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  • What is the easternmost island in the Caribbean sea?


  • The answer to that trivia question is the site of our first report today.


  • I'm Carl Azuz; welcome to the show.

    我是 Carl Azuz,歡迎收看本期節目。

  • The island we're talking about is Barbados.


  • Until Tuesday, its government was a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy, and that monarch was Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, but no more.


  • In removing Britain's queen as its head of state, Barbados has officially become a republic.


  • The queen's role there was mostly a symbolic one; Barbados got its independence from Britain in 1966, and the island's governing power lies with its prime minister, Mia Mottley.

    1966 年巴貝多脫離英殖民政府宣布獨立,不過仍持續以英女王為象徵式的元首,並由總理莫特利掌管內閣。

  • It's replaced the queen's ceremonial role with that of a new president named Barbara Mason, but Barbados' prime minister will still have most of the governing power.


  • This Caribbean island was uninhabited before Britain established a settlement there in 1627.

    在 1627 年英國人將巴貝多開拓成為殖民地之前,這座加勒比海島一直都是杳無人煙。

  • Historians say British sugar plantations worked by African slaves became a source of private wealth for Britain.


  • Slavery was abolished in Barbados in 1834 and, in more recent decades, after it achieved independence from Britain, tourism and manufacturing became more economically important to Barbados than sugar production.

    巴貝多在 1834 年廢除了奴隸制,在脫離英國獨立後的數十年內更從糖業轉變為以觀光業和製造業為主的經濟型態。

  • As the island prepared to become a republic, Barbados's leaders said the time had come for it to fully leave its colonial past behind by removing the Queen's symbolic status.


  • But Barbadian critics say the public should have had more of a voice in the process, possibly through a vote, instead of having it handled completely by the Barbadian government.


  • For its part, the British monarchy had said the decision was up to Barbados and that the issue had been discussed for a while.


  • It was a friendly parting; Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, traveled to Barbados to attend the transition.


  • 10-second trivia: The malleus, the pinna, and the stapes are all parts of what?

    10 秒問答!錘骨、耳廓、鐙骨是什麼器官的組成部分?

  • Foot, orchestra, ship, or ear.


  • If you're a mammaland you areyou have all of these as part of your ear.


  • But in their 12-0 season that brought them to a championship game, the football team at the California School for the Deaf, Riverside didn't need the use of their ears.

    不過,加利福尼亞 Riverside 聾人高中的足球隊員贏得本賽季 12 連勝,甚至一舉打入冠軍賽,靠的可不是聽覺。

  • The entire team is deaf, their coach is deaf, but they've been able to use that to call plays without huddling and purportedly read other team's body language better.


  • Nick Watt covered their championship.

    記者 Nick Watt 在現場見證了他們激動人心的奮鬥史。

  • The Cubs in their school's 68-year history have never, ever, not even once made it to a championship game, and here they are.

    加利福尼亞 Riverside 聾人高中球隊 Cubs 成立 68 年來從來不曾入圍冠軍賽,但這次他們辦到了!

  • Their opponents, Faith Baptist, have won this southern California Championship about a dozen times in their history.

    他們的對手是南加州冠軍賽的常勝軍 Faith Baptist。

  • They're good.


  • Tickets for this blockbuster game sold out in 45 minutes; they had to move it to a nearby high school, bigger bleachers to seat the growing fan base.

    這場精彩對決引起了許多的關注,門票在 45 分鐘內迅速被搶光。主辦單位也把比賽場地轉換到附近一所校地面積更大的高中,以容納不斷湧入的觀眾。

  • Many of them are standing. A lot.


  • But today is the biggest crowd I've ever seen.


  • It is just... because you have not only people that come to this school, you have other deaf people that come from different schools, because whenever there's a deaf event, people just want to be there.

    因為除了參賽的加利福尼亞 Riverside 聾人高中的學生,還有其他不同學校的聽障學生到場支持。這群特殊學生的凝聚力向來都很強,他們經常會互相支持彼此的各種活動。

  • Now, we caught up with the cubs for the mid-week team talk...

    來來來... 我們正好趕上 Cubs 的週中團隊對話時間。

  • ... and practice.


  • The voice you'll hear is a sign language interpreter.


  • We're making history here, and if we do lose, I'm still incredibly proud of this team.


  • If we win the championship game, that would just be that much more awesome.


  • Here is the already awesome backstory.


  • The CSDR Cubs, in the past, lost a lot.

    加利福尼亞 Riverside 聾人高中球隊 Cubs 過去吃過很多敗仗。

  • The team stunk, quite honestly; CSDR were often viewed as... as kind of the laughingstock, right?


  • We're always gonna have these lousy seasons, but that has not been the case this season.


  • First game, a 68-to-zip victory.

    第一場比賽,他們以 68 - 0 的佳績獲勝。

  • Yeah, that's a six.

    沒錯,他們拿下了 6 分!

  • This is not a well-funded, fancy-pants program.


  • Why are you guys doing so well? What's the secret?


  • We've practiced strong, we work together, we've got this sense of brotherhood amongst us.


  • We're a family.


  • Next up, drubbing, then, shellacking.


  • Their season so far? 12-0.

    截至目前為止,他們在本賽季累積了 12 連勝。

  • You're not just a good deaf football team; you're a good football team.


  • Exactly right, exactly right.


  • We've played against other good teams, let me say, but we just keep beating them.


  • Back at the championship game second quarter, the Cubs are down 28-0. Oh, boy!

    畫面回到冠軍賽的第二節時間,Faith Baptist 和 Cubs 的比分來到 28 - 0。天哪!

