Uh I can tell you a little bit about the castle as we walk along but and I did take some video outside the top, so you get a nice bird's eye view of the city of Matsumoto, but here's the castle from outside of the the gate here all This is 10 shoot castle keep exit there, the bags that they make you put your shoes in so everybody is shoeless inside there, which is a good thing and a bad thing because people can't Oh my gosh, Uh huh, wow, hi, wait, Mhm, wow, it's a spear, very cool, I'd get it kind of is waiting for me at the car off we go, what a really cool experience.
我可以邊走邊告訴你一些關於城堡的情況,但我在頂層外面拍了一些視頻,所以你可以從鳥瞰松本市的美景,但這裡是城堡的門外,這裡是10個拍攝城堡的出口。他們讓你把鞋放在袋子裡,所以每個人在裡面都不穿鞋,這是一件好事,也是一件壞事,因為人們不能 哦,我的天哪,嗯,哇,嗨,等等,嗯,哇,這是一個長矛,非常酷,我會得到它的那種是在車上等我,我們走了,真是一個非常酷的經歷。