~ (M: We made) You should definitely vote for us
M: Oh my god guys. I might as well share
JP: Those look awesome.
M: Oh, wow
J: Yes plz (JP: I love it)
M: Isn't that good?
S: This is so terrible (M: oh, it's good.) It's actually really spicy it tastes like a deep-fried
onion. As soon as you bite into it just dissolves in your mouth instantly
M: I'm tempted to try it, but he's tricked me before where he was like:
"It's so good" and he went for it for like five minutes and finally
(S: *denies*)
M: I tried some and it was awful, so I don't know what to do right now,
J: no seriously..
J: You're making me want to try it
S: yeah, these are good
J: That's really really spicy
M: JP get in here all right. Oh, we're all in on this action
S: I thought this is gonna be a punishment.
Narrator: The Simon lures his unsuspecting prey using his clever words.
M: Hmm
Narrator: "This isn't bad at all. I thought this was a punishment." in the end only the Martina escapes unscathed
Due to her naturally blown ability to withstand spice,
M: Okay, y'all that's not spicy. We all need to have a talk about spice and spice levels
Well, we killed JP. And that was spicy apparently.
J: That's spicy
S: The friendship is now over. This teamwork is through I want...
...your left
M: Everyone, 3, 2, 1
S: oh noo
JP: Dude, I've been heartening it up. Left and right.
S: Not this again. (M: Yep) Not this again
JP: You have to eat one of those?
S: yeah *defeated*
JP: Blonde chocolate I'm gonna do this one.
M: Oh, you're having the salted caramel one.
JP: Yeah (S: oh man thats salted caramel?)
S: Oh my god, salted caramel?
S: I'll pick number four
S: What is this? (M: Not good is what that is.)
M: Got to pour some on your hand and get shots for everyone
S: Those are dried sardines...
...and I think these are peanuts with them as well (JP: whoo that doesn't look good at all) have a whiff of that oh
JP: Oh no. No. No. No.
S: I don't want to offend anybody. I know some of you might like these snacks
This is not for my palate.
JP: It's it smells like it's it's gone bad
S: *breaths meditatively*
S: Hey... mmmm. Not bad :[
Narrator: The Simon lures his unsuspecting prey using his clever words
M: Really?
S: It's sweet. Woaw
I remember we has these before. It was terrible.
Even though I'm losing, I'm winning WOAW
M: I don't think salted caramel is less tasty.
S: Have I become an old man?
I'm starting to like old man foods now.
JP: This tastes like butterscotch
these are uh, I guess it's salted caramel
But it tastes like you know a little pretzel action going on
and it's not a rancid fish B)
S: Well. I'm not gonna
I'm trying to save room for... here :3
M: Don't trust him
JP: At first it was good.
S: Okay, then the aftertaste
JP: Oh man that aftertaste. I felt like oh no
S: Hey, I tricked one person at least (M+J: ahahah)
JP: Need some (???) I need something I needed to get this out
M: I don't want to say I'm proud of you. But I'm proud of you. Good job.
S: This pokerface I've been training for so long
JP: It's long lasting. (M: It is.)
S: If I am going down
I'm bringing each one of you with me
S: I think you and I both lost twice.
Okay, give me your right hand are you ready?
J: You are the biggest loser (M: Aww yay)
S: Losing 3 in a row... That's not
*Crescendo of chants: LOSER SIMON*
Ahhh whyyy scattered in there
*Crescendo of chants CONT: LOSER SIMON*
S: Why? WHy? Why!? WHYYY?
S: This is the third video now that I've been a tremendous loser in
M: Well, I hate to break it to you.
S: Whatchu gonna say? Whatchu gonna say?!
S: Oh my god
M: Wanna tell everybody what konjac is? It's a bizarre root vegetable
S: They also make them into diet noodles that are really low calorie
But they also smell like a crotch that you haven't washed for a few days
M: I'm serious. You have to rinse your whole house out. It smells like a ...
S: Like a dirty crotch. They have a sign here for don't die.
J: No they don't
S: Look at it look at this
They have two x's over their eyes
Eat this the wrong way...
...you will die. In case small child or aged person
the product may get stuck in his throat because of the product's...
elasticity and his or her weak chewing power.
J: Oh my god! :O
M: Don't die Ducky
J: I really don't think that this is entirely fair
because I'm just sitting here eating like a delicious treat
as uhhhh
S: You're correct
S: If you want to make this fair... If fairness is something that matters to you
M: Don't let him bamboozle you
S: Then we should definitely both have one of these together
If you care about good in the world.
(M: Remember he tricked me)
S: If care about society --
J: My god chocolates, I care about chocolate
*Gross sounds of it swishing in Simons mouth*
J: You put the whole thing?
S: It has the flavour of a grape jello. You know when you bite into gelatin
it just kind of like dissolves softly?
This fights back, and it's just...
...so tough, so slimy...
...not enjoyable.
I'm so glad you guys came to my house.
Everybody come on try it out like a family
*in background* HAHAHA Let's all join in :'D
JP: Wait, there really is like a warning label on there
(M: Yeah) S: yeah, it's a warning of don't die
put it all in your mouth and just start chewing here you go
*Swishy sounds*
M: I've noped right out of there.
J: Mines really chewy
you just a bite of it. You don't put the whole thing in you mouth.
S: I like how this was supposed to be a video about Pocky,
but it was just like hey, let's watch Simon suffer
Thank you for suffering
with me in this last round
(M: In the background, he looks like he's going to spit it out. GO JP to the garbage can!)
S: If you all want to watch an
enjoyable video. Head on over to
HellthyJunkFood where we make a giant
Pocky together and vote on which one you like the most.
We made our own giant Pocky.
They made their own giant Pocky,
and it's actually a lot less suffering than what you noticing today.
M: You got through it?
JP: It was the most intense experience in my mouth.
M: But here's your grand prize of any other Pocky
You'd like to try so that you can wash that out of your mouth.
JP: We get to take something home with us. I love it.
All: YAYs together
M: Everyone's a winner :)
JP: You get a Pocky!
All: You get a Pocky! You get a Pocky!
Thanks for watching ^^