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  • This shit is about to be already crackolatin' up in this bitch.


  • A'ight, hold on, hold on, hold on!


  • Gotta do this coin toss.


  • And bein' that Papa Doc is the champion, you get to choose.

    而被'那個Papa Doc是冠軍,你可以選擇。

  • What do you want to do, heads or tails? Heads.


  • Heads. [Coin Ringing]


  • Okay. Who goes first?


  • Let that bitch go first.


  • Whoa, ho, ho. Whoa, ho, whoa!


  • I can't believe my ears. A lot of hostility!


  • Papa got a lot of anger!


  • All right, all right, all right. Hey, check this out.


  • We got new rules. We got new rules.


  • Bein' it's the championship round.


  • Each of these cats, they get a minute and a half apiece.


  • I don't know what's gonna happen. You ready?


  • You know what to do? D.J., kick that shit!

    你知道該怎麼做嗎?D. J. ,踢那個混蛋!

  • ## [Scratching]

    ## ##[抓撓]

  • [Crowd Chanting Rhythmically] Fight! Fight! Fight!

    [人群有節奏地唱著歌] 戰鬥!戰鬥! 戰鬥!戰鬥! 戰鬥!

  • # Now, everybody from the 3-1-3 Put your motherfuckin' hands up and follow me #

    # 現在,每個人都從3 -1 -3把你他媽的39; 手,跟著我

  • # Everybody from the 3-1-3 Put your motherfuckin' hands up Look, look #

    # 3 -1 -3的每個人都把你們的手舉起來,看,看。

  • # Now while he stands tough Notice this man did not have his hands up #

    # 現在,當他站在強硬的注意這個人沒有他的手了。

  • #This Free World's got you gassed up Now who's afraid of the big, bad wolf #

    ∮This Free World's got you gassed up Now who's afraid of the big, bad wolf∮

  • # One, two, three and to the four #

    # 一、二、三、四 #

  • # One Pac, 2Pac, 3Pac, four 4Pac, 3Pac, 2Pac, one #

    # 1個Pac,2個Pac,3個Pac,4個4Pac,3個Pac,2個Pac,1個#。

  • #You're Pac, he's Pac No Pac, none #

    #你是帕克,他是帕克 沒有帕克,什麼都沒有

  • #This guy ain't no motherfuckin' M.C. #

    ∮This guy ain't no motherfuckin'39; M. C. ∮

  • # I know everything he's got to say against me #

    # 我知道他對我說的每一句話

  • # I am white, I am a fuckin' bum I do live in a trailer with my mom #

    # 我是白人,我是一個他媽的39; 乞丐我住在拖車與我的媽媽

  • # My boy Future is an Uncle Tom I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob #

    # 我的孩子 "未來 "是一個湯姆叔叔,我有一個愚蠢的朋友叫切達鮑勃

  • #Who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun #


  • # I did get jumped by all six of you chumps #

    # 我確實被你們這六個笨蛋跳了起來

  • #And Wink did fuck my girl I'm still standin' here screamin' "Fuck Tha Free World" #


  • # Don't never try to judge me Dude, you don't know what the fuck I been through #

    # Don't never try to judge me Dude, you don't know what the fuck I been through #

  • # But I know something about you You went to Cranbrook That's a private school #

    # 但我知道一些關於你的事 你上的是Cranbrook,那是一所私立學校。

  • # What's the matter, dawg You embarrassed #

    # What's the matter, dawg You embarrassed #

  • #This guy's a gangsta His real name's Clarence #

    #This guy's a gangsta His real name #39's Clarence#

  • # Clarence lives at home with both parents, Clarence's parents have a real good marriage #

    # 克拉倫斯住在家裡與雙方父母, 克拉倫斯的父母有一個真正的好婚姻

  • # He don't know how to battle He's shook #

    # 他不知道如何戰鬥,他搖搖晃晃的。

  • # 'Cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks #

    # 'Cause ain't no such things as halfway crooks #

  • # He's scared to death He's scared to look At his fuckin'yearbook #

    # He's scared to death He's scared to look at his fuckin'39'yearbook

  • - # Fuck Cranbrook # - ## [Music Stops]

    - Fuck Cranbrook - [音樂停止]

  • Fuck a beat. I go a cappella.


  • Fuck a Papa Doc. Fuck a clock. Fuck a trailer. Fuck everybody.


  • Fuck y'all if you doubt me! I'm a piece of fuckin' white trash, I say it proudly.


  • And fuck this battle. I don't want to win. I'm outtie.


  • Here, tell these people something they don't know about me.


This shit is about to be already crackolatin' up in this bitch.


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