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Hello, guys, and welcome back to engVid. My name's Benjamin, and welcome to the best place
on the internet to learn your English. Today has not been a good day. I am sad because
"I got dumped." That's right, today, we're going to do a lesson about using words for
emotions, and how to talk about getting dumped, getting over it, and moving on to the next
person, if appropriate.
So, today, "I got dumped." Okay? We use this auxiliary verb with: "dumped". So it's an
auxiliary verb. Okay? And then in the past simple tense. "I got dumped." It means the
所以這是個助動詞。到這邊可以嗎? 然後後面接著過去簡單式。「我被甩了。」代表著
person threw me away; they told me to disappear, to get rid of myself. Okay? So, if a friend
有人把我丟棄了、丟得遠遠地;叫我消失在這地球上,滾遠點。明白嗎? 所以,如果有位朋友
asked me: "What happened, Benjamin?" I would say: "Well, she"-the girl-"dumped me." Okay?
Again, in the past simple because it only happened once, that's why it's in the past
simple. It'd be complicated if she dumped me again, and again, and again, and again.
We won't talk about that.
Or, if it was different: "I dumped her." Ha-ha, I dumped her. Okay? So we got a mixture of
active and passive here. This, obviously, active, and: "I got dumped" there in the passive.
That was done to me, but if I dumped her, that's active; that's me doing it to her.
I think that's her, maybe she'll take me back. No, I'm sorry, you're dumped.
Okay, now, because she dumped me and I don't want to speak to her, my friend has to tell
me to "Calm down." He's telling me right now that I need to calm down. So that's a sad
face. My sad emotions have to go down. He's telling me to calm down. My sadness, my anger
- down. Okay? Sad face, down.
-要向下減少。懂嗎? 難過的表情,要減緩。
What he wants me to do, what my friend, George, wants me to do is to "Cheer up." Cheer up.
Okay? So this is my smiley face and he wants more of that, so he says to me: "Cheer up."
Now, I'm having a bad day and I'm not wanting to cheer up and I don't want to calm down.
So what he says to me next... This is what my friend says to me, he says: "Deal with
所以他接著對我說... 這是我朋友對我說的,「面對它。」
it." He says: "Deal with it." Now, what does that mean? "Deal", that means get to grips,
be strong, be strong. Manage it, the girl. Okay? With "it" meaning the "dumped", the
being dumped, the dumping. Okay?
He tells me to: "Get over it." Get over it, he wants me to move on. Okay? This is me being
dumped, he wants me to jump over that, to move on, to move into the future. Okay? And
he says to me... He says to me: "Benjamin, there are plenty more fish in the sea." Well,
that's nice. Okay? "Fish", he's obviously talking about girls - no pun intended. Okay?
"Plenty more fish in the sea." Don't worry, don't be sad. There are more people to meet.
Now, what George needs me to do, he wants me to: "Look forward to" something. To look
forward to the future. Okay? So, if I'm sad, I don't think about the future. I'm just sad,
I'm thinking about girl who dumped me. But he wants me to look forward, to be excited
about something. Okay? So he wants me to say... He wants me to say: "George, I am looking
他希望聽見我說…聽見我說「嘿! George,今晚去喝一杯。」
forward to having a beer tonight.", "I am looking forward to..." and then we write down
an event, something we are excited about. So we could say: "a party", or: "playing sport",
something active. Okay?
Now, this girl has annoyed me so much, and George, he keeps sending me little text messages.
"George is getting on my nerves." So George, here he is, these are my nerves all the way
through my body, George is on my nerves and he's making me angry. Okay? "Getting on my
nerves", it means to make angry. Okay? This is in the present continuous. Okay? It's happening
again, and again, and again. It's happening now. Right?
Now, here, I could say: "George gets on my nerves." This is present simple. This is more
serious. Okay? This implies that he gets on my nerves, he annoys me all of the time. If
I say: "He's getting on my nerves", it suggests for a short period, George is annoying me.
So this is for short time, and this is all the time.
Now, another way of saying: "Gets on my nerves"... This is a good one. Okay? Is to say that:
另一種「使人心煩」的說法… 是個不錯的說法。這說法是
"To rub someone up the wrong way." That's complicated. Isn't it? "To rub someone", to
「冒犯了某人。」這有點難以理解的,是吧? 「去摩擦某人」,摩擦,
rub, rub someone up the wrong way. So think about it, you're driving and suddenly someone
says: "You're going the wrong way." Okay? The wrong way means unh-unh. To rub someone...
This is rubbing, rubbing. If you're rubbing someone the wrong way, they don't like it;
they're getting annoyed. They don't like you. They want you to go. Okay?
So: "George has been rubbing me up the wrong way." Okay? So: "has been" and the "ing",
所以:「George 已經冒犯、惹毛了我。」這邊的「has been」和「ing」,
this is present perfect continuous. Okay? Whereas here: "George rubbed me up the wrong
使用的是現在完成進行式。然而「George 惹毛我。」
way." So he rubbed me up. Here, we've got past simple, the "ed", that's a singular event;
it happened once. He rubbed me up the wrong way. But if it's: "has been", it's here, he
只發生一次。他惹毛了我。但如果這裡是用「has been」,就會變成
did it for the first time and he's doing it all the way to there. It's happening again,
and again, and again this rubbing up.
Okay, a lot to take in, I know. Because George has been annoying me so much, I'm going to
go off and I'm going to get ready to go to a party. Wait one sec.
You'll never guess what, I just met someone. "Just met", past simple. Yeah? I just met someone and: "She
makes me feel so happy! Excited! Like I'm on cloud nine." This is a way of saying that
這樣的遇上某位女孩令我感到開心! 真是興奮阿! 就像是飛到了第九層雲。這種說法是表示
I'm so happy that I'm floating up into the sky, like I'm on cloud nine. Or another way
of saying: "She makes me feel", because that's passive, I could do the active way of saying:
"I feel happy! I feel excited! I feel like I'm on cloud nine." Okay?
So, that's the end of today's lesson. I got dumped. I calmed down. I cheered up. Then
my friend, he rubbed me up the wrong way. What you're going to do now: take the quiz
on engVid website and then try and subscribe to me on YouTube, my name's Benjamin. Okay?
在engVid做個小測驗吧! 試著在YouTube訂閱我的頻道,我的名字是Benjamin。
To watch more of my videos and learn to become more fluent in your English. And then if you
really like me, you can check out Exquisite English via the link and we can see how I
很喜歡我的頻道,你可以透過 Exquisite English的連結,看看哪些方式更能
can help you more. Thank you so much for watching. See you next time.