  • Typically for our games, we are winning by a pretty, you know, 20, 30 point margin by halftime, and this is definitely a very different vibe.

    通常,直到中場休息前,我們的分數都會領先對手 20、30 分,但今天的氣氛非常不同。

  • And then, hook-and-ladder play sparks a startling rally.

    賽場上的情勢反轉,Cubs 把分數追了回來!

  • Suddenly, it's 28 to 22; the crowd's going nuts.

    突然間,兩隊的比分來到了 28 比 22,全場觀眾情緒沸騰不已。

  • But how do the players feed off that?


  • With their eyes.


  • During your breaks, during halftime, you look around, they're cheering, their hands are waving in the air.


  • You see their energy and... and that's just... that feels so good.

    你感受到來自他們的力量,那種感覺... 真的是不可言喻的好。

  • The Cubs' average winning margin this season?

    Cubs 本賽季的平均勝率是多少?

  • Nearly 50 points.

    近 5 成。

  • Have you yourself scored any touchdowns this year?


  • More than 15? I... I lost count.

    超過 15 分吧?我... 我數不清。

  • Nice.


  • These kids were already confident; they didn't need this historic run to prove their worth in the world, but some opponents underestimated them.


  • Badly.


  • I think they do dismiss us oftentimes; they think we're a deaf school, no big deal.


  • Then I think it's a lesson learned for them that deaf people out there and other programs can do better than they are doing.


  • Back to that championship game. Halftime, Valencia, Touchdown King, is iced; he's out.

    回到比賽現場。中場休息,達陣得分的王者 Valencia 被換下場。

  • Kaden Adams is limpinghe's the coach's son, by the wayand his brother, starting quarterback Trevin, takes a hit.

    Kaden Adams 正一瘸一拐的走著,他是教練的兒子,順帶一提,他的胞兄——先發四分衛 Trevin 被攔截放倒。

  • His night is over; the limping Kaden has to take his spot.

    他下場了;受傷的 Kaden 得回到休息區了。

  • Now, to most of us, a football game sounds like this.


  • With these kids? Well, turn off the sound.


  • That could be a disadvantage.


  • They make it an advantage.


  • During the game, we're able to throw out plays, exact playshearing teams don't understand what our plays are, what they're... what's being shared on the field.


  • Tree, that's the part of their play, is tree.


  • Watch the ball; watch the ball.


  • This is our first language, it's our native language.


  • We're using our native language on the field.


  • And visual acuity is more alert, uh, than your hearing opponents, typically, and so, that we use as an advantage, yeah.


  • To go from laughing stock to media darlings, moving merch.


  • Now we've got TV producers, movie producers reaching out to us; it's just... it's endless.


  • Yeah, it definitely feels like we've reached celebrity status.


  • I don't think the media and... and everything is getting to their head; they're just focused on the game.


  • But with two key Cubs stars sidelined, those bearly Faith Baptist boys proved just too much.

    Faith Baptist 的猛烈攻勢把 Cubs 兩名關鍵球員逼下場。

  • A second half blow act.

    Cubs 球員的信心在比賽下半場被動搖了。

  • The Cubs distraught.


  • They weren't in this for a heartwarming story about deaf kids against the odds.


  • - They were in this to win... - ... and I'm very proud.

    -他們可是來拿下比賽的!-... 我感到非常自豪。

  • They defeated us, yes, but they've taught us a lesson.


  • That means that the expectation is going to be higher next year.


  • And get this.


  • There were only two seniors on this Cubs team.

    隨著年紀漸增,明年 Cubs 將只剩下兩位比較有經驗的球員。

  • Next year. Maybe. Just maybe.


  • This dude named Michael Pick said he had a choice: Practice and get better at shooting with a regular NERF gun or build a bigger NERF gun.

    這位名叫 Michael Pick 的傢伙說他面臨了一個選擇,那就是用一把普通的 NERF 玩具槍來練習射擊,還是自己造一個更大的 NERF 槍來練習槍擊。

  • He did the second thing.


  • Designed on a computer, built using plywood and 3D-printed parts, it's 12.5-feet long and weighs more than 200 pounds.

    他用電腦進行設計,然後用膠合板和 3D 列印的零件組成一把 12.5 英尺長,重超過 200 磅的超大玩具槍。

  • It's powered by electronics and a paintball air tank.


  • Unlike regular NERF guns, it is not a toy, but it can wreak havoc on water balloons.

    不同於普通的 NERF 玩具槍,這把搶可不是老少咸宜的玩具,而是真的可以射穿水球的槍支。

  • You can't buy it, either, because "NERF" would "ner-fer" sell it; they probably wouldn't have the "nerf" to build it and it would make your mom really "nerf-ous".

    你也買不到它,因為 NERF 永遠不會賣這種槍,他們可能根本連生產這種槍都不敢,因為你媽可能會因為他們賣這種槍而大驚失色。

  • Is it "nerf-arious"?


  • Only if its holder gets "nerf-arious", so you don't wanna get on his "nerfs", if you know what I'm saying.


  • Mods of these toys are "nerf-er" ending, so we'll keep an eye out for what people build on their own "nerf".


  • I'm Carl Azuz.

    我是主播 Carl Azuz。

  • Bexley High School gets today's shout-out; it's great to have you watching from Bexley, Ohio.

    今天要跟 Bexley 高中打個招呼!很高興有來自俄亥俄州 Bexley 的觀眾陪伴我們。

  • We hope you and everyone else returns again tomorrow.


What is the easternmost island in the Caribbean sea?


